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Austin Evans Defends His PS5 Revision Video (Let's Talk About The New PS5)

Do You Agree With Austin's Opinions On The New PS5?

  • Yes

    Votes: 82 18.7%
  • No

    Votes: 94 21.5%
  • Don't really care

    Votes: 162 37.0%
  • Waiting for Digital Foundry, Gamers Nexus and others to decide

    Votes: 100 22.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Look at a pretty fanboy trying so fucking hard to claim something and say I’m a radical fanboy. You guys are truly pathetic. You are going on my ignore list because I really can’t stand people like you who defend and act radical. That’s what you people are, all fanboys are radical and are very dangerous. It doesn’t matter if you are Sony, PC, Nintendo and Xbox. All are scum, so tired of people like you

It's been proven that you don't need a larger heatsink or larger fan to dissipate heat. Austin is a product guy not a engineer so his testing methods and claims go against basic thermal dynamics. Especially when there's tons of references in tech where smaller heatsinks combined with specific fans, thermal compounds can get the same to similar results as something with larger surface area. But some of the variables or effects like increase in heat output and sometimes higher/lower noise depending on other variables like change in frequency, voltage ect.

It's been established, but people are bringing in bad examples such as those youtube video's you commented on.
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On the topic of This Austin guy, he's been around a long long time, he knows exactly what he is doing in creating not only clickbait videos but also in the imagery that he is using.

He knows damn well what he is doing in not only baiting a reaction but also trying to trigger people.

This is not some new, naive upstart that made his first video, this is a pro, multi-million youtuber with a team of technical people that are fishing for a certain catch.

Then, when he pulls in a net of Pirahans, he cries foul play.

These people are the worst of youtube, stirring the pot then crying victimhood.
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These shills have no shame

But shows what a little rat he is.


Knows his audience are a bunch of idiots and where they lean to. Paid shill. People who defend this rat just show their colors.
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That’s madness. Did he say what was sent to his house?

I'm not sure, I quoted it below, he does say 'even shit sent to my god damn house'.. so maybe Hawking Radiation Hawking Radiation was right after all!

These imbeciles give gaming a bad name. But such a widespread problem, no idea how you go about fixing it whilst respecting people's privacy.

I'm coming in here for one time to make this very important note. I'm being very careful with my words when discussing these things in videos. Do you know how much shit I've put up with after it turns out Xbox is massively underperforming?! Constant threats, harassment and even shit sent to my god damn house. All over these stupid plastic boxes. These people are insane and it's absolutely draining me. Now we have the opposite in this due to 'wording' that people read into. Just stop it.

Please just take the results as is. The data is there, it's clear to see.

Back to signing off.


I'm not sure, I quoted it below, he does say 'even shit sent to my god damn house'.. so maybe Hawking Radiation Hawking Radiation was right after all!

These imbeciles give gaming a bad name. But such a widespread problem, no idea how you go about fixing it whilst respecting people's privacy.
Wow. Thanks for linking the post. I wasn’t frequenting GAF when that went down, that’s utterly shameful behaviour.
Worse implies going from bad to more bad!

Anyway, if you had watched the video you would know he talks about potential reduced lifespan, speed degradation due to throttling, overheating, etc. He meant worse when he wrote it... Even tho he has no clue what he is talking about.
No those are all actual facts of things that could actually happen. If the console at 50c has a life span of 10 years, it very well could reduce its lifespan by hours or even days having 5° higher temps.
Also worse doesn't imply anything except lower quality then what it's being compared to. My Honda CRV is worse than my brother's range Rover. My CRV is still great.



Jesus christ, he really rattled some of you guys hard.

It's more like tech people on youtube dont have inconsistency's usually with their testing methods, he does and we have proof. Also no tech tuber would make those claims without having more raw data such as core temps which is actually more important.

Because if there is a thermal limit internally Sony has, and this still is within those limits than his claims are false. And the way he was describing the internal changes to removing parts of the heatsink and the plate which covered literally nothing in terms of chips was the thing that made people question him. As over engineering is a thing, and as you get more feedback and real world data you can defer that as you do re-designs certain things could be switched out/changed to cost save, which helps being cost effective.

And with copper being an issue thats exactly what I believe has happened.
Nope. Never made any such claim at all and you know it. I have no idea who threatened Austin. Neither do you. But you are the one trying to vilify an entire fanbase because of the actions of a small few. Sorry, but you lose the moral high ground you pretend to stand on when you turn this into PlayStation fans vs Xbox fans. That is exactly what you are doing. Normally, you are better than this.

