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Avowed New Trailer Revealed. Coming Early 2024 | Xbox Showcase 2023


RSI Employee of the Year
Well, I can't exactly comment on which streams everyone was watching, but it looked fine in the YT stream and it looks even finer in these direct-feed images.

I'm sure the release games gonna look acceptable.

The screenshots look good, the trailer itself not, so we have to wait.
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Looks like same engine as outer worlds. But when you look at the gameplay, I think it will be solid. Think the Magic abilities will trump the physical ones.
Graphically, Does look a bit shit though.
Those screenshots are nice, that trailer was underwhelming. Looked like a previous generation game.

In terms of Unreal 5, are we actually going to see some games impressing with this or was it another Keighley hype job
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Tears of Nintendo
From a pure technical standpoint, the game does not look good. Flat lighting, past-gen assets and models, not so great looking world. I mean, do I expect much from a current gen only game? I don't think I do. Hopefully it'll at least be great and actual RPG game like most of the Obsidian games are, unlike games from BGS.
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PC Gamer just dropped this interview tidbit with Obsidian

some more detail in https://www.pcgamer.com/avowed-rpg-obsidian-preview-magic-interview/

Patel wouldn't spill much about Avowed's story, but did give me some of the basics on what form of RPG to expect from Avowed:
  • You have an established role as the imperial envoy, but your "personality, appearance, and philosophy and vibe you bring to that role is up to you as a player to decide"
  • You can play as a human or an elf, but not other races
  • It's purely singleplayer—no co-op
  • The world is lightly systemic: think water and lightning interactions, but not the ol' bucket-on-the-head trick
  • You'll have two companions with you at a time, with their own combat specialties and, of course, personalities
  • There are several ability trees to progress through, and you won't be locked to a particular class or playstyle
  • You will level up, but the focus is on unlocking abilities rather than putting points into stats to grow stronger


Not feeling this one.
The setting seems about as generic as it gets and the visuals looked rather underwhelming.

MS already owns Elder Scrolls, why make something that looks like ripoff?


Gold Member
Super underwhelming, like a budget Elder Scrolls. What the hell, this is one of the games why I bought a series X, since I usually love this studio (outer worlds was a letdown).


  • You can play as a human or an elf, but not other races
It is over before it even begins.

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The tone and style looks very different from the original (CGI) trailer, not that it's a problem but highlights the issue of showing CGI trailers super early.

Looking forward to seeing more.


The tone and style looks very different from the original (CGI) trailer, not that it's a problem but highlights the issue of showing CGI trailers super early.

Looking forward to seeing more.
I think the tonal and visual shift is what's throwing people off but not a big issue personally. still all means f-all unless the story is fun or good and same about the gameplay
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The tone and style looks very different from the original (CGI) trailer, not that it's a problem but highlights the issue of showing CGI trailers super early.

Looking forward to seeing more.

I'd wait to see an area similar to the cave in the original trailer, we were given more outside daylight shots that look really good.


Weeb Underling
Guys, did you even play Pillars of Eternity? The world building and lore in that universe is top notch, and Avowed is in that universe...
Standards must be really goddamn low if that's "top notch". It looks about as generic as fantasy can get.


Still looks quite early in development. But I’d imagine it’s gonna be quite polished by the time it’s released. Im usually a fan of their games so I expect it to be good. This and outserworlds 2….. they are quiet busy!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
Still looks quite early in development. But I’d imagine it’s gonna be quite polished by the time it’s released. Im usually a fan of their games so I expect it to be good. This and outserworlds 2….. they are quiet busy!

Grounded and Pentiment in the last couple of months.

Obsidian have been really busy bees.


Looks very underwhelming compared to the teaser trailer.

Can't really say much else about it because it just looks like some generic game.


I swear the first time they showed this game it had crazy next gen graphics? No? I was super excited for it but I’m not into the art style. I’ll still give it a try though.

People had it in their heads what the game was going to look like, but most of that was in their imaginations from how little content actually was in the teaser. There was a castle, a flyover of a landscape, and then a cave with a warrior conjuring magic. Not much "crazy next gen graphics" in there. But it looked nice, the flyover had good terrain, and combine that with how MS immediately started talking about UE5 as soon as that was demoed (this and Hellblade 2 were earmarked as UE5 projects before Epic had even lent UE5 builds out for testing; The Coalition was as far as we know the first to actually use UE5 in its Alpha Point/XB Series workout project, and they didn't get UE5 builds until I believe Nov 2020,) we just filled in the gaps with our minds of what Avowed looked like then and was going to look like in the final.


That teaser didn't have an indication of the real game's mix of hyper-detail and flat-detail design (that one statue the arrow flies by is kind of in the current style, not really authentically chiseled out of the mountain, but then no cavern looks as starkly lit as the one in the teaser,) but otherwise it's more in sync from then to now than I was expecting. Still an odd art style IMO (and like everybody, I wish they had gotten more out of Unreal and the Xbox Series as a ground-up developer, but conditions are what they are,) but I don't think there's this total 180 downgrade (not that the original was ever real game tech to be graded from...) that has been mentioned a few times in this thread.
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Gold Member
So who is involved in this project? Josh Sawyer? Chris Avellone? I will lose my mind if Sawyer is penning this.


So who is involved in this project? Josh Sawyer? Chris Avellone? I will lose my mind if Sawyer is penning this.
Chris hasn't been working at Obsidian since 2016 and Sawyer is uninvolved.
(Apart from Studio Creative Director Duties and his work on Pillars of Eternity in general).
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
You're saying that looks like this?

No it doesn't look like the announcement CGI trailer. But the bigger difference between that trailer and today is the art style, not the fidelity.

But it doesn't look bad either. The pictures are in my last post.
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Grounded and Pentiment in the last couple of months.

Obsidian have been really busy bees.
And they probably have more content in store for grounded. I can really respect that kind of work rate, while making single player games. They are a well oiled machine.

I have faith that avowed will be one of their best yet and even outer worlds 2 will probably build on its prequels, strengths while addressing the first games weaknesses. They are a team that cares about the games they make. I’ve always gotten that impression with their games ever since fall out: new vegas.


Oh yes, because of that scandal, right? Cancelled?
Nono, happened long after. He just quit as he wasn't happy at the company (Direction, fellow owners, loved the team though.)
Had a whole summer rage episode about it on the internet like one year later.

He's been cleared recently (with the accusers legally retracting their statement). So, he may pop up in the future again.
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The game looks a lot better in the 4k vid to be fair. The shitty quality trailer i saw on stream looked underwheliming, but it looks good imo in the 4k trailer, kind of like Witcher 3 actually but more detailed.


Gold Member
Nono, happened long after. He just quit as he wasn't happy at the company (Direction, fellow owners, loved the team though.)
Had a whole summer rage episode about it on the internet like one year later.

He's been cleared recently (with the accusers legally retracting their statement). So, he may pop up in the future again.
Damn. I do not recall reading any of this. I do remember something about him clearing he's name now that you mention it. Thanks for informing me.


I love these type of games, so i will play it, i spent over a thousand hours in Skyrim, which i assume Avowed will be similar to, but it didn't look that good and a bit jerky and the trailer wasn't great to be honest, but Starfield's trailer last year wasn't received well either, i still want to play the game though.
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