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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Dead Man

Yet KFC still cant have an add here about feeding fried chicken to the west indies without crys of racism.

stupid americans.

There is a difference between insulting someone with a word that carries particular weight with a group, and bullshit launching of 'you can't show black people eating chicken at cricket'. Not really the same thing, one is reasonable to be upset about, one is not.

I agree that the stereotype doesn't really exist in this country, but I find it incredibly hard to believe that people here wouldn't be increasingly aware of it given the growing pervasiveness of US media in this country.

It still doesn't really make it any less insensitive either tbqh.

Prior to that blow up? I don't think too many Australians would have had a clue, most who don't spend a lot of time on the internet still don't. And if you don't know about something, it cannot be insensitive to use it. Especially if the context is not relevant to the people who are offended.

Call a black person a monkey, the person will be rightly offended, maybe more so depending on where they come from.

Show black people eating chicken at a cricket match in the WI? Who is offended besides Americans who are not even involved.


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Convincing argument.

Don't want to argue about it, so i'm not going to?

I do not think that add is racist. I see why people do, but they are because they're listening to American ideals etc blah blah.

I just think it stupid that because one nation finds a stereo type racist we all have to.

and as some one else mentioned.. I find it more racist to insist that ALL BLACK PEOPLE ARE THE SAME AND ARE OFFENDED BY THE STEREOTYPE.

when they're not even african american....


We all know the difference about the WI and USA, but thinking back to those ads ... they were pretty groan worthy. It certainly wasn't direct racism, it probably wasn't even unintentional racism. But it did appear to be close to hitting a nerve even unintentionally.

I don't think you can honestly look at the ads and not think "maybe that wasn't the best idea".

Can, but did? I don't think so. At least, I've never seen it except in American media directed at African Americans (which the West Indians are not). Anyway, this is super offtopic. I'd rather go back to talking about the election...

Don't you work there though?


I meant the "African Americans like fried chicken" stereotype.

Writing up my resignation form now actually. I am done with fast food.

Well think of it this way. We all know there are words with bad connotations elsewhere around the world. Or imagery that has no history here, but you wouldn't want to misconstrue (eg you would want to be careful advertising watermelons a la the KFC ad) .

If Australia is a multicultural country, we also need to be more aware that recent migrants are going to still maintain a perspective informed from their home country. You will inevitably offend someone unintentionally, but the smart thing is to educate people both ways (i.e learn not to offend them whilst they learn that it is not meant as offensive). Then there are other words that have no meaning here (wetback as an example) yet are incredibly offensive in North America to Mexican refugees and non-refugee immigrants.

A bit of common sense and sensitivity never hurt anyone.

Or you could just be a reactionary like holycheck.


I want a tag give me a tag
Well think of it this way. We all know there are words with bad connotations elsewhere around the world. Or imagery that has no history here, but you wouldn't want to misconstrue.

If Australia is a multicultural country, we also need to be more aware that recent migrants are going to still maintain a perspective informed from their home country. You will inevitably offend someone unintentionally, but the smart thing is to educate people both ways (i.e learn not to offend them whilst they learn that it is not meant as offensive).

Or you could just be a reactionary like holycheck.

I'm in an emotional state today.

as I'm an essendon supporter.

I'm sure you can understand :(


I want a tag give me a tag
Todd Sampson from the Gruen Transfer put it well, and I agree with this:

"people in Australia are outraged, not because it's racist, but because it's accused of being racist out of context. and people do not want nor do we need an American filter over everything we do. I do think the add was a mistake, because KFC is an American company, and yes it should be pulled. "


So, anyone got a candidate in their electorate that is 'feisty and has sex appeal'?

Apparently LNP candidate Fiona Scott does*.

*according to Tony Abbott.

Don't think he took his wisdom suppository this morn.


the holder of the trombone
Speaking of KFC ads, anyone seen their stacker ads?

I seriously have no idea why that has a gay implication.


There is a difference between insulting someone with a word that carries particular weight with a group, and bullshit launching of 'you can't show black people eating chicken at cricket'. Not really the same thing, one is reasonable to be upset about, one is not.

Prior to that blow up? I don't think too many Australians would have had a clue, most who don't spend a lot of time on the internet still don't. And if you don't know about something, it cannot be insensitive to use it. Especially if the context is not relevant to the people who are offended.
To be fair, there's a massive difference between one person saying something and a Global Fast-Food chain running an ad campaign. One should be held to a far higher standard than the other and for good reason.

