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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Victory Gundam 4-8

Still loving what I am watching. I feel like I am liking Victory for the same reason I am liking the new gundam IBO.

First of all, yes I like the characters, Uso and crew have this little something that I like to rout for. His mental dilemma of either truly helping the League militaire or to not get involved with the war. Sure his guilt of not helping will get the better of him because it's gundam but still. One character, I wasn't sure of liking at first is Shakti, She looked like that annoying female character that Tomino likes to make, but so far I like her and I like her perspective of things.

Then we have the dark tones that are everywhere throughout the show so far. From the massacre scenes, the hard fact of seeing someone die or will not seeing it, having Uso realise he actually killed someone and that guillotine scene, damn! Uso won't recover from that quickly.

Finally we have the battles, I like the hard battle feeling it has( I know this doesn't say much, but I don't any other good words that come to mind). Just like IBO the mech fights feel gruesome and heavy. Suits don't blow up in one hit too and the battles are fought long and never truly won by one side. I also really like, how they constantly use every form of the Victory. They use the core, core+arms, core+legs and of course the full suit form.

Overall I'm really enjoying this and I have this great feeling of always going for one more episode, which is always a good sign! Means I found a series that's right up my alley.

Last mention, but the ED is just too good! The suit going upward with that gritty look, going along with the music. Fantastic stuff!



Also cool stuff

"Mobile Suit Gundam the Origin" Streaming In English For Limited Time

The celebrate the streaming debut on the fourth part of the OVA adaptation of Yoshikazu Yasuhiko's Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin, the first three entries in the story of Casval Rem Deikun (later Char Aznable) will be streaming for free for a month.



JoJo DiU - #31

Where Okuyasu still doesn't remember he could've skipped the whole fight by using his freaking stand's ability once.

Meanwhile, there appear to be a lot of plot threads running parallel to Josuke and Okuyasu's fight, but they only got in the way of the main event without doing anything other than teasing other upcoming stand fights for the rest of the good guys. Like, I get that Koiichi, Rohan and Josuke's mom are probably in trouble, but that's all.


Twin Star Exoricsts #30

Damn :(

Twin Star Exorcists #31

Didn't care about most of this and only watched it with one eye. I don't give a single fuck about Kinakos backstory with Benio. Her training with Subaru was kinda neat I guess, although we already got most of that in flashbacks already.
Though the present was way better and still had that sad feel to it.


Well, good luck to Americans here.

Not the most inspiring words but let's not lose hope.

Meanwhile, I am just glad I don't draw in cash here but I needed to make a payment this week (in cash preferably).


haha epic. i love fascism. upvoted.


Aoi Bungaku 02

When you're so fucked up you get your own jungian shadow to model for you.

Sou Eater up to 24

Don't bully the frog.

Expected a bit more from the clash of Asura and Death but I guess they didn't wanna bring the top of the shelf stuff for such an obvious middle of the way, inconclusive clash. My opinion of the show remains the same for now, a very well put together shounen fare even with me having watched second OP a 1000 times thus making some story developments very obvious.


Hibike! Euphonium Season 2, Episode 6

Yea, not really feeling the episode this week but I think that has more to do with my current mood.


I haven't watched Kizu II yet, but what I liked about Kizu I most was the strong atmosphere present in its long dialogue-less contemplative stretches, such as Araragi wandering outside at the very opening or his slow trek through the subway station following the trail of blood. The ambient music added a lot to those scenes. I've said this before, but the film feels like the most Oshii-style thing that has come out in a long time (well, 009 Re:Cyborg felt like it was somewhat trying to ape Oshii but it wasn't at all successful at that). Personally I doubt I will like II as much if it abandons those kinds of scenes, as I've heard it does, but obviously I won't judge it before I've seen it.

Kizu II, for better or worse, ends up being paced a lot more like a standard Monogatari story. Which is to say we have a bunch of sequences of people talking interspaced with action sequences (okay so those are a little unusual). It has a very different pace from the first movie because there's more of an urgency driving the story forward.
Where does Kizu II end? I want Kizu III to be 50 minutes of
Araragi and Kiss-Shot beating the shit out of each other
ends with Araragi defeating Guillotine cutter with his crazy vampire tendril arms and surrendering his humanity for Hanekawa
Legend of the Galactic Heroes 066


ends with Araragi defeating Guillotine cutter with his crazy vampire tendril arms and surrendering his humanity for Hanekawa


That finale fight seriously has the potential to be the GOAT if they make it right.
The battle between full power Araragi and full power Kiss-Shot is just two immortal gods ripping each other to shreds and its gory as hell.


