Any good romcom this season ? (yea I'm late :s)
Not a damn thing... Have to wait for Shirayuki-hime in Jan..
Any good romcom this season ? (yea I'm late :s)
I think the Chihayafuru ship has sailed. Plus I'm not sure if I'd actually want more knowing the direction it would go and that it'd just make me disappointed. I remember there was a Chihayafuru tease earlier this year that turned out to just be a live-action adaptation.
Have you not watched Bakuman?
Not a damn thing... Have to wait for Shirayuki-hime in Jan..
There's a real dearth of romance this season.
You're best checking out past seasons if you want some romance.
Not a damn thing... Have to wait for Shirayuki-hime in Jan..
Depends if you like harem shows, which for the most part I'd consider romcoms.
The manga/anime where women can't have dreams?
Not a damn thing... Have to wait for Shirayuki-hime in Jan..
i'd like to congratulate narag for taking on the kingdom challenge. will finally watch geass beginning next year in celebration
The suffering of others watching me watch it here will power me through.
Is Kingdom a good or bad show?
I've literally only seen seconds of it, mostly when everyone is CG, and thought "Wow, that's not how people are supposed to look or move."
Is Kingdom a good or bad show?
I've literally only seen seconds of it, mostly when everyone is CG, and thought "Wow, that's not how people are supposed to look or move."
Is Kingdom a good or bad show?
I've literally only seen seconds of it, mostly when everyone is CG, and thought "Wow, that's not how people are supposed to look or move."
Yu Yu Hakusho 27
Just reached the tournament arc! Exciting times. BTW, did they retcon Hiei's and Kurama's demon status? They just referred to them as humans. Fairly sure that's not how they started on the show...![]()
Sölf;187026395 said:So, since I am already 12/25 in S2 of Code Geass, is there anything else I should watch afterwards? Specials, OVAs, something else?
Woah that was cool! Is this K? What is this whole show about anyway? I was under the impression that it was a Shojo, but never really looked into it.
Is Kingdom a good or bad show?
I've literally only seen seconds of it, mostly when everyone is CG, and thought "Wow, that's not how people are supposed to look or move."
Sölf;187026395 said:So, since I am already 12/25 in S2 of Code Geass, is there anything else I should watch afterwards? Specials, OVAs, something else?
The manga adaptations run in a shojo magazine.
But its more a action series between different clans, s1 is trying to figure out did Isana kill a key Red clansman, and s2 is about a new clan and identifying other kings.
s2 really good they stepped up their battle action stuff and it looks and sounds so amazing.
That webm looked pretty damn good. I've seen some of you folks talking about the show, maybe I'll give it a shot after exams.
I still have From the New World in my queue as well.
I wouldn't recommend watching it. The animation and music are basically the only things the show has going for it. Everything else about K varied from mediocre to boring to bad.
Oh so it's one of those uh.
Oh well :/
I'm not too fond of harem. I like a good focus on 1 or 2 couple.
But if there is a good one this season, I might just try.
Gotcha. Yeah From the New World is definitely on my to do list. I want to give it a fair shot, I only watched two or three episodes of it when it aired but I dropped it. K was just curiosity on my part, I actually thought it was one of those Bishounen harem shows because of the poster art for it, but when I saw the webm I guess it looked very different from what I thought it was aha.You probably don't have anything to lose from checking a single episode out to see if you like it. I watched the first season when it came out and it was pretty much the definition of all style but no substance. You asked earlier what the show was about and I honestly don't think I could tell you, and the instagram filters all over it are pretty annoying. It's the kind of show for that specific moment where you really want to watch something but need to do some other menial work at the same time.
So, you should watch From the New World instead.
Was expecting more reactions from the latest Noragami episode. It's a pretty controversial episode.
I can't actually tell if people like Noragami or not. It was hyped up when they announced a second season, but the first season has all the same things people are complaining about in this season.
This sucks, when's the new Jojo.
Was expecting more reactions from the latest Noragami episode. It's a pretty controversial episode.