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Axiom Verge |OT| Life's A Glitch

1 in 300 is 0.333[...]%, rounded to 0.3%. Anything greater than 0.05% would be rounded to 0.1%, so you can assume less than that (less than 1 in 2000 people) got that achievement.

You're absolutely right dude; I thought my maths was a bit wonky but didn't check it on a calculator. Don't worry about the pedantry because I'm the same; specifically with maths (usually).

Endo Punk

I knew for certain that Bloodborne will keep me away from Witcher 3, Batman Arkham Knight and Phantom Pain but can't turn down a metroidvania inspiration, especially one that looks as good as Axiom Verge. Downloaded.


Apparently tom's gotten several reports of that, should be patched. He was fast on the patches while it was under embargo (though there's only so fast you can get through Cert for the most part)

There's this and the collision detection, which can take a little time to get used to, since collision starts at the edge of his head, not the entire sprite. Can cause a few jumping problems. A few weapons also have weird collision,
like the fire weapon which sometimes goes through a surface and sometimes doesn't
, but I still not certain if that is intentional. Doesn't seem to be.

Those things aside this an absolutely wonderful game that does everything right so far.


I guess I'm used to collision, just feels natural to me after all these hours.

For people that have finished this
About how long is the game?

hours seems to be common for a first playthrough. That's what I got on the nose and I saw several completion screens around that number on Twitter. Highly replayable of course, I've beaten it 3 times and gone to 100% on one file as well

Voranj is the best looking weapon ever. Mind blown.

Yeah, beautiful weapon. Some really cool guns in this


Just beat my first boss, I like it so far! Controls are tight, soundtrack makes a great first impression.
Sadly, need to do some stuff around the house now.
This is more of a framework than an engine. You're still doing most of the work by hand.

Semantics. People call Unity a game engine & it's the same sort of deal (Note, I've been involved with making 6 games with XNA which is what Monogame was originally based on). Not every game engine is RPGMaker.


I am stuck. It seems I have been everywhere, but where ever the arrow on top of Kur is leading. Problem is I can't get there. I have beaten six bosses so I guess Ukhu would be next? Any ideas what I am missing?


I am stuck. It seems I have been everywhere, but where ever the arrow on top of Kur is leading. Problem is I can't get there. I have beaten six bosses so I guess Ukhu would be next? Any ideas what I am missing?

Hm, could you put the last two tools/traversal upgrades you got in a spoiler block? I know how to get there but I'm not exactly sure what you're missing.


Just after writing it I figured it out. Was missing a upgrade for that and there was a map spot I missed.

I really like this game but boy is it missing like a fast travel system between save points.


Just after writing it I figured it out. Was missing a upgrade for that and there was a map spot I missed.

I really like this game but boy is it missing like a fast travel system between save points.

You have noticed Indi, haven't you?


Un Rama
Downloaded. This one of my most anticipated games of this year but I won't be able to play it until tomorrow :( Booted it up though and oh my god that menu music and button sounds. Bliss.

Ein Bear

This might be blindingly obvious, but a little tip I just discovered. If you press and hold L1, you lock your character into place, allowing you to aim freely with the left stick.

It was annoying me that the game lacked the angled aiming on the shoulder buttons from the Metroid games, but this is a decent way around it.


This might be blindingly obvious, but a little tip I just discovered. If you press and hold L1, you lock your character into place, allowing you to aim freely with the left stick.

It was annoying me that the game lacked the angled aiming on the shoulder buttons from the Metroid games, but this is a decent way around it.

Tom said he ran out of buttons to do that (and well, the game uses every button on the DS4, so yeah), but between locking and jump shots I find that does well enough in almost all cases. The shoulder thing was pretty fiddly in Super anyway, never felt right to me. The movement lock is precise, if limited.

Map area. If you havent' found it by now, look for white arrows leading to areas you haven't reached yet. It is useful.


just hard crashed into the void. maybe self-referential.



Useful, but slow. I would have preferred if he had just condensed it down instead of
making it a long pathway of nothing :-/

It's not THAT slow. You are
standing on the head, right?

Grimløck;158438722 said:
just hard crashed into the void. maybe self-referential.

You just died without respawning, right? Yeah I thought it was a mindfuck but no it's a bug. Pretty rare, only had it twice, but it seems to happen without rhyme or reason.


Bought the game and nearly fell asleep after i beat the second boss. I find the game sound, but quite boring. Jesus, I don't like anything. First Hotline Miami 2, then The Borderlands Collection, and now Axiom. May force myself through Borderlands until Shovel comes out. Blood borne is just staring at me like "Come on son." I'm like NOPE =P
Bought the game and nearly fell asleep after i beat the second boss. I find the game sound, but quite boring.
It really hampers on how much fun you had with Super Metroid.
I am neutral on the genre, but I had fun with it and had fun with this game. I did not grow up with Metroid, so no nostalgia involved.


I freaking loving it myself. The game might be a bit too in love with Metroid, but manages to do some interesting things of its own to differentiate itself from Metroid. Not sure how long the game is, but I seem to be moving along at a fair pace.


Bought the game and nearly fell asleep after i beat the second boss. I find the game sound, but quite boring. Jesus, I don't like anything. First Hotline Miami 2, then The Borderlands Collection, and now Axiom. May force myself through Borderlands until Shovel comes out. Blood borne is just staring at me like "Come on son." I'm like NOPE =P

For me, it 'clicked' a little bit after the second boss. Might be worth a shot continuing.


