Damnit the games I really wanna watch are the ones happening when I am sleeping.
The Yetee just tweeted this out. The AGDQ shirts are ready to buy http://www.theyetee.com/agdq
Damnit the games I really wanna watch are the ones happening when I am sleeping.
How limited are they? I might only be able to order Tuesday. I'm afraid I'll miss out.
I believe they print them after the event ends because you have to wait a few weeks to recieve it.
no one sleeps over GDQ marathons, come on now son.
"I would really prefer if you were quiet."
God, that was awkward.
Did they seriously rejected Blueglass?
Here's the french re-stream for the OT: http://www.twitch.tv/officiel_jvcom/
It's hosted by MisterMV, speedrunner and all-around funny guy. The games will be commented by French speedrunners and/or people who knows the game.
Here's the french schedule with the commentators: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...clJXbXRlQjBKMEE&single=true&gid=0&output=html
Where did you hear that?
The guy who will run Ground Zeroes said it yesterday on his practice stream. He will be on the couch and read donations but for runs he's not good enough.
Seriously wtf? elitist much?
Doesn't Bluegrass only run Ecco the Dolphin? Well, he already had a run in SGDQ last year so there's no real point in having him do it again.
Doesn't Bluegrass only run Ecco the Dolphin? Well, he already had a run in SGDQ last year so there's no real point in having him do it again.
Same as Zledas, GTA, Metroid etc. It should still be able to do this run it is usually pretty good! SGDQ didn't go so well before but his previous runs have been pretty good
If he wants to do it then they should give him a solt but to be honest I wonder if Bluegrass is maybe not interested in running either and would rather just be a spectator.
Tuesday/Wednesday night is a fantastic line-up, probably the most interesting one for me, but I got two exams on Wednesday, what an amazing timing.
That schedule is bananas.
Is there an ongoing index of the runs so I can jump right to one I've missed? I assume all this stuff is recorded and available throughout the event?
I get certain games like goldeneye and mario kart, but is someone really going to beat FFVII in three hours?
it probably has to do with the fact that in his last run of Ecco the Dolphin he cheated in order to finish it. also if that's the only game he can run it's understandable.but everyone loves Blueglass aka YSG. He wanted to do a run but got rejected because he's not good enough? that's not fair!
He's the heart of this event.
You can always watch the runs after they've been done. The popular ones get uploaded to Youtube, but all of them gets put in the Twitch archives!
There's a guy in a Bugs Bunny suit sitting on a couch next to a guy glitching the fuck out of BK.
This is already nuts.
This is a montage of last year's AGDQ.
You can always watch the runs after they've been done. The popular ones get uploaded to Youtube, but all of them gets put in the Twitch archives!