Juuni Taisen Episode 1:
Not sure what to make of this exactly, other then this seems to be the seasonal execution series. I have a feeling that given the exceeding amount of backstory given toNot sure if we are going to get anything definitive until like the end of the series. Still, I could see this becoming my Tuesday series.boar in this episode, she may not be ganked yet.
Juuni Taisen 01
Damn, that was violent. I love it already.
Konohana Kitan - 01
Sort of a weird start since it just jumps right into the heart of the matter. Actually, did they even tell us why she wants to work there? Regardless, overall it was pretty okay.
Konohana Kitan - 01
Sort of a weird start since it just jumps right into the heart of the matter. Actually, did they even tell us why she wants to work there? Regardless, overall it was pretty okay.
Well if you put it that way, yeah.This is the fall season's yuri show, right? Yuri and furry to be exact...
This looks so pretty. I need to watch this for sure.Urahara - 01
I have no idea what I just watched. But this is my jam.
I'm not an expert at these drinks anyway. Most of the time I hope they're kind of sweet so it goes down easier, haha
Stop watching the show lol. Tri ruined any single love i had for old Digimon anime here.
i'm kinda tempted tho by those dub voices
please tell me they replaced the music with the good old garbage/awesome punk bullshit
I'm not an expert at these drinks anyway. Most of the time I hope they're kind of sweet so it goes down easier, haha
Eww, fuck Bud.
>not having a fully stocked bar in your flat.Love is Like a Cocktail in that I look at a menu where I don't understand what half the ingredients are so I just look for names of fruits.
Just grab a Bud/Mich light then.
Just grab a Bud/Mich light then.
I live in my mother's basement.>not having a fully stocked bar in your flat.
the most :cornbread of all booze choices
Jesus christ why
It's no wonder that Kiritobread's shit tastes extends to beer also. How far does it go?
Whenever I hear alcohol names I always assume they were made up on the fly. The heck is a splet anyway?
Well I guess not all of them are made up then
Well, cocktails don't grow on trees.
Well, cocktails don't grow on trees.
We'll have one of those in your name in Tokyo!I would bet money that it means Plumspread and not Plum splet.
Edit: No it doesn't
So what's in an Dammit beaten.I live in my mother's basement.
So while I don't know what goes into a cocktail
I do know what's in an OP.
Well, cocktails don't grow on trees.
So what's in an... Dammit beaten.
If I open my own anime themed bar I'm having a cocktail called the OP.
Also reproducing my 'Tequila Gundam' cocktail.
Most mixed drinks are just stuff people threw together and then gave a name. Mixed drinks are pretty much all made up.
I refuse to change my mind on Black Clover the manga, but 4 minutes into the anime and I realized I had to apologize to people here. The actual story of the first episode is still fine IMO, but...wow. Asta's voice actor is enough to make me delete the show. Why the fuck is he yelling for every fucking line??? Like, the character's energetic in the manga but holy shit! He's got that "mid-battle, straining off the last technique" voice all the time??
I'm sticking with this show because I get paid to write about it, but ugh. As bad as I wanted to see some of the cool moments in the show animated, it'll be hard to do it on mute. I may actually even go dub eventually lol.