Yuri on Ice 6

Despite all the skating - which was as enjoyable as ever - and a little bit of an introduction to the other pro skaters featured in the ED (a few in particular), this felt like a bit of a "nothing" episode, somehow. It doesn't really end on particularly high stakes because of
Yuri coming first in the technical programme
, so the tension is reduced about what's going to happen next week.

I'm also not really sure I understand how the character development worked this week. Somehow, Yuri watching Phichit skate with an intention to win seems to be the catalyst for a "jealous lover" reaction that is then developed throughout the episode in other characters in the name of nothing but fanservice; Metroid's screengrab was a particularly ridiculous moment from a routine that seemed more camp than "erotic", butt-grabbing and all, and we also had the Russian routine purely played for laughs at the expense of a man dumped by his girlfriend... Purely based on Yuri, however, this reaction seemed to be abandoned once he finished his routine and his character "reverted to normal", as it were.

I almost want Yuri and Viktor to stop skating for a bit and have a proper conversation about themselves. What IS Viktor's perspective on whether he should return to skating - and what was it about seeing Yuri's emulation of his routine that inspired him so much? Presumably this is the sort of thing that we'll get eventually...
Eupho S2 - 06

*Hyouka rewatch urge intensifies*

No one can make a school festival as exciting as KyoAni can.


That was just kinda adorable. The festival that is. Enjoyed the low key drama afterwards a lot, though I'd be nice if Kumiko's sister's issues wouldn't remain largely hidden. It was evident in the first couple episodes of S1 that there's much to be explored there and I'm not too happy that I likely have got to wait for its relevancy to occur towards the very end.

Meanwhile Taki-sensei's background information and characterization has been nicely paced. Though, one minor nitpick of mine is not showing the deceased loved one's face properly even when all cards are on deck already. It can feel a bit forced when there's no reason for that visual detail to remain strangely unrecognizable for no other reason than the direction asking for it. And even just a picture can tell much about people's relationship. On the other hand, I do like that we didn't get any flashabcks from Taki-sensei's side. If we get those, they'd now be nicely set up for when (or if) our band wins the nationals.

Now, all this 'yuri' business that often gets brought up aside, it has to be pointed out that Shuuichi's existence and romantic interest simply feels phoned in at this point. I remember reading that the author basically implanted this relationship because the editors/publishers weren't fond of this yuri or yuri-esque relationship between Reina and Kumiko and it shows (if it's true... ;P). It has no place when Shuuichi has pretty much no presence in this story. The ghost-house sequence was fairly cliché and I was happy that Reina and her great entrance cut this all short.

I was even defending Shuuichi at the beginning of season 1 but the further we get along the more obvious it is that his character is merely an afterthought.


Yuri On Ice 6

- Pitchito kun, I'm sorry but you have a million death flags on you.
- Random Chinese guy that is destined to be fodder for life.
- Yuri x Victor isn't even bait anymore. Perfect performance though.
- That Georgi guy... Holy shit, he's THE EDGELORD. Yurio side's comments were pretty funny.
- They hyped the American guy, but he did just okayish.
- Uuum... I... I'll refrain from commenting on the Swiss guy's performance...
Yuri on Ice 6

This is a strangely progressive anime. Not because the man-sex appeal, but because scenes like when Yuri & Victor photo is published, he doesn't worry of being outed as a gay (the first thing I thought of), he was worried of fans thinking he was fooling around instead of being focused in the competition.

I think this episode tried to put a little twist,
by making Yuri 1st already with a great performance. I suppose to compensate he will have a slump next episode, in fact it's hinted heavily
. But it's true that with so much skating they didn't leave space to more characterization, making the episode feel a bit empty.


Saint Nic
I tried out Crunchyroll last night. The free version has so many ads! Looks like the 7-day Premium Trial will be put to good use!
Sound! Euphonium 2 6:
Good episode. Managed to put a smile on my face a few times. But I'm still just feeling so distressed in general that I don't know if I could properly evaluate it. But if nothing else, I'm still very happy that this show exists and is so excellent.


Eupho S2 - 06

Now, all this 'yuri' business that often gets brought up aside, it has to be pointed out that Shuuichi's existence and romantic interest simply feels phoned in at this point. I remember reading that the author basically implanted this relationship because the editors/publishers weren't fond of this yuri or yuri-esque relationship between Reina and Kumiko and it shows (if it's true... ;P). It has no place when Shuuichi has pretty much no presence in this story. The ghost-house sequence was fairly cliché and I was happy that Reina and her great entrance cut this all short.

