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Avowed New Trailer Revealed. Coming Early 2024 | Xbox Showcase 2023


.........I want to say positive stuff considering its obsidian but my lord the artstyle and tone are not flattering. It came across as very generic and I think the art style contributed heavily to that looks crayonish and kind of like a vomit of colors. I know the writing is going to be great so theres that but even the gameplay looks janky. Ill hold out hope that obsidian proves me wrong and pulls off a banger.
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It looks more colorful than i expected

That's what I liked about it, I've just watched the trailer again and it actually looks really nice in parts, it's not out until next year though so time yet to polish. Gameplay looked really good though.
Sad Face GIF
Wow I was initially looking forward to this, but damn this looks bad
It really does lol.

Even my most anticipated game (Hellblade 2) has a clear graphical downgrade, though it still looks good. But it makes me realise, the graphics upgrade on consoles we were hoping to get this gen, isn't going to happen this gen. Maybe next gen, or the gen after that 🤷🏾‍♂️

SF Kosmo

Al Jazeera Special Reporter
Underwhelmed by the reveal. There's a big emphasis on combat which is not usually why I play these games, and the graphics don't seem up to the standards of other titles they showed.

What's there looks fun, though, but I'm feeling very "wait and see" now.


Part of it looked kinda fun. I gotta say though this does not vibe with the original teaser art style like at all. I was expecting something completely different.


Gold Member
After all the recent hype, I was expecting much, much better, but at least they showed gameplay - even if it did look like a Skyrim mod.


Animations look like they were conceived by somebody that has never moved a day in their life, but otherwise this game has the most potential from anything I've seen from the MS show yet (I'm a bit behind on watching all of the trailers though).


PC Gamer just dropped this interview tidbit with Obsidian

Extremely interesting. TL;DR - this game isn't going to be a Bethesda-like any more.

And yes, it turns out that was the plan—at least at first. "Originally we were pitching, in essence, our Skyrim," confirms Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart in an exclusive interview with PC Gamer.

But that is not what Avowed, as it currently exists, is going to be. "I think over the course of time as we worked on it… Bethesda makes an awesome Skyrim. Mojang makes an awesome Minecraft, and Turn10 makes awesome racing games," says Urquhart, referencing a handful of Obsidian's sister studios at Microsoft. "What we do is we make our awesome RPGs, right?"

The feeling, then, was that Obsidian were better served not following Bethesda's example of a grand, open world, but instead staying true to what an Obsidian game should be. "That's when we backed up and said again: What are we good at? What's our lane?" That core, for Urquhart, is Obsidian's dedication to storytelling. "Outer Worlds is the greatest, latest example of that, and even Pillars. Pillars is less linear than Outer Worlds, but it's still a game that has you go through a story. And [Pillars of Eternity] 2 was even less linear, but still again you have this core story as you're going."

For Avowed, the focus is going to be specifically on your companions, and how their story relates to the driving narrative of the game. "We could go off and create an 8km x 8km open world and then deal with all the consequences of that—because that makes it a different style game. But we want to tell more confined stories that the player can experience with their companions, and then move from part of the world to part of the world. And, like I said, in the end, that's us."

"Every game development process for every title is this chain of ideation, iteration and polish," says Avowed director Carrie Patel, reflecting on how the scope of Avowed has changed over the years. "Sometimes you realize the way you're building, it is not quite living up to the experience you want to create. And so, in iteration and refinement, you say, 'Well, how do we create the experience that we want to deliver to players, and particularly as a studio? How do we deliver on what we're really good at specifically?'

"I think where Obsidian really shines as an RPG maker is with this really evocative nuanced world building, stories that are more focused on depth and breadth, and really thoughtful quest design that rewards experimentation and exploration from players—that gives them a sense of agency. And that gives them a meaningful set of options with how they interact with the world and characters."

The upshot, then, is that Avowed won't be as large, open and freeform as an Elder Scrolls game, but maybe that's for the best? Given the enduring popularity of the studio's RPGs over the years, staying true to that spirit feels like a sensible choice. "As we looked at the Avowed we're building, we wanted to make sure that we were really fulfilling those strengths and creating something that felt like a true Obsidian RPG," says Patel.


I think now we know why this game was coming together so fast...

Yeah, it looks fine but after the blandness that was the outer worlds and seeing its bones here imma give this one a wait and see


Wow, 3 years of hype from me completely erased.

It looks so overwhelmingly mid and dated, How disappointing.


I'm all in for more Obsidian, but...

C'mon, confess 🤨

Which one of you bastards painted Avowed like a cheap hooker? 🧐
  • LOL
Reactions: Isa


Was not sure about my first impressions. But after re-watching at better resolution, I am pretty excited. Combat looks really good, and I am confident in Obsidian's ability to craft a good story.


