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Autumn Anime 2016 |OT| The seasons change, but we're still Falling for Euri

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You're confusing intent with results.

Intent: She wants to make up for quitting the club in her 2nd year
Result: She's putting extra pressure on a good part of the club

If she truly wants to help, the best thing to do is just to let the matter drop. You know what's her real reason for wanting to go back? Because she realized, after Kitauji won the qualifiers, to everyone's surprise, that she missed her chance at being in a real competitive band, and now she wants to attach herself to the band to feed off their leftover glory like a remora.

I think S1 made it clear Asuka's the "leader" in all but name and Taki cares less about student drama than even Asuka does.

No, I think she's always had this "problem" so to speak. Her arc this season is probably overcoming her shyness or whatever the fuck.

I do too but I think Nozomi's motivations are mostly selfish. I'm reminded distinctly of that phenomenon during natural disasters or crises where people will go to volunteer to assuage their white/privilege guilt and wind up making more trouble for everyone involved because of their lack of training or experience. Not that Nozomi isn't a competent player but, when the club needed her perseverance she ran away (for perfectly justifiable reasons, mind you), but now that the club has found success without her she feels like she's missing out. Notice, she never tried to rejoin at any point before Kitauji's success.

I think the specific term here is "fair weather friend". At least with people like the previous third years, you know where you stand. A "friend" you can't trust is far more dangerous, emotionally.

She is probably doing it out of some selfish intent but I don't see that in her actions, there is noticeable sincerity and a love for music that is driving her. Hell, Kumiko explicitly asks if she loves playing. I can understand how bitter she is over her decision(part of which was Natsuki's fault).

Maybe it is better for her to let it go but I can't see her doing that without a more concrete reason. The only "pressure" I can see the band is feeling due to her request is curiosity and debate, don't see it affecting their performance yet. Didn't Kumiko and Asuka's get selected for a special part in the performance right this episode. If it was implicit or explicit that they are being affected by her I wouldn't refute. Do correct me if I'm missing something. If anything I can just see Mizore doing less than impressive but who knows if that will resolve if Nozomi gives up.

Asuka is a leader just not in name but that's the thing she is aware of that and working towards it, if she directly approached the president or more capable people, again I wouldn't refute. Capable in the sense that they would let her in officially and formally. Asuka herself said that it's not in her hands but 'personally' she is against it.

Mizore should step forward but that of course is easier said than done and probably what the show will tackle eventually. I just wanted to make clear that she has to make her move as well.

Fair weather friend is a bit extreme for Nozomi I think and you've stated enough reasons to think so.

(On mobile so quoted the whole thing)


Gi(a)rlish number 02

Chitose protag of the year


"it's a harem, there are five heroines"


"they're all bitches inside"

I love this show.
Izetta: The Last Witch 3

Some fun action on the battlefield. It was predictable, but I'm still enjoying everything so far. Izetta does seem a bit OP though, lol.

If anyone is interested, the simuldub is live on Funi.

Trickster 3

My patience is wearing thin with this one. We're 0/3 on good mysteries. I was forgiving on the last episode, but this was totally lackluster. Kobayashi seemed like an interesting character at first, but he's just kinda whiny, and they don't seem all that consistent with what can and can't get near him.


Unconfirmed Member
Just finished watching both season 1 and season 2. Both were good. But season 1 was way better than 2 IMO.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Gi(a)rlish number 02

Chitose protag of the year


"it's a harem, there are five heroines"


"they're all bitches inside"

I love this show.
Sounds hilarious.


quick i need a 7 char. vanity license plate idea that hides my power level
EDIT: Went with See you space cowboy plate holder and 'Bang.' license plate


*Summer of 2015*

I'm pretty sure Evilore deleted most of the posts, if that tells you anything...

Got curious and looked it up. Edit: Nevermind.

Mushishi Episode 3-5

All the stories have been great so far, and quite interesting. I'm actually enjoying this far more than Natsume ( curently on S4) which is also a supernatural SOL show, i think it's probably due to Mushishi just having an overall better pacing.

There's a story in Mushishi Zoku Shou S2 that blew my mind because of how well written and paced it was *spoiler*
The story about the man reliving his life several times before noticing something was up.
The end of the story seemed so natural to me. I love Mushishi. It's not afraid of ending a story without a happy end and in a very melancholic way. Definitely in my Top 5 GOAT.
Yuri om Ice 1x03

Do I dare get my hopes up and think that they might have Yuri and Victor actually get together? Like, a legitimate romantic relationship?? Because they are pushing that angle hard. I know that general expectations dictate otherwise, and most will say it's all just meant to be a tease that will amount to nothing, but I'd love it if all that was thrown out the window and they had the gumption to actually go for it. Setting myself up for disappointment! :D

Too bad the animation tanked this episode. It was really distracting.