Edit: If you want to associate entire fanbases with a few bad apples then you are going to need one hell of broad brush to do your painting.

The problem here is you are fine with opinionated comments as long as you agree with it but anyone who disagrees with it or even calls it into question is a "radical fanboy". You don't have any leg to stand on when it comes to preaching about toxicity, "my boy".

Or according to @Derktron they are "radical fanboys" at the very least.

When did I say it was all PS fans? I wasn't the one who brought up the Xbox in the first place. This wasn't an Xbox story and I said as much at the start. I just said the PS fan base is bigger and when stuff like this happens it's way more significant. There are several polls taken on this very forum showing PS only fans outnumber any other fan by a significant margin. How many Sony fans here had custom tags? There is just no comparison. Bottom line is it never good to threaten someone over their opinion and when dealing with a huge number of PS only fans there is a excellent chance that blowback would be more severe.


When did I say it was all PS fans? I wasn't the one who brought up the Xbox in the first place. This wasn't an Xbox story and I said as much at the start. I just said the PS fan base is bigger and when stuff like this happens it's way more significant. There are several polls taken on this very forum showing PS only fans outnumber any other fan by a significant margin. How many Sony fans here had custom tags? There is just no comparison. Bottom line is it never good to threaten someone over their opinion and when dealing with a huge number of PS only fans there is a excellent chance that blowback would be more severe.
You know what's crazy, remember the good old fud days, its crazy to think how much more fud was spread on this forum by the xbox fanboys about the ps5, than sony fans were about the xbox console,

Remember the fud list, it was out of control.

You would have thought by your reasoning, the fud list against xbox should have been so much more considering there were so many more sony fans, but it was not.

But i am sure you will probably try to deny that.


Identifies as young
When did I say it was all PS fans? I wasn't the one who brought up the Xbox in the first place. This wasn't an Xbox story and I said as much at the start. I just said the PS fan base is bigger and when stuff like this happens it's way more significant. There are several polls taken on this very forum showing PS only fans outnumber any other fan by a significant margin. How many Sony fans here had custom tags? There is just no comparison. Bottom line is it never good to threaten someone over their opinion and when dealing with a huge number of PS only fans there is a excellent chance that blowback would be more severe.

I said you were generalizing. And I didn't say anything about Xbox. For some reason, you tried to drag me into that. The point is it is absurd to try and take these instances of idiots making threats and try to point fingers at fanbases. As the examples I provided showed, there are assholes across the board that do this crap. The common denominator is the fact they are assholes, not which plastic box they worship.
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Knows his audience are a bunch of idiots and where they lean to. Paid shill. People who defend this rat just show their colors.
Never actually seen one of this guys videos, just watched that ps5 worth it video. It's basically just saying how awesome the ps5 is, and especially how they love the new controller and it's greatly preferred over Xbox. Not sure how that's Xbox shill. Maybe you guys are seeing something and have in your mind it's bad so you see it as bad.


Strictly from a consumer's point of view, with whatever information out there - I do think this is a slight downgrade.

Assuming it's gaming performance being the exactly same (which I think it will be)

Pros: 1.4db less noise
Cons: Uses cheaper heat sink, hotter air exhaust, 5w more power consumption.

For me, my launch PS5's noise level was silent enough - so I am quite happy with it - so 1.4db doesn't really count anything.
5w may be testing error - so we'll see. I've seen some saying that 5w more power consumption meaning it's chips actually hitting the peaks more often - but does it mean it's performance is giving me some frame/resolution boost on certain games? Highly doubt it. The reason I'm actually saying it as a "con" is that it will add up to whatever electricity bill that I'm paying, however little it is - a loss is loss.
Hotter air exhaust doesn't really prove that it's chips are indeed running hot either. (more testing needed)

But what seems to be true, is that it's using cheaper heat sink. (I haven't seen their cost breakdown, but by the looks of it - it only makes sense that it would be cheaper).
Few bucks at the most for each, but probably a few million dollars worth of saving at large scale production.

In the end, essentially you are paying exactly same price for cheaper product. Only winner here really is Sony & their shareholders.
One could say due to the inflation and scarcity of the material would bring up the price - but as a consumer, what matters to me is the value of money that I'm spending at all time.

If they reduced the pricing of PS5 ever so slightly to compensate the savings from logistics & material cost - I would probably won't say much... but no they won't.
All corporations work the same way to maximize their profit, as they should. More often than not - it goes unnoticed below the surface, like many of previous consoles revisions, nor people to care.
All I'm saying is, though - more often that not - such cost cutting measures don't align with consumer's interest - better quality product @ lower price. In this case, they made better product for their profit, not for the consumers. That's why Sony's not really talking or touting about the revision. If they did, their PR division would be touting how improved this is.