I was even defending Shuuichi at the beginning of season 1 but the further we get along the more obvious it is that his character is merely an afterthought.

Having not caught up yet, reading this disappoints me. I actually quite liked his scenes in Season 1 - they made the most out his screentime: the river duet, shouting acrosd the bridge, the fistbump etc. I could dig him, so long as they actually dedicated some meaningful time to him later on.

That this doesn't seem to be the case is annoying. Even putting shipping preferences aside, you're actively harming your characters if a romance feels phoned-in yet you insist on including it.

EDIT: If those circumstances are true, then I suppose you can't really blame the author. When it comes to the adaptation though, I don't feel there's much of an excuse, especially since they've been purposely emphasising whatever the fuck the relationship is between Kumiko and Reina at the expense of Shuuichi.


China vs Thailand vs Japan vs America vs Russia #6

I'd like to imagine Yuri on Ice writer room is just a bunch of women trying new methods to out-gay the previous episodes.


Not too much to say, it was mostly skating, though they did a pretty good at characterizing the athletes in the short time, even if the chinese skater (If I we call them by the country name like in Hetalia does it sounds racist??? I'm not going to remember all the names) got the short end of the stick.

I agree with BluWacky that they should definitely have the characters take a break to talk, maybe have a slice of life episode after the next one or something.


[Yuri on Ice] - 6

Six skating scenes from 6 stylistically different skaters clearly stretched the resources of the production staff. This show appears to have significantly more ambition than people to actually live up to those ambitions, even if Yuri's and Chris' skating scenes looked pretty good.

There was in fact so much skating that there wasn't too much time for anything else in this episode. In terms of actual development the only thing that 'happens' is that Yuri gets really fired up and manages to pull out a great performance. Everything else is essentially just filling up time because there doesn't really seem to be a reason for us to see the skating sequences of literally every other character in the competition. That would be like watching a sports anime that dedicated time to matches between teams that aren't even major players in the story. It's a little odd.

Still, there was this:

[Yuri on Ice] - 6

Six skating scenes from 6 stylistically different skaters clearly stretched the resources of the production staff. This show appears to have significantly more ambition than people to actually live up to those ambitions, even if Yuri's and Chris' skating scenes looked pretty good.

There was in fact so much skating that there wasn't too much time for anything else in this episode. In terms of actual development the only thing that 'happens' is that Yuri gets really fired up and manages to pull out a great performance. Everything else is essentially just filling up time because there doesn't really seem to be a reason for us to see the skating sequences of literally every other character in the competition. That would be like watching a sports anime that dedicated time to matches between teams that aren't even major players in the story. It's a little odd.

Still, there was this:

Appealing to an audience who want to see sexy males, as you point out with your image.


Having not caught up yet, reading this disappoints me. I actually quite liked his scenes in Season 1 - they made the most out his screentime: the river duet, shouting acrosd the bridge, the fistbump etc. I could dig him, so long as they actually dedicated some meaningful time to him later on.

That this doesn't seem to be the case is annoying. Even putting shipping preferences aside, you're actively harming your characters if a romance feels phoned-in yet you insist on including it.

EDIT: If those circumstances are true, then I suppose you can't really blame the author. When it comes to the adaptation though, I don't feel there's much of an excuse, especially since they've been purposely emphasising whatever the fuck the relationship is between Kumiko and Reina at the expense of Shuuichi.

Shuuchi had a quite prominent role in season 1. Reina was possibly S1's most important characters and she got the best scenes, but Shuuchi got some really good scenes, like the ones you mentioned. Unfortunately, he was completely absent on S2's first 5 episodes, without any explanation. They just didn't focus on him at all. If I recall correctly, he only had a very small scene on Episode 1 and then a few cameos. It seems that more things are bound to happen with him now, but it certainly feel shoehorned. It's almost like a joke actually, in the latest episode, Kumiko and Reina pass casually in front of him and Kumiko completely ignores him.


Appealing to an audience who want to see sexy males, as you point out with your image.

Eh, to be fair I don't think the fujo audience was eager to see Kefka or expected the American one. They were always presented as side character/background dudes.

Thailand and China skaters for sure, though.


