That actually didn't come across my mind when I rewatched it regarding Amon and Robin. I thought it was peculiar that the rest of the team left and were like... They've gone somewhere.
I agree that this was underrated though it wasn't as good, and happy that I found this when it aired on Adult Swim Action briefly. It made me think of the good Sunrise shows from back then that were not Gundam.
Some of the staff members were the same as SEED?
Utawarerumono is SRPG/VN roots, not LN.Saturday is mostly trash night, with the 2 LN shows, Seraph and Utaweremunoo. While nothing special or new, they are atleast entertaining and fun.
I know, i actually wanted to meant Cavalry and Asterix as the 2 LN shows + the other 2.Utawarerumono is SRPG/VN roots, not LN.
Oh. I'm sorry you have to put yourself through that.I know, i actually meant Cavalry and Asterix as the 2 LN shows + the other 2.
I dislike sport anime, and i actually have watched 3 seasons of Monogatari this month, but i need a break from the series after that. The series is not a light watch. Will probaly watch when it finishes, since i like to skip some scenes in monotagari while watching, mostly scenes that are repeats or static scenes where nothing hapenes and the scene doesn't change for minutes, i find it more enjoyable that way.But Saturday also has Haikyuu and Monogatari
I dislike sport anime, and i actually have watched 3 seasons of Monogatari this month, but i need a break from the series after that. The series is not a light watch. Will probaly watch when it finishes, since i like to skip some scenes in monotagari while watching, mostly scenes that are repeats or static scenes where nothing hapenes and the scene doesn't change for minutes, i find it more enjoyable that way.
Everytime I just scrub through it (which is awful because of Daisuki's video player) I see the most random shit, why does this even exist?
For nerds like me who are amused by hearing about how Miyu from WUG (or Hackadoll #1) got into Mah-jong by reading Saki when she was in middle school.
(It's dumb, but I do actually quite like that show, and I super-appreciate Daisuki actually subbing a show like this for once)
I watched some of the first episodes because of their top eleven lists but for some reason I can't find them anymore when I quickly go through the later episodes, did they remove them?
Yeah, each episode is only available for about eight days - they remove last weeks episode about a day after the new episode goes up.
One Punch Man: 1
So basically about a superhero with first world problem.
Anyways, that was great, and holy cow at that amazing action sequence.
you sure took your sweet time to watch the best anime of the season
It's thanksgiving break, I can watch however many shows I want!
Why is everyone always winking in Heavy Object.
why does the show need to male gaze every woman?
Why is everyone always winking in Heavy Object.
While you Americans rest and eat your turkey, we Canadian students weep at the sheer amount of work due this week and try to prepare for exams in the next week or two.We already had our Thanksgiving. Sigh.
Also, so many ass and boob shots of Kallen in the bunny suit..
I don't understand.Everytime I want to watch Hackadoll on Daisuki I get distracted by this bad anime talkshow.
Everytime I just scrub through it (which is awful because of Daisuki's video player) I see the most random shit, why does this even exist?
Anyway, todays Hackadoll episode was really good.
Sölf;187007798 said:You make it sound as if that's a bad thing! D:
Non Non Biyori Repeat 1 - I might actually not watch this. This isn't actually a sequel to the first season, right? I was kind of frustrated with the first season because it was one of those shows that kind of doesn't really go anywhere, but if season 2 starts off by going backwards I'm not sure I can get myself to keep watching.
Non Non Biyori Repeat 1 - I might actually not watch this. This isn't actually a sequel to the first season, right? I was kind of frustrated with the first season because it was one of those shows that kind of doesn't really go anywhere, but if season 2 starts off by going backwards I'm not sure I can get myself to keep watching.
Thinking maybe I'll switch over to Durarararararararararrrarararararar X2.
Any good romcom this season ? (yea I'm late :s)
Baby Steps S2 END - S1 was great, S2 was very enjoyable as well. Maybe a bit too heavy on the tennis matches, especially since they seemed to have to gin up new ways of making Maruo struggle. The whole thing about "pressure" and "the zone" seemed kind of silly. Certainly hope we get more of this in the future. Don't want this to be like a Chihayafuru situation where they stop right as its getting good.
Non Non Biyori is the epitome of a slice of life show, so you shouldn't come into it expecting character development or any overarching plots. Repeat gave us more of the same, which I still liked since it's a rarity among SoL shows in that it feels more natural and relaxing than most of the other ones I've watched.
DRRR!! is fun if you're more into character development, but only as long as you can keep up with the ridiculously large cast.
I need new seasons of both Baby Steps and Chihayafuru to get made sooner rather than later. Don't leave me hanging.
Why is everyone always winking in Heavy Object.