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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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off the national spill obsession for a second, anyone catch the Lib Senator telling Penny Wong to "learn to speak Australian"? Remark was not deemed unparliamentary.

What a grade a piece of shit.

One day Penny Wong will be Prime Minister somehow (or Lee Lin Chin) and I will laugh and laugh as the entire racist misogynist homophobic wing of politics has simultaneous aneurysms.

Yeah: http://www.pedestrian.tv/news/arts-...an-i/2be5cad0-292b-4110-9a25-9b240de3c965.htm

Penny Wong has said that she would never run for Prime Minister because our society is far too racist, misogynistic and homophobic, and she does not want to expose her family to that.

She is constantly proven right. *sigh*

Edit: Only just noticed the edit at the bottom of that article - it would have been helpful if Pedestrian had updated their title too:

It has now come to light that Macdonald directed his utterly offensive comments at Scotland-born Labor Senator Doug Cameron, who has a thick Glaswegian accent. Penny Wong asked for the comment to be withdrawn, because REGARDLESS of accent, telling someone to speak Australian is a) fundamentally incorrect, and b) derogatory.


Re Crikey Subscription.

I already have one and don't really have the cash to top up my subscription at the moment.



I don't think I have the stomach to read a whole book on it, but I'd be super interested if you had the time to post some bullet points or something on the subject.

Maybe in a few days. Im pretty flat out for the rest of the week and I don't want to do that on a phone.


Twitter has always been unusable for me on Q&A night. Now the same thing is happening every morning while Ray Hadley is on the radio.


The mute feature is your friend.

Always drives me mad how many normally sensible people go out of their way to be outraged at what a shock jock says. Like, stop giving him attention maybe?


Ray Hadley is trying to make Scott Morrison swear on the Bible he had no role helping Malcolm in the leadership spill.

That bromance is dead.


The mute feature is your friend.

That's not in the default web client though right? I tried third party clients a while ago and didn't find one I liked that much. Also, Q&A is easily muted because the show itself encourages people to use the hashtag, but there's no hashtag to mute for Ray.

Always drives me mad how many normally sensible people go out of their way to be outraged at what a shock jock says. Like, stop giving him attention maybe?

Right now is the best time to be paying attention to them though because they are suddenly aware of their own complete lack of power and becoming thoroughly enraged by that realisation.


Heard back from Crikey:
Hi Shane,

Thank you for getting in touch.

Group subscription pricing tiers are based on paid members.
Therefore, if you sign up with the minimum three paid members at the 3-5 member price of $149, you will receive four subscriptions for the price of three - $447.
If you purchase five subscriptions, you will get a sixth member free, but price will still be based on the 3-5 member group size.
The free member is free for the first year only.

We will be able to add the existing subscribers to your group. The best way to do that is to work out pro-rata rates for their subscriptions, to extend them to expire at the same date as the new subscriptions. The pro-rata rate will be calculated with regards to the group's pricing tier and each of the existing members will count as a fully paid member.

If you would like to go ahead and set up a group let me know and I can organise it for you.

Hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Kind regards,
Crikey support.
So I guess for those of you with existing accounts, let me know when your sub is due and we'll work something out. I can't remember numbers/who exactly wanted in either, so remind me :)

And from the sounds of it, for those who have only just signed up, you might as well jump in. You'll only be paying a tiny amount and it means next year you'll have the chance to get the better price with the rest of us (and you'll possibly bring our prices down too).
Heard back from Crikey:

So I guess for those of you with existing accounts, let me know when your sub is due and we'll work something out. I can't remember numbers/who exactly wanted in either, so remind me :)

And from the sounds of it, for those who have only just signed up, you might as well jump in. You'll only be paying a tiny amount and it means next year you'll have the chance to get the better price with the rest of us (and you'll possibly bring our prices down too).

I run out at the end of January.

Tommy DJ


Those who were active during my time at Melbourne University were seriously the absolute worst. They're basically sociopaths. The loudest prick spent most of the student election hurling openly misogynistic comments towards Gillard (when she was still around) and another spent some time fabricating a story for a homophobic hit piece in the Herald Sun.

Like from what I can see, they're just as tragic as Socialist Alternative. Its student politics so some immaturity is expected but I won't want any of these people near power.
That Canning result is still going to make all those MPs in marginal seats who put in Turnbull nervous.

It's still ~4% better than what they were looking at before. Their real problem is that they've got nowhere left to go. It's not like going back to Abbott is going to help and its not like they've got a better moderate face than Turnbull either. Even if they did said person would be just as limited in maneuverability due to the Conservative wing and the Nationals (who they basically need, the Libs don't have the numbers to form government in their own right, they are one short, so they need the Nationals or a crossbencher to form government).


