I'm not liking this second season of Gate as much as I did the first, but I'll probably end up watching it all the way through anyway.
I watched Anyamal Tantei Kiruminzoo because of this gif:
Your Name has grossed £108,372 from its single day theatrical release - a record for any anime film, including Spirited Away!
Can I check it without having finished the first one? The most minor of spoilers annoy me to no end.The God Eater 2 Rage Burst opening is also awesome.
That was pretty cool! Loved of full of expression the characters are. They also have this Mamoru Hosada design feel to them.Patlabor Reboot for anyone who hasn't seen it yet:
I'm going to rig the AOTY results so that Kizu beats out Your Name twice.
All hail Kiss-Shot-sama.
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable 35
jesus fucking christ
Aw no.
Did the art quality drop again?
He said after punching someones face into a book
I saw it yesterday. A bit odd the showing I went to left with me the impression that Vue (a national chain multiplex) wanted the screen emptied ASAP because it was the first ever time I've been to a film and there was no pearl & dean, no trailers, no adverts. Screen went dark BBFC certificate and we were off. No idea if all showing were like that. This of course meant some of the people (cinema was about 1/3 full but this particular Vue is either nearly full or 1/3 or less per screening) arrived 5-15 minutes late including an elderly couple (it's been getting good reviews in newspapers here). The audience enjoyed it laughing at the more comedic moments.Looks like Your Name is breaking records in the UK as well:
Looks like Your Name is breaking records in the UK as well:
Overall show quality in the other direction.
Aw no.
Did the art quality drop again?
Overall show quality in the other direction.
They really should have taken the cour-break. This is just sad.
Rohan just straight up lying right here
ALL OUT!! Episode 8 Ball Games
Best boy on a team thats not the lead team, and he had a cute voice too so it made some of his lines hilarious and awesome.
I love seeing Iwashimizu falling completely apart like this, its so different and unique since hes usually the super ultra kind guy but now he's getting all angry.
I also like the Coach v Advisor plot going on, Too bad its something that will resolve in one game.
Izetta - #6
Fanservice of the day: Fine realizes that the girls surrounding her are better endowed than her, and even expresses her breast envy by uttering a paper-thin metaphor.
Poor All Out, this show had the worst timing ever for a fujosport.It's also kinda bad.
Texhnolyze 03-07
Man these first three episodes were a fucking slough I felt like I had no idea what any of these characters were doing or why the MC is so god damn pissed off. Hell I'm still not completely sure why he is so mad.I'm still sorta confused about the nature of this world though but I assume there will be more explanation of that as time goes on.At least now though it feels like there is plot going on between 2 rival factions and the man operating has a third party, though I'm still unsure of what his goal is here. Dude is a fucking cold blooded killer and so highly efficient it is scary. Basically you fuck with this guy or fuck him you get killed, eventually.
Oh and Onishi is the picture you see when you look up the word badass in a dictionary.
You're gonna carry that weight.
I want us to all be in pain together! Our bond will be forged through our shared wounds!
The Great Passage - 07
Nishioka is such a great character. I realized this week that I am watching the show for him, not Majime.
Those workplace powerplays he gets involved in are quite something.
It's brilliant. As we saw his foxy nature with everyone and how much we learned more about him and his life alongside his relationship with Miyoshi, I just became so much more invested on his side of the story than Majime's. To be fair, this is simply due to the fact that Majime doesn't stick out, that is his flaw within society anyway. He is a quiet and awkward guy, while Nishioka is outgoing, and seemingly always happy, although deep inside he is just as troubled as anyone else out there. I can actually relate to him and his personality, and maybe that is why I like him.
Haikyuu!! S3 - 08
Epicness. That catch by Shoyo was just epic shit right there. Everyone is exhausted at this point, and the match is basically at the very end, still it is so close. That shout at the end of the episode and the return ofwere exactly what the team needed to get their head back in the game, and even I felt an overwhelming feeling of hype with the whole thing. Next two weeks are going to be quite good.Tsukishima
Jesus, they talk so fast. This is like the Gilmore Girls of anime.
I don't know how to process this information. Yay? That reboot thing looked bad.
I can't actually tell how popular Yuri on Ice is. It seems to get massive retweets on Twitter and has multiple famous ice skaters at least commenting on its existence.
I can't actually tell how popular Yuri on Ice is. It seems to get massive retweets on Twitter and has multiple famous ice skaters at least commenting on its existence.