Sure, I think revised PS5 will perform the same and I'm the new heat sink is well within the chip's specified limits.
(I am waiting for the test results with some interest like many on here too, popcorn ready)

But it feels like.... I wanted to buy a V6 car - but that car was so wildly popular so quite hard to come by... but somehow the new version of the same year car is now only offered with V4 similar performing, but slightly worse MPG at the same price.
It will get me to point A to B no problem - and maybe with good optimization it would provide similar power and torque to V6 - but it would definitely leave sour taste in my mouth.
Never actually seen one of this guys videos, just watched that ps5 worth it video. It's basically just saying how awesome the ps5 is, and especially how they love the new controller and it's greatly preferred over Xbox. Not sure how that's Xbox shill. Maybe you guys are seeing something and have in your mind it's bad so you see it as bad.

I definitely see it as a bad analysis though especially with the conclusions that he made. I honestly don't see how he did a good job with it.

And no I'm not the one Doxing him or hiring someone to murder him. I'm just criticizing his methods not dragging in anything related to the platform wars into this.

I'm looking forward to Gamer Nexus video because he will probably give us the proof that we need to come to a conclusion.


Still don't understand the big deal with the new PS5 having higher temperatures if that is the case.

Is 56c hot? I'm no expert on cooling but my PC AMD GPU reaches temps of around 70-80c when playing a game. AMD Ryzen CPU hovers around 50-60c when gaming.

No issues whatsoever. Been 3 years now.

Certain the AMD tech in the PS5 won't have issues at 56c.

Am I wrong?
The 56° is from the hot air, GPU temps will be from the sensors round the chip so accurate.

56° out the back it’s probably about 60+ on the chip itself but still within normal temps.

Md Ray

No I'm saying there are Xbox fans that called out Evans too.
Some of the guys on the forum are painting all the negativity towards Austin as solely from PS fans which is not true.

And yes I think Grubb is an Xbox fan and he also called out Evans. So clearly this mindset that this is all from PS fans is wrong. Most folks are asking valid questions of his testing methods. None of which this guy even aimed to answer but he has time to answer guys who praise his channel and work.
Like cmon man. That alone should say plenty of this guys intentions.

Also you're once again mentioning his life being threatened whereas I've said before that I don't condone such behavior and such people should fuck off to the nearest black hole. I would say this of any fans. It's toxic motherfuckers like that that ruins the fun for everyone. One of the reasons industry vets stay off forums and social media. But that's a whole other discussion.

No one is saying death threats and doxxing is ok. Everyone (or at least most people) is asking for proper methods of testing BEFORE making sweeping statements like 'New PS5 is worse'.
I mean is this so hard to understand? Instead everyone who's defending him is now throwing around the victim card left and right. He should have known he's going to receive backlash before putting out this video so it's hard for me to feel sorry for him. He's not new to all this.

EDIT: Hey lets agree to disagree. We each have our viewpoints on this debacle and I'll leave it at that.

:messenger_clapping: Well said!
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Md Ray

by 'This guy' you mean Austin? Because if yes, then please listen to the parts 4:14 and 11:11 of the initial video, where this guy mentions this increase may/will decrease the performance
Yep, which is total bullshit and only serves to spread more misinformation, and some people are wondering why people are trashing him. I don't condone doxing or death threats, but if he'd only done some prior research he would know that PS5's variable frequency isn't driven by SoC temps, rather, it's driven by the algorithm based on a model PS5 SoC. So every PS5 behaves the same, as Cerny put it, "It doesn't matter if you put it in your stereo cabinet or your refrigerator, your PS5 will get the same frequencies for CPU and GPU as any other PS5."

TLDR: PS5 chip DOESN'T throttle based on SoC temps, and you won't get worse perf just because they changed the cooler like Austin's been saying. That's a lie.
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Pull n Pray

External temps taken with a thermal camera are irrelevant. It's incredible that someone who presents himself as a tech authority doesn't know this. Based on thermal cameras, the Series X "runs hotter" than the PS5. But when you use probes and actually measure the temps of the internal components, it is revealed that the Series X runs cooler. Obviously, the smaller heat sink is cause for concern. But no, it is not a known fact that the new PS5 is worse than the old one. Because it isn't just the size of the heat sink that matters, but how you use it. Does it make good contact with all components? How is the airflow? Is the cooling balanced? The cooling is the original PS5 was not balanced at all. Everything was fine except for one memory module that was 20 degrees hotter than everything else. If the new PS5 design manages to bring down the temp of the borderline memory module by 10 degrees, and everything else runs 10 degrees hotter, it would likely be an improvement that extends the life of the console. I'm not saying this is how it will play out, but it could be. We don't know yet. More testing is needed by people who, unlike Austin, actually know what the fuck they are talking about.

