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Axiom Verge |OT| Life's A Glitch

Chitown B

I thought that was a different spot. I did that before. Maybe I got those things already then.

yeah that creature is on the area above, not the part I'm talking about. Still stuck. However I feel like I already got this note and upgrade, so I'm still not sure.
Well I finally beat the hornet boss. The trick somebody suggested earlier in the thread didn't work for me so I had to do it the old-fashioned way.

Now after getting the
drone teleport
, I again have no idea where to go. I feel like I've explored every nook and cranny. Every time I find a place to use my new powerup, I think I've finally stumbled upon the next place I'm supposed to go, but then I wind up just getting 1/5 of a health upgrade - or worse, a range upgrade.

I'm glad this game doesn't instantly tell you where to go next like pretty much every Metroidvania in the past decade, but I feel like it might have benefitted from something like Metroid Prime's hint system. You can turn it off and be free to explore, but if you get stuck you can also turn it back on and get a quick hint on where you need to go next.


There's definitely a pattern developing in this game for me whenever I enter a new area, Each new area starts off seeming completely difficult, ten minutes later there's a "Ah, I didn't know you could do that" and then the area is really simple. There always seems to be one thing, one trick for each area and once you've worked it out it completely changes the way you play that area.

I'm sort of half wishing there was a way to warp between the unlocked save rooms. I say half wishing as it may change the feeling if that was possible.

Had my first proper glitch in this just now,
had spawned my drone and went wandering around with it and when it died it cut back to my character but a glitched wall that I'd unglitched and was standing next to went back to it's glitched state with me inside it. I couldn't move but I could respawn my drone and when I did it ended up on a different screen above me and to the right. I could see it on the on-screen map and could move it another room to the right but the camera would stay on me so I could only see it on the map.

Wasn't sure if it was a part of the game at first so spent a few minutes pressing everything before realising what had happened.

Chitown B

Well I finally beat the hornet boss. The trick somebody suggested earlier in the thread didn't work for me so I had to do it the old-fashioned way.

Now after getting the
drone teleport
, I again have no idea where to go. I feel like I've explored every nook and cranny. Every time I find a place to use my new powerup, I think I've finally stumbled upon the next place I'm supposed to go, but then I wind up just getting 1/5 of a health upgrade - or worse, a range upgrade.

I'm glad this game doesn't instantly tell you where to go next like pretty much every Metroidvania in the past decade, but I feel like it might have benefitted from something like Metroid Prime's hint system. You can turn it off and be free to explore, but if you get stuck you can also turn it back on and get a quick hint on where you need to go next.

Go to the tip top of Kur.

Chitown B

Currently at 90% items and 92% map. A couple still don't have the yellow dot but I swear I have everything in them.

All that's left is the top of Ukkin-Na and then the final area.

Chitown B

You miss a lot of neat things in this game if you don't glitch all new enemies to understand what they do.
Glitch the wall scorpion thing that's in the wall opposite that cliff, it makes a path

This isn't that spot. That's near the save point. I see two items on your map in this area:



I think you might have put the red powerup on the wrong part of the map.


Some great news in an article by the Huffington Post about Axiom Verge:

Dan Adelman, who helped with publicity for "Axiom Verge," told HuffPost the game is an indie success, though he wouldn't divulge sales numbers.

"Our initial goal was to make enough money with 'Axiom Verge' so that Tom could afford to keep making games on his own full time and not need to go back to a day job," Adelman said. "By 3 p.m. of the first day, we achieved that, so Tom will be making lots more games on his own from now on."


I can't seem to get the glitch all enemy types trophy. I just went through the map and made sure to get every one. Are there any easily missable ones?


Did you glitch the wasps on the hornet boss?

I don't think so.

I think I might have missed another type during the
Does anyone know if those also count? This is the last trophy that I need. I really don't want to play through the game again just to get one trophy.


Man, I've hit a brick wall in my speed run, low %, and no death attempt.

I'm at Edin and those fucking little birds are killing me over and over and over.

I can take care of the first three perching at the start. I then start killing those floating eyes. Not much problem so far. But the I come across like six or seven birds and they swarm me and take down all of my health. I try killing them with the Kilver, but it's underpowered and doesn't kill them quickly enough.

Any tips?

