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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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Maturity, bitches.
I'm lucky that my taste is so great so I've never been on the receiving end of someone calling my favourite shows bad.
I'm lucky that my taste is so great so I've never been on the receiving end of someone calling my favourite shows bad.

Mitsudomoe is pretty great, so you stand on firm ground.

I don't know that I'd agree. I think Heavy Object has a few
= Operative Word
redeeming qualities. The mechanics of the world and the Objects themselves could be quite fun, and when the series focused on its greater reaching plots it could be decently enjoyable. I agree that the fan service, and objectification of the female leads was offputting, and hampered my enjoyment week to week. Enough so that I don't even feel it's something I'd recommend. It's probably decent for anyone completely unphased by such treatment of women.

Fair enough. Just to be clear I wasn't blaming you or anything and I think it sucks you got called that. I do think there was a better way to handle the situation, but it's not on you that he took it there.

I don't know that just because more harsh terms exist that I'd agree trashy or trash is all that tame, but I do agree it doesn't warrant the use of the C word, or anything like it. My main view is just in the way I try to discuss anime, especially once I realize I'm dealing with someone I disagree most definitely.
I don't think trashy is a particularly harsh term. It's a fine descriptor of shows full of inappropriate behavior and lewd stuff. I enjoy plenty of entertainment that I would qualify as trashy.
But what if this is because no one watches them

Oh snap.

That's how I usually get away from hearing how awful Getter Robo: Armageddon is.

I don't think trashy is a particularly harsh term. It's a fine descriptor of shows full of inappropriate behavior and lewd stuff. I enjoy plenty of entertainment that I would qualify as trashy.

I think that's maybe where the problem stems from though? To you Trashy means something that contains content that's likely offensive, lewd, etc., where as someone might take it as "unworthy of attention or containing no value." Anyway, sort of at an impasse here. You do you.


I don't know that just because more harsh terms exist that I'd agree trashy or trash is all that tame, but I do agree it doesn't warrant the use of the C word, or anything like it. My main view is just in the way I try to discuss anime, especially once I realize I'm dealing with someone I disagree most definitely.

Pulling punches doesn't preclude getting very negative reactions. I didn't care for the My Hero Academia adaptation and caught some grief over that even when I laid out my thoughts, one poster in particular offered some very backhanded advice that maybe I shouldn't watch slow anime and find something more my speed.
Pulling punches doesn't preclude getting very negative reactions. I didn't care for the My Hero Academia adaptation and caught some grief over that even when I laid out my thoughts, one poster in particular offered some very backhanded advice that maybe I shouldn't watch slow anime and find something more my speed.

MHA is still my biggest disappointment of this year, Bones really just gave the minimal effort with it and decided to go with a horrible pace for a show that had 90+ chapters of space to deal with (no, it makes no sense even if it was planned to be a 2-course from the start).


MHA is still my biggest disappointment of this year, Bones really just gave the minimal effort with it and decided to go with a horrible pace for a show that had 90+ chapters of space to deal with (no, it makes no sense even if it was planned to be a 2-course from the start).

I still feel it wasn't necessarily minimal effort but a misplaced desire to end episodes on certain character beats which is why you had stuff like the first chapter All Might stuff being relegated to episode 2 so it could serve as bookends for the ep. I applaud the idea but not the execution.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 8

So let us summarize.

Black girl told her repeatedly not to become a magical girl.

Yellow girl died right in front of her.

Blue girl has turned super into a mess mentally.

That cat-thing is clearly keeping more stuff hidden from her. Talking about "I'd like to understand as well" and "you could beco- YOOO

Pulling punches doesn't preclude getting very negative reactions. I didn't care for the My Hero Academia adaptation and caught some grief over that even when I laid out my thoughts, one poster in particular offered some very backhanded advice that maybe I shouldn't watch slow anime and find something more my speed.

That's true, but I think it's unrealistic to expect guarantees. And I mean, we've mainly been discussing the hyperbolic/negative side of the anime community. Don't think I let off the positive/hyperbolic side either.

