Welp boys and girls, after a couple of months looking for a car, I think I found the one. I had been looking at the Cayman, Evora, 4C, M2, F-Type, old 911s.
Saw a 2017 M2 at Carmax with 6100 miles. Price wasn't great (classic Carmax) but since M2s are so hard to find at the moment I decided to go for it anyway. They also offered $2500 more on my trade than the dealership.
Haven't bought the car yet, so nothing is official, but I paid the transfer fee and it is on its way to Seattle. Feel free to talk me out of this one.
Welp boys and girls, after a couple of months looking for a car, I think I found the one. I had been looking at the Cayman, Evora, 4C, M2, F-Type, old 911s.
Saw a 2017 M2 at Carmax with 6100 miles. Price wasn't great (classic Carmax) but since M2s are so hard to find at the moment I decided to go for it anyway. They also offered $2500 more on my trade than the dealership.
Haven't bought the car yet, so nothing is official, but I paid the transfer fee and it is on its way to Seattle. Feel free to talk me out of this one.
Wait, jongkookie without a Miata?
Amazing. I love the shifter in these cars, fantastically fun cars. Take pictures of the interiors and stuff, I'm curious what you've got, too. I think the black color on these models look great.
Congrats! I love MX-5's too, but after hearing your fender bender problem last time, it's great you finally found your new car.
Wow, this feels like a really important milestone for you. We are Miata bros no more but it sounds like you were ready for a change and I can totally understand that. As much as I like mine it could never be my only car. Congrats man and enjoy the GTI! Definitely post many pics later when you get a chance.
Luckily I remember the clutch in the GTI being super easy to learn and modulate. I haven't driven one with the PP but I do remember the base car having a really nice feeling shifter that was very easy to get a long with.
Hah, thanks all. I will be taking it to a local shop for a PPI for sure.
It's a DCT, feel free to roast me for not driving stick
e: could take up to 21 days for delivery though
Anyway, I was gonna quote y'all but I realized it's a lot so I'll just say thanks for the love y'all!
Hah, thanks all. I will be taking it to a local shop for a PPI for sure.
It's a DCT, feel free to roast me for not driving stick
e: could take up to 21 days for delivery though
So what are your plans for the car? Are you going to autocross or track the car? I've seen some of these on the track and I think they look really fun to drive out there.
No roasting needed. The DCT is a great gearbox and probably the better choice for anyone who's going to be driving their BMW in places with lots of stop and go traffic.
Very happy for you, dude. Congrats!
Grats on the GTI! Who takes up the mantle of resident Miata fanboy now ? ��
So what are your plans for the car? Are you going to autocross or track the car? I've seen some of these on the track and I think they look really fun to drive out there.
You 100% need a clutch upgrade if you're flashing anything to a manual gti. The 6 speed DSG can handle much more torque, and the 7 speed even more, up to 800nm I believe.
I sold my mk7 gti couple months ago after 3.5 years of ownership and it never skipped a beat. It was sort of more fun on the street than my new rs3 because you could go WOT on it all day, whereas on the rs3 I have to feather the throttle.
Good to know it'll last me at least 3 years as I'm looking forward to keeping it even a lot longer than that.
As for the clutch upgrade, do you still really need it even for the stage 1 apr?
Finally, is VW serious about these cars taking regular gas/87 octane? I opened up the fuel flap today and I sorta don't believe it. I mean, I'd love it if I can just put regular gas in it since that's at least 30cents cheaper than premium, but I wouldn't mind putting premium in it either as I'm already used to the prices anyway lol.
Clutch will slip eventually at stage 1, it's the only part in the car that's built to spec.
I only had 93/94 octane (98 ron) going into it, I personally wouldn't put anything lower in it just to not have the o2 sensors go off over low fuel quality.
Yeah due to how much torque you'll be getting with the stage 1 tune you're definitely gonna need to upgrade that clutch.
I've never put anything other than 91 in my car. I just hit 100k in my 2010 and it still runs great. only major problem I've had was the intake manifold but that was covered by warranty.
Those are some sweet Forza Vista screenshots right there. It looks so real. Even the interior shots are great.
Great looking car, man. Hopefully you do fantastic things with this car and create memories with friends and family, too.
