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Avatar Community |OT| Live. Die. Repeat.

But Republic City IS his way of doing things. The avatar is all about disbanding of illusions of seperation, and that's what Republic City does, making itself to be the melting pot of all 3 nations.

If you're trying to make the case that the world can continue existing without the avatar, that's obviously true. It was true even before, because they needed to take a 20 year break every time an avatar died. But everything progressive about what makes Republic City what it is is due directly to the Avatar making an executive decision on what Republic City stands for: The merging of the nations.

It's not that simple. If it were, Roku wouldn't have insisted that Aang make good on his promise to kill Zuko over the latter's support for the Earth Kingdom/Fire Nation hybrid colony that would eventually become Republic City, nor would Aang have felt the need to sever his connection to Roku over the same issue. While each Avatar ultimately makes his or her own choices, it's clear that there are certain expectations regarding the preservation of the four nations as separate entities that the Avatars up to this point had adhered to; expectations that the creation of Republic City transgressed upon. This is why I hold that the existence Republic City itself a testament to the diminishing relevance of The Avatar as a messianic guide in the world. In supporting the creation of Republic City, Aang prioritized his own values and judgments over the those that were traditionally taught to the Avatar, much like he did when he chose to spare Ozai's life. Avatar values opposed what would eventually become a symbol of progressivism and unity in the ATLA universe.


Eh, I don't see the comics as canon, especially since they act wildly out of character from their TV show counterparts.

And anyway, it doesn't change that the person who you are proporting has progressed beyond the values of the avatar is the goddamn avatar. If the progressiveness of the Republic City is what the world needed, and that was spear head by the avatar, then you're still arguing that the world needs the avatar to spearhead progressiveness.
I also generally don't view the comics as canon, but I make an exception for The Promise because it was clearly developed alongside Korra to some extent and tells a story that has a visible impact on the animated universe.

But otherwise, you're kinda missing my point. I'm not talking about the Avatar as a person. I'm talking about the Avatar as a larger-than-life symbol. A symbol that encompasses a fairly rigid set of values. A symbol that influences and guides the world according to those values. By prioritizing his personal values over the values he is supposed to embody as the Avatar (in a world that has up until this point been guided by those values), Aang has weakened the Avatar's influence as a symbol. And a loss of reverence for the rigid set of values that the Avatar once represented, for the very idea of the Avatar, is a clear, recurring element throughout Legend of Korra.


When have these values your referring to have ever been established? As far as I can recall, the symbol of the avatar is one of balance and peace. The avatar was a resolver of conflicts as a public service, but it didn't stand for any particular value beyond that. The avatars mostly just did what they thought was right. If that meant killing off a warmongering warlord, that's what Kyoshi did, if it meant abandoning the way of peace, that's what Yangchen went for.

The only one I can think of is Roku's insistence that the 4 nations are meant to be 4 nations. But I don't think Republic City is necessarily a rebellion against that idea, since it's not a nation in itself and doesn't eliminate the 3 remaining nations. It just seems to be a kind of experiment. But it's only Roku that every argued that case, and it was one against imperialism.

Beyond that, I don't really see is the connection between the Avatar and Traditionalism. What being the avatar means, beyond being a agent of peace, seems to be up to whoever has the body at the time.


I'm going easy on ya, brah. But it's cool, it's been a while since actual Avatar discussion has happened. You are the first one to bring up an actual discussion point in over a year, at least.
Damn, this is my first time getting Veelk'd. *wipes brow*

I'll make a reply tomorrow morning. I'm exhausted, haha.

Not seeing multiple paragraphs from him though so this is a pretty mild version *shrugs*

Indeed lol.

continue though since its been a while any discussion has happened, especially one where the main point isn't Korra (the show and/or the character) wasn't great


This too, while you brew some coffee to prepare yourself for reading the god damn thing.

I think when he was bitching about Kratos in some thread he hit the max character limit.
What? Nah.....well, I did hit the max in some other cases, but not when talking about Kratos. I think.

I think I hit the max in my first posts on gaf, which were Halo reviews and had to break it apart between 2 posts.
What? Nah.....well, I did hit the max in some other cases, but not when talking about Kratos. I think.

I think I hit the max in my first posts on gaf, which were Halo reviews and had to break it apart between 2 posts.
Yeah I don't remember what the context was, but I know you said you hit it a few times, which I found hilarious.


I reread like the first chapter, and even then I was like 'nah'

I'm still skimming it tho.

I just got off WoT. I don't need another masochistic reading streak quite yet.
Eh, I don't see the comics as canon, especially since they act wildly out of character from their TV show counterparts.

Sorry, you don't get to choose what is or isn't canon in an discussion like this. It feels like you're picking and choosing just to win the argument.

The comics are just as canon as the original show is.


Sorry, you don't get to choose what is or isn't canon in an discussion like this. It feels like you're picking and choosing just to win the argument.

The comics are just as canon as the original show is.

Honestly, without going into full Veelk mode, it really comes down to that. You CAN choose what's Canon and what's not as far as I'm concerned. Keep in mind, I'm dismissing the comics because they're bad and have massive inconsistencies of their own, not just because it's convenient for my argument. Also, I went on to point out how they weren't that relevant to the point being discussed, so even if the comics were Canon, the coversation would have proceeded as it did anyway. I didn't throw out anything.

