I meant it as to why they are purchasing up the industry. They failed, started blaming the opposition to their failures, no introspection, all hubris and hypocrisy, thus they buy everything up regardless of the ramifications that it will have in the race to the bottom.
I see your point. Basically they aren't seeing that their method is what is dangerous to the gaming industry. I mean that kinda plays to what I said about them stopping prior to the Bethesda acquisition. I don't think it helps the industry the way they want to do things. I specifically remember saying I prefer Sony's more organic approach to acquisitions, years ago. They buy folks who they've worked with or had a solid relationship with for some time, then they buy them. I guess one could argue that Bethesda and Xbox have had this kind of relationship. However, the majority of the acquisitions are like Microsoft saw something shiny and just bought it. Ninja Theory, specifically, comes to mind. No working relationship...saw Hellblade as an indie game...oooh shiny....purchased. Other ones I could consider are somewhat organic are Undead Labs, Playground Games, I suppose Rare, though that was long before the acquisition rush of a few years ago.
To be fair, Sony does some things on a much smaller scale that's also anticonsumer and anticompetitive. It's not $76 billