OK after listening a few more times to Exai. I am of the opinion that this album is S T R A N G E.
The second disc in particular is quite peculiar. Cloudline. What the hell is going on in that track? What were they smoking? deco Loc, nodezsch. The melodies are so alien. The composition is bizarre.
I think this is like a reverse Autechre album in that it starts off accessible but gets more befuddling the more you listen to it. You think you've got it all figured out but then you suddenly realise you're not in kansas anymore.
I think this is Autechre's sgt pepper album. Pure psychedelica.
finally got around to checking it out and i found it pretty boring. i've given up on them at this point (was a big fan years ago).
I doubt they will ever go back to the old style.
Their ambient work will always seem evocative of their older style to me! Granted I have a preference for their newer work so I may not really get it.
finally got around to checking it out and i found it pretty boring. i've given up on them at this point (was a big fan years ago).
Pretty much everything since Confield has been decidedly more obscure than their early works, in my opinion.
I call it the "dad test". My dad really loved Autechre but fell off the wagon around the time of LP5. I try to make him listen to anything released after that, but it just doesn't agree with him.
Pretty much everything since Confield has been decidedly more obscure than their early works, in my opinion.
That's true. I did listen to their discography more or less chronologically, my intense obsession with their earlier work is what broadened my tastes to appreciate their later work. Though I do think Oversteps is pretty reminiscent of their earlier stuff in a way.
I was worried they reverted back to their Draft 7.30 sound (couple of minutes of pleasurable music, then four minutes of beat-fuckery per track) but this isn't the case.
Autechre will be broadcasting a pair of extended radio shows this weekend ahead of the release of new album Exai next week.
Sat 2nd March: 1200 hrs LA, 1500 hrs NYC, 2000 hrs UK, 2100 hrs CET, 0500 hrs (3rd March) Tokyo
Sun 3rd March: 1200 hrs LA, 1500 hrs NYC, 2000 hrs UK, 2100 hrs CET, 0500 hrs (4th March) Tokyo
More information at http://autechre.ws/
Orders of Exai via http://autechre.ws/ or Bleep will receive downloads immediately, and all past and future Bleep/Autechre 2XCD & 4XLP orders will receive two TDR-designed vinyl stickers, up to and including the end of the second broadcast.
WARP234 17 tracks - 2Hours 32Seconds
Download links for both broadcasts here.
CD turned up today. \o/
Bladelores is epic, but I'm also liking T ess xi. (Is there a pronounciation guide for these tracks :O )
recently just discovered Autechre.
Really loving them. So far I have only listened to some of their older songs, and select things off of YT.
I got the pre-release digital version of Exai, and it pretty much soundtracked a recent trip to Iceland. We did a lot of touring around/driving, and seeing the epic volcanic landscape sprawl out to the sound of Autechre's particular brand of electronic lush-ness ensured that the album is forever seared into my memory banks as being associated with some great memories.
This is a band I keep meaning to listen to. Where would you recommend starting? I'm generally pretty cool with weird or experimental music.
Hmmm. Probably LP5. It's a good transitional LP for them between the old ae and the new. You've got EP7 thereafter, then Confield - which I think needs the LP5 primer. Everything after that? Pretty out there.
All of their stuff is pretty timeless. Amazing that Incunabula is twenty years old this year.
Cool, thanks. I'll give 'em a listen tomorrow and then come back and share my thoughts.
Autechre EPs are always magical. I mean so are their albums, but their general standard of quality condensed into a smaller format is like a recipe for unerring success.
I return with good impressions. I actually didn't find LP5 as hard to get into as I expected to, although I might be a bit more receptive to this sort of thing than a random person on the street.
Anyway, I've listened to LP5 twice and quite enjoyed it both times. I find the contrasting reviews you mentioned in the first post, It being varied versus not being varied, kind of funny, because it's... sort of both. The songs are all made up of similar building blocks, with their robotic synths and such, but they pull a lot of different textures out of them. Comes off as consistent but varied, I guess. I've listened to half of EP7, but haven't had the chance to listen to the whole thing yet. Seems a little bit more abrasive, but also good.
Could totally see how people could be turned off by this music, though. If you're not paying attention it could basically sound like a bunch of random robot noises.
Basically any artist that references Yellow Magic Orchestra is okay in my book.
Great stuff. Glad you dig the ae sound. It'd be interesting to read what you reckon of their releases between the debut Incunabula and Chiastic Slide, the LP prior to LP5. I really love those early albums. Great sound, particularly Tri Repetae and Chiastic Slide.
Keep us up to date with your views!
Autechre are selling mastered soundboard recordings from 4 shows from last year. They are pretty great, especially Dublin imo. This may as well be a new album, because it's all new material: https://autechre.bleepstores.com/
Hopefully further live sets will follow!