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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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That jump is insane, and way out of line with the other polls that were produced. I guess we'll have to wait on more polls to see what the actual trend is.


For those who want in on the Crikey thing, I've created a Google Docs spreadsheet that's open to editing and such. Quote this post to get the link and fill in your details :)

(This is just a shitload easier to try and poll people and take notes, and this way I have all your details... at least, the ones that let me start sorting shit out)
For those who want in on the Crikey thing, I've created a Google Docs spreadsheet that's open to editing and such. Quote this post to get the link and fill in your details :)

(This is just a shitload easier to try and poll people and take notes, and this way I have all your details... at least, the ones that let me start sorting shit out)

I take it sub date is the date it expires ?


Couldn't resist:

I take it sub date is the date it expires ?
The date you signed up is probably easiest. Unless it's easier to find out when it expires, I don't think it matters much (I can work it out either way).
Couldn't resist:

The date you signed up is probably easiest. Unless it's easier to find out when it expires, I don't think it matters much (I can work it out either way).

It's pretty much the same either way. The email is dated the day I got it and contains the expiry. I think I must have renewed early last time though, since I'd have 14 months otherwise, which doesn't seem right.


It's been good seeing Turnbull around the place doing a media blitz, it's clear the guy has some clout and charisma and will probably be able to swing some voters on personality alone.

Shorten's not necessarily bad, he's got some balls. Going in front of the ACL spruiking gay marriage was awesome. That said I used a playlist of his interviews to help myself fall asleep at night.

Couldn't resist:


A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Why the hell is Amanda Vanstone on TV?
This ticks every box. It's not that hard to build a narrative about Turnbull being self-centred and perhaps not that much farther right of the Labor right than he is left of the Liberal left, but this person goes above and beyond. Supports the gays, believes in climate change which is obviously false, spouts 'invalidated' Keynesian economics, is more socially progressive than the Liberal Party of the 1970s... Di Natale better look out!

Also, not related to Turnbull but I love how they blame Windsor and Oakshott's "treachery" for Abbott not becoming PM in 2010. Talk about born to rule.


Cory Bernardi out for blood on 4 Corners. ABC really does the best political docos.
Holy shit, he's going full retard.

EDIT: Why did these sitting members agree to go on the program when it's all so fresh? Just burning themselves, did they learn nothing from the fallout of Rudd's knifing?


Yeah, really amazing seeing that Senator guy being so candid. It is incredible watching this after the Killing Season. Why would you want to be a politician?


Shortens been fine so far. How many times can he answer the same questions about the Royal Commission

Edit: Shorten is so strong on industrial relations it's silly. Woman who asked question on 'unions are scary' getting well served.
Shortens been fine so far. How many times can he answer the same questions about the Royal Commission

Edit: Shorten is so strong on industrial relations it's silly. Woman who asked question on 'unions are scary' getting well served.

Yeah that was his best answer so far, almost got fired up.


Yeah he's doing very well, but he's boring and negative no matter what. Might just be the forum.

He's trying to say something positive (more fairness in income - a good point well made), but is looking grumpy.

Q&A is a terrible terrible format for something like this though. Public morons that don't understand anything about what they're asking.

Actually Q&A just completely sucks for anything really.


Yeah okay this is his best performance in ages.

I was expecting much more 'What the Australian public needs to understand that there is a change of leader but still the same unfair policies for everyday Australians'.

Looooool OMG wind farm weirdo question.


Bill honestly looks more and more human as time goes along. Who knows, maybe he could be a workable leader by the time the actual election campaign roles around.


Shorten was... surprising tonight. Still want to see Albo there, but I can't see any people's opinion on Shorten lowering after Q&A this evening.
It's almost like he's worried about getting fired up? Understandable as any wrong placed word will be used against him, but half of these questions have begged for a snarky retort.

Yeah I agree, he's at his best when he shows some emotion and on occasion like his first budget reply speech he can really fly. I'm not sure why he reins himself in so often, maybe he doesn't want to be painted as the angry screaming union man by the right.

Newspoll seemingly lining up with with the others. I assume Morgan was polling people related to Malcolm exclusively.