Bought the game and nearly fell asleep after i beat the second boss. I find the game sound, but quite boring.

Anyone unfamiliar with Metroidvania design should be aware that what you can do within the first hour is absolutely nothing compared to what you will be doing by the end of the game. You have frankly done almost nothing yet. I strongly recommend at least playing until after the third boss and playing with the item it gives you.


Anyone unfamiliar with Metroidvania design should be aware that what you can do within the first hour is absolutely nothing compared to what you will be doing by the end of the game. You have frankly done almost nothing yet. I strongly recommend at least playing until after the third boss and playing with the item it gives you.

I've beaten all console Metroids. I just can't get into this game. I got into Guacamelee, so I'm not burned out on the genre per say. I may just need a little more visual flare is all.


Having just played (and loved) Ori and the Blind Forest twice, playing this comes as a bit of a culture shock (and not in a good way). However, i just started so it's way too early to judge the game. Visually, i love retro style games (e.g. Fez) but this goes probably a bit too far back in time for me though...


Having just played (and loved) Ori and the Blind Forest twice, playing this comes as a bit of a culture shock (and not in a good way). However, i just started so it's way too early to judge the game. Visually, i love retro style games (e.g. Fez) but this goes probably a bit too far back in time for me though...

You are going to be surprised. The game starts out old school, but then puts twists on it that you don't see coming. The game changes quite a bit as you go on. I would say to give it up to (ability spoiler)
when you get the glitcher.
That blew my mind and then blew it more as the game went on.

This is definitely GOTY contender for me. This game does everything perfectly.
Ha, I spent like 2 hours being stuck and at one of the areas I thought I had no way out of and kept exiting to title screen from, I had just missed picking up another ability that made it a complete non-issue. I didn't think to use the
outside in Kur
. I kept feeling like I missed something and I completely did.

It's easy to feel like the game is doing something wrong but it's almost always you overlooking something.


Just beat the Ukhu boss and wow that was hard. You have little to no time to dodge any of his hits.
The drone teleport is awesome though! Going back to the beginning of the game to explore everything with all of these new abilities finally.


You are going to be surprised. The game starts out old school, but then puts twists on it that you don't see coming. The game changes quite a bit as you go on. I would say to give it up to (ability spoiler)
when you get the glitcher.
That blew my mind and then blew it more as the game went on.

This is definitely GOTY contender for me. This game does everything perfectly.

I'm definately going to keep playing since i assume the game didn't get those high scores for nothing. I just need to adjust my mindset a bit after playing Ori.

I was just wondering though: are there any missions targets or indications on where to go or do you need to discover everything yourself as a player? I've been running around in circles for a while now without any sort of hint or indication or direction. Also, i assume you need to keep playing until a save point before quitting the game in order to not loose any progress?


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I was just wondering though: are there any missions targets or indications on where to go or do you need to discover everything yourself as a player? I've been running around in circles for a while now without any sort of hint or indication or direction. Also, i assume you need to keep playing until a save point before quitting the game in order to not loose any progress?

Game is not going to hold your hand, no. Also if you want to quit anywhere, just use the suspend/resume feature on the PS4.


Coincidentally, I played some Super Metroid last night, so I'm definitely feeling it, and picked it up via PS+ today. Looking forward to getting into this one. Hopefully I do before it becomes a freebie. LOL


I'm definately going to keep playing since i assume the game didn't get those high scores for nothing. I just need to adjust my mindset a bit after playing Ori.

I was just wondering though: are there any missions targets or indications on where to go or do you need to discover everything yourself as a player? I've been running around in circles for a while now without any sort of hint or indication or direction. Also, i assume you need to keep playing until a save point before quitting the game in order to not loose any progress?

There's not really any indications. You just have too look at your map and see where the missing spots are and try to go there and use your new abilities. As you go keep note of the different obstacles you come across, so that when you get a new ability, you will know to revisit that area.

The save areas are only starting points. When you die or re boot the game, it will start you from the last save point you saved at. You don't have to save after unlocking new abilities or items though, those auto save and are permanent once you find them.


Authorized Fister
This is the first game since Ys Seven that I can't wait to play when I'm at work. It's the better Metroid.


I'm loving this game. Really.

I can't wait to finish the initial playthrough so I can start sequence breaking. I want to see how far I can push it.


Really liking the game so far. Just finished the 3rd boss and got a few really neat items/abilities
lab coat, remote drone, and vorang
, can't wait to see what else is around the corner. Uploaded some 60 fps footage I took yesterday as well (nothing spoilery, just the first 20 minutes of gameplay). Between this and Bloodborne I'm in gaming heaven.



Aftershock LA
Bloodborne has its talons in me, so I only played Axiom Verge for about 30 minutes last night after me and my wife got back from dinner. Will try and play some more tonight, but I also want to play more Bloodborne! This is both awesome and awful.

I really liked what I've played of this so far. Looking forward to playing more, but I really wish the Vita version was out. I have an hour and a half commute to work each day, so my Vita and 3DS have been fantastic to play games like this on (mainly my Vita, truth told, but I love my 3DS too!).
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