...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I picked up the Huracan with my brother on Wednesday. It's criminally awesome and downright mental how it goes and sounds.
I could be way off on this but I was of the understanding that the sst is the one that needs to be overhauled if you're looking for major power gains
I picked up the Huracan with my brother on Wednesday. It's criminally awesome and downright mental how it goes and sounds.
Of course rumors are gonna be taken with a grain of salt, but you probably should educate yourself on how shittily run Mitsubishi is these days. They already killed off the Evo, in favor of a penalty boxes or hybrids, economy cars, and more hybrids. As old as it is, there was no reason to kill off the Evo barring low sales numbers, and that's exactly what's happened here.
I've already talked about this months ago, poor marketing and Mitsubishi's tomfoolery(leading to a unicorn status) killed off the Evo. It already had a solid motor and more decently built interior to fight the STi but not many people knew it existed and thought it was only a Gran Turismo car. Like if you knew the Evo X existed, then you knew, otherwise, it only existed in a video game.
I'll admit I'm wrong about the aftermarket though. I shot Cobb Tuning a question last night about this and they said that the aftermarket is alive and kicking for the moment. It could possibly lose it's steam in the future but there's already a plethora of existing parts and blueprints so it should be good in the long run.
Also you might wanna take a look at your claim about being required to make parts after it's dead: This is the best thing I could find about that law you mentioned, and a link to a Snopes message board discussing the same thing.
Man if Mitsu kills off the evo parts, that makes the decision to get rid of my 9 MR that much easier.
Is there any truth to those rumors about Mitsubishi killing off parts?
Like I said before, when I asked Cobb Tuning about it, they said we'll all be fine as the aftermarket can deal with it. And while I have no problem about that, it does make me a little concerned myself about owning one in the future.
Especially since I'm buying it next year, where there may not be any new cars sitting on lots.
cant speak to that, but the post above knocking the rumors down seemed pretty reasonable to me.
the car is absolutely mental though. i adore mine.
But the major appeal to me, besides the tuning possibilities, is that it's pretty much a unicorn car so to speak. You rarely see Evo's here in DFW, lots of modded Lancer's that want to look like an Evo, but certainly not as fast lol. On the other hand, I am gonna miss that pure RWD experience if I do get an Evo so it's still up in the air.
You're right about not seeing many out in the wild (in General). It was a chore to get a test drive for one in my city. And from what I've seen in the Canadian used market, they also hold their value quite well.
Well... I picked up a new daily...
Sat in a 600whp Evo X last night.
The way the acceleration pushed you to the back of the seat was ridiculous, there's like a 2 second gap from 0 RPM to wherever the turbo kicks and during that 2secs gap it feels like a regular car but the moment the turbo kicks in, it literally just pushes you towards the back of the seat, similar to whiplash.
The one thing I'm sad about that is the fact that I've gotta get the TC-SST if I wanna do something crazy like that. The 5-speed supposedly can take the abuse/power but you could apparently take the TC-SST to stratospheric levels in terms of power mods and all so that's kind of a bummer. Like do I want the 5-speed coz manuals FTW, or the TC-SST for super crazy power? lol.
I could be way off on this but I was of the understanding that the sst is the one that needs to be overhauled if you're looking for major power gains
Nah, IIRC he said all you need is a upgraded clutch pack or something like that to handle the power. And it's something you're gonna have to upgrade anyway as the stock TC-SST can only handle up to 350hp.
One last thing, regarding the FWD discussion: I'm surprised no one mentioned it has less parasitic drivetrain loss when compared to an AWD counterpart. It's why cars like the ms3 smoke AWD cars making similar power at the crank on straight line highway pulls
Wow, Audi finally reached the point where their cars went from "cool, modern & aggresive" to just ugly
I picked up the Huracan with my brother on Wednesday. It's criminally awesome and downright mental how it goes and sounds.
This isn't really on point. If you're in a situation where you need traction on snow, no car will be able to produce significant weight shift to unload the fronts. Both equipped with snow tires, there's no comparison between FWD and RWD in the snow. RWD w/ snow vs. FWD w/ all-seasons you have a point, but otherwise no.
You can also change the direction of force from the wheels with a FWD to control a slide, doesn't work in RWD. Ever drive a RWD on a steeply crowned road in the snow, then lose grip? The rear end drifts into the ditch and there's really not much you can do until you recover grip. In a FWD you can pull the car back on track.
Super long post lol
LOL you're a funny guy. Man I was gonna chew for this but like why bother. You've got driving in the snow all figured out. Control the slide huh? I've heard some half-baked driving theories but this one WOW.
Took pics from meeting up with some friends
My brother is thinking about ordering a 488, but there is a 1.5 year wait on those.
Cars look hawt. Choice of scenery looks like a movie version of a drug buy. lolMEET US AT TEH WAREHOUSE DISTRICT IN THE BACK!
I keed.....
That'll go down significantly once allocations start happening. I'd say it's about 8 months after they start shipping them before you can walk into a dealer and easily pick one up. In the fall/winter Huracans were jacked up way past MSRP due to allocations, but now we're less than a year into Huracan allocations and there's like 3 sitting at my dealer down the street that you could pick up today (if you had the cash).
Took pics from meeting up with some friends
My dealer has a 2015 WRX limited in the color that I wanted and all the options (dont need navigation). On the site it list the price as 32k. Do you think I can get them to sell me for 29k?
If so, I got some serious considering to do.
It is the last WRX on the lot.