This next week when Turnbull unveils his Cabinet will be very interesting then. If it's still business as usual I think the Coalition will have hit their high water mark. Or can Turnbull somehow portray his government as more progressive without touching the issues the Nats have forbidden him to move on.

Renewables funding for example. I also think marriage equality is in better shape. I really believe Abbott never would have held a plebiscite and if he did he never would have respected its outcome.


I think the new ministry is going to have an increase in the number of women. It'll have nothing to do with their competence, however, they'll be placed there purely because it's one of the only ways Turnbull can actually look progressive with the voters whilst still sticking to his party commitments.
Kevin Andrews chucking his toys out of his pram live on TV. Funniest one was saying he increased the pay offer to the ADF! Didn't mention that he and Johnson cut their wages first.

God, just retire you stupid hairpiece.
Kevin Andrews criticising Turnbull in a press conference! Making it sound like Turnbull sacrificed national security by changing defence minister.

EDIT: The Guardian has the quote from Kevin Andrews:
Frankly, my remaining in this job was not about me, it was all about the stability of our Defence Force in Australia and its leadership. Mr Turnbull’s decision now means there have been more defence ministers in Australia than prime ministers in the last three years. More defence ministers than prime ministers in the last three years.

Defence is meant to be a natural strength for the Coalition, but during this government it’s not always been the case.


Are the sore losers from last week now trying to pretend Cabinet changes aren't now almost annual events for even stable governments?


Hockey quitting Parliament. And how did Dutton manage to survive.

Edit; now that I think about it, that Ministry is probably on a downward slide anyway. Somehow I don't think Malcolm will be into playing soldier as much. Plus who wand to deal with the shit at Nauru? Dutton is probably the only one who wants it.



Is the Economics Correspondent and editorial writer at The Australian.
elevating pyne & keeping dutton is a really dumb move

rip art of brandis i guess

Pyne's leader of the House, so it would likely be party political difficult to not keep him as a Minister.

And the state factions probably have a fair bit to do with Dutton, since a chunk of the Queensland contingent sit as Nationals rather than Libs (due to the whole LNP thing).

Tommy DJ

No idea if its better to actually have a Minister for Science or to have Pyne of all people in charge of the portfolio.

At least Turnbull has put on a huge song and dance about the importance of science so people in those fields might actually achieve something unlike with Abbott.

Edit: Mitch Fifield is new communications minister welp. The dude that's all for increased surveillance powers and heavily against FTTP.


It was wishful thinking, but bummed that Dutton is still there.

Mitch Fifield as the Commications and Arts minister. Am kind of wondering if he has any kind of tech background. Certainly glad Brandis is no longer arts minister. Hopefully fifield is not a luddite like his predecessor Alston.

Giving climate change denier Pyne science though makes my head ache.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Last few pages of this thread have been thoroughly entertaining.
From the comments:
With all due respect discrimination is discrimination no matter where or who it is against. I have been discriminated against going for jobs also due to age and other issues however you just keep trying, Graeme is a vested interest party to this. Mr Creighton wasn't being discriminatory against people with disabilities per se as you have labelled him. Don't get me wrong I believe Graeme Innes has done a fantastic job , there are many so called able body people finding it hard to get jobs so I empathise with his friends. I would however ask what he was doing to curtail the last Labor government for running up horrendous debt while supplying what?


A crazy person said:
With all due respect discrimination is discrimination no matter where or who it is against. I have been discriminated against going for jobs also due to age and other issues however you just keep trying, Graeme is a vested interest party to this. Mr Creighton wasn't being discriminatory against people with disabilities per se as you have labelled him. Don't get me wrong I believe Graeme Innes has done a fantastic job , there are many so called able body people finding it hard to get jobs so I empathise with his friends. I would however ask what he was doing to curtail the last Labor government for running up horrendous debt while supplying what?

^^ Well that comment makes no sense at all!

Results so Far.

Interesting result last night. For all the "A pox on both your houses" going around the minor parties did quite poorly, maybe that was the intense focus on this bi-election.

Secondly, I don't believe the results yet include postal/pre-poll etc... I did hear last week that pre-polling was a record levels and a lot of it came before the change to Turnbull. It will be interesting to see if there is a measurable difference between the swings in pre-poll and votes on the day. Maybe an Abbott factor can be estimated from that.

Cabinet Commets:

Payne - Should have been in the cabinet since the beginning, probably as AG. Brandis is useless.
Bilson - Probably undeserving of being shown the door. Good performer and good results, hamstrung by big business threatening a Mining tax style campaign against badly needed competition reforms.
Fletcher - Probably should have been in Communications.
Sinodinas - Really? Mr I Can't Recall?
Mal Brough - As dirty as they come.
Hendy - God help us all.

All the people who walked in with Turnbull on Monday night got promotions. Shocking I know!
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