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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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You thought I was going to write about the biggest, greatest latest, Japanese blockbuster? I can’t possibly discuss that without first talking about the 1986 OVA masterpiece ‘Ai City’.


What is Ai City? Who is Ai City? Why is Ai City? These are all great questions that I do not have the capacity to answer. All I do is list the key FACTS:

Fact 1) This OVA was produced by Studio Toho, who produce about theatrical films like Seven Samurai and Detective Pickachu Movie.

Fact 2) This OVA was directed by Kōichi Mashimo, who used to make cool and fun things like Dirty Pair: Project Eden, Dominion Tank Police and The Irresponsible Captain Tylor but then became boring and started making stuff like Noir.

Fact 3) A bunch of animators and stuff worked on this, because the 80’s, as you can see here. I must admit, I only know the names of the biggest animators (e.g. Shinya Ohira) and lack the technical skill to pick which scenes were done by who. (Amusingly, one of the key animators was Nobuyoshi Habara, who you might know better as the main director of Fafner and Fafner: Exodus)

Fact 4) This OVA is based on a manga of the same name. I know this because Wikipedia told me and therefore it must be true. However, I can only assume it’s a very loose adaptation because this OVA is an almost incomprehensible fever dream.
Fact 4) Whatever I write about the plot of this OVA is summarised far better in this Engirsh song that plays during the movie (oh, didn’t I mention the soundtrack is by Shiro Sagisu?)

I think you should listen to it for all the important FACTS about Ai City:

Fact 5) Okay, really, I can try and explain the plot if you want.

So there’s these 2 psychics called K and Ai. They’re on the run from this physic organisation called Fraud, and their being chased by K2, E, Mr J and others. Oh, K isn’t really a physic, he’s a defective physic who can only go up to level 5 on his headmeter (a headmeter is like a power level that actually displays on your forehead when you power up your physic powers). Ai isn’t really a physic either, she’s a clone of K’s girlfriend, I, who got killed in an experiment when K and I were captured by Fraud. Ai is also the Trigger, whatever that means. Anywhere they’re also joined by Reiden, who is a PI that drinks a lot and has no place in the movie except to inexplicably become the centre of K2’s affection. There’s also a time-travelling cat that appears in every scene to make goofy faces. Anyway, they’re being chased by a real physic, K2, but not for long because when K2 attacks K and Ai they hold-hands and that gives K super-physic powers and he hits K2 so hard she loses all her clothes and is blown into another dimension. But not for long because Reideen helps her come back to the normal dimension, but she’s lost her clothes and her memory, although she luckily finds a bunny suit and a rocket launcher.

I haven't really spoiled anything because that’s kind of the first 5 minutes of the movie anyway.

Fact 6) This OVA really doesn’t make much sense on any level. The way it begins, the way it ends, everything in the middle, the characters, and the big plot twists – it all feels like they’ve compressed down a much longer work into a short running time. In essentially every scene you’ll find yourself asking like “Who are these people?” “Why is there a naked old man in a robot?” “Why is that cat wearing sunglasses?” and so on.

Fact 7) This movie might not be well directed but it still very pleasing to the eye. A well directed movie would be more cohesive, there'd be a logic to the editing and a clarity to the visual language. None of that is present here but it is constantly entertaining, surprising and innovative. Essentially it feels like everyone working on the movie had a lot of fun and brought their own ideas onto the project because it doesn’t feel like a unified vision. It feels like a bunch of very different, talented staff just doing weird stuff. I feel like I could post examples from just about any scene in the movie, but here's a smattering of the cool stuff:

Unusual Lighting

Cool Impact Frames

Surreal Imagery

Fun FX Animation

This Character Design

Fact 8) Ai City is the quintessentially 80’s anime. It’s got everything: physics, motorcycle chases, bunny girls, gore, neon, transforming robots, lasers, big hair – you name it -

I guess the only missing element would be an aerobics class featuring leg warmers but I will forgive it for this one sin.

Fact 9) Ai City has one of the best cats in an 80’s OVA featuring physics:

Fact 10) Project Ai has an amazing script and one of the greatest endings in anime:

Fact 11) If you want to watch something ‘good’ you should probably avoid this. But if you don’t mind sitting through a confusing mess of fun nonsense to see some cool scenes then you should probably watch Dirty Pair: Project Eden. Then, once that is out of the way, you can watch Ai City. It's certainly a more entertaining and interesting failure than Megazone 23.