Honestly, without going into full Veelk mode, it really comes down to that. You CAN choose what's Canon and what's not as far as I'm concerned. Keep in mind, I'm dismissing the comics because they're bad and have massive inconsistencies of their own, not just because it's convenient for my argument. Also, I went on to point out how they weren't that relevant to the point being discussed, so even if the comics were Canon, the coversation would have proceeded as it did anyway. I didn't throw out anything.

I guess if thats the case the new Star Wars movie isn't canon because I didn't like it

Essentially, you're arguing that canon doesn't matter because you say it doesn't matter. But whatever, it's obvious that no matter what anyone says you will never change your mind on such a matter, since we've argued about this exact thing months ago. Go ahead and continue to live in your fantasy.


I guess if thats the case the new Star Wars movie isn't canon because I didn't like it

Essentially, you're arguing that canon doesn't matter because you say it doesn't matter. But whatever, it's obvious that no matter what anyone says you will never change your mind on such a matter, since we've argued about this exact thing months ago. Go ahead and continue to live in your fantasy.

Now you're getting it. You're really weird for not liking the awesome Ep 7, but you got the right idea.

But no, that's not the fundamental reason why Kyled's stance is contentious. It's because he's referring to a certain said of conservative values that Aang supposedly broke away from that imo don't exist, and I'm asking him to reference where those were established. Because right now, we just have Roku having one opinion (Something established both in comics and the show) on what the nations should be, while the mission statement of ALL avatars is maintaining balance. I don't see Republic City as a change of balance, so I'm asking more reasons why he believes that the avatar shifted his progressivism beyond that. Like I said, this doesn't seem a break from what Avatar's usually do, just an experimentation on a new way to do it. Otherwise, you're arguing that the avatar also prohibited trade between the nations as well, which I highly doubt. I mean, if nothing else, you'd think something as major as the fundamental purpose of the avatar would be mentioned within the show that revolves around the main character fulfilling his purpose as the avatar rather than being revealed in some hackjob comic that only a tiny portion of the Avatar fanbase will bother to read.

As for living in a fantasy, I can't think of a better description of what it means to read or watch a story. That's what it means to read fiction.
Actually, I'm just gonna have to concede and take an L. I've got a lot going on, so I won't be able to concentrate on this enough to do my argument any justice, heh.

Though I suppose the core of my position would have been that we can't view any of the previous Avatars' opinions and actions outside of the context of the Avatar cycle, especially when ATLA repeatedly emphasized the degree to which acting in service of Peace and Balance took precedence over the formation of an identity for the individual serving as the Avatar. Using this as a springboard, I believe there's enough consistency in the the opinions expressed and actions taken by Avatars Roku, Kyoshi, and Yangchen, and the various figures who take up the responsibility of guiding the Avatar (the Air Acolytes, Guru Pathik, Jeong Jeong etc.) that we can infer some fairly specific expectations regarding how Peace and Balance should be enforced by the Avatar.


It's not an L, Kyled. It's just shelving the discussion for another time. I don't see these things as winning or losing, just an exchange of ideas.

Anyway, I guess that's fair to infer there are probably some traditions....I mean, that's just how societies work, we repeat ourselves to standardize something. I can totally believe there exist some traditions, but without knowing what they are, we can't tell for sure if Aang is being all renegade avatar on us. For all we know, one tradition is that perhaps avatars are expected to influence some kind of new establishment every cycle. Kyoshi created the Kyoshi Warriors, for example. Perhaps Republic City was just his project.
We've got Korra comiiiiiiics


Korra’s predecessor, Avatar: The Last Airbender, has continued its story in graphic novels, and now Korra is poised to do the same with a three-part graphic novel series from Dark Horse called Turf Wars. The first installment is due out June 2017 from series co-creator Michael DiMartino and artist Irene Koh (with feedback from the series’ other co-creator, Bryan Konietzko).

The Legend of Korra famously ended with a romantic pairing between its two female leads. Turf Wars is set to pick up right where the series left off, as Korra and Asami return from the spirit world to find Republic City in disarray. The new spirit portal has caused no end of chaos, as a pompous developer plans to turn it into an amusement park and the triads reunite just in time to cause trouble for the city’s many evacuees.

If the interiors look anything like that cover art, I'll be super happy. Way better than the stuff Gurihiru's been doing.
"The Legend of Korra wrapped up back in 2014..." has it really been that long ago? Oh and it seems the first announced artist did drop off at some point. Could explain why this took so long.
I'm actually open to Kuvira appearing now that Zelda Williams won't be able to shit her up with her terrible voice acting.
I blame the script more than Zelda to be honest. Zelda's got a deep sultry voice that actually fit the appearance of Zelda, they probably just told her to be a bit flat.
I... was not expecting that to be a controversial statement. TIL people liked Zelda Williams' performance. Her acting is one of the most grating parts of Book 4 for me.


Say what you want about the Avatar comics and the writing, but the art is anything but bad

I wouldn't say it's bad at all. I just find their style a bit dull.
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