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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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This would be a good chance for Labor to bring in fresh blood into their parliamentary ranks. Even if they don't win the election.

I reckon the libs will win with a 4-10 MP majority or something similar.

On this topic , Turnbull would definitely be hoping for the higher side of that. A 4 MP win in the house could still result in the trigger failing in a joint sitting , 10's a guaranteed pass though.


Australian Election 2016 |OT| Title Chosen By $525m Plebiscite
Australian Election 2016 |OT| Disparaging the Boats is One of Their Proudest Traditions
Australian Election 2016 |OT| Weekend at Malcolm's
Australian Election 2016 |OT| House of Cads
Not only is the CEFC and AREnA safe for now, they was the first DD trigger, they are going to create another billion dollar quango, the Clean Energy Innovation Fund to boost investment. Bit surprised by this, good job Turnbull, for a change!


Though in contrast they are throwing another 3mil+ at Wind Turbine sickness!

Cory gonna Bernardi!
Considering 16 is the age of consent here, 15 seems like a pretty good time to be covering likely issues honestly. Though given the actual data its also rather likely to be a fair bit too late (see also: teenagers have sex?!).


Considering 16 is the age of consent here, 15 seems like a pretty good time to be covering likely issues honestly. Though given the actual data its also rather likely to be a fair bit too late (see also: teenagers have sex?!).

I really think the onset of puberty is the right time to ensure you have started a healthy dialogue. People will have sex. Not all, but many. They are entitled to know what is safe, what is healthy, what not and that includes emotional aspects and insecurities about what is "normal" or rather, educate them that "normal" is a massive range and teach them to respect that.


it's a bit weird for conservos to be screaming about queer theory indoctrination or whatever when by any reasonable measure a failure to talk about contested issues just results in 'indoctrination' (if you want to call it that) of the opposing view where gender is a straight binary (so to speak)... I mean, surely the whole point of education is indoctrination of a certain viewpoint anyway... just so happens that society usually tends to agree on the points being pushed.
I really think the onset of puberty is the right time to ensure you have started a healthy dialogue. People will have sex. Not all, but many. They are entitled to know what is safe, what is healthy, what not and that includes emotional aspects and insecurities about what is "normal" or rather, educate them that "normal" is a massive range and teach them to respect that.

I actually agree with you, was just trying to be funny about Bernadi's idiocy.


What's the actual indoctrination? That homosexuality exists and is a completely normal phenomenon in nature? Or that gender dysphoria exists?


What's the actual indoctrination? That homosexuality exists and is a completely normal phenomenon in nature? Or that gender dysphoria exists?

You've got the whole gamut from "Safe Schools is trying to convert kids into HOMOS" (to be fair this guy wants to toss out chaplaincy too) to the on-its-face comparatively more reasonable "Kids are too young to be confused about what gender is"

By the way you owe me damages for having to read that shithead's twitter, like holy shiiiiiiit the amount of "I'm not a homophobe look at my gay friends, had a good mate who was a gay cop I defended him, also safe schools is TRYING TO TURN YOUR KIDS INTO GAYBIES"... ugh.
You've got the whole gamut from "Safe Schools is trying to convert kids into HOMOS" (to be fair this guy wants to toss out chaplaincy too) to the on-its-face comparatively more reasonable "Kids are too young to be confused about what gender is"

By the way you owe me damages for having to read that shithead's twitter, like holy shiiiiiiit the amount of "I'm not a homophobe look at my gay friends, had a good mate who was a gay cop I defended him, also safe schools is TRYING TO TURN YOUR KIDS INTO GAYBIES"... ugh.

That "comparatively more reasonable" option would be far more so if some of those kids weren't already confused about what gender is and getting more confused and damaged about it by ongoing social norms.

I self identify as male (and was born with the appropriate organs) and when I was a teenager I still wondered about some of my more feminine traits and can only imagine how much worse that would be for someone who is gender dysphoric or trans or non-gendered, etc.
Arthur "I know nothing" Sinodinas is up to his neck in it again. Turns out the Libs in NSW has refused to hand over the identities of almost 700k of donations to the famous Free Enterprise Society, a group set up to bypass federal reporting laws by laundering them through the states. The Election committee are now refusing to hand over 4.4mil of public funding claimed from the last NSW election putting a big hole in funding for the coming DD.