That half of the community is often what spurs initial backlash to whatever the biggest anime of the season are, talking them up like they're Jesus' second coming. It's why SAO backlash was so harsh, or Occultic;Nine with its lofty expectations generated by a wave of "omg Steins;Gate 2.0 guyz!!!" hype.

I think it all stems from anime as a budding medium that's suffering from stunted growth due to a wide variety of factors and unfortunate, but necessary pandering to its core base in order to keep alive as a business model.
MHA is still my biggest disappointment of this year, Bones really just gave the minimal effort with it and decided to go with a horrible pace for a show that had 90+ chapters of space to deal with (no, it makes no sense even if it was planned to be a 2-course from the start).
Like Narag said, I think saying they put no effort into it is probably false, reading the interviews with the production team pretty much confirms that. They just aimed a certain ending point.

And they aced all the good moments and apart from episodes 9-11 the show stayed constantly pretty amazing looking imo.

I'm so ready for that OVA at the end of the month.


Like Narag said, I think saying they put no effort into it is probably false, reading the interviews with the production team pretty much confirms that. They just aimed a certain ending point.

And they aced all the good moments and apart from episodes 9-11 the show stayed constantly pretty amazing looking imo.

I'm so ready for that OVA at the end of the month.

It's not just the pacing though but the animation level too. Look at Mob Psycho and compare that to MHA.


I kind of think it's hard to actually engage in decent discussion of anime when you're talking about subjective things. Like, I could at best tell that Eupho tends to have great animation in band segments, but it's only people like Thoraxes who know about the ones who can actually engage in a discussion besides "I liked this" and say that the performances are often on-point and have lots of attention to detail that most of us might miss.

Personally, the best I can do is compare shows I watch with other ones I've watched and highlight what I think one does better than the other, but all that still comes to personal perference (ie: watching Kiss Him, Not Me for Sawashiro even though it hasn't been all that good so far). I guess you can argue for good animation, storyboarding, voice-overs, use of colors/sound and all that, but reviewing a show as a whole often ends up being a complex task that can't be summarized in just a couple paragraphs for a forum post.

Getting overly defensive over a franchise is a bit weird, but the Internet kind of fosters that kind of stuff. The flip side is that an online community such as this also allows me to talk about shows my close friends might not even know about (or never talk about, because we usually don't talk anime), so I'm kind of okay with some forum drama unfolding every now and then as long as most users are still fun people I can discuss or poke fun at anime with, or ask certain users for recommendations in particular genres and styles I might be interested in.
That's true, but I think it's unrealistic to expect guarantees. And I mean, we've mainly been discussing the hyperbolic/negative side of the anime community. Don't think I let off the positive/hyperbolic side either.

That half of the community is often what spurs initial backlash to whatever the biggest anime of the season are, talking them up like they're Jesus' second coming. It's why SAO backlash was so harsh, or Occultic;Nine with its lofty expectations generated by a wave of "omg Steins;Gate 2.0 guyz!!!" hype.

I think it all stems from anime as a budding medium that's suffering from stunted growth due to a wide variety of factors and unfortunate, but necessary pandering to its core base in order to keep alive as a business model.

I'm not sure about those examples. This community was mocking SAO like a full year before it aired thanks to Dresden. I was not aware of any hype at all for Occult:Nine.


Girlish Number 6

Chitose is so fragile, yet it takes so little to get her back to her regular boasting self. I'm unsure if that's a flaw or not. So they got everyone to Okinawa to sell a few extra BDs? Talk about an inefficient use of resources.

Lots of talk about parents this episode. Koto's parents if I had to guess don't like her seiyuu job, but still want to support their daughter. Koto herself seems about finished if she can't get a break through. Not getting something good for so long must hurt.

Momoka seems unsure on how much she wants to take after her mother. I like her because despite her cynicism regarding the industry she does care about her fellow seiyuu, and she has a desire to be something more.

Kazuha doesn't want to talk with her parents, and given that she thinks voice acting should involve passion and genuine effort over cliches, this doesn't paint a lovely view with that relationship.

