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Avengers: Age of Ultron | Production Thread

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I hope Age of Ultron has a sense of danger in it, thats one thing I felt the marvel movies really missed out on. The movies are fun but the villains are usually generic and don't really feel threatening, and at no point do the heroes really seem like they're in serious danger. I think winter soldier fixed this by having hard hitting action sequences. You could really feel the punches.
My Ultron jack-o-lantern ready for tomorrow night. I expect it to become self aware and wipe out all trick or treaters before the night ends.

I never understood the "shot for TV" criticisms? Like, can someone educate me? Offer comparison shots or something? Because the original Avengers always looked just fine to me - trailers as well. I actually quite liked the cinematography - many of the SHIELD scenes in particular.

Maybe it's because I don't watch TV, really. What are fundamental differences between TV cinematography and television cinematography, outside special effects tending to look much better in the former due to enhanced budgets?

I mean, Serenity was a beautifully shot movie IMO, and I've heard that criticism there, too. I just don't get it.

It's just shot like a TV show would be shot: very utilitarian. Angles serve their purpose to frame the shot and nothing more, nothing to give off any sort of tone or emotion. Also the lighting makes it look very.... cheap, in retrospect. Especially the indoor shots. It looks like a set, when it's not supposed to.


I hope Age of Ultron has a sense of danger in it, thats one thing I felt the marvel movies really missed out on. The movies are fun but the villains are usually generic and don't really feel threatening, and at no point do the heroes really seem like they're in serious danger. I think winter soldier fixed this by having hard hitting action sequences. You could really feel the punches.
They did undermine that by making Cap noticeably superior to Bucky, so at no point you're thinking Cap was in any danger.
lol. Now I'm totally pulling this out of my ass but for some reason I keep thinking that there was an acknowledgment that to wield Thor's hammer you have to both be willing to defend the innocent and destroy evil, truly destroy it, as in maybe having to take a life to do it.

I was thinking that Cap isn't committed enough to destroying evil. Maybe he's always willing to fight but he would prefer not to have to. Maybe he would need to be willing to take the hammer and slay evil with it's power?

It's something to do with being a devoted honorable warrior, so something like that akin to what you said. It's sort of like how The Great One, Spider-man, has such a near unbreakable moral code of heroics and responsibility even beyond Cap, but can't pick up the hammer but Cap eventually could.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Already kind of mentioned but the whole Cap and the Hammer thing and why can't he lift it already is tied up in a BUNCH of stuff to do with Asgard and shit.

Worthy means very different things to a super soldier from WW2 compared to a Viking God. Part of the whole deal is that you are a worthy warrior - meaning fearless, driven, focused and willing to kill.

Fucking Thanos is going to wreck house. Thanos is going to straight up kill some people. And folks... when someone kills Caps friends? gtfo the way.


It's just shot like a TV show would be shot: very utilitarian. Angles serve their purpose to frame the shot and nothing more, nothing to give off any sort of tone or emotion. Also the lighting makes it look very.... cheap, in retrospect. Especially the indoor shots. It looks like a set, when it's not supposed to.
Except tv shows these days feature some of the best direction and lighting around so that complaint as a phrase doesn't hole up
I really hope captain marvel and inhuman are introduced early in other film before their movie. I want Captain Marvel and Inhuman movie to be part of Infinity War event and not an origin movie. So we basically got a huge event spanning 4 movies in one year. Man that'd be some super satisfying shit to see.


I hope Age of Ultron has a sense of danger in it, thats one thing I felt the marvel movies really missed out on. The movies are fun but the villains are usually generic and don't really feel threatening, and at no point do the heroes really seem like they're in serious danger. I think winter soldier fixed this by having hard hitting action sequences. You could really feel the punches.

I agree with this - the opening scene on the ship felt brutal and looked painful
Already kind of mentioned but the whole Cap and the Hammer thing and why can't he lift it already is tied up in a BUNCH of stuff to do with Asgard and shit.

Worthy means very different things to a super soldier from WW2 compared to a Viking God. Part of the whole deal is that you are a worthy warrior - meaning fearless, driven, focused and willing to kill.

Fucking Thanos is going to wreck house. Thanos is going to straight up kill some people. And folks... when someone kills Caps friends? gtfo the way.

My theory is one needs utter conviction and that cap has a smidgen of self doubt.
I don't think cap has any qualms about killing the enemy lol, I mean the guys who survived the boat raid from TWS are gonna be cripples.




What I get hung up on is why Cap would be 'become' worthy at some point. It feels like he should already be able to move it in that scene. Exactly what would happen to officially make him worthy. Cap's about the most honest and true person in the MCU so maybe it some kind of recognition of how the power should be used?

He's lifting the hammer at a party with friends.

Bit different from 'I have to lift this to save the world/stop the villain.'