Shuuchi had a quite prominent role in season 1. Reina was possibly S1's most important characters and she got the best scenes, but Shuuchi also had quite the prominent role, because of the scenes you mention. Unfortunately, he was completely absent on S2's first 5 episodes, without any explanation. They just didn't focus at him at all. If I recall correctly, he only had a very small scene on Episode 1 and then a few cameos. It seems that more things are bound to happen with him now, but it certainly feel shoehorned. It's almost like a joke actually, in the latest episode, Kumiko and Reina pass casually in front of him and Kumiko completely ignores him.

I actually thought Shuuichi served as a great example of what was, in my opinion, one of the great strengths: the character writing. They managed to show a lot about the character in a very small amount of time: he's dedicated to the music, he's decisive about his feelings, he's strangely perceptive to things around him, he can be insensitive and rude, but he's also a decent and determined young man when all is said and done. He's a pretty well defined and rounded character, all things considered

Going into the season, I figured they would focus on him more if they were going in a romantic direction. To hear that this isn't the case is disappointing. That he's being made the butt monkey of scenes is annoying as well, since the character has really done nothing to deserve it - unless you consider his existence acting as a roadblock to Kumiko/Reina or whatever as deserving. If this is the reasoning behind making him a joke, then it'll just feel cheap and far too on the nose for me.

Of course, it's not exactly as if the show's key strength is romance. I'm of the opinion that it's not really necessary in this show, regardless of the characters involved. If they insist on making it a thing, then it needs to be of the same quality as the rest of the show. Otherwise it's just a halfway house distraction that pleases nobody.


[Yuri on Ice] - 6
Everything else is essentially just filling up time because there doesn't really seem to be a reason for us to see the skating sequences of literally every other character in the competition.

I suspect we'll be seeing them a lot (we've seen Eros several times, after all - presumably we get something a bit different for Yuri's free skate next week). With that said, I think the point was that we should get to see the characterisation of the other skaters:

- Phichit is in a similar situation to Yuri (getting a bit old compared to the others) and has trained with him previously, plus seeing him skate is what inspires Yuri to really "go for it"
- there's an insinuation of Leo's backstory - that music has kept him going after something
- admittedly Guang-Hong gets virtually no characterisation for some reason
- Georgi's dance was an expression of his unresolved feelings towards his ex - although played for comedy, it highlights the very dismissive attitude of the Russian skaters towards the emotional intensity that is Yuri's trump card (witness also Yurio's complete disinterest)
- Christophe's dance is designed to be placed against Yuri's, as insinuated by the dialogue, as a display of "adult" sexuality against Yuri's "innocent" version. Christophe is not only a professional and potentially sexual rival for Viktor's affections but also a crude caricature of a Viktor past his prime; this is cued by both his character design (facial hair in a shoujo anime????) and the ridiculous nature of his display of eros in comparison with how we've seen Viktor dance the routine before. Presumably the show will return to this later on.
Yuri on Ice - 06


Frame X and frame X+1

I can't enjoy these skating sequences when they're just so damn choppy. There's plenty other issues, too, but low framerate for motion that requires the opposite is just a no go. :/


EDIT: If those circumstances are true, then I suppose you can't really blame the author. When it comes to the adaptation though, I don't feel there's much of an excuse, especially since they've been purposely emphasising whatever the fuck the relationship is between Kumiko and Reina at the expense of Shuuichi.

Yeh, however the source material may look, this is clearly an adaptation issue in the end. I mean the guy really doesn't even share any scenes with Kumiko. All we get are a few shots of him longing for Kumiko, who in turn is usually all close up with Reina in the same shot. He really becomes a bit of a joke. Reina's occasional remarks about Kumiko's and Shuuichi's relationship don't even make any sense when there's nothing that we see that would call for that.
Poco's Udon World 5

Another great episode with the sweet Poco making me cry of cuteness. This was an awesome episode for character developpement on Nakajima's side of things. Seeing his relationship with his father was really nice and heartwarming.

Poco is indirectly the greatest life problem solver.


Yeh, however the source material may look, this is clearly an adaptation issue in the end. I mean the guy really doesn't even share any scenes with Kumiko. All we get are a few shots of him longing for Kumiko, who in turn is usually all close up with Reina in the same shot. He really becomes a bit of a joke. Reina's occasional remarks about Kumiko's and Shuuichi's relationship don't even make any sense when there's nothing that we see that would call for that.

Poor bastard, and it's not even good writing.
*looks through his own big box of anime*

Oh god, I do own Gundam 00...

Well, when things get real bad, perhaps I can scare off bandits by threatening to watch season 2 with them.
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