Pull n Pray

And it's also ridiculous to lump everyone who criticizes him with those individuals. Not everyone wants him to die. Just some believe his video deserved some criticism.
It's a classic maneuver. I call it the Sarkeesian. Say a ton of dumb shit on the internet, and you'll get a ton of criticism. Some of this criticism will inevitably cross the line into harassment. If you can manage to shine a light on a the harassment and conflate criticizing you with harassing you, you have successfully pulled off a Sarkeesian.
It's a classic maneuver. I call it the Sarkeesian. Say a ton of dumb shit on the internet, and you'll get a ton of criticism. Some of this criticism will inevitably cross the line into harassment. If you can manage to shine a light on a the harassment and conflate criticizing you with harassing you, you have successfully pulled off a Sarkeesian.

I can relate to that in a way. It's like here on Gaf. If you post something really dumb (which I have done BTW) people are going to criticize and attack you. While it's wrong to dox or kill someone for saying something dumb it doesn't mean that they were right in the first place.

In this case Austin didn't do a good job with the tests so he got criticized for it. Even though people are Doxing him and want him dead doesn't excuse him of what he did. I still think the Doxing and wanting him dead is wrong though.


I can relate to that in a way. It's like here on Gaf. If you post something really dumb (which I have done BTW) people are going to criticize and attack you. While it's wrong to dox or kill someone for saying something dumb it doesn't mean that they were right in the first place.

In this case Austin didn't do a good job with the tests so he got criticized for it. Even though people are Doxing him and want him dead doesn't excuse him of what he did. I still think the Doxing and wanting him dead is wrong though.
I still have not totally forgiven you for what you did "lollipop_disappointed:
I definitely see it as a bad analysis though especially with the conclusions that he made. I honestly don't see how he did a good job with it.

And no I'm not the one Doxing him or hiring someone to murder him. I'm just criticizing his methods not dragging in anything related to the platform wars into this.

I'm looking forward to Gamer Nexus video because he will probably give us the proof that we need to come to a conclusion.
I quoted someone who said he was a paid shill based on his thumbnails. I watched one of the so called negative PlayStation videos and it was nothing but positive. I'm not sure how you can be a paid shill for one company but say good things and you actually prefer things from their competitor. Also all of his conclusions had the caveat of could and mentioned starving your console of air and filling it with dust and hair.
Yep, which is total bullshit and only serves to spread more misinformation, and some people are wondering why people are trashing him. I don't condone doxing or death threats, but if he'd only done some prior research he would know that PS5's variable frequency isn't driven by SoC temps, rather, it's driven by the algorithm based on a model PS5 SoC. So every PS5 behaves the same, as Cerny put it, "It doesn't matter if you put it in your stereo cabinet or your refrigerator, your PS5 will get the same frequencies for CPU and GPU as any other PS5."

TLDR: PS5 chip DOESN'T throttle based on SoC temps, and you won't get worse perf just because they changed the cooler like Austin's been saying. That's a lie.
The ps5 will stop working if it gets to hot. I don't know about you but if something stops working I call that reduced performance.
Also all cpu/GPU chips degrade slightly faster with more heat. It's just very slightly and other factors are more likely to cause a problem before the degradation from heat effects anything.(assuming the heat is within operating temps)

Now the interesting thing is here we have someone using caveats and they are ignored, yet in another thread we have someone not using any caveat but for some reason the caveats are assumed.
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I can relate to that in a way. It's like here on Gaf. If you post something really dumb (which I have done BTW) people are going to criticize and attack you. While it's wrong to dox or kill someone for saying something dumb it doesn't mean that they were right in the first place.

In this case Austin didn't do a good job with the tests so he got criticized for it. Even though people are Doxing him and want him dead doesn't excuse him of what he did. I still think the Doxing and wanting him dead is wrong though.
But this is the problem. If you don't like what Austin said fine. No one said everyone has to agree. What he 'did' in no way rises in any way to him receiving death threats and being doxxed. I don't care what he said. Those things are not equal. It's like shooting a guy because he stepped in your shoe. That is not a proportional response. Austin has an opinion and should be able to express it without threatening him. Anyone else is free to do their own tests and reach their own conclusions without threat as well.
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