It's just shot like a TV show would be shot: very utilitarian. Angles serve their purpose to frame the shot and nothing more, nothing to give off any sort of tone or emotion. Also the lighting makes it look very.... cheap, in retrospect. Especially the indoor shots. It looks like a set, when it's not supposed to.

The best example I have is Nick Fury and Maria Hill discussing the danger of the Cosmic Cube while casually walking down a hallway.

Films are meant to move and have pace. That scene undermined the threat entirely - if they don't care to run fast and move with pace over THAT threat, then it's not really blocked/shot well. In contrast to the Russo Brothers who kept pace at all times, and when they didn't it was because the scene HAD dramatic tension rather than action tension.


Yeah, been posted...but always a great scene to see....

I think you can see it better in this (which is the entire conference):

Watching this was really interesting.
It's always strange how things are reported and then watching the event itself.
Things I picked up on we're not the same things mentioned by those covering the event live.

Also, I thought this was a professional press event. It seemed borderline rude to me when they were shouting over the actors at the end. I understand enthusiasm but sheesh.


What I get hung up on is why Cap would be 'become' worthy at some point. It feels like he should already be able to move it in that scene. Exactly what would happen to officially make him worthy. Cap's about the most honest and true person in the MCU so maybe it some kind of recognition of how the power should be used?
Maybe it's because he's trying to move it with strength and not with purpose or whatever.

Cap wielding Mjollnir was foreshadowed back in The First Avenger. The Red Skull is said to believe that "the Gods are waiting for a superior man" and that's why he demands the Super-Soldier Serum in the first place; the implication is that Cap is that superior man. He's the one who will literally be able to wield the power of the Gods.


Maybe it's because he's trying to move it with strength and not with purpose or whatever.

Cap wielding Mjollnir was foreshadowed back in The First Avenger. The Red Skull is said to believe that "the Gods are waiting for a superior man" and that's why he demands the Super-Soldier Serum in the first place; the implication is that Cap is that superior man. He's the one who will literally be able to wield the power of the Gods.

So much conversation on what is going to amount to Cap picking up the hammer and whacking Ultron. It will be a great scene, but about 20 seconds long.

And yeah, if they're loading Chekov's gun this early in Age of Ultron, I'm sure it will be Ultron and not Thanos who gets whacked.


Sounds like "Thor didnt say where he was going for answers?"

Yup, sounds most like it.

I love this scene because it travels further down the path of the ideology-difference between Cap and Tony. Tony wants to end the fight before it begins, Cap wants to stop it as soon as possible with the least amount of innocent casualties. They started this in Avengers, and I think it's great they're exploring it further, eventually leading to Civil War (presumably). I think it's also awesome that they show Stark and Rogers standing side by side, fighting together, despite their difference in opinion. I hope kids, adolescents and internet trolls around the world pickup on this and learn.


Maybe it's because he's trying to move it with strength and not with purpose or whatever.

Cap wielding Mjollnir was foreshadowed back in The First Avenger. The Red Skull is said to believe that "the Gods are waiting for a superior man" and that's why he demands the Super-Soldier Serum in the first place; the implication is that Cap is that superior man. He's the one who will literally be able to wield the power of the Gods.

As a Thor fan, I refuse to believe it and hopefully MCU doesn't use that one as an explanation. :p


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
So much conversation on what is going to amount to Cap picking up the hammer and whacking Ultron. It will be a great scene, but about 20 seconds long.

And yeah, if they're loading Chekov's gun this early in Age of Ultron, I'm sure it will be Ultron and not Thanos who gets whacked.

I hope they save that for Thanos, not Ultron. Ultron is a man-made thing .. and only seems to be a priority threat to Earth. Thanos is cosmic and threatens every living being ..


Downey seems to mumbled alot of his lines.
What does he says in the beginning?
Tony: Thor didn't say where he was going for answers?
Steve: Sometimes my teammates don't tell me things. Kinda hoping Thor would be the exception.
Tony: Yeah, give him time. We don't know what the Maximoff kids showed him.
Steve: I don't know what she showed you, I just know it made you do something stupid. Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Pulled us apart like cotton candy.
Tony: Seems like you walked away all right.
Steve: Is that a problem?
Tony: I don't trust a guy without a dark side. Call me old fashioned.
Steve: Well let's just say you haven't seen it yet.
Tony: Banner and I were doing research...
Steve: That would affect the team...
Tony: ...that would end the team! Isn't that the mission, isn't that the "Why we fight?" So we can end the fight, so we can go home?
Steve: Every time someone tries to win a war before it starts, innocent people die. Every time.

(copy pasta from YT comments)
I assume Thor is looking answer about how Loki scepter can give human, powers?

