One Piece 723
I decided to watch this after abandoning this anime, I dunno, 6 years ago. Just this episode (and well, a few of the ones that follow it). I liked the fight in the manga
and wanted to see it animated.
MY GOD, what a drag. Seriously, this didn't feel like a whole chapter because it was so goddamn slow. Still shots stayed on screen for like half a minute and they kept recycling the same goddamn scene over and over. Those haki effects are awful and make all scenes unnecessarily slower since they stay on screen for what's like forever. Screams and laughs were used on background only to elongate some scenes. (seriously, how long can Luffy stay on the air charging up a bazooka while people laugh?)
I'll probably still watch the next few episodes, up until the end of the battle, not the arc. But I am thankful I decided to drop it so long ago and I pity those who still didn't. Jesus.