Opinions about this? What would something like this look like? Is this a cop out to not fund womens shelters?
Staying Home Leaving Violence and Going Home, Staying Home are pretty well regarded programs that have been running in NSW for a number of years. Obviously it puts the stigma and onus to change onto the perpetrator, provides stability to children etc... there may be instances where a victim or family of victims may feel the need to leave, for reasons of personal or financial security. On the other hand, if they remain in the home it is easier for police and other services to monitor and respond and it's not like creeps don't track people to shelters, hang around, put tracking devices on cars, toys etc...
On the question of it being a cop-out to not fund shelters, with the Liberals I feel that's a legitimate concern. I've mentioned this a number of times in this thread because it's an absolute travesty, but the NSW government basically destroyed the state's network of shelters. Long-standing local services run by experienced individuals were either shut down or turned over to the big (largely faith based) end of the sector, with predictably disastrous results. Even if the services were fully restored under new operation it would have been a pointless interruption to service provision, but of course that's not what happened. Large organisations underbid existing services and/or deploy teams from corporate to win tenders. They then employ the cheapest, most inexperienced people they can find with no integration with local networks. They claim they weren't aware of what they were tendering for and ask for more money to deliver the service. In lieu of actually doing what they were contracted to, they refer to other organisations, now under-funded and overstretched. DV shelters become generic homeless referral centres. The government responds to complaints by saying that it takes time for these services to get up and running, as though nothing had come before them.
Fast forward a year and everyone is talking about good guy Mike Baird putting domestic violence on his list of key priorities and talking about how Turnbull could be a federal Baird; a Liberal with a social conscience who isn't afraid to put his money where his mouth is.