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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Cook's voyage was part scientific mission part scouting party. They were explicitly looking for a penal colony site so yeah, the first fleet then were invading. Whether they considered it as such themselves is irrelevant.


Yeah. Saw the headline. Can't say I'd call Cooks voyage an invasion. Now the first fleet, that's a bit different.

according to the junkee article...

But it’s worth focusing on the UNSW resource that’s attracted so much ire. The UNSW Diversity Toolkit recommends that students and teachers refrain from describing Captain Cook as the person who “discovered” Australia, recommending instead that he be referred to as “the first Englishman to map the east coast of ‘New Holland'” — in other words, to accurately describe the things he did and the context in which he did them.

so i'm not actually sure the course says invaded either!
Edit: I was too slow.

i don't want to give the daily tele more attention than it deserves, i.e. negative attention, but it's noticable that in their race to make a pun for today's idiotic scare mongering history wars bullshit they apparently completely forgot what the term "Whitewash" actually means
“The University of NSW wants to rewrite our nation’s history to scrub out Captain Cook’s contribution by saying he didn’t ‘discover’ Australia — he ‘invaded’ it,” the Telegraph breathlessly reports with a fairly profound misunderstanding of what the word “whitewash” means in historical terms.
I doubt the UNSW said Captain Cook invaded Australia but okay. The quotes after that don't suggest they said that.


From the New Matilda



I wonder how many of the people getting worked up realise that they're guidelines for writing essays/articles in the field of Indigenous Studies


States should levy the entirety of income tax. The GST should go to the federal government along with some strictly redistributive measures for levying the states income tax.

Actually while we're at it we should just abolish the federation and that way I can rename South Australia to the RealStraya and have awesome pink passports. And since we're building subs we can use their awesome power to re-invade the rest of Australia on a pink passport spreading crusade.
Feeling relatively safe in the ACT from the great pink sub threat!

Though judging from the build quality of the last lot of subs build in SA, I'd feel pretty safe floating on a lilo in Sydney Harbour.
Wow, the libs are delusional. Even Howard, who had a huge boner for states rights, didn't dare try this shit. This could be the think that destroys their electoral chances.

Not to mention handing down income tax responsibilities to the states is a terrible idea, just look at the USA.
State funding for education just seems like it would massively advantage the states with a larger population or higher median income. Places like Tasmania or the NT would just fall massively behind.

Awful idea. Could end up being Turnbull's WorkChoices and he's only been PM for a few months.

Labor needs a leader with some vision, charisma, and courage to come along and take control of the country. I don't even mind if they're a center-right party these days, I'm just sick of feeling constantly concerned that the country is going to get dragged down further by big business and right wing ideology every day the Libs are in power.


Wow, the libs are delusional. Even Howard, who had a huge boner for states rights, didn't dare try this shit. This could be the think that destroys their electoral chances.

Not to mention handing down income tax responsibilities to the states is a terrible idea, just look at the USA.


You clearly have your facts wrong. Howard was very much anti-states rights. Howard crushed the states to the point where the gst was a necessary solution to prevent the states from actually collapsing. He federalised huge areas of law from companys law to enployment law. I could go on and on about how Abbott was the first pm in decades to even talk about enhancing state sovereignty......but I cbf.
To be fair we were still developing capability at that point. The next set should come together more smoothly.

To be fair once they sorted out the cavitating caused by the conning tower and around the propeller and got all the systems to communicate with each other it turned into a very good boat. Took out American subs and ships multiple times in exercises.

The real issue is that they struggled to crew them, had to import sailors from overseas and they still don't have the numbers to keep them all operating. How they are going to find the crew numbers for 10-12 will be interesting.
I'm still a little puzzled as to why Private Schools get funding at all. A private school is ipso facto a statement that you're a rich arse fucker who wants social networking and has a ridiculous money to throw at your chosen educational institution. Beyond some token contribution as compensation for the fact the state has to regulate your curriculum to ensure you're not (raising a private army / forming a cult (more so than is normal in private schools) / teaching Young Earth Creationism) the only argument for public funding of private schools is that they shouldn't be disadvantaged compared to private schools but that argument is only really valid in the context that they aren't bringing in as much external money as public schools get (~per capita (you need to adjust for fixed infrastucture)) which is often not the case.


You won't find me arguing against that post Elaugaufein. I first heard about governement funding of private schools when I was a pre-teen and my first thought was that the government needs to be gifted a dictionary.


So to get vertical inequality we'll completely fuck horizontal equality? 👍👍👍

Obviously America is an extreme example, but just look at the quality of life in Mississippi and Alabama...


I'm still a little puzzled as to why Private Schools get funding at all. A private school is ipso facto a statement that you're a rich arse fucker who wants social networking and has a ridiculous money to throw at your chosen educational institution. Beyond some token contribution as compensation for the fact the state has to regulate your curriculum to ensure you're not (raising a private army / forming a cult (more so than is normal in private schools) / teaching Young Earth Creationism) the only argument for public funding of private schools is that they shouldn't be disadvantaged compared to private schools but that argument is only really valid in the context that they aren't bringing in as much external money as public schools get (~per capita (you need to adjust for fixed infrastucture)) which is often not the case.
Exactly. Private schools should simply be seen as group home-schooling.

Want to run your own school, your way? With your religious stuff, or focus on rich people things like horse riding or whatever? No problem, as long as you follow the curriculum etc.

You have to 100% pay for it yourself.

