Digimon Universe: Appli Monsters 6:
This episode had me cracking up quite a bit. A lot of the scenes with Perorimon were just fantastic, with some great expressions from everyone. It was nice to have the episode focus almost entirely on Eri. Last week she was mostly sharing the spotlight with Haru, so this was a good chance to see what makes her tick more. And it helped to shift the focus of the show some from the previous episodes. I also cracked up a lot when
Every week I remain really impressed with this show. It's kept up the quality really well through six episodes, and in fact I think it's only continuing to build up as it goes along. Both Haru and Eri have been fleshed out really well, along with the main Appmon, and we already have a pretty interesting main plot bubbling under the surface. And I've been pleasantly surprised on the production side. While it's hardly the best looking show ever, Toei has kept up a reasonable level of quality so far, with every episode having at least a few examples of some really nice art.
This episode had me cracking up quite a bit. A lot of the scenes with Perorimon were just fantastic, with some great expressions from everyone. It was nice to have the episode focus almost entirely on Eri. Last week she was mostly sharing the spotlight with Haru, so this was a good chance to see what makes her tick more. And it helped to shift the focus of the show some from the previous episodes. I also cracked up a lot when
Dosukomon just one punched Gomimon while Haru and Gatchmon were in the middle of doing their search thing.
Every week I remain really impressed with this show. It's kept up the quality really well through six episodes, and in fact I think it's only continuing to build up as it goes along. Both Haru and Eri have been fleshed out really well, along with the main Appmon, and we already have a pretty interesting main plot bubbling under the surface. And I've been pleasantly surprised on the production side. While it's hardly the best looking show ever, Toei has kept up a reasonable level of quality so far, with every episode having at least a few examples of some really nice art.