Don't want to argue about it, so i'm not going to?
Then why bring it up in the first place?

So should KFC simply abstain from sponsoring the cricket in seasons the Windies are touring, or what?
Or they could advertise things in a much more considerate and careful manner than this was?


So, anyone got a candidate in their electorate that is 'feisty and has sex appeal'?

Apparently LNP candidate Fiona Scott does*.

*according to Tony Abbott.

Don't think he took his wisdom suppository this morn.

Unfortunately Tony could make a poor statement every day until the election and still probably get voted in :(


So apart from Labor, Liberal, and Greens candidates I also have One Nation, Rise up, and Christian Democrat candidates.

It's such a shame I can't put multiples as very last preference.
So apart from Labor, Liberal, and Greens candidates I also have One Nation, Rise up, and Christian Democrat candidates.

It's such a shame I can't put multiples as very last preference.

Daaaaaaymn. You must live in some seriously conservative area.

I'm excited to See a member of the Palmer party in my electorate.
I've got these guys plus Greens, Labor and Nationals candidates. We're a safe Nats seat anyway.

Lorraine Sharp (Australia First Party) is a particularly fun one. These were all around the place a couple of months ago:

I've got a Palmer party, Sex Party and Christian Democrats. My dad is running as well but for a minor party, we'll see how he goes.

Thank goodness that we live in a country where voting for a minor party isn't a wasted vote, eh? ;) Actually, I imagine quite a few 1 votes will be going to minors this year, if only by people wanting to show their dissatisfaction with the majors.

In my own electorate, both ABC and Below The Line list only ALP, LNP, Greens, Katter and Palmer, but I know there's several other minor parties who have registered for it. The Secular party candidate will probably get my vote in the end, followed by the Green. After that, it's more a battle of who to put last, rather than who to put first.


Candidates in my seat of Forde, and how I'll be voting:

[4] VAN MANEN, Bert ... Liberal National Party
[3] BEATTIE, Peter ... Australian Labor Party
[1] BREWSTER, Blair ... Palmer United Australia
[2] SPAIN, Sally ... Greens
[5] PUKALLUS, Jan ... Citizens Electoral Council
[6] JENNINGS, Jonathan ... Rise Up Australia
[7] BEST, Amanda ... Family First Party

I went backwards from worst to least bad.


As a politically right-leaning Rugby League supporter, I look to the leaders in both spectrums on how to run my life. So this morning I trundled into work, grabbed one of my colleagues by his nuts while calling another a 'young, feisty, sexy and appealing' woman.

I look forward to my two week holiday for the squirrel grip, but first I have to make a formal apology that I perhaps spoke out of line to the other colleague. But in either case, I haven't lost my job, so that's a relief.


What do we think about the Libs preferencing Labor ahead of the Greens? Anyone here live in Bandt's seat?


Daaaaaaymn. You must live in some seriously conservative area.

I'm excited to See a member of the Palmer party in my electorate.

I didn't think so until now, but perhaps I do.

All I know is there's a lot of bogans and migrant families in my area. No idea where that puts us on the political compass, but I couldn't see the Rise Up party being too popular with the migrant families.
Wait, no, just remembered that I'm in Farrer now rather than Riverina.

Liberal, ALP, Greens, Democratic Labor Party, Palmer United Party, Katter’s Australian Party and Rise Up Australia are my choices. Safe Libs seat rather than safe Nats. Same difference. So basically much of a muchness.


What do we think about the Libs preferencing Labor ahead of the Greens? Anyone here live in Bandt's seat?

It kind of annoys me that the Libs can say "and we challenge Labor to do the same" because the "a vote for Labor is a vote for the Greens" scare campaign might actually do something. Which is fucking weird because the alternative is "A vote for Labor is a vote for the Coalition." It's sad that people really are that stupid.

Dead Man

It kind of annoys me that the Libs can say "and we challenge Labor to do the same" because the "a vote for Labor is a vote for the Greens" scare campaign might actually do something. Which is fucking weird because the alternative is "A vote for Labor is a vote for the Coalition." It's sad that people really are that stupid.

People are that stupid, and it is sad. But I do have to laugh at the ridiculousness of the idea.