Chitown B

This isn't that spot. That's near the save point. I see two items on your map in this area:



I think you might have put the red powerup on the wrong part of the map.

I need help here. I think this spot is the last collectible in Kur, but I don't see anything on the far left wall when I shoot my drone. I know the Sir map is already messed up for this.


I don't want objective markers, I just mean the level design. If you're using a new ability and the area you've gotten in to is more than a handful of screens, it's safe to assume you're going the way to progress. Most of the time, you go through 20+ screens to end up at a weapon/life upgrade, and it's a dead end. There's no reason to make the paths to extraneous items that long.

Agreed. Super Metroid usually looped around to an exit that was back in the main area. A lot of the drone areas just dead end. You can warp back but it's slightly less than optimal level design.

I think if we started counting that Super Metroid actually has more dead ends than Axiom, but the thing is, I don't believe dead ends should be considered a design failure, since this is a genre that revels in backtracking and adding new meanings and layers to previously visited areas. More signposting and making it clear where the obvious place of progression is, to use Nose Master's words, would ruin that sense of uncertainty one has towards the environment and make it possible to minimize/skip backtracking and drive the narrative forward, at the expense of what the game is trying to do.

Dead ends in themselves can be a part of that uncertainty and without some of them, it would lessen the impact
of those sections sections that actually aren't dead ends, but appear to be so at first sight and there's quite a few of those in the game. Other dead ends are used to pick up a power/key/item and then use the backtracking towards the main path to teach you, how to use what you just picked up.

the way the entire play area is laid out in a circle with a central location to connect everything and acting as fast travel, makes it really easy to get around (and actually minimizes the amount of dead ends it makes sense to have..). Everytime I picked up a powerup, I felt there were numerous places that would now be in reach and couldn't wait to check them out, whether they contained an item or progressed the story.

Chitown B

ok so I'm going for completion, and trying to fill out my maps. The only place I have left before the final level is UKKIN-NA. However, I'm on my way to the final level and
where there used to be the floating head, is the fully formed robot. I need to hit the upper left corner of the room but no jumping and diagonal shooting will get my drone to that spot. UGH.
Ok so I took a few days off to play some Bloodborne and came back to AV and now I think I'm either lost or forgot where I was supposed to go (or both). It's fairly early on, 14% according the the game, but the last thing I remember doing is getting either the high jump or the lab coat (i have both) but now I can't figure out where to go. I think I need to backtrack to the beginning but I'm seemingly stuck in a section of Zi where I need to make a jump that I can't reach. Any ideas?


30 games came out on PS4 in March alone while only 2 games are given for free each month, those are the odds you're dealing with.

The thing is, most people don't have time for that many games every month and if enough people end up waiting or settling for whatever is on PS+, it could hurt (indie) sales in the long run. Not saying it's gonna play out that way, but it's worth considering.

Chitown B



99% items
99% map

I'm missing something in Kur. I think a Health Node.

Missing one square in Ukkin-Na I just can't reach!! :(

Seriously how do I get to this yellow square?


edit: ended up getting it with drone shot climbing (reset with glitch gun). Thanks for the tip on your site, Tap Tap!

Only thing missing now is one health node in Kur. I've been to all 4 locations on the Tap Tap map and I have them all. Ugh.


Umm so I got the lab coat.

Where do I go now? I went to an
outdoor area
but I can't kill the enemies there and it makes me wonder if I'm missing something ._.

help pls


Axiom Verge seems like a game you either love or can't get into at all. Unfortunately, i'm in the last category (despite liking retro games a lot in general). I played over 2 hours, beat 2 bosses, found the
glitch gun
. I tried to like it but i just don't see the appeal. It seems stuck in time, but not in a good way. Platforming is basic and some of the enemies aren't fun at all (especially those resembling human beings). Nope, it just doesn't click with me.

Also, i'm struggling with the controls. I'm so used to using the right analog stick for normal things (aiming or moving) that i constantly keep opening the weapon menu without wanting to. I tried remapping the weapon menu to d-pad and movement to left stick but it doesn't allow me to do that (if i select left stick up for "up", then i can't select any other item to configure anymore, leaving me stuck in the config menu).

