He's in concrete revolutioSölf;223778853 said:So can we expect Trump to be part of manga and anime now?
He's in concrete revolutioSölf;223778853 said:So can we expect Trump to be part of manga and anime now?
The celebrate the streaming debut on the fourth part of the OVA adaptation of Yoshikazu Yasuhiko's Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin, the first three entries in the story of Casval Rem Deikun (later Char Aznable) will be streaming for free for a month.
haha epic. i love fascism. upvoted.
So you are that asshole who voted Trump.
Minority actually. They lost the popular vote.Well, they were in the majority, so...
Minority actually. They lost the popular vote.
Minority actually. They lost the popular vote.
Not to mention voter turnout was abyssmal in general
Minority actually. They lost the popular vote.
Minority actually. They lost the popular vote.
Don't bully the frog.
Euphonium 6
Hyouka School festival vibes, this was a lot of fun.
RIP Reina ship.
I just came back from work.
What happened? Did America made anime real???
Greatest love story ever told.
I haven't watched Kizu II yet, but what I liked about Kizu I most was the strong atmosphere present in its long dialogue-less contemplative stretches, such as Araragi wandering outside at the very opening or his slow trek through the subway station following the trail of blood. The ambient music added a lot to those scenes. I've said this before, but the film feels like the most Oshii-style thing that has come out in a long time (well, 009 Re:Cyborg felt like it was somewhat trying to ape Oshii but it wasn't at all successful at that). Personally I doubt I will like II as much if it abandons those kinds of scenes, as I've heard it does, but obviously I won't judge it before I've seen it.
ItWhere does Kizu II end? I want Kizu III to be 50 minutes ofAraragi and Kiss-Shot beating the shit out of each other
Itends with Araragi defeating Guillotine cutter with his crazy vampire tendril arms and surrendering his humanity for Hanekawa
Why was everyone in this Cinderella play crossdressing?
No one can make a school festival as exciting as KyoAni can.
Eupho S2 - 06
Now, all this 'yuri' business that often gets brought up aside, it has to be pointed out that Shuuichi's existence and romantic interest simply feels phoned in at this point. I remember reading that the author basically implanted this relationship because the editors/publishers weren't fond of this yuri or yuri-esque relationship between Reina and Kumiko and it shows (if it's true... ;P). It has no place when Shuuichi has pretty much no presence in this story. The ghost-house sequence was fairly cliché and I was happy that Reina and her great entrance cut this all short.
I was even defending Shuuichi at the beginning of season 1 but the further we get along the more obvious it is that his character is merely an afterthought.
[Yuri on Ice] - 6
Six skating scenes from 6 stylistically different skaters clearly stretched the resources of the production staff. This show appears to have significantly more ambition than people to actually live up to those ambitions, even if Yuri's and Chris' skating scenes looked pretty good.
There was in fact so much skating that there wasn't too much time for anything else in this episode. In terms of actual development the only thing that 'happens' is that Yuri gets really fired up and manages to pull out a great performance. Everything else is essentially just filling up time because there doesn't really seem to be a reason for us to see the skating sequences of literally every other character in the competition. That would be like watching a sports anime that dedicated time to matches between teams that aren't even major players in the story. It's a little odd.
Still, there was this:
Having not caught up yet, reading this disappoints me. I actually quite liked his scenes in Season 1 - they made the most out his screentime: the river duet, shouting acrosd the bridge, the fistbump etc. I could dig him, so long as they actually dedicated some meaningful time to him later on.
That this doesn't seem to be the case is annoying. Even putting shipping preferences aside, you're actively harming your characters if a romance feels phoned-in yet you insist on including it.
EDIT: If those circumstances are true, then I suppose you can't really blame the author. When it comes to the adaptation though, I don't feel there's much of an excuse, especially since they've been purposely emphasising whatever the fuck the relationship is between Kumiko and Reina at the expense of Shuuichi.
Appealing to an audience who want to see sexy males, as you point out with your image.
Shuuchi had a quite prominent role in season 1. Reina was possibly S1's most important characters and she got the best scenes, but Shuuchi also had quite the prominent role, because of the scenes you mention. Unfortunately, he was completely absent on S2's first 5 episodes, without any explanation. They just didn't focus at him at all. If I recall correctly, he only had a very small scene on Episode 1 and then a few cameos. It seems that more things are bound to happen with him now, but it certainly feel shoehorned. It's almost like a joke actually, in the latest episode, Kumiko and Reina pass casually in front of him and Kumiko completely ignores him.
[Yuri on Ice] - 6
Everything else is essentially just filling up time because there doesn't really seem to be a reason for us to see the skating sequences of literally every other character in the competition.
Frame X and frame X+1
EDIT: If those circumstances are true, then I suppose you can't really blame the author. When it comes to the adaptation though, I don't feel there's much of an excuse, especially since they've been purposely emphasising whatever the fuck the relationship is between Kumiko and Reina at the expense of Shuuichi.
Poco is indirectly the greatest life problem solver.
Will Trump's proposed tariffs make domestic anime releases more expensive?
Yes. When the economy tanks and we go full Road Warrior, my Bakemonogatari Blu-Ray set will be worth a small kingdom.
Yeh, however the source material may look, this is clearly an adaptation issue in the end. I mean the guy really doesn't even share any scenes with Kumiko. All we get are a few shots of him longing for Kumiko, who in turn is usually all close up with Reina in the same shot. He really becomes a bit of a joke. Reina's occasional remarks about Kumiko's and Shuuichi's relationship don't even make any sense when there's nothing that we see that would call for that.