Oh, very nice, now, what card can I buy without my wife seeing it, lol😎
Clannad and AS are always on sell on rightstuf every holiday period.
Clannad and AS are always on sell on rightstuf every holiday period.
It took a whole day but I just realized there's a HUGE plot hole in Your Name. Lol.
(Massive spoilers)
Considering how they were switching places for weeks, and they were using each other's phones, even writing diary entries, etc, how is it possible that one or both of them didn't notice the year difference in all this time? It doesn't seem plausible... lol.
Oh, very nice, now, what card can I buy without my wife seeing it, lol😎
Welp. I think, right?it takes an awful number of years for the weekdays and numbers to match between two separate ones
I don't have any "waifu's," lol
Let your wife see your waifus.
Don't believe Kiritobread's lies.
Speaking of Sound Euphonium ligtht novels, WTF is wrong with Sapphire in this picture:
Sapphire can't play while high.
I'm an idiot so sure I'll give them another chance to disappoint me.
If it weren't for Heybot this would be the most nonsense rapid fire gag show this season
I see that you have found the light. The reward for believing. The realisation of hope.Soukyuu no Fafner: Dead Aggressor: Exodus - Episode 2-3
This franchise really does get better and better. Exodus feels like a fully realized series of the potential of Fafner's concept. It's really unbelievable. I like how the long form format here allows them to really allow characters and developments to breath, something Heaven and Earth struggled with as a film. It's interesting to see the viewpoint of people from outside the island, and how they view Kazuki and the island itself. One thing I think the direction is very successful at here is putting the audience in the same mindset as those on the island - everything being talked about here sounds too good to be true, and while these newcomers seem like really nice people, it feels like there has to be a catch. That ominous feeling isn't helped by Soshi's monologues either, lol.
My favorite thing in these two episodes have to be the containment suits they use when exploring the lower depths. There's something super sexy about the design. Can't believe Fafner art got this good.
I'm an idiot so sure I'll give them another chance to disappoint me.
I see that you have found the light. The reward for believing. The realisation of hope.
Hibike! Euphonium 2 Episode 8:
This season really doesn't have anything in the tank outside of the concert performances as it continues to spin its wheels on the way to The Nationals. That is to say it has just gone all in on all of this external drama and while it is important in an overall sense in relation to the concert band it isn't compelling at all in its own right. Basically I have not given a shit about Kumiko's sister and this forced drama thrusting her into the spotlight isn't changing that.
Geography question time!
Can someone explain to me where this:
is located in respect to this:
If I was a fujo I'd lose my mind at this show
That's some weird shit.
I think I need to start watching Pokémon Generation and catch up on Gintama.
I also need to finish Handa-kun....
Oh cool, I might pick up the rest of the mgrp novels once the series is done. Thanks for the heads up!Sound Euphonium light novels licensed by Yen Press
And they licensed the Magical Girl Rising light novels as well.