Very quick question. Can you pay the down payment of a car with a Credit card?
Some people have told me no, but Im not sure.
Cause if I need to pay down payment with money, then it'll take a while to transfer from savings account.
Is it an Automatic Limited Trim? Really doubt it. Subaru Dealer margins are not that high and their Inventory Period is very low, so dealers don't negotiate much. $31k would be my guess.
Most dealers would be willing to take a $1k-$2k initial hold from your CC but not more. They should be willing to then wait for a couple of days days while you arrange the rest of the down payment. (Which will most probably have to be a cash or a cashier's cheque.)
No, there's not enough wiggle room there I don't think.Yup automatic limited trim. I am only suggesting 29K because Im also trying to account for tax and other fees, which is gonna bring me back to almost 32k anyways.
No, there's not enough wiggle room there I don't think.
Yup automatic limited trim. I am only suggesting 29K because Im also trying to account for tax and other fees, which is gonna bring me back to almost 32k anyways.
Also because the 2016 models are pretty much out already, and most people are going to try and get that.
Yup, Subaru's are pretty popular.TTL is on top of base price and the dealers can't really negotiate on that. Sure, they can tack on some crazy stuff that you will have to be careful about.
The MY16 for the WRX doesn't have many changes. I would be surprised if that dealership still has the car in stock come Monday. There are usually waiting lists on most Subaru's.
TTL is on top of base price and the dealers can't really negotiate on that. Sure, they can tack on some crazy stuff that you will have to be careful about.
The MY16 for the WRX doesn't have many changes. I would be surprised if that dealership still has the car in stock come Monday. There are usually waiting lists on most Subaru's.
Nah itll be there monday. The internet sales person is pretty much emailing me every other day asking if im ready to purchase lol, after my first inquiry.
I heard the 2016 has a new nav system, and different wheels, and i think one other minor change.
But like i said, i really shouldnt be spending that much on acar for someone that doesnt drive much. So its a good thing if they dont lower it for me. But it just makes me wonder you know.
Im pretty much gonna stalk that page until its gone.
Not just that, but FWD cars can be great for rallying, as you can use your left foot for braking, get a similar result as a handbrake, yet continue spinning the front wheels. Hence why the Mini and other small hatches were so good back in the day.
Check this magic out
Welp, got my first taste of real horsepower and speed today. A friend of mine let me drive his CLS55 AMG by myself, and he told me to floor it away because he's never heard it outside of the car. I about shit myself. What an amazing car! Keep in mind I daily an NA Miata, and my friends all drive similar types of cars. Nothing fast in a straight line, at all. In fact, I think the fastest car I've ever driven up until now was a WRX. I know, I know. Pathetic. Anyways, I'm now in love with AMG Mercs. I need to own one.
It was perfect weather tonight. Hit up some local twisties with a few buddies. I'm still amazed at the capabilities of this car.
Was this near Van Nuys? Because I'm pretty sure I was in traffic with the blue M3 a couple of hours ago.
It was perfect weather tonight. Hit up some local twisties with a few buddies. I'm still amazed at the capabilities of this car.
Get a used WRX if you want to not pay a lot but get the same experience? Heck upgrade to an STI if you go back far enough.![]()
No can do
I want automatic (har har)
And only 2015 models have that
Took pics from meeting up with some friends
It was perfect weather tonight. Hit up some local twisties with a few buddies. I'm still amazed at the capabilities of this car.
What does everyone listen to when they drive? besides the engine and exhaust of course!
I used to live in Canada, this was definitely true. I would see STI's nearly every day, usually the then-new hatchbacks too. Plus the countless wrx's and regular imprezas. Older sti's were fairly common as well, not to mention the imported JDM subies.
Nice! I always really liked the STI emblem on the grill. Plasma blue silica (I think that was the name) paint right? Could be black or grey though lol, hard to tell. I believe you mentioned something about getting used to the colour
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove my EX35. Dat interior.What do you all think about a G37x?
Maybe a 2011 or 2012 sedan.
My 2 problems with it is that its slightly more expensive than i want to spend but that can be overlooked, and the fact that my friend has the exact same car.
What do you all think about a G37x?
Maybe a 2011 or 2012 sedan.
My 2 problems with it is that its slightly more expensive than i want to spend but that can be overlooked, and the fact that my friend has the exact same car.
I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove my EX35. Dat interior.
I'm not familiar with when they added the 7 speed to the Sedans, but definitely get one of those. It's an amazing transmission.
It's so quiet and comfortable on long trips. Has handled snow like a boss. Been 100% pain free reliability-wise. The Bose system is incredible. The infotainment stack is insanely easy to use. I literally love everything about my car as a daily driver with some pep.
Also, I'm an ex-Subaru guy. I really do feel like it's a grown up's WRX in a lot of ways.
I think you can get the smaller V6 2.5 liter that is cheaper? It's a good car.
I'm in the EX35, which is essentially a hatchback G35.
It's not a large car, has a lot of the benefits of a WRX (hatchback). It's a lot more livable, in terms of road noise and comfort. The leather everywhere and interior design makes you feel like you're in a car that is double the cost. Absolutely slays the competition in that department, IMO.
It's still great in the corners, has nice and heavy steering feel. It accelerates well, but since it's a NA engine, it's a lot more usable and linear. I mean, the WRX is often called the "Poor man's 3 series", and the G37 could easily be called the "Budget-minded man's 3 series".
Just go give one a test drive, see what you think.
What does everyone listen to when they drive? besides the engine and exhaust of course!