Yae is showing off her darker side. Kuzu somehow gets to move on, leaving Towada as the big loser in this mess. Though maybe he can pull season 2 (anime must have to bomb really bad for sequels to get cancelled) together since he has a brain, or at least he probably won't waste money on frivolous side projects and try to actually work with everyone on an actual plan instead of winging it.
And it's fine to think that, just don't call people cunts because they made some remarks about how the character interactions in it were cringe-worthy.

Though that guy was just looking for an excuse to start something. He had been making regular snide comments before he finally melted down. He popped in for another round a few months later too. He also had a blowup in the Cold Steel 2 thread because someone wasn't lavishing it with universal praise.

Late and irrelevant, perhaps, but as long as we're talking about somebody, I think it's important to be accurate. It was the other way around; OniBarubary was the one doing the criticizing in the Cold Steel II thread.
I'm not sure about those examples. This community was mocking SAO like a full year before it aired thanks to Dresden. I was not aware of any hype at all for Occult:Nine.

Sorry, I should've made it clear I was talking from my past experience and not this community specifically. I hadn't really been following this group prior to after the start of this season. In my circles at the time of SAO there was a boatload of hype and once that died down it was then met with equal disgust and frustration at SAO for hardly having been The Smartest Anime

More recently in the facebook group I'm in people were hyping and talking up Occultic;Nine weeks before release, really dragging out its connections to Steins;Gate and the like as reasons to be prepared for it to be an incredibly amazing experience. Same stuff happened with Keijo, and while I enjoy Keijo, it didn't live up to the ridiculous hyperbole.

was there a certain show that started all this your taste is shit mess? Don't recall seeing any recently

Occultic;Nine discussion is what sparked the most recent back and forth.

Girlish Number 6

Chitose is so fragile, yet it takes so little to get her back to her regular boasting self. I'm unsure if that's a flaw or not. So they got everyone to Okinawa to sell a few extra BDs? Talk about an inefficient use of resources.

Just weighing in, some creative types, like myself, and others I've interacted with can have a tendency to bounce back and forth like that, with extreme highs and lows based on perceived praise and criticism for their work. As someone who does go through that: It's a flaw. It's better to have a more even tempered response to praise/criticism than to wildly fling one way or the other. The getting back on your feet fast is just silver lining.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 9

What the hell is this about entropy and emotions?!

Kinda like the idea even though it came out of nowhere.

When red girl delivered that "isn't it like this in the stories" speech I knew blue girl was lost. Goodbye blue girl, you were a complete waste of time and a great power. It's too bad red girl had to kick it as well.

In the end that little piece of shit got everything it wanted.


Dragon Ball Super 1 & 2
On one hand it's great to return to the Buu saga because that's when my love of Dragon Ball was at its peak, but on the other hand wtf is with the sitcom scenarios? And more importantly why does the new hotness in Dragon Ball look so bad? You'd think fucking Dragon Ball would get better treatment. Also is it just me or does Videl look waaaay off, like it's been a while but I don't remember her looking like that at all.


Scrapped Princess ep.7
Oh, the princess is all jelly of a little girl big bro took in getting more attention. Well, she's just going to have to deal because the girl is a cutie. Wait, what is this? The demon girl, who is now big bro's "familiar," wants
Pacifica to kill the little girl? WTF is up with that?


Guys there is no logic to which shows will be well-animated and which won't. Besides KyoAni I guess. It doesn't matter if it's a highly regarded franchise or not.


Guys there is no logic to which shows will be well-animated and which won't. Besides KyoAni I guess. It doesn't matter if it's highly regarded franchise or not.

or unless its based madhouse adapting <action property of choice> yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 10


What a revelation. So black girl keeps going through the same cycle over and over again because of her wish and the only way for her to break it is to beat Walpurgis Night. No wonder she's completely dull emotionally. That shitty cat better die a cruel death by the end.

More importantly tho, black girl stealing these weapons and making bombs in her own room killed me.
Guys there is no logic to which shows will be well-animated and which won't. Besides KyoAni I guess. It doesn't matter if it's a highly regarded franchise or not.

There is logic: which anime gets good staff and a good schedule. But staff and schedule are not distributed in direct relationship to the popularity of some IP.
Magica Girl Madoka Magica 11

Holy shit. I love how everything fell into place. All that shit with entropy and alternate timelines finally makes sense. Sense in the loosest meaning of the word but nonetheless. Now we can finally see pink girl kick some ass.