First of all, where did you see Early 2024? They did not say it.

Second of all, what were you expecting from Obsidian? Your hatred of BGS has blinded you, Obsidian was always like this. Their power is in dialogue and choices.


If somebody wants some lore on the living lands

"Only the heartiest of explorers would dare take the long, dangerous trek to the Living Lands. While there is no denying its beauty - the diversity of plant life alone is an herbologist’s dream - the inherent risk in blithely trekking through these pristine hills is more than most should undertake.

Let me take a moment to tell you about the land itself - rolling hills, greenery, and sun. The whole area feels like a succession of hills and valleys, each with its own ecosystem. While that declaration is a tad extreme, it can almost be said to be true. The combination of sun, geographical location, proximity to fresh water, valley depth, and the existence of hot springs have given the Living Lands a wide breadth of flora and fauna. Walk down a hillside into a valley and you will find lush, verdant hills. Climb the next rise and you might see nothing but rock and boiling mineral springs.

And the creatures! In my travels, I've seen it all and this place never ceases to amaze me!


I will never forget my encounter with the trolls of the Living Lands. I had just narrowly avoided being consumed by a giant plant (more on that later) and was running as fast as I could to get away from it. I broke the crest of the hill and the valley below was wide, green, wet, and covered with low, thick-branched trees. Vines grew everywhere! Between the trees, across the tops of them, down to the ground - it as a mess of vine and green. Cautiously, I worked my way down toward the basin, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious. And it's a good thing I did so! I noticed not all the trees appeared to be trees. I froze, dropping to the ground in an effort to minimize my appearance. One of the trees moved, lumbering slowly away from the cluster. It's then that I realized it was a troll, stepping out from among the group of trees it had been resting against. With a few more steps, I would have walked right into their home! The camouflage these trolls exhibited far exceed any I had ever seen before. I hope to return again in the future and observe them more.


While I have never seen them, I have read reports of giant insects in the Living Lands. Centipedes, flies, mosquitoes, and hornets all ten times the size you would see them elsewhere! Imagine making camp - you've just gotten everything set up. There's a nice fire going next to your shelter. Something is gently simmering in the cooking pot. You sit down, finally feeling like you can relax after a trying day. You feel a tickling at your feet, insistent and prolonged. Reaching down to brush whatever it is away, your hand comes in contact with something hard, long, and flexible winding its way around your boot. You look down to see a centipede the size of your arm casually making its way over your feet, toward the far side of your camp. You would get out of that camp, wouldn't you? That's exactly what my friend did when he realized he had started his fire over a centipede nest.


And lest we forget - do not let your guard down around the plants! I had discovered a wonderful collection of giant flowers. They were bright pink and grew in a circle around a central stalk. What an aroma! I lack the words to describe how delectable it was. Sweet, fruity, and light with just a hint of something tangy. Looking closer, I saw some berries growing on the stalk in the center of the flowers. Well, I just had to have them! So I started pushing my way through the flowers. Then the vines growing around the base of the plant began to twitch and the blooms turned toward me. It was at that moment I saw the blooms weren't actually flowers, but hinged jaws! I had been fooled by its camouflage! I quickly retreated, pushing my way back out - just in time. The blooms slammed shut. If I had still been standing there, trying in vain to reach the berries, I wouldn't be writing this book today."


This looks really great. I always loved Hexen and I have to say that this checks a lot of the right boxes for me. I was super disappointed a few years ago when a game very reminiscent of Hexen was cancelled (Hellraid).


Gold Member
Looks fun. I imagine it's using Unreal 4 (like OuterWorlds). But if a game is fun to play, it should be okay. Maybe a later UE5 complete edition


RSI Employee of the Year
There's been a graphical downgrade from the reveal trailer


...but it still looks fun to play.

The reveal trailer was pretty much not even in-engine. Just CGI with fake look at how it would look in first person.

wait, people are complaining that this looks bad ?

lol, some of y'all need to re-up the eyecare insurances.

People were complaining about the trailer which did look pretty bad and not even like that graphically.
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Looks interesting, Obsidian games have never been graphical powerhouses so I’m not sure why some were expecting it to be. Their story is where the games shine.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
People were complaining about the trailer which did look pretty bad and not even like that graphically.

Well, I can't exactly comment on which streams everyone was watching, but it looked fine in the YT stream and it looks even finer in these direct-feed images.

I'm sure the release games gonna look acceptable.


ידע זה כוח
The screens look nice. I appreciate the colors and the world looks good there.

The trailer however did not. But maybe they can improve on the animation and the combat 'till release.
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