Axios: Adviser says it's finally dawned on Trump: "People really fucking hate me."


Nah he'll go back to his base and old behaviors by next week.

He's dead on in those first and last pints though. Republicans thought they could just manipulate him and it'd be like pressing the win button. McConnell is indeed useless.


This asshole banned trans soldiers and stirred up a movement of racism that will last for decades.

I don't care how much he changes. On his deathbed in the liberal utopia he creates just for affirmation, I will still be saying he can go fuck himself.

This is where I am. He'll never get on my good side.


Lol. The heel turns. This article is bogus if those words didn't come out of his mouth verbatim though.
I don't care if showering him with praise means we are showering a piece of shit with praise. If doing so means good things happen, do it for the rest of his fucking term and let him fade away.
Sign the DREAM Act and stabilize ACA and then we'll see.

The debt ceiling deal was cool but only because it was a finger in the eye of the GOP. It's not particularly good policy. The enemy of my enemy is my friend only to some extent.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
The reason why Trump made a deal with the democrats is because he's holding a grudge against Ryan and McConnell for the ACA repeal failure, the Russian probe not stopping, and the condemnation of his Charlottesville remarks.

Nothing more, nothing less.


I'm genuinely interested to see if this leads to Trump working with Bernie and the Dems on healthcare. That almost seem plausible at this point with Trump so desperate for legislative win that gets him praise.

Of all the bizarre things in this Presidency, that would be one of the craziest things to happen and I can barely see the pieces falling in place for it to happen.
I don't know what the fuck Axios is but I've made a mental note to ignore them if I ever see shit from them again because of this article. Thanks, OP!
This is where I am. He'll never get on my good side.

This. He and his party have enabled some of the worst people in our society from violent racists to hypocritical evangelicals to anti- intellectuals. Even if he himself were to change and try to do better, his entire existence even pre-election has given deplorables insane amounts of purchase in our society. It's created an atmosphere where the denial of facts and the denial of people's own humanity is taken as just a "difference of opinion" or a "perspective that deserves consideration or discussion". He's actively damaged our political system to where people in power are allowed to get away with criminal acts as long as they know the right people, remain "loyal" and sufficiently say sorry enough or convince someone they were too dumb to know they did something wrong. The GOP and Trump have warped society and politics and I really can't say either will ever get my praise. If progressive ideas are pushed forward from here on out, it will be in spite of Trump's inherent narcissism and stupidity and the GOPs cruelty. It will all be squarely due to the efforts of competent and empathetic politicians and citizens and they'll deserve the praise.
A damned if you do, damned if you don't situation if there ever was one. If he continues down the path the article says he's leaning towards. The House will begin whispering about impeachment.
I'm imagining a scenario where he starts trying to prove Obama was a failure by accomplishing the things Obama tried to do and couldn't get through an obstructionist congress instead of dismay along the things Obama did accomplish. He'd be accomplishing good for all the wrong reasons. I think the overwhelming number of Trump supporters will support him no matter what he does, and I'd hope most liberals would support any actions that resulted in making things better like signing DACA into law.


A damned if you do, damned if you don't situation if there ever was one. If he continues down the path the article says he's leaning towards. The House will begin whispering about impeachment.

I guess if you live on an island, you shouldn't burn all the bridges.
Whatever, he'll do some dumb suit next week.

I'm fine getting good things out of him if possible it's better than nothing. It'll piss off the GOP and his base, and Dems still won't vote for his fucking ass later anyways. Win all around.

He can't seem to find ties of an appropriate length, can he?


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
If the tide turns he'll turn.

Dude wants to be loved more than anything else.

He'll abandon the hardcore GOP base if it means he get's mainstream love.


I don't know what the fuck Axios is but I've made a mental note to ignore them if I ever see shit from them again because of this article. Thanks, OP!
New site from the founders of Politico, looks like they started last year and scooped up a lot of prestigious political reporters.


This seems like too favorable of a reading. I'm betting it's more that it finally dawned on him how fucking useless McConnell and Ryan are for him. They haven't done jack shit and he's fed up with that. He'd probably fire their asses right now if he could, but he can't. Next best thing is cozying up to some Dems to either piss them off or get something done.

None of this is terribly surprising. He's still a racist, sexist, know-nothing asshat, but his greed and self serving nature might actually 'trump' some of that. He wants to do things and be praised for it more than anything and he'll steer the ship whatever way that wind blows. Good on the dems if they can capitalize on this fact, but I sincerely hope no one at all is counting on him to keep going in any direction at all. He has no moral compass and no scruples with completely going against a previous statement or idea. He'd throw you under the bus for a poorly made taco bowl. Use him when you can, but keep the pressure on in other areas and don't count on him returning any favors.
Could you imagine what kind of world it would be if horrible racists and angry idiots just.... stopped being those things when they realized people hate them?
I'm going to bet it dawned on him right after the guy that was hired to print out positive stories and create 2 folders full of those stories for Trump to read everyday was shown the door. Kelly has barred print outs of Breitbart and other trash tabloids as part of his daily news(?) consumption, that's a fact.