Maybe i'll try to go back to this game at a later stage.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
Axiom Verge seems like a game you either love or can't get into at all. Unfortunately, i'm in the last category (despite liking retro games a lot in general). I played over 2 hours, beat 2 bosses, found the
glitch gun
. I tried to like it but i just don't see the appeal. It seems stuck in time, but not in a good way. Platforming is basic and some of the enemies aren't fun at all (especially those resembling human beings). Nope, it just doesn't click with me.

Also, i'm struggling with the controls. I'm so used to using the right analog stick for normal things (aiming or moving) that i constantly keep opening the weapon menu without wanting to. I tried remapping the weapon menu to d-pad and movement to left stick but it doesn't allow me to do that (if i select left stick up for "up", then i can't select any other item to configure anymore, leaving me stuck in the config menu).

Maybe i'll try to go back to this game at a later stage.

Maybe it's not for you, but there's no way you can play this on the right analog and still use the buttons as much as you'll need to. You end up using square, triangle and circle.. and sometimes in succession.


Also, the traversal as you progress (I don't want to sat platforming, it's not a platformer) becomes much more challenging. In fact it's almost overwhelming for me as I'm still getting used to everything that's now available to me.


Yeah I did not enjoy the final boss despite it being conceptually cool. After 10 to 15 attempts and suffering carpal tunnel pain from mashing square and double-tapping directional buttons non-stop I decided to go hunt down the
as suggested in this very thread, which suddenly made the boss a cakewalk.

From maddeningly hard to lack of challenge... has to be a better balance! Only a tiny speck on a largely sublime experience though.

I actually went back and tried to beat the last boss without using the trick I found on youtube and it ended up being pretty easy with the
Kilver and Ice Shards. The Kilver takes out the drones pretty easily and the shards are a nice rapid fire weapon for busting that screen thing.


One question--was the game by default set to Ring weapon select or Row? I forget now. IF you're using Row...you should probably switch to Ring immediately. So good. Once you have more than 4 weapons it's a billion times better. Also don't forget to set your quick selects.

I wanted to call out the reason you can't backtrack to Eribu/Absu after entering Zi since so many people get hung up on it and I actually think it's a well done and interesting trick. Spoilers for up until you can backtrack there and have beaten Ukkin Na:

So, the biggest reason you can't backtrack is because story-wise, you need to send out the drones to repair the Rusalki before the Hallucination. But if you could run back to Eribu anytime, you could actually get in with only the glitch gun lvl 2 and lab coat.

But this is also interesting because it leaves those areas mysterious for a while and doesn't let you dick around constantly in areas you can barely make progress in--the game is not afraid to lock you in and I strongly respect that. Eribu and Absu are dead-ends for a long time and Zi should be left in the dust once you get the labcoat so the game sort of funnels you in the right direction without giving you a big waypoint marker or blatant "go here" cutscene. I really like the way the game locks you in sometimes, all power ups do this too, you need to learn to use your power up (this is usually extremely easy) to escape the room with it.

The sense of mystery is super important too--if you pay attention you probably got into Indi early and couldn't do anything, but you should have seen GIANT SNAIL HEAD what the hell? What is that? But you can't do anything with it...yet. I love that feeling. Any good metroidvania should give you peeks and glimpses at latergame content but not let you interact, it tantalizes and makes it better when you finally see what that was all about. That's something this game is great at--indi on the first trip, coming to Edin from Kur and seeing a new world you're powerless in, seeing the completely impossible to get note in upper Indi. It really makes the exploration rewarding.

As an interesting side effect, being unable to backtrack prevents you from seeing Elsenova in person for a while, by the time you get back she's been cleaned up by the Drones and is no longer in disrepair, which is an interesting lead-up to...later events with her.

Ok so I took a few days off to play some Bloodborne and came back to AV and now I think I'm either lost or forgot where I was supposed to go (or both). It's fairly early on, 14% according the the game, but the last thing I remember doing is getting either the high jump or the lab coat (i have both) but now I can't figure out where to go. I think I need to backtrack to the beginning but I'm seemingly stuck in a section of Zi where I need to make a jump that I can't reach. Any ideas?

I've got a spoiler free guide you can use now, just count how many bosses you've beaten and continue from there

In your specific case,
Look at the very top of Kur's tall shaftway and remember what the labcoat does

Any speed run videos on YouTube?

Hm, I've seen speedrun tricks for the bosses and heard of a 90 minute run and a 54 minute run but I can't seem to find the full runs on youtube

Is the map supposed to show pink/yellow dots for the secret worlds too?