I don't know why people want to dance around the issue like it shames you or that the community is not better off without people who feel it was so important to stand up and defend the right of people to talk about the sexualization of underage girls in anime. If you want that sort of community, go find it somewhere else. That's not here.


@duckroll: The way you word it, it's pretty disgusting, so I guess you have a point.
Never watched TLR, but it seems the loli bait is pretty strong in this one? :/
What is she doing that seems inherently bad?
I simply don't like people who show a false friendly face like her. Despite the friendly facade she puts on, she actually doesn't give a shit about the other students and their issues.

I wouldn't have a problem with her if she just acted like your typical cold, results driven person that she actually is.


I don't know why people go "I want to say something but I don't want to be banned". That's like posting "Yo dawg, ban me bro!" Why?


Sorry for bringing up an old discussion, guys. I edited my post. My bad.

Sölf;220833841 said:
Yeah, so, the Berserk Bluray, right? It's on the left side. Right side is the TV version.


Yooo this looks way better. I think I'll give Berserk 2016 a chance after all.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Sölf;220833841 said:
Yeah, so, the Berserk Bluray, right? It's on the left side. Right side is the TV version.


Damn the facial expression really makes guts feel like he's the black swordsman. I might actually buy the Blu-ray to convince my friend to get into berserk.


Sölf;220833841 said:
Yeah, so, the Berserk Bluray, right? It's on the left side. Right side is the TV version.


Sheesh, the one one the right is a creepy doll that feeds on human souls. Having watched one or two episodes, I found it funny that the characters were inexpressive, and also prone to looping extremely short animations when they were talking or stuff.

Like, one of the strong points of 3D is that camera work doesn't place too much of a burden on character animators, so it was a real letdown to see so many cuts that basically held the camera in place while non-main characters repeatedly yapped their mouths to speak, and that 90% of animations of anything not named Guts were absolutely devoid of life and/or character.


Huge Nickleback Fan
You know, if Nozomi decide to join back after she become 3rd year, Asuka is probably more accepting. Asuka know she's a good player, and they need every good player to make it to national. But no, Nozomi decide to join after Kitauji won gold. If i was in Asuka position, i'll be pissed too


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I simply don't like people who show a false friendly face like her. Despite the friendly facade she puts on, she actually doesn't give a shit about the other students and their issues.

I wouldn't have a problem with her if she just acted like your typical cold, results driven person that she actually is.
It is impossible to really say if she cares about the people or not. Maybe she does not, but ultimately her goal is to protect a shared pursuit. She is fairly straightforward here with her intentions. She is not tricking or manipulating others to accomplish some motive they are unaware of. She is protecting the band and the work they've put into improving. If she was completely uncaring she would not bother to conceal this information, but she realizes that knowing the truth will just hurt the involved parties in what amounts to a needless risk.


They put out a video (It's NSFW) and the changes really aren't all that. They remade that one scene, but the others had little change or are intact. And the SFX are still there.


Maturity, bitches.
Shelter 1

Doesn't she need to eventually.. feed? I mean something that small can't carry food for that long. What if something breaks down.

0/10 immersion broken not enough big
ship like in Alien

Well if this was an anime the creators would have considered all this, but since it's not anime you just get phoned in ideas.
You know, if Nozomi decide to join back after she become 3rd year, Asuka is probably more accepting. Asuka know she's a good player, and they need every good player to make it to national. But no, Nozomi decide to join after Kitauji won gold. If i was in Asuka position, i'll be pissed too

To be fair, it's not like the club showed any inclination to actually want to go for nationals at the start of the year. It was a depressingly unmotivated mess and neither Haruka nor Asuka did anything about it.
Asuka does put up a facade that gives people the impression that she's a fun loving, friendly and helpful person. Although she might be that to some degree, her primary focus is increasing her own Euphonium skills and pushing the band forward. Well and it obviously sucks for the people who eventually realize who she really is because being 'lied' to due to ulterior motives always sucks.

That's not to say that she's a terrible person but I certainly do consider this a fault. There's quite a few layers to her and she's certainly among my favorite Eupho characters. It was nice to find out that there was more to her denial of Nozomi last episode.


Flip Flappers Episode 3:

This remake of Fist of the North Star is very odd. Also, I am pleased they are not beating around the bush in regards to Papika's obvious love towards Cocona, might have something to do with this Direct Drive business.
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