All these posts claiming that we 'love Trump' now, but I have yet to actually see anyone on GAF post that they like him that hated him from the start.

All I can see is him just turning into a useful idiot for us rather than the GOP.
If the tide turns he'll turn.

Dude wants to be loved more than anything else.

He'll abandon the hardcore GOP base if it means he get's mainstream love.
He wants so desperately to be loved by the elite. He doesn't genuinely care if Johnny Smallbusinessowner in Nowhere Ohio likes him, his goal has always been to flip on CNN and see the anchors gushing over him.

That's why Schumer is such a good foil for him. Wealthy, powerful, a media darling with a million connections to the financial industry - he's exactly the type of person Trump feels the need to impress. Trump may be rich but you can't buy class.
I really doubt any liberal could love trump after rooting for the fucking white nationalist! But hey, I'm all for fucking over the GOP. If the direction he wants to go is screwing over them who am I to want to stop that. Still impeach the fuck out of this guy.
The guy fucks over every person he interacts with. Every single one. This will be no different, IMO.

Doesn't mean not to take advantage of the situation, it's not like the dems were getting anything before. So even if he screws them over tomorrow, it's a couple days worth of progress they wouldn't normally have.

However it's only a matter of time before he screws them over, so they better plan accordingly.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
Fuck Trump, but if Chuck and Pelosi can lessen damage done until 2020 or impeachment,then I'm all in.

However I'm pretty sure this won't last and people who do are setting themselves up for disappointment.


He wants so desperately to be loved by the elite. He doesn't genuinely care if Johnny Smallbusinessowner in Nowhere Ohio likes him, his goal has always been to flip on CNN and see the anchors gushing over him.

That's why Schumer is such a good foil for him. Wealthy, powerful, a media darling with a million connections to the financial industry - he's exactly the type of person Trump feels the need to impress. Trump may be rich but you can't buy class.
Yup. People can throw all their trust in Mueller if they want to but even with all the evidence, impeachment will be a gamble. I'd rather the dems realize there is a way to "turn" Trump, since he holds no actual beliefs anyway. If they continue what they've apparently started, they might be able to use him for some good after all... which ironically could actually lead to impeachment or at least no Trump 2020 in the long run. I wouldn't be surprised if they could convince Trump even of single payer health care, for example.


Un Rama
Is this what white privilege actually is? This dude is essentially a white supremacist and people are still willing to say things like "he will pivot", "oh he just doesn't understand what he's doing" even after all the disgusting things he has done, did and will do.

Joey Ravn

Yeah, but they hate him the most. He wins at being hated. He's the absolute best at being hated.

Keep on winning, Donny.

If it is possible it's definitely a fraction of a percent

In no way do I think it's likely to happen, but weird shit goes down sometimes. Your assessment is correct though, and I'm still content with hating him.

Yeah, even if he had a sincere change of heart there's really little chance that anything truly "great" for progressives or leftists could come from a Trump presidency. He would have to prove it to progressives first, and proving it would take a lot of time.

His campaign and first eight months in office have so thoroughly salted the earth that it would take decades of work from Trump to repair his relationship with anyone left-of-center. Decades more than the 4-8 years he has in office, and probably decades more than he has left in him. The muslim ban, the transgender military ban, defending neo-nazis and white supremacists, these things won't and shouldn't be forgotten overnight.

About the best-case scenario is the fracture between Trump and Republicans deepens and solidifies to the point where Trump abandons the GOP agenda and the GOP abandons Trump. Trump stops seeking ways to actively hurt people and this country, and the fracture costs Republicans congressional seats and the White House.


Would Republicans finally grow a pair and start actually considering impeaching the dude?

I expect they probably would if he starts working more openly and regularly with the Democrats. That's no longer a useful idiot to them, that's an idiot that's actively blocking their agenda.
guy has done more damage to this country in the ~9 months he's been in office than anybody else

even if he turned a new leaf, it doesn't change the fact that many government departments (state, epa, education, etc) have been pretty much destroyed in their entiereity
If he starts moderating then bets are off on how low his approval ratings is gonna be. He is only getting floated by his base at point.

The Democratic base hates him no matter what, probably with a fervor unmatched since Dubya, if not more. Where does he go from here?


He must've stopped getting his binders of fake news

I wouldn't be surprised if one of the turning points was the crowd of protesters at the Arizona rally compared to the crowd at the rally itself he had to fire one of his aides over. If he really cares about crowds, being outnumbered by haters is definitely going to get to him. The same applies to counter-protesters for the white supremacy events earlier.

That fact that Obama annihilated his numbers on his beloved Twitter with his anti-racist comment probably keeps him sleepless at night. It's slowly dawning on him that the anti-racists may just outnumber the racists, and they all hate him.
I expect they probably would if he starts working more openly and regularly with the Democrats. That's no longer a useful idiot to them, that's an idiot that's actively blocking their agenda.

In that case, why would the Democrats cooperate with an impeachment?


In that case, why would the Democrats cooperate with an impeachment?

If they're willing to look at the long term, they'll know that he'll turn on them. It's inevitable. It's pretty much like just being sociable with a rabid dog to keep it calm until it's time to put it down.
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