The real problem I have with the ALP is that I know that while they believe in the things that Shorten outlined tonight re. education, public transport etc. it will always play second fiddle to their belief that government spending is problematic. I can't ever vote 1 for ALP knowing they have that neo-liberal ideological core there, as it makes their aspirations for being a social democratic workers party ring hollow.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Shorten my not be one of those 'inspiring' leaders that are generally required for Labor to win elections but when it comes to the bigger/more prominent moments, like budget replies or conventions or Q&A (lol) he's pretty serviceable. It's just that the rest of the time it seems like his spine has been removed so he can collapse into a smaller, more gelatinous target.


The real problem I have with the ALP is that I know that while they believe in the things that Shorten outlined tonight re. education, public transport etc. it will always play second fiddle to their belief that government spending is problematic. I can't ever vote 1 for ALP knowing they have that neo-liberal ideological core there, as it makes their aspirations for being a social democratic workers party ring hollow.
I think I agree with your main point, but 'belief that government spending is problematic'? Labor always wants to up government spending?

What I am annoyed at Labor, and agree with you is their continuing the neoliberal pro-free market in good times, but cushioning it in bad times mantra of both US parties and the Libs. The rich get the majority of the good time gains, the poor pay disproportionately for the hard times, and it gets worse each cycle. Labor just are too soft on inequality.

Where I agree with the Libs is ironically enough on public service size and waste. Having worked in and with many government bodies, my god the waste. 9 to '5ish' receptionists on 80k what the fuck.

EDIT: Ah I think you mean budget surpluses? In which case yes that's a stupid principle that Johnny Howard pretended was him being clever when it was actually achieved by selling 100 billion in government assets and wasting a mining boom.

Shorten my not be one of those 'inspiring' leaders that are generally required for Labor to win elections but when it comes to the bigger/more prominent moments, like budget replies or conventions or Q&A (lol) he's pretty serviceable. It's just that the rest of the time it seems like his spine has been removed so he can collapse into a smaller, more gelatinous target.
Yeah look he's not a buffoon like Abbott or Hockey. And not a PR screw-up like Gillard.

But 'eh' doesn't get elected. And he is more personally responsible for wrecking Labor's brand than any other person recently though orchestrating the Rudd coup.


Maybe Shorten will rise to the occassion now that he's not afraid of getting wedged on boat people or national security by a cartoon character.

Then again my expectations for him appearing on Q&A were so low it would be impossible to fail to meet them so long as he strung sentences together.


I think I agree with your main point, but 'belief that government spending is problematic'? Labor always wants to up government spending?

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Labor sees the budget as an end in and of itself, rather than merely a tool to achieve its social and economic objectives, as it should.
The budget being seen as an end in and of itself is something of a feature of western economies for a while, really, due to a major shift to neoliberalism. It's gonna be take a big shift in the political landscape to push away from that idiotic mindset, thankfully, Australians generally tend to be suspicious of neoliberalism, which infuriates the major parties.


The budget being seen as an end in and of itself is something of a feature of western economies for a while, really, due to a major shift to neoliberalism. It's gonna be take a big shift in the political landscape to push away from that idiotic mindset, thankfully, Australians generally tend to be suspicious of neoliberalism, which infuriates the major parties.

Not sure how true that is of Labor, which have been great beneficiaries of the 21st century public resistance to certain elements (far from all) elements of neoliberalism.


One possible theory for the lack of the honeymoon bounce is that people have been expecting him to take over for ages now, and it's not like it's a HUGE surprise that it eventually happened. (It's a surprise that it happened now but still).


Combed through this thread and added some names to the spreadsheet, but here's who we have so far for a Crikey sub:

Mr. Tone

Some details still need to be filled in (particularly the bits with question marks... I did those) and I'll work something out. But we're in the second bracket, so it'll work out to just under $139/year (after we divvy up the cost of the free member).

Again, quote this post to get the URL and fill in your info. If we get two more people it gets even cheaper, and keep in mind they can do pro-rata stuff if you want a discount on the rest of your sub if you're already a member.

Edit: And to those who PMed me, I won't bother replying to the messages sent pre-spreadsheet. If you want I still can, but it seems unnecessary.
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