I think it's got more to do with what happened with the Maximoffs. This scene apparently takes place after The Avengers encountered Wanda, and she put visions in their heads. I'm assuming this is what caused Hulk to freak out, and the "something stupid" Steve says Tony did probably refers to the Hulkbuster fight. Whatever Cap saw didn't seem to affect him or he's doing a good job of hiding it from Tony, and whatever Thor saw apparently caused him to leave to "find answers."

Or maybe yeah, they found out the source of the twins' powers and Thor goes back to Asgard to ask Odin (Loki) about it. That would certainly be interesting if it alerts Loki to the location of the staff/infinity stone.


I think it's got more to do with what happened with the Maximoffs. This scene apparently takes place after The Avengers encountered Wanda, and she put visions in their heads. I'm assuming this is what caused Hulk to freak out, and the "something stupid" Steve says Tony did probably refers to the Hulkbuster fight. Whatever Cap saw didn't seem to affect him or he's doing a good job of hiding it from Tony, and whatever Thor saw apparently caused him to leave to "find answers."

Or maybe yeah, they found out the source of the twins' powers and Thor goes back to Asgard to ask Odin (Loki) about it. That would certainly be interesting if it alerts Loki to the location of the staff/infinity stone.

I was thinking the vision they show him is of Ragnarok.


Watching this was really interesting.
It's always strange how things are reported and then watching the event itself.
Things I picked up on we're not the same things mentioned by those covering the event live.

Also, I thought this was a professional press event. It seemed borderline rude to me when they were shouting over the actors at the end. I understand enthusiasm but sheesh.

It was open to the public and reporters; it wasn't just an event for press.


It's just shot like a TV show would be shot: very utilitarian. Angles serve their purpose to frame the shot and nothing more, nothing to give off any sort of tone or emotion. Also the lighting makes it look very.... cheap, in retrospect. Especially the indoor shots. It looks like a set, when it's not supposed to.

I don't think cheap is the right word. Avengers is a bright, vibrant, high contrast film, very much like a cartoon. It cast an extremely wide net for its first entry in order to attract as many people as possible. IMO, the look of the movie is very deliberate, albeit slightly boring. They had to take characters from movies with very different aesthetic settings and put them all together. Their solution was something a bit drab but functional.

With the second film, I think they're more comfortable giving the Avengers franchise its own visual identity. They've already got audiences hooked so they can take bigger risks.
I don't think cheap is the right word. Avengers is a bright, vibrant, high contrast film, very much like a cartoon. It cast an extremely wide net for its first entry in order to attract as many people as possible. IMO, the look of the movie is very deliberate, albeit slightly boring. They had to take characters from movies with very different aesthetic settings and put them all together. Their solution was something a bit drab but functional.

With the second film, I think they're more comfortable giving the Avengers franchise its own visual identity. They've already got audiences hooked so they can take bigger risks.

Yeah, I agree on this. Joss Whedon said both before and after the movie that he wanted to construct a superhero genre similar to the Raimi Spider-Man movies before doing any deconstructing or weird stuff. Because he felt like he'd missed the boat on that and really just wanted to make his own basic superhero movie. And that's what Avengers was.

Age of Ultron really looks like he's now playing around with the formula. I think Robert Downey Jr. said that even the third act is very different from the usual Marvel fare.
I don't think cheap is the right word. Avengers is a bright, vibrant, high contrast film, very much like a cartoon. It cast an extremely wide net for its first entry in order to attract as many people as possible. IMO, the look of the movie is very deliberate, albeit slightly boring. They had to take characters from movies with very different aesthetic settings and put them all together. Their solution was something a bit drab but functional.

With the second film, I think they're more comfortable giving the Avengers franchise its own visual identity. They've already got audiences hooked so they can take bigger risks.

This I'll agree with. Cheap was an incorrect word on my part, that was just me mentally conflating the budget of a TV show versus a movie, and their aesthetic choices. You put it better than me: deliberate, albeit slightly boring. Drab, but functional.

Though I still think that deliberate aesthetic makes some scenes look like sets where they otherwise wouldn't.


I don't think cheap is the right word. Avengers is a bright, vibrant, high contrast film, very much like a cartoon. It cast an extremely wide net for its first entry in order to attract as many people as possible. IMO, the look of the movie is very deliberate, albeit slightly boring. They had to take characters from movies with very different aesthetic settings and put them all together. Their solution was something a bit drab but functional.

With the second film, I think they're more comfortable giving the Avengers franchise its own visual identity. They've already got audiences hooked so they can take bigger risks.

Exactly. People don't seem to realize that the Avengers was an experimental endeavour and that the films had to play it a lot safer up to that point in execution and tone.
I never noticed the 'cheapness' or 'boring' aesthetic in the avengers like everyone here says. Looks just as cinematic as any other film to me. Maybe I just don't have an eye for cinematography.


Here's a few more awesome shots in the movie.



And just the most awesome shot:


Admittedly, the Cap kick in the second GIF could've been done better.
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