Funny you mention that... I'd already take it upon myself and lightly troll somebody with my car:
Who's ready for some more GTI pics? Lol.
Thanks again y'all!
That's an excellent question. I'm sure somebody can rise to the occasion, we do still have a lot of Miata owners here lol.
Another excellent question lol. It's my daily driver but I'd definitely love to track or autox it in the future. And yeah, I've seen them on the track and autox as well and they definitely look like they're having fun out there.
What I'm sorta hoping to do in the future(like 3-5 years from now lol), is to keep the GTI as my daily then pick up another Miata as my weekend/race car. But this is years out and I've already spent a year here talking about buying a car so I'll save y'all the annoyance haha.
Good to know it'll last me at least 3 years as I'm looking forward to keeping it even a lot longer than that.
As for the clutch upgrade, do you still really need it even for the stage 1 apr?
Finally, is VW serious about these cars taking regular gas/87 octane? I opened up the fuel flap today and I sorta don't believe it. I mean, I'd love it if I can just put regular gas in it since that's at least 30cents cheaper than premium, but I wouldn't mind putting premium in it either as I'm already used to the prices anyway lol.
For the moment, I might run 87 while this artificial gas shortage straightens out. Before the shortage, a gallon of 93 was $2.45, now it's $3 while 87 was around $2 and now it's at $2.50 lol.
Man, that's fucking incredible. Leaves it like if it were standing.Just exactly how slow is the Huracan compared to the 720s in the straight? Really slow
The money you save in filling up with regular is negated by the loss of fuel efficiency. Almost every vehicle I've experimented with in that regard (and I have posted links in past OTs with evidence from other sources) experienced usually 20-30 miles less per tank. Or the equivalent of a gallon. So if you save that $3 per tank, you will lose in driving efficiency, hurt performance, and didn't make your engine happy either.
Knock sensors have come a long way, this is true. And they compensate and adjust a lot for the gasoline. But there are still basic limitations of low octane that can't be compensated for. Peak performance requires top quality. I've done this in generic rental cars like Altimas, Passats, Fusions - and every one of them (at the hands of my abuse) all came back with more power and better MPGs. Unbeknownst to me, my mom started filling up her old Volvo S60 T5 with 87 and started complaining to me that her car feels weirder and slower, and that she's filling it up more frequently 10 days vs 14). And I simply asked her if she started to fill up with 87 to save money? And she was. And she didn't do it again after realizing that there's no realistic savings to be had.
Also, when I get my Jaguar loaners, Enterprise (who owns the loaners) fills up 87, as you may know. And my God...going from my XF into their newer XF with less mileage is jarring. And on the same driving cycles (my wife: to and from work) noticeable difference in driving range.
It'd be an even better troll if you were able to somehow park your car on top of the Si. I'm kidding. I take it you know the other driver?
Also, gas in the Bay Area is already more expensive now, too...
Get the euro LED gti tail lights fitted. I have no idea why you guys get the base golf tail lights in america on all models, they look SO BAD.
Also get the headlights with the U shape LED DRLs too, they look a lot better. All OEM parts should be readily available.
Looking good. I love the standard GTI interior with those plaid seats. They are attractive and really comfortable at the same time. VW does such a good job with making their interiors feel friendly but also premium. The Japanese and American manufacturers are pretty far behind VW in that regard.
So yours is a 2016 5 door with the Performance Package and the manual? Sounds like a great spec.
The money you save in filling up with regular is negated by the loss of fuel efficiency. Almost every vehicle I've experimented with in that regard (and I have posted links in past OTs with evidence from other sources) experienced usually 20-30 miles less per tank. Or the equivalent of a gallon. So if you save that $3 per tank, you will lose in driving efficiency, hurt performance, and didn't make your engine happy either.
Knock sensors have come a long way, this is true. And they compensate and adjust a lot for the gasoline. But there are still basic limitations of low octane that can't be compensated for. Peak performance requires top quality. I've done this in generic rental cars like Altimas, Passats, Fusions - and every one of them (at the hands of my abuse) all came back with more power and better MPGs. Unbeknownst to me, my mom started filling up her old Volvo S60 T5 with 87 and started complaining to me that her car feels weirder and slower, and that she's filling it up more frequently 10 days vs 14). And I simply asked her if she started to fill up with 87 to save money? And she was. And she didn't do it again after realizing that there's no realistic savings to be had.
