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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Anyone voting at Sydney Town Hall, the entrance is on the left side of the building - go behind St Andrews Cathedral and you'll bypass all the pesky volunteers handing out how to vote flyers. :D

I don't think I understand senate voting well :s If I put all the crazy parties down the end, how likely are they to get my vote? They make up like half the list already.

Sadly? She was awful. What Atheist refuses to even discuss gay marriage? Oh right, the one who only does it to please the Christian lobby. The same people who claimed being gay has a higher mortality rate than smoking. Very nice of her. If redneck states are becoming more progressive than stances here you know you've screwed up.

She fucked up on a few issues sure, and I do prefer Rudd. It was still sad to see her go, especially under such circumstances.

Why are the news making it sound like Liberal already winning? Fuck them. I want to show them how wrong they are. Just like I wanted to show the gaming press back then how wrong they were for supporting MS' grand plan to screw the customers.

Now you know how I feel in the thread ;.;


You all need to calm down and realise that nothing will drastically change because the Libs won't have a majority in the Senate and will have to govern from the centre like pretty much every government we've had.

Hopefully. Just hope there's no right-wing nuts holding the balance of power in the Senate.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member

The people in front and behind me at least two deep were. And the people in the booths next to mine both did. So based on that exhaustive polling, the Labor guy currently holding my seat is gonna be toast.

Had a nice coffee. Came away with some nice cookies.

Completely didn't engage the guy behind me when he said to the Liberal candidate "mate, I hope you fix everything". He works in timber, and the building industry decline has hurt him. So yeah, the fucking expensive and unnecessary tunnel which was the only thing the Liberal candidate has been talking about will really help him!

I wonder what he thinks about all this debt Labor and Rudd racked up by pouring billions of dollars into the industry in order to keep it and the economy afloat.

Dead Man

Liberals have won guys. This was obvious a month ago.

You all need to calm down and realise that nothing will drastically change because the Libs won't have a majority in the Senate and will have to govern from the centre like pretty much every government we've had.

That assumes some crazy right wing mob doesn't have the balance of power thanks to preference deals.


I wonder what will happen to the NBN. It's my hope given that the Liberals have been playing catch up to Labor in broadband for a decade that they eventually support FTTP.


Liberals have won guys. This was obvious a month ago.

You all need to calm down and realise that nothing will drastically change because the Libs won't have a majority in the Senate and will have to govern from the centre like pretty much every government we've had.
I dunno, I think the senate could be a danger too, but the house is owned by the coalition at the end of today. I think we all knew that as soon as Rudd re-took the Labour leadership. I think it was frankly astonishing that they didn't get it back last election.
I wonder what will happen to the NBN. It's my hope given that the Liberals have been playing catch up to Labor in broadband for a decade that they eventually support FTTP.

They'll do exactly the same thing as Labor...they'll just call it the ABN or something rather than the NBN. You should never worry too much about what they say they will do before an election. Once they are in power, they will actually start to think about what needs to be done.

It is always the way. Lots of Labor initiatives will be cut...only to be replaced by something that is more or less exactly the same thing but with a new hat. I wouldn't worry about the NBN at all.


I wonder what will happen to the NBN. It's my hope given that the Liberals have been playing catch up to Labor in broadband for a decade that they eventually support FTTP.
Oddly the NBN cutback hasn't been mentioned in the last couple of days. Hmm...


Liberals have won guys. This was obvious a month ago.

You all need to calm down and realise that nothing will drastically change because the Libs won't have a majority in the Senate and will have to govern from the centre like pretty much every government we've had.
Howard sacked 30000 public servants and slashed ABC funding within his first few months of office without a senate majority.


I don't think I understand senate voting well :s If I put all the crazy parties down the end, how likely are they to get my vote? They make up like half the list already.
Chances are, they'll be eliminated before your preferences flow to them if you put them low, but some crazy preferences deals may mean they stand a chance of not being eliminated.

She fucked up on a few issues sure, and I do prefer Rudd. It was still sad to see her go, especially under such circumstances.
I don't think they should have ousted Rudd in the first place because that's what took them down this woeful path. That said, I think she was a better and more productive PM that Rudd was.


Fuck, pretty soon we're going to have:
Joe fucking Hockey
Christopher poodle fucker Pyne
Julie Bishop, jesus christ
George fucking Brandis
Peter Dutton oh god
Barnaby are you joking Joyce
Sophie kill me Mirabella

I think Turnbull and Abetz are the only two who are not embarrassing.

Dead Man

They'll do exactly the same thing as Labor...they'll just call it the ABN or something rather than the NBN. You should never worry too much about what they say they will do before an election. Once they are in power, they will actually start to think about what needs to be done.

It is always the way. Lots of Labor initiatives will be cut...only to be replaced by something that is more or less exactly the same thing but with a new hat. I wouldn't worry about the NBN at all.

Bookmarking this post :)


I think I'm gonna wear headphones. If I find some Liberals, I'll crank up some Pet Shop Boys. Maybe even some Village People (would have to download the latter, obv.)

PS. I wish I had a t-shirt that said "I'm here for the sausage sizzle".


Fuck, pretty soon we're going to have:
Joe fucking Hockey
Christopher poodle fucker Pyne
Julie Bishop, jesus christ
George fucking Brandis
Peter Dutton oh god
Barnaby are you joking Joyce
Sophie kill me Mirabella

I think Turnbull and Abetz are the only two who are not embarrassing.
I hate Christopher Pyne's face. He is so bloody annoying every time his face is on TV it really pisses me off. I want to punch him so much.
Chances are, they'll be eliminated before your preferences flow to them if you put them low, but some crazy preferences deals may mean they stand a chance of not being eliminated.