Izetta 9

Le sigh. I usually resent this kind of setup where the big bad basically knows everything, either has everything from the very beginning or acquires them more or less effortlessly and any setbacks or such are either utterly superficial or otherwise insignificant. Something like this has been coming ever the Emperor basically just laughed when told about Izetta and it materialized here. The utter, smug infallibility of Berkman and the Emperor is just bleh.

Now episode 10 will be despair and pain, likely a little brainwashing and some molesting, episode 11 will be when the Royal Guard and Fine will mount some guerilla rescue operation that turns sour at first, maybe ending the episode there and then episode 12 will be Fine giving Izetta some nakama-speech that will snap her to fighting condition and so on and so forth.



"Gintama" Creator Comments On How Much Manga Authors Make From Anime Adaptations

I have a question. A while ago, my mother heard that the Gintama animation film was a big hit, and commented that “(Hideaki Sorachi) must be living at [luxury highrise] Roppongi Hills since it’s so popular”. Is that true?

To tell the naked truth, regardless of how many people watch the film or how much the gross earnings are, not a single yen goes to the author. We are only paid an upfront license fee. The amount we’re paid is peanuts in comparison to the overall box office gross. The majority of the profits go to filthy unscrupulous companies such as Shueisha and Sunrise. Releasing individual manga volumes is way more profitable.

But the reason why I slog to fulfill these film adaptations, to the extent that I’m peeing blood, is because there is a place in this world that is more wonderful than a mansion at Roppongi Hills. And that place, ma’am, is in your heart.

If Gintama can reach the hearts of the masses, I wouldn’t mind living in a hill made of cardboard. The authors are the only ones who harbour such honest intentions with their creations.

So ma’am, if you’re feeling sorry for us, don’t just watch the movies, but also buy our books so that we can live at Roppongi Hills with the publishing royalties.
Texhnolyze 2

Better than the first ep.

I think I can see where this heading.
Guy gets a texh arm and leg from the woman, and ends up helping the clairvoyant girl?
Also, how the hell did he not die (aside from plot armor)? Did that dude from Organo not actually shoot him three times?
Fact 5) Okay, really, I can try and explain the plot if you want.

So there’s these 2 psychics called K and Ai. They’re on the run from this physic organisation called Fraud, and their being chased by K2, E, Mr J and others. Oh, K isn’t really a physic, he’s a defective physic who can only go up to level 5 on his headmeter (a headmeter is like a power level that actually displays on your forehead when you power up your physic powers). Ai isn’t really a physic either, she’s a clone of K’s girlfriend, I, who got killed in an experiment when K and I were captured by Fraud. Ai is also the Trigger, whatever that means. Anywhere they’re also joined by Reiden, who is a PI that drinks a lot and has no place in the movie except to inexplicably become the centre of K2’s affection. There’s also a time-travelling cat that appears in every scene to make goofy faces. Anyway, they’re being chased by a real physic, K2, but not for long because when K2 attacks K and Ai they hold-hands and that gives K super-physic powers and he hits K2 so hard she loses all her clothes and is blown into another dimension. But not for long because Reideen helps her come back to the normal dimension, but she’s lost her clothes and her memory, although she luckily finds a bunny suit and a rocket launcher.

I haven't really spoiled anything because that’s kind of the first 5 minutes of the movie anyway.

You haven't spoiled anything because my brain cannot process these words.


Tiger Mask W 08

I ain't gonna lie I would buy that Tiger Mask shirt and I don't even like this show a whole lot

Why does Miss X have a secretary that just follows her around holding a whip so she can give it to Miss X?

obv directorial decision to further demonstrate GWM's revel in excess what with the new arena they built, tiger's den being a big fucking tiger on a big fucking mountain, and their stable of wrestlers they can afford to keep on hand just for the sake of fucking others up.

this is opposite of the spartan zipangu promotion where yamato damashii is so strong the guy running it bled such that his bandage became a japanese flag that inspired an orphaned kid displaced by natural disaster to follow his dream and thereby achieve it via hard work & guts

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
Sp, I was re-watching the original Gunbuster recently and it reminded me of something that I always wondered about the show. Why was the last episode done in black and white? Was it a creative decision or budget issues? Has an explanation ever been given for that?


Sp, I was re-watching the original Gunbuster recently and it reminded me of something that I always wondered about the show. Why was the last episode done in black and white? Was it a creative decision or budget issues? Has an explanation ever been given for that?