I don't think so. The secret world map is pretty meaningless, if all the walls are complete and you're not a total moron you should have all items. All secret world items are in a single tile, dead end room, unhidden if I recall correctly.

Also, the traversal as you progress (I don't want to sat platforming, it's not a platformer) becomes much more challenging. In fact it's almost overwhelming for me as I'm still getting used to everything that's now available to me.

It's more complex for sure but it goes much faster once you're used to the controls so fun to breeze through areas with the last few upgrades.

Axiom Verge seems like a game you either love or can't get into at all. Unfortunately, i'm in the last category (despite liking retro games a lot in general). I played over 2 hours, beat 2 bosses, found the
glitch gun
. I tried to like it but i just don't see the appeal. It seems stuck in time, but not in a good way. Platforming is basic and some of the enemies aren't fun at all (especially those resembling human beings). Nope, it just doesn't click with me.

Also, i'm struggling with the controls. I'm so used to using the right analog stick for normal things (aiming or moving) that i constantly keep opening the weapon menu without wanting to. I tried remapping the weapon menu to d-pad and movement to left stick but it doesn't allow me to do that (if i select left stick up for "up", then i can't select any other item to configure anymore, leaving me stuck in the config menu).

Maybe i'll try to go back to this game at a later stage.

As I've said before, if you're less than 4 bosses in you have seen nothing. Especially if you think platforming is basic. I do think the game is not for you, as if you think right stick should be used you've probably played almost zero 2D platformers or Metroid style platformers in your entire life. I think you're focusing way too much on trying to aim and move separately which is just not possible or necessary.

The game certainly isn't for everyone as you have to WANT to explore, but it's still a masterfully designed game and I would really encourage you to play it and play it properly (yeah, there straight up are wrong and right ways to play some games). There's probably no reason for you to be messing with the controls unless you have a disability or are remoteplaying, they are very well thought out.

I think you have to use your
on those guys ;)

Regarding enemies that can't be shot,
yes drill works, or just glitch them and you can shoot them with anything
. Do not ignore the glitch gun, it is not only for traversal.

I don't think so.

I think I might have missed another type during the
Does anyone know if those also count? This is the last trophy that I need. I really don't want to play through the game again just to get one trophy.

There are no
only enemies that can be glitched so no that's not it. It is a hard trophy, not sure what I'm missing myself.


Was Axiom Verge on Kickstarter?

I could have sworn I saw it there, but I've gone back and can't find it. And it's not showing up on Google other than a mention in the development blog that he was preparing a video for the Kickstarter campaign.

Did he go with Sony's Pub Fund rather than Kickstarter?


I found out two bits of interesting info:

This gun, seen in preview screenshots of the game is still in the game, but no one has found it. It's not part of 100% or in secret worlds, that I have seen. If you have any info on this gun please PM me or post in the thread (in spoilers) immediately. I assume it's to do with a passcode? Tom also referred to the
enemy glitch as "a clue", possibly related, or related to that code in the credits? I still don't know what that does.

Two, apparently there's "overflow" story that may end up in the next game--and Tom's apparently confirmed he'll be doing more games (in general) in the huffington post article above, great news.

Was Axiom Verge on Kickstarter?

I could have sworn I saw it there, but I've gone back and can't find it. And it's not showing up on Google other than a mention in the development blog that he was preparing a video for the Kickstarter campaign.

Did he go with Sony's Pub Fund rather than Kickstarter?

No. It was a solo project for years, then he got Pubfund a couple years ago which let him quit his job to make the game. Which is why people whining about exclusivity are extremely annoying--you wouldn't get the game on PC this year, or at all this year, if not for pubfund.

Read that huffpo article BTW, great to hear it was a day-one success and that he'll be making more games.

Chitown B

Tap Tap - Kur map needs updating. Upper right corner you're missing the item (i think power node?) that is at the top where you have to use the grapple to get over there. Also the room with the laser gun upgrade shows a power node upper left that should actually be in the same spot on the room above it.

Thanks! :) 100%!