I don't think they should have ousted Rudd in the first place because that's what took them down this woeful path. That said, I think she was a better and more productive PM that Rudd was.


and yeah, I agree switching it up only made things worse long term.

Fuck, pretty soon we're going to have:
Joe fucking Hockey
Christopher poodle fucker Pyne
Julie Bishop, jesus christ
George fucking Brandis
Peter Dutton oh god
Barnaby are you joking Joyce
Sophie kill me Mirabella

I think Turnbull and Abetz are the only two who are not embarrassing.

Someone mentioned that Mirabella looks set to lose her seat, so cheer up!

Dead Man

I hate Christopher Pyne's face. He is so bloody annoying every time his face is on TV. I want to punch him so much.

I was so glad when the electorates were adjusted, he is no longer my local member. I don't have to get his marketing shit any more. Of course, now I need to look at Kate Ellis' ridiculously toothy grin. But still, not Pyne.


So when the Libs win, Turnbull may actually start sharing his real thoughts on the NBN. He might propose something closer to Labor's infrastructure, or at least something better than the Libs current policy (anything would be better really).

He could even be a dick about it and wedge Tony on the matter like what the Libs did to Turnbull with climate change policy.

The voters that are all pissy with Labor can have their short moment of satisfaction when they're ousted from office. After that, we all expect the replacement PM to be pretty awful in his first term even if the papers keep propping him up.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Thank fuck there was a sausage sizzle.

Climbed a fence, avoided the pamphlet wanks, no line, in, voted for "They're all fuckwits", out, sausage sizzle, climbed the fence, home.


He could even be a dick about it and wedge Tony on the matter like what the Libs did to Turnbull with climate change policy.

I don't think the Libs will turn on Abbott over broadband infrastructure. The majority of the party probably thinks the government should just let the private sector build it. They only relented to supporting a form of NBN because it's immensely popular with the voters.


Election day and still dont know who is the better option for the NBN/Filters/Censorships.
There was a reply in the other thread (internet filter thread) but it sounded like they both are exactly the same (except labor might have the better NBN policy)



Hi neighbour!

I put my preferences together independently, and they happen to mirror the Greens. All in all, it seems like too nice of a day for an apocalypse. Anybody spot a horsemen in their electorate?

Gina Rinehart here. No horses left over.


Election day and still dont know who is the better option for the NBN/Filters/Censorships.
There was a reply in the other thread (internet filter thread) but it sounded like they both are exactly the same (except labor might have the better NBN policy)

Labor is the much better option for those.

Dead Man

You poor thing.


You found the one picture where she isn't smiling LOL

Election day and still dont know who is the better option for the NBN/Filters/Censorships.
There was a reply in the other thread (internet filter thread) but it sounded like they both are exactly the same (except labor might have the better NBN policy)


Both shit with censorship, Labor is much better for NBN.


Thank fuck there was a sausage sizzle.

Climbed a fence, avoided the pamphlet wanks, no line, in, voted for "They're all fuckwits", out, sausage sizzle, climbed the fence, home.
Our booth had sausage and bread for $2 and bacon and egg sangas for $3. I think I've been spoilt with the cheaper snags from Bunnings but if its helping the school get the basketball courts repainted, than I'm happy to spend that little bit extra.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Our booth had sausage and bread for $2 and bacon and egg sangas for $3. I think I've been spoilt with the cheaper snags from Bunnings but if its helping the school get the basketball courts repainted, than I'm happy to spend that little bit extra.

$2.50 for me with onion and sauce. They coffee guy was there but he goes for $5 a pop.
Sadly? She was awful. What Atheist refuses to even discuss gay marriage? Oh right, the one who only does it to please the Christian lobby. The same people who claimed being gay has a higher mortality rate than smoking. Very nice of her. If redneck states are becoming more progressive than stances here you know you've screwed up.

I await the day when someone truly awful comes along to see what exaggerated label you give them.

Liberals have won guys. This was obvious a month ago.

You all need to calm down and realise that nothing will drastically change because the Libs won't have a majority in the Senate and will have to govern from the centre like pretty much every government we've had.

I'm not worried about them doing anything extreme, more so them doing nothing. They've already killed one good infrastructure project.

Also while they're not going to get a senate majority this term I'd say they're definitely more likely to indulge the wishes of the right-wing minor parties that are going to get elected than Labor would've. (One Nation & Family First both have a good chance)

I don't think I understand senate voting well :s If I put all the crazy parties down the end, how likely are they to get my vote? They make up like half the list already.

Once you preference both major parties your vote won't go much further. They're generally in the race for the last quota up until the outcome is decided or are only excluded a few counts beforehand.


Well I did my part....Voted Labour in both houses, lets just hope that they don't bow down to Abbott's "mandate" and let him pass anything through the senate


Election day and still dont know who is the better option for the NBN/Filters/Censorships.
There was a reply in the other thread (internet filter thread) but it sounded like they both are exactly the same (except labor might have the better NBN policy)


Labor's NBN is better in the long term and better for everyone.

Labor has abandoned any and all filtering (for now). Liberals are advocating some form of filtering after a backlash over an announced opt-out filtering system. There is entirely the possibility of making it more draconian once they're in power.


Our booth had sausage and bread for $2 and bacon and egg sangas for $3. I think I've been spoilt with the cheaper snags from Bunnings but if its helping the school get the basketball courts repainted, than I'm happy to spend that little bit extra.

If you went to a private school, you'd be looking at $10 for sausage and bread to help fund their Year 7 students' trip to Europe. :p
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