He really is either a fool or corrupt. Might be time for another holiday for Arthur!
Arthur "I know nothing" Sinodinas is up to his neck in it again. Turns out the Libs in NSW has refused to hand over the identities of almost 700k of donations to the famous Free Enterprise Society, a group set up to bypass federal reporting laws by laundering them through the states. The Election committee are now refusing to hand over 4.4mil of public funding claimed from the last NSW election putting a big hole in funding for the coming DD.


He really is either a fool or corrupt. Might be time for another holiday for Arthur!

It reads to me more like it was set up to bypass state reporting laws (which ban property developers) by laundering it through the Millenium Forum but that's really neither here nor there given the outcome is still laundering money in violation of political donation laws.


Can I ask what this was in reply too ? Is it a proposed OT title or a comment on something ?

Yep proposed OT title.

By the way you owe me damages for having to read that shithead's twitter, like holy shiiiiiiit the amount of "I'm not a homophobe look at my gay friends, had a good mate who was a gay cop I defended him, also safe schools is TRYING TO TURN YOUR KIDS INTO GAYBIES"... ugh.

Np. I have a truck full of Sackboy plushies en route to your place.
It reads to me more like it was set up to bypass state reporting laws (which ban property developers) by laundering it through the Millenium Forum but that's really neither here nor there given the outcome is still laundering money in violation of political donation laws.

I suspect they have various foundations to efficiently move money between states/territories and Federal!

I imagine the sources they refuse to name are property developers, a group banned from making donations in NSW. Now I don't actually agree with the law, it's patently stupid to not allow a single group from donating because of the sins of others but I suppose that's a whole other issue. They should drop the reporting limits to just above yearly membership fees, require immediate reporting and just let people go nuts.
I don't think Dutton is going anywhere, he seem to be the poster child for the conservative wing of the LNP in Queensland and for some reason they can't find anyone more qualified or palatable to the general public.
Arthur is still deep in it:


SMH said:
Key Liberal fundraisers sounded out major donors to the party about chipping in to buy a house for Senator Arthur Sinodinos after the collapse of a potentially lucrative money-making venture.


At the time Senator Sinodonis said that although his shareholding was recorded on his parliamentary pecuniary interest declaration it was not publicly registered with the corporate regulator "because it was on a gentleman's agreement".


The inquiry also heard that Senator Sinodinos earned $200,000 a year for "a couple of weeks' work" and that he was employed in that role because as senior Liberal Party office holder he could "open doors".

The commission heard that despite standing to make up to $20 million if his lobbying efforts were successful, Senator Sinodinos never mentioned to Premier Barry O'Farrell or other ministers that he had "skin in the game".

The senator was similarly unaware that AWH had donated $74,000 to the Liberal Party while he was on the board of AWH and at the same time party treasurer.


Amazing stuff, I suspect Arthur is off for another holiday on the backbench pretty soon or this is going to ruin the Coalitions Union-bashing media blitz.
Newspoll is out again, Coalition and Turnbull support is slipping and current polling indicating that the Coalition risks losing at least a dozen seats to the ALP. The ALP would need around another five to at least force a hung parliament, provided that the crossbench count doesn't increase, though it might increase from the 5 non-majors currently in the lower house, and Palmer is sure as hell out of the picture, hopefully to not be replaced by a Lib/Nat. Regardless, that number is easily within striking range.

Really, a hung parliament with Labor securing support from the crossbench at least would be utterly humiliating for the Coalition, and it would cause a spectacular breakdown.


The more these tight numbers solidify the more I think Turnbull will struggle to retain control even if he wins the election. It's his allies in the marginal seats that are going to the chopping block.
On these numbers they are no hope of getting a majority in the senate. They'll probably be able to force through the DD triggers in the joint sitting with the help of probably Xenophon's lot and their slim House majority but it will likely further embolden the real ferrals on the LNP side in the senate to get up to all sorts of far right wing nonsense.
And an increasingly right-wing Coalition will gradually lose control over time like the GOP in the USA will.

