10 Minutes into Oxenfree
Fuck you Clarissa.
Oxenfree was really, really cool. I really enjoyed my time with it.
10 Minutes into Oxenfree
Fuck you Clarissa.
That sounds like what is called here in the UK, Constructive Dismissal.You get it wrong, they charge you 6000yen if he/she can't move up to animator after 3 years(for comparison, IG will charge you 10000yen per month).
Because they're simply telling leave the industry since you can't good enough to become animator after 3 years.
Euphonium S2 05
Someone call Thoraxes and make sure he's ok.
He died.
But since the episode kept playing he was eventually resurrected.
Sakuga blog post on Episode 5 of Hibike Euphonium S2 is a great read, I just finished watching the episode.
Thoraxes' blog posts on the show were linked!
I'm alive........ barely. The Cubs damn killed me last night and i'm still working on getting my heart out of my stomach.If anything, Thoraxes likely died celebrating the Cubs World Series win.
It most probably was some people also mentioning Katsunori Shibata's earlier 'tweet'!
That sounds like what is called here in the UK, Constructive Dismissal.
Ie forcing someone to leave their job by making the working conditions intolerable.
And it is illegal (in the UK)
It's funny because the last episode was all set up to be exactly that, where Chitose would get dressed down and learn from a humbling experience, except what actually happened is that she managed to give off an illusion of competency and inflate her ego even more.
In many ways that's more true to life than anything else.
Well, it's not illegal in Japan, or at least if there are any laws concerning it they're not enforced. Konami is another infamous example of a company known to practice this kind of thing.
Kobayashi and Sawashiro are in the same anime together and Sawashirotemporarilybecomes a part of her harem? Wow. WOW.
Kiss Him Not Me.Wait, what?
Um... What's the show's name, again?
Oxenfree was really, really cool. I really enjoyed my time with it.
Kiss Him Not Me.
This is such a weird fanboy moment for me if only because it's the only two voice actors I care about in a completely contrived situation. lol
Also, the fuck Kaiki:
Yuri on Ice 1-5
I've never watched an individual sports anime before so this facet is new to me
All Out 5
I just googled this guy and he stalked us.
Kobayashi and Sawashiro are in the same anime together and Sawashirotemporarilybecomes a part of her harem? Wow. WOW.
What's a PCU? lolI like how this is basically how the one guy reacted when A Bridge Too Far aired in PCU. Put that western media reference in your pipe and smoke it, firehawk12.
Such a great episode, fantastic atmosphere. A groundhog day episode AND something befitting of Halloween, I couldn't ask for anything more.
Holy shit.
I'm alive........ barely. The Cubs damn killed me last night and i'm still working on getting my heart out of my stomach.
Also super-cool that they mentioned my blog on there!![]()
This week's writeup is going to take a little longer as I think i'm going to attempt to address almost all of the cuts if I can help it.
Go ahead, explain WTH this is to a noob....?
Watch Chihayafuru, you won't regret it
It's what a character from Nichijou says to the other characters every episode. It means hello.
This gif is what comes to mind whenever someone mentions the show:
Why do people not like Asuka-senpai again?
That false friendly façade, the fact she cruelly manipulated another band member's feelings and spread misinformation about the situation which shows she has zero regard for the emotions of other people. Hell she actually knew how to fix the situation and chose not to fix it. I get her whole "eliminate all distractions to our success/going to Nationals", but she knowingly choose the worst option to handle the situation.Why do people not like Asuka-senpai again?
She came off as a terrible (and not very smart) person in the last arc, purposely manipulating her bandmates in a cruel way when it turns out her scheming was actually counter-productive. You can blame the sloppy writing for that I suppose.Why do people not like Asuka-senpai again?
Simply the best.
What really finishes it is the tophat guy and the goat.
I'm not a huge fan of Nichijou but I love Yukko and her Coffee shop gag was very relateable.