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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Maybe the most intellectually bankrupt thing I've ever read
since last week.

Is this backwards land?

They employ increasingly sophisticated techniques such as the new vogue for "fact-checking", which is degenerating into another way to disparage opponents.


How dare they correct my wrong facts! Obvious bias!!!!111!!!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Has the country collapsed yet?

How's our roads?


The first opposition leader after a change in government hasn't been PM for 100 odd years apparently. I think I'd rather PM Albo, so happy for Snoreton to fall on his sword first up.


Well, Western Sydney did explode into flames, but that seems to have been contained (and is O'Farrell's problem anyway)


I can't see Shorten being a wise choice for Labor, seeing as he was instrumental in the removal of both Rudd and Gillard from the top job.

At the next election, all the LNP adverts will focus on Shorten being one of the "faceless men".
There's noise about waving Abbot's policies through the Senate as well.

Looks like we be may going to get to watch the ALP try to appeal to the conservative voter again.
There's noise about waving Abbot's policies through the Senate as well.

Looks like we be may going to get to watch the ALP try to appeal to the conservative voter again.

This "mandate" bullshit is just a big baby rattling his toys because he didn't get absolute power in both houses. Fucking Tories.

Labor probably won't buy into this "My way or the highway" bullshit so goodluck with that line of phrasing, Tony.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
This "mandate" bullshit is just a big baby rattling his toys because he didn't get absolute power in both houses. Fucking Tories.

Labor probably won't buy into this "My way or the highway" bullshit so goodluck with that line of phrasing, Tony.
Tony Abbott said:
[The Opposition Leader] is right to resist the intellectual bullying inherent in talk of ‘mandates’... The elected opposition is no less entitled than the elected government to exercise judgement and to try to keep its election commitments.
Tony Abbott said:
This Parliament has no mandate!


This "mandate" bullshit is just a big baby rattling his toys because he didn't get absolute power in both houses. Fucking Tories.

Labor probably won't buy into this "My way or the highway" bullshit so goodluck with that line of phrasing, Tony.

And the tears haven't stopped. Who even uses the word "Tories" anymore?

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
And the tears haven't stopped. Who even uses the word "Tories" anymore?
If some of us could put up with 3 years of tears from the Coalition after the Independents refused the no doubt enticing offer of Tony's toned, lycra-clad arse then I'm sure you can deal with your chosen PM's hypocrisy being put on display for a week. There's nothing worse than a sore winner.


Drive by gloating is still in effect as well I see.

I tried to be civil before the election and after, but the Abbott-hatred all over the internet has reached such a degree that I thought, why bother trying to fight it when I can enjoy it?

It's my one chance to have the same feeling that PoliGAFfers did when they celebrated Obama's re-election.
I tried to be civil before the election and after, but the Abbott-hatred all over the internet has reached such a degree that I thought, why bother trying to fight it when I can enjoy it?

It's my one chance to have the same feeling that PoliGAFfers did when they celebrated Obama's re-election.

I kind of doubt it? I mean I'm going to go out on a limb here and suggest that the PoliGAFfers celebrating were the majority , so their feelings probably aren't that similar to yours really.

Besides give it a couple of weeks,when in all likelihood, the ALP puts Shorten as Leader and waves Abbot'ts tax repeals through the senate the internet will likely settle down the Abbott hatred as it gets split between hatred for Abbott and hatred for the ALP's sudden yet predictable betrayal of their values.
I tried to be civil before the election and after, but the Abbott-hatred all over the internet has reached such a degree that I thought, why bother trying to fight it when I can enjoy it?

It's my one chance to have the same feeling that PoliGAFfers did when they celebrated Obama's re-election.

Nah, we weren't celebrating policies that would lead to government employees losing their jobs for no reason, the rich gaining more power, and powerless refugees being treated like subhumans. Oh, and continuing to treat gay people like second class citizens. Can't forget that.

Petition to the ALP to hold a legitimate ballot of members and have have the leadership contest held behind closed doors. I acknowledge that these things are fairly useless but if it gets enough signatures it may get the ear of someone...
Not an ALP member but if there is genuinely no other contender then putting up a token lamb who will get 0 votes in the party room and only a handful of membership votes is a waste of time and resources.


Not an ALP member but if there is genuinely no other contender then putting up a token lamb who will get 0 votes in the party room and only a handful of membership votes is a waste of time and resources.

When I said someone I meant someone specific (Albanese). He would easily get at least close to 50% of the party room. Basically having Shorten being declared winner by default, without the membership having a say would be a travesty.

Dead Man


Petition to the ALP to hold a legitimate ballot of members and have have the leadership contest held behind closed doors. I acknowledge that these things are fairly useless but if it gets enough signatures it may get the ear of someone...

If no one else stands, there is no reason to deny him the position, and forcing someone to take the leadership is not going to work.


Yeah, there's no real point in forcing Albanese to stand if he doesn't want to just yet. Shorten's a prick but if he wants to have a go at a position which is p. much doomed to fail then so be it.


while i'm happy for Shorten to take the leadership then - inevitably - be kicked out (and hopefully to never be heard from again) I'm not sure that I want to sacrifice the carbon tax for it.
Liberal candidate Andrew Nguyen says party treated ethnic candidates as 'second-class citizens'

A Liberal candidate who suffered a humiliating loss to Labor says ethnic candidates in western Sydney were treated as "second-class citizens" by the Liberal Party campaign hierarchy.
Andrew Nguyen has claimed in an interview with Fairfax Media that Tony Abbott's campaign staff physically escorted him away from an appearance by the then opposition leader in Liverpool during the third week of the campaign.

"They told me Andrew please go home, you can't be here," Mr Nguyen said.

"I was given no reason, I was escorted to my car and they made sure I turned right towards my [Cabramatta] office and didn't turn to come back to Westfield shopping centre."
"We were treated like second-class citizens. Me, [Jaymes Diaz in] Greenway and [Martin Zaiter in] Paramatta.

He said Tony Abbott had spent a lot of time with Fiona Scott in Lindsay and thought he would expect to see him when he visited Liverpool

Sorry Andrew you're just not sexy enough for Tony Abbott and the Libs.


I'm an American. What little I've followed of the Australian election is shocking. It sounded terrible (the campaigns, the uphill struggle for Labour and the Greens). Good luck to you guys...=(


Probably old or posted but anyway:

The Coalition has reduced the amount of money it is spending on its Direct Action carbon reduction plan by more than $300 million.

The plan the Coalition took to the 2010 election was worth $3.2 billion, but just before Saturday's election the Coalition reduced it to just under $2.9 billion.

The biggest saving, $200 million, comes from halving the amount the Coalition plans to rebate consumers for installing solar panels and solar hot water systems.

The payment was supposed to be $1,000, but the Coalition says it is cutting it to $500 because the cost of the products has come down and it wants to target low income earners.


Colour me confused at the bolded.



Mr Nguyen, 74, is seething at his treatment, having mortgaged his Bankstown home to plough an estimated $300,000 into his campaign.

Mr Nguyen, who arrived in Australia as a refugee in 1979, said he spent a further $90,000 out of his own pocket on the campaign, maxing out three credit cards to pay for campaign literature translated into Vietnamese, Arabic and Indian.

Do all candidates pay for their own campaign costs? Not supported by the party?


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