I imagine the Coalition is going to fracture as they desperately try to find a leader who will stick and give them a fighting chance. Abbot won't come back, the electorate has seen what he does in government and has no appetite for him. Even Morrison won't make much of an impact. The only way the coalition can maintain relevancy is by staying near the "political centre", but only the right-wingers are safe in constituencies who don't want to vote for anyone else, while Turnbull's ilk are gathered in much more contestable seats that will likely switch to Labor and Greens in the absence of a centrist Coalition.


Yeah it's going to be brutal. The dinosaurs are safe in electoral amber and Turnbull's 54 might not be the majority anymore.

That's even if they win. Feels like at this point it'll depend on the budget.

And I have no idea what will be in that based on the past few months. That they seem to be floating trial balloons for HECS debt again is not a sign to me they're going to knock people's socks off.
There was a news story today that Turnbull was considering an ICAC style Compromise to the ABCC too so he's not feeling superconfident right now.
That'll just make him look desperate and indecisive after trying to make a DD look like an inevitability. And make the idiots in the press who tried to make the move look like some kind of decisive master plan (rather than the reality that he's really just desperate and unable to figure anything out with "tax reform") get egg in their faces.




The former PM's next move, however, was not so epic. Mr Abbott broke one of surfing's unwritten Ten Commandments.

Ms Thomas wrote on her Instagram that Mr Abbott dropped in on her wave — the ultimate surfing sin.

"It was such a bizarre situation to be put in," she said.

But Ms Thomas said she was not upset by his move.

"I was paddling for this wave, and I kind of stood up and he stood up as well and in the photo it looks like I am so not into it and I was so negative about it but I wasn't, I just didn't know how to react.

"He smiled at me and realised that he'd dropped in on me, but I didn't really mind."

I mean, this is the absolute perfect metaphor for Abbott's white anting of Turnbull.


Newspoll is out again, Coalition and Turnbull support is slipping and current polling indicating that the Coalition risks losing at least a dozen seats to the ALP. The ALP would need around another five to at least force a hung parliament, provided that the crossbench count doesn't increase, though it might increase from the 5 non-majors currently in the lower house, and Palmer is sure as hell out of the picture, hopefully to not be replaced by a Lib/Nat. Regardless, that number is easily within striking range.

Really, a hung parliament with Labor securing support from the crossbench at least would be utterly humiliating for the Coalition, and it would cause a spectacular breakdown.
Does Labor really want to govern with a minority again any time soon?
Does Labor really want to govern with a minority again any time soon?

If you count the Senate its unlikely Labor will ever govern in its own right. It hasn't controlled the Senate while in government ever and only once while in opposition (49-51) and given the Green vote its unlikely too at any point in the foreseeable future.

But if you mean in the house ? Probably not with such a mixed crossbench (a Green and a bunch of conservatives and even they were wildly different)
Competitive Federalism is back on in a big way. A system that in no way entrenches disadvantage in poorer states/territories. Can't wait for the race to the bottom to begin!

A look at some of the states in the US in the south and midwest, all republican dominated, should scare the pants off people with a cursory examination of their finances and level of services.


Competitive Federalism is back on in a big way. A system that in no way entrenches disadvantage in poorer states/territories. Can't wait for the race to the bottom to begin!

A look at some of the states in the US in the south and midwest, all republican dominated, should scare the pants off people with a cursory examination of their finances and level of services.

Especially Liberal Party dominated states in Aus like WA which are de-funding services to remote indigenous communities and supported in doing so by Abbott because apparently it's a "lifestyle choice" to want to live in your ancestral home.


The tax thing is kind of interesting from a role of the states point of view. Pre-WW2 states levied income tax from what I understand but that was given up to fund the war. This would be an interesting realignment. And in theory could allow some sates to be more reasonable with social programs. Of course more likely we'd see a race to the bottom with the federal government pulling more funding and say states can set taxes where they want.

Probably would screw over less populous states too.

Certainly would make the tax system much more complex.
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