Izetta ep.7
Excellent battle sequence with Izetta putting it all on the line. It's a shame they
learned her weakness, but the real important thing that happened was that the Germanians have their own witch, huh? Looks like shit is really going to go down in the home castle soon as well.


Is this the stage in music education where Taki might take her aside and recommend considering a conducting track at a conservatory?
Usually for younger students it's better to go into a main field first (teaching (most likely) performance (less likely), composition/theory (least likely/small programs)). Most people will funnel into those, then move into conducting after that. Unless they were super involved with it before, it's something that you end up seeing later on in education rather than earlier, in my personal experience. Part of the issue is that since score study can get so intense or overwhelming at times, it's harder for younger students to come into unless they've started studies before conservatory. Like, anyone can learn basic conducting, but to make it your field of study is another thing entirely.

Another thing is that conducting-focused students at conservatories are few in number simply because the size of their program is entirely dependent on the amount of ensembles that are at your conservatory. They don't usually get to rehearse with the more advanced groups either, because it'd be seen as a waste of that ensemble's time to work with a novice conductor. In my experience, i've really only seen grad students take charge of the higher-level ensembles at the conservatories i've been at. The lowest-ranking concert band in my undergrad did perform an all student-teacher conductor's concert though. I was told that the rehearsals for that were kind of a pain, because when the ensemble got lost because of poor conducting/bad cues/misc. newbie issues, there was lots of stopping for conducting pedagogy, which ultimately took away precious rehearsal time. Though the schools with full-blown conducting programs will usually have a ton of chamber ensembles that are able to accommodate.

With how Japanese schools are, I have no doubts that if Asuka was interested in it, Taki would probably tell her to at least look into it, or into schools that offered such a program. But Asuka's love seems to be only for the euphonium, and she's quite good at it(though she'd be stuck in a non-orchestral setting if she took that route).
In case you are interested in knowing about it (and as the resident 'petrolhead' cajunator sadly isn't around anymore), that car is a Citröen Ami 8.

I wouldn't have expected such model to be featured outside of shows related to obsessive French automobile collectors like Mr. Sadamoto.
Funny enough, the second I saw what side he was driving on, I knew it had to have been an imported car of some sorts. It actually got me to go look up just how a car like that would get into Japan. Knowing what it actually is, is another thing entirely (and I am definitely not very knowledgeable about cars). I appreciate the info! And that interview was pretty good!
Puella Magi Madoka Magica 12 END


Ok, I kinda liked it. The themes and plot are pretty cool and Yuki Kajiura is one of my favourite anime composers so that was cool. But both the art itself as well as the animation was a bit weak. I just can't with the character design, even though I know what they were going for. The way they made the witches and their world look was kinda cool because it looked radically different from the normal world tho. The animation was particularly bad in the fights. Some stuff was good and maybe it had more to do with the fights themselves being boring.

All in all, very enjoyable premise even though I'd be hesitant to recommend it to someone just because of the magical girl stuff.
God eater ressurection

This is some good anime game! I might try that anime after I finish it. Really liking the characters designs, mainly my boy Kota!


Is it really worth watching? The anime already ends on an acceptable note.

It's delightfully artistic and has some great moments but if you're content, no reason to go forward. My experience with the show was different as I couldn't quite reconcile Homura being ok with how things ended so it was very welcome for me.
I loved the whole man vs. god like machines theme of Heavy Object's first 3 episodes. More shows need to be about normal people defeating extraordinary things. Unfortunately Heavy Object's main characters had Aldnoah-ish power creep :(
Dragon Ball Super 1 & 2
On one hand it's great to return to the Buu saga because that's when my love of Dragon Ball was at its peak, but on the other hand wtf is with the sitcom scenarios? And more importantly why does the new hotness in Dragon Ball look so bad? You'd think fucking Dragon Ball would get better treatment. Also is it just me or does Videl look waaaay off, like it's been a while but I don't remember her looking like that at all.

Bail out, it gets worst.
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