Creative decision. Unlike filming live action in black and white, they still had to actually paint everything in grey scale and then film in color. Not aimed at you but I think calling it Black and White is doing it a huge disservice since a careful consideration had obviously been put into place regarding tones and shadows during this episode, and so the team had to develop a deeper understanding in regards to how the different shades of grey complimented each other. Ironically the last episode was actually the most expensive of the six and its easy to see why. Nobody had really done anything like it before and so not only did it look cool but it also added an extra emotional depth to the ending whilst also having the added affect of mimicking the documentaries of yesteryear that focused on the war and such that conjured up the exact atmosphere that they were aiming for. It's almost impossible to just take existing colored animation and make it "B&W" without it looking like shit, especially back on those old TV's and so instead they had to design around such limitations and in doing so Episode 6 is quite evidently the most detailed episode of the bunch.

nsfw I guess: https://i.imgur.com/EWjtYCe.jpg


WWW .Working 09

First real laugh out loud moment I've had during this show. One thing I can say about this show that I like more than the original working is that it resolves most of the shipping stuff rather quickly. We already have two couples now dating, though one of the couples is doing it for petty nonsensical reasons. Saiki is still probably the best character since his only gag is still pretty solid.

It's still the best show of the season at the very least.

This must be one mediocre season then.
they did what it took Working like 3 seasons and a movie.

Not to say they did it effectively though. Every character that wasn't part of a ship is completely in the background. Moreso than in the first show
That's what happens when you want to make a long-running weekly anime out of a long-running weekly manga without having a couple years of original material.

And it doesn't help matters that these days Oda is basically just running one long story arc after another with no real way to be putting in original stories (hell, I don't think the whole crew has even been together for like three years at this point). So Toei is really stuck between a rock and a hard place.
Victory gundam 48-END

Overall all this as now reached my top gundam shows.

Every character was amazing! Uso as to be one of the best MC in gundam in general, he was was ressourceful, likeable, shown to be vulnerable and he progressed so much since episode 1, truly a fantastic character.

It had some of my favorite gundam battles of all time(that last battle with the V2 using is Wings of Light as a shield HOLY SHIT).

Thw show artstyle was amazing, it's imo the perfect continuation from the other Tomino gundam shows. Colors were great and it had some fantastic environnement shots.

Story wise, it was great, the build up to the final was very well done. It constantly went up, never really slowing down. And that final battle had the absurdity level put to maximum! It made every last second of it amazing.

On a emotional level it stayed pretty consistent, but the one thing that pushed me to tear up a little was in the last episode where Karlmann said is first few words and tried to stand up, it was too much....the mix from the sweetness and cuteness from Karl with his desire to see Shahkti come back was amazing for me during the climax from the final battle.

Last few points, Katejina finished insane, she deserved that ending, crazy woman!

Also with how everyone was talking about this show, I was expecting much worst for deaths. While it was not tame, it was not anything particulary intense.

In conclusion this was amazing, it's really the first Tomino show that resonate with me and it resonated so well. Shame the other UC stuff he made just did not feel right for me.
And it doesn't help matters that these days Oda is basically just running one long story arc after another with no real way to be putting in original stories (hell, I don't think the whole crew has even been together for like three years at this point). So Toei is really stuck between a rock and a hard place.

That and Oda takes a break at least once a month now. I'm not really sure what Toei is supposed to do but aghhhhhhh

Well, if artistic integrity mattered they could just stop airing the anime until enough manga material was built up to not have to resort to a 1:1 episode to chapter pacing. But keeping the cash cow constantly flowing is obviously the most important thing here.


Key the Metal Idol 1

Robots. Idols. How can you get any better? This is actually weirder than it seems at first glance. It's about a robot girl whose grandfather/caretaker dies and tells her that if she wants to become a human, she needs to make 30,000 friends. So she decides to become an idol to accomplish that. Well, not in this episode, but presumably the next. Key is disturbingly not human, from her speaking patterns to her inhuman eyes. It's pretty effective actually. There's also some plot about robot weaponry? It wasn't really clear what was going on there. Well, this show seems interesting enough at least.


That and Oda takes a break at least once a month now. I'm not really sure what Toei is supposed to do but aghhhhhhh

Not really sure how the "we can never take breaks" thing with shounen anime got started. Why can't it be seasonal like most countries to their shows. Only shows I can think of that never stop producing new episodes without a break are game shows.
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