Also, when I get my Jaguar loaners, Enterprise (who owns the loaners) fills up 87, as you may know. And my God...going from my XF into their newer XF with less mileage is jarring. And on the same driving cycles (my wife: to and from work) noticeable difference in driving range.
Even ignoring the engine math, I get gas discounts of about 10-15 cents per gallon by shopping at QFC (Kroger, etc) that makes my premium the same as regular.
Nope, dunno who the owner is lol.
The moment I pulled into the lot, I saw the bright blue and knew I had to park there. By the time I got back though, the Si wasn't there. I actually wanted to find out why he chose the Si over other hot hatches since Honda is still being annoying af about these cars(plus it's the 2nd most expensive these days as you can find new FoST's well below the $25k msrp).
On the other hand though, Honda's persistence in needing a hard credit check to test drive the SI meant that they're really limiting their prospective buyers and that pretty much turned me away. The Si was well within my budget but I'm not dumb enough to take a hard credit check for a car that I don't even know that I like/want to buy. Now if it was a soft credit check then that would've been fine, but they explicitly told me it was a hard credit check so yeah... fuck that lol.
Welp boys and girls, after a couple of months looking for a car, I think I found the one. I had been looking at the Cayman, Evora, 4C, M2, F-Type, old 911s.
Saw a 2017 M2 at Carmax with 6100 miles. Price wasn't great (classic Carmax) but since M2s are so hard to find at the moment I decided to go for it anyway. They also offered $2500 more on my trade than the dealership.
Haven't bought the car yet, so nothing is official, but I paid the transfer fee and it is on its way to Seattle. Feel free to talk me out of this one.
I thought you guys would enjoy the response to my Yelp review from the dealership who wouldn't let me do a PPI on their Porsche:
"It's unwise and unprofessional to take a newer Porsche that is under full factory warranty to an independent mechanic and let him tore it apart. Sorry."
Hah, thanks all. I will be taking it to a local shop for a PPI for sure.
It's a DCT, feel free to roast me for not driving stick
e: could take up to 21 days for delivery though
Nope, dunno who the owner is lol.
The moment I pulled into the lot, I saw the bright blue and knew I had to park there. By the time I got back though, the Si wasn't there. I actually wanted to find out why he chose the Si over other hot hatches since Honda is still being annoying af about these cars(plus it's the 2nd most expensive these days as you can find new FoST's well below the $25k msrp).
On the other hand though, Honda's persistence in needing a hard credit check to test drive the SI meant that they're really limiting their prospective buyers and that pretty much turned me away. The Si was well within my budget but I'm not dumb enough to take a hard credit check for a car that I don't even know that I like/want to buy. Now if it was a soft credit check then that would've been fine, but they explicitly told me it was a hard credit check so yeah... fuck that lol.
Probably too many tire kickers these days...definitely lessens the amount of people that can buy em but there's no shortage of buyers either. Most don't sit on lots too long.
That said, I guess people like Hondas because they're Hondas. I mean I'd trust the turbo engine over a FoST personally if it was to be my daily.
Plus, for what it's worth, the Si is turning out to be a bit of a tuners treasure. LSD, active dampers and all the other tech for 24k MSRP is not bad.
But hey maybe I'm biased because I have a 9th gen. Gotta love that K24.
I thought you guys would enjoy the response to my Yelp review from the dealership who wouldn't let me do a PPI on their Porsche:
"It's unwise and unprofessional to take a newer Porsche that is under full factory warranty to an independent mechanic and let him tore it apart. Sorry."
Was having fun on the way to work today until a blue M4, just like the one Akim posted, just flew by me... not even a minute later a Ferrari California does the same.
On the other hand, I've figured out the shifter and clutch.
I'm not sure if it's rev hang or just the longer gears, but it takes at least a second for the rpm to drop(about 500) to the right rpm. It's not a bad thing but I'm definitely not used to it coz on the Miata, it drops super duper quick.