You won't find me arguing against that post Elaugaufein. I first heard about governement funding of private schools when I was a pre-teen and my first thought was that the government needs to be gifted a dictionary.
Haha yep.

Howard justified it as 'every kid in a private school saves the country 5k overall' or whatever, but that's the kind of stupid shit the coconut always came up with to privatise stuff. Sure there's a short term saving, but you slowly weaken the public system, create social tiers, and because of that long term damage the fabric of society and the country's human capital potential overall.


Howard justified it as 'every kid in a private school saves the country 5k overall' or whatever, but that's the kind of stupid shit the coconut always came up with to privatise stuff. Sure there's a short term saving, but you slowly weaken the public system, create social tiers, and because of that long term damage the fabric of society and the country's human capital potential overall.

Of course I pretty much feel the same way about the private health rebate. That money would go a long way to improving the public health system.


Our public education system is shit tier, and this will make it even more shit tier. God damn it, our public education system didn't need any more help after the moronic national curriculum.
I don't even want to talk about how I feel about further decentralising the school system
Mmm, as someone who moved interstate a bunch of times during my school years further decentralisation sounds awful. Curriculums jumping all over the place. We only just got QLD to move grade 7 to high school...
Mmm, as someone who moved interstate a bunch of times during my school years further decentralisation sounds awful. Curriculums jumping all over the place. We only just got QLD to move grade 7 to high school...

I actually went to school in Queensland so the 1-7 / 8-12 thing seems more natural to me. The rest of our system wasn't really based around it either (we grouped 9 / 10 and 11/12). But when I think about 4 sets of 3 makes more sense.

I did briefly go interstate for early high school and yeah there were some major differences not just in where things where placed but even if they were on the curriculum.
Government subsidies of private schools are a bit tricky. The majority of those that receive funding are tiny little parochial schools that in another age would be run by nuns and whose fees tend to be on the token contribution level. In those cases, a bit of help from the government and regulation of their curriculum is an easy sell. It's highly doubtful these places give you any kind of leg up at all.

Where people get angry is where places with palacial, manicured grounds and sailing equipment get this funding. While it's impossible to fully distinguish between these two at the middle end, there really ought to be a cap on contributions from the government.


I should have been less surprised. :)

Well I think thats not really the point. I mean the new ABC MD has a history way longer than just google. Google was just her last job.

And if the LNP is lining up even more funding cuts, options are few. Really makes me pine for the lost license fee.

Guess it wont be long before the LNP announces plans to merge the abc and sbs to save money.
...and competitive federalism and income tax competition is off the table again. Another flag run up the pole and then cut free to float off into the never-never. I'm not sure what the endgame is here. Continue to get things denied to the point where you seem like the savior at the next election? Bumble around in the dark and hope the union scare campaign works and you have another 3 years to not decide anything? Hide Scott Morrison in a box somewhere and hope no one notices?
...and competitive federalism and income tax competition is off the table again. Another flag run up the pole and then cut free to float off into the never-never. I'm not sure what the endgame is here. Continue to get things denied to the point where you seem like the savior at the next election? Bumble around in the dark and hope the union scare campaign works and you have another 3 years to not decide anything? Hide Scott Morrison in a box somewhere and hope no one notices?

Pretty sure if the box thing was a plan Abbott would already have vanished.
Well, the federation reform plan fell through pretty much instantly. Daniel Andrews in particular was more than happy to utterly skewer Turnbull repeatedly during the COAG meeting. Talk about a humiliation.


Well actually he backed down on the basis that some of the current revenue from income tax will flow to the states. So which means less money for the terrible federal trash and more money for the glorious states.

Which means that apparently there will be no increase in the burden of taxation, which is good because we're the most overly taxed country on the planet by a factor of about thirty million. An increase of 0.00001% would've probably achieved total communism. lol.

Sounds good to me!


Actually while we're at it we should just abolish the federation and that way I can rename South Australia to the RealStraya and have awesome pink passports. And since we're building subs we can use their awesome power to re-invade the rest of Australia on a pink passport spreading crusade.

Calling dibs on the position of Grand Vizier!


I was curious (because I'm pretty sure every conservative everywhere says they are in the highest taxed country in the world) and found Top 10 highest tax paying countries in 2015 and funnily enough Australia and the US (take that, Trump!) aren't in the top 10 :)

I take exception! I'm a Whig not a Tory!

Jokes aside, as far as tax burden goes, we're not even in the top twenty. As far as public revenue as a portion of GDP we're about 60th. We definitely need to change the tax mix though, like tax breaks for properties and negative gearing, reducing the corporate rate and closing gaps that allow the really big companies to avoid paying tax altogether.
Looks like Dennis Jensen has been dumped in a pre-selection battle. Strange bloke, probably has the highest scientific credentials of any member of Parliament but is a rabid climate change denier.

I believe he was also one of the chief agitators for removing Abbott, might be punishment for that. The WA libs are pretty conservative.

Well it was doubtful when I heard it earlier while Dutton claimed there were no more children in detention on mainland Australia, but of course it's complete BS.


The government has reclassified sections of detention centres as “community detention” in order to be able to claim that all children have been released from immigration detention.
At least 196 asylum seekers granted community detention after protests

The immigration minister, Peter Dutton, announced on Sunday there were no children left in detention, but a source within his department told the Guardian the “release” was “more bureaucratic sleight of hand than emancipation”.

As an example, families with children in “held detention” in the “family compound” of Villawood detention centre were told by letter on Friday that their detention was now classified as “community detention”.

They have been “released” from detention without moving.

This is some pretty evil shit.
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