Chitown B

I found out two bits of interesting info:

This gun, seen in preview screenshots of the game is still in the game, but no one has found it. It's not part of 100% or in secret worlds, that I have seen. If you have any info on this gun please PM me or post in the thread (in spoilers) immediately. I assume it's to do with a passcode? Tom also referred to the
enemy glitch as "a clue", possibly related, or related to that code in the credits? I still don't know what that does.

if no one has found it, how do we know it's still in the game?
Welp, I'm officially stuck. At 22% item, 33% map. Currently on planet Kur. I don't have level 3 disruptor, so i can't go to those areas. No grapple hook of any kind to make it to areas i can't jump to or use the drone for.

Don't have a damn clue as to where i should be. I feel like I've been to every single room and explored every space I can possibly reach without needing grapple hook or jump level 3 (if that's even a thing).

Chitown B

got the Hacker trophy

Make sure you hack each color/kind of enemy. There are some with 2-3 forms. My last one was the bottom of E-Kur-Mah -- the gold colored pipe jumping things. Note that the upper left corner of Eribu has a version of the wall shooting enemy that turns to light bars.


98% items. Missing something in Kur and Zi. Could someone please tell me how many power-ups there are of each kind, so I only need to check the spots of the types I'm missing?


I checked Taptap's map and went to all the item locations in Zi but there's nothing I missed. Are you sure everything is marked?

I still need one more and it isn't an item that has a trophy for collecting it all.


As good as the audio is in this, over 10 hours of the music and that infernal low health beeping is really starting to grate for me.

I almost feeling like I'm cheating on the game in a way but I've set up Spotify to play through a Björk playlist as that seems to fit in with the game. Works perfectly in the game which is good as there's no in-game controls over the game's audio.

Chitown B

I checked Taptap's map and went to all the item locations in Zi but there's nothing I missed. Are you sure everything is marked?

I still need one more and it isn't an item that has a trophy for collecting it all.

I think there is a hackable green crawler that spits out a power node there.


I think there is a hackable green crawler that spits out a power node there.

There is a green crawler that unleashes an item, but it shouldn't prevent you from getting the yellow dot in any map (they're on many maps after all). Pretty sure Zi is complete. If you do find something let me know and I'll be sure to update the map.

if no one has found it, how do we know it's still in the game?

Tom said so on twitter, guess I should have mentioned that.

Welp, I'm officially stuck. At 22% item, 33% map. Currently on planet Kur. I don't have level 3 disruptor, so i can't go to those areas. No grapple hook of any kind to make it to areas i can't jump to or use the drone for.

Don't have a damn clue as to where i should be. I feel like I've been to every single room and explored every space I can possibly reach without needing grapple hook or jump level 3 (if that's even a thing).

Do you have the level 2 disruptor? There should be an obvious-ish place to go...if I'm remembering correctly:
lowest room of the "surface" on Kur, go all the way right, a level 2 glitch blocks your way, should be a linear but twisty path to a boss, then take a right afterwards
. A lot of people seem stuck here and in hindsight I can't really see why, if you figure it out would you mind telling me what exactly you missed? I'll add it to my spoiler-free walkthrough. It's hard to think back and know where you might get stuck when I know the answers already.

Tap Tap - Kur map needs updating. Upper right corner you're missing the item (i think power node?) that is at the top where you have to use the
to get over there. Also the room with the laser gun upgrade shows a power node upper left that should actually be in the same spot on the room above it.

Thanks! :) 100%!

Okay, the wrong room thing I was pretty sure is a typo, but the second one, isn't that just above the
? I thought I DID mark that but maybe there's two? There's a health node above it already on the map


98% items. Missing something in Kur and Zi. Could someone please tell me how many power-ups there are of each kind, so I only need to check the spots of the types I'm missing?

Found everything in Zi. I can't figure out what I'm missing in Kur. I do have all notes, health upgrades and weapons/gear from TapTaps's map, so it has to be a power, size or range node.

Chitown B

Okay, the wrong room thing I was pretty sure is a typo, but the second one, isn't that just above the
? I thought I DID mark that but maybe there's two? There's a health node above it already on the map

There is one in the wall and one on top. So, two - not sure which type of node the top one is though.


Feel like I'm nearing completion, with somewhere in the region of 15 hours played (though I think a few hours of that I left the game on). I'm not sure I have it in me to go for the platinum, but we'll see! I want to give Bloodborne some love after completing this first.


Likely to be eaten by a grue
is there anything in the upper section of save rooms? Do i need to ocd drone teleport to both sides up there each time?
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