Actually, with the dealer where my contact works, they're not selling the Si's like hot cakes. Since it came out in May, they've only sold 4 out of the 10 they got, that's 1 car per month, and from what he's saying, they're not the only ones who're having trouble selling it.
He can't say for sure if the credit check is the barrier but he does know that a lot of the interested buyers seem to flake out eventually.
Anecdotally, I think he's correct. That's really the 1st Si I've seen outside of a Honda dealer meanwhile, I've already seen a couple of Type R's.
That said, I do agree that the new Si's seem to be a good value if it's exactly what you want. I'm looking forward to see what the tuners can do with it.
Actually, with the dealer where my contact works, they're not selling the Si's like hot cakes. Since it came out in May, they've only sold 4 out of the 10 they got, that's 1 car per month, and from what he's saying, they're not the only ones who're having trouble selling it.
He can't say for sure if the credit check is the barrier but he does know that a lot of the interested buyers seem to flake out eventually.
Anecdotally, I think he's correct. That's really the 1st Si I've seen outside of a Honda dealer meanwhile, I've already seen a couple of Type R's.
That said, I do agree that the new Si's seem to be a good value if it's exactly what you want. I'm looking forward to see what the tuners can do with it.
This thread needs 10 CCs of classic truck, stat.
Here's a '55-'56 Chevy Cameo I ran into today. Beautiful but the fire's really blunting the great paint color in these pics. Unbelievably rare stuff.
Really shocking to see one of these. Whoever restored this did a wonderful job.
I need you guys to tell me if this is creepy or not. I googled the VIN of the car I'm planning to buy and found the dude that originally sold it to the dealership who is active in a BMW forum. How weird would it be to message him and ask him about the car?
I need you guys to tell me if this is creepy or not. I googled the VIN of the car I'm planning to buy and found the dude that originally sold it to the dealership who is active in a BMW forum. How weird would it be to message him and ask him about the car?
I need you guys to tell me if this is creepy or not. I googled the VIN of the car I'm planning to buy and found the dude that originally sold it to the dealership who is active in a BMW forum. How weird would it be to message him and ask him about the car?
2 pics...
That's my brother's Mazdaspeed3 and it's demented smile behind it lol.
Unfortunately, it started sprinkling when I was out there so I had to haul ass and put it back in my garage. I'll take some more tomorrow though, and hopefully a better spot, not curbside to my house lol.
Anyway, I was gonna quote y'all but I realized it's a lot so I'll just say thanks for the love y'all!
Haha, it feels weird not to have the Miata especially since I've got a scale model of it on my desk... gotta find a Mk7 GTI now to replace it too lol.
Yeah the shifter in this is really good. Obviously it's not bolt-action like the S2000 or my Miata, but it has a really satisfying click when it gets in gear and that clutch is really light. Contrast that to the Focus ST(that I test drove too after the GTI yesterday) which not only had a really vague clutch, the shifter was stupidly vague as well.
I'm not gonna lie, I think I could've lived a little bit more longer(the end of the year at least) with the Miata and I was willing to do that if I wasn't gonna get the deal I wanted for the GTI, but yeah I was just ready for something different.
Grats and good luck with the GTI Jong.
And finally, well thought out plan to make people lose ~7pts on their credit score just to test drive a civic.
Huh, interesting.
Like matmanx1 said, it could be because it's pancaked between other options. There's the Civic Sport which is available with the same engine, smaller turbo, no active dampers, and no LSD.
Then there's the Type-R above. So the Si is in an interesting place.
Early tuner results have been pretty impressive: http://blog.vittuned.com/the-10th-gen-civic-si-basemaps/ 30-40 whp and 40-45 wtq just from a tune, looks like the only weak point is the clutch, like the GTI.
It'll be interesting to see where the dust settles on all this. Seems like there's 20 different Civics this year.
Jongkookie congrats on the bold step into miatalessness.
Congrats dude! Looks great![]()
Lol when I got mine and I saw that I was like yo this is dope. Then I saw it had heated mirrors and I didn't even know that was a thing.It feels amazing today thanks to a cold front but my GTI doesn't have a sunroof to enjoy the fresh air. On the other hand, I did discover that all my windows are automatic, I thought they'd be manual coz you know base model and all that lol.