It kind of annoys me that the Libs can say "and we challenge Labor to do the same" because the "a vote for Labor is a vote for the Greens" scare campaign might actually do something. Which is fucking weird because the alternative is "A vote for Labor is a vote for the Coalition." It's sad that people really are that stupid.
Welcome to the tribalistic nature of politics where for most people, the party they vote for can do no wrong.
Saddest part of that idea is the implicit assumption that no one voting for a major party would ever bother to vote below the line and direct their preferences the way they want them.


Female members of parliament are their for their sex appeal and gay marriage is the fashion of the moment.


The walking gaf machine that is Tony Abbott has finally hit his stride.

He has been (largely) pretty good at not saying completely stupid shit for that last 3 years. But in this last week its like he can't hold it in anymore and he has to say as much stupid shit as he possibly can.


Amazing quote. His minders must be exasperated: all these months of keeping him on a very tiny script, away from whimsical publicity stunts and making him appear like the Rhodes Scholar™ he is.

And then these last few days. Kissing ladies on the head, remarking on their sexiness and now this.

I'm a tad conflicted on it: I abhor the robotic, toe-the-line rhetoric we get 99% of the time (which is in line with my disdain for all the major parties - independents 4lyf!) from political party members (which was part of Jaymes Diaz's undoing), but so often when they go off script we get these 'Gotcha!' moments that the gathering throng of press wet themselves over reporting on. The obvious answer is to go off script but not say dumb shit from the 19th century.
He has been (largely) pretty good at not saying completely stupid shit for that last 3 years. But in this last week its like he can't hold it in anymore and he has to say as much stupid shit as he possibly can.

I think he knows now he will be the next PM, he's starting to shed the overly stage managed persona and the old tony is coming out. Should make interesting TV at least.
A leader should have the mental discipline to stay on message though. I can understand leaning in for the baby kiss and hitting that lady's head. I can understand misspeaking on occasion or making an off-colour joke in an unguarded moment, but he should at least be able to hold his own during interviews and the like.

Gaffes like these are like watching a grown man wet himself. Yes, it may sometimes be funny, but it's beneath the dignity of the office he's seeking.


Amazing quote. His minders must be exasperated: all these months of keeping him on a very tiny script, away from whimsical publicity stunts and making him appear like the Rhodes Scholar™ he is.

And then these last few days. Kissing ladies on the head, remarking on their sexiness and now this.

This really blows me away about Tony Abbott. How? He is no where near the most intelligent person in the Liberal Party. Turnbull runs rings around him. The fact that Tony Abbott doesn't understand sexism is pretty telling.

It reminds of Noam Chomsky's comments on education. It's taught conformity, if you follow the line you will be rewarded, dissidents be damned. Tony Abbott gives me the impression of being the sort of person whose very obedient to societies norms. Questioning his interpretation of marriage is really difficult for him, applying critical thinking doesn't come naturally to him.

The skeptic in me thinks maybe he realises this and is playing a political calculus a la Mitt Romney, but then he gafs, again and again. I think he really believes in what he's saying. He still hasn't apologised for his sexist remarks. There's no admission there that it's wrong. The rare moment we heard Romney speak honestly (47%) he ended up apologising for.


This really blows me away about Tony Abbott. How? He is no where near the most intelligent person in the Liberal Party. Turnbull runs rings around him.

Wouldn't be so sure. The camera always makes you look like a bigger dolt then you are, because articulation == intelligence. Obviously, that isn't true in the real world.
It must be a degrees of separation thing. You might have a preconception of a person until you meet them, then you think "he/she's not so bad". How many people in this thread have met Tony Abbott personally?


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Wouldn't be so sure. The camera always makes you look like a bigger dolt then you are, because articulation == intelligence. Obviously, that isn't true in the real world.
It must be a degrees of separation thing. You might have a preconception of a person until you meet them, then you think "he/she's not so bad". How many people in this thread have met Tony Abbott personally?

I have.


Why do we have above the line voting?

If we want to remove the nonsense that "a vote for greens is a vote for labor" and make somewhat of a step to a multi-party democracy, wouldn't it be sensible to remove Party-dictated preference allocation and let the electorate decide themselves?


Wouldn't be so sure. The camera always makes you look like a bigger dolt then you are, because articulation == intelligence. Obviously, that isn't true in the real world.
It must be a degrees of separation thing. You might have a preconception of a person until you meet them, then you think "he/she's not so bad". How many people in this thread have met Tony Abbott personally?

He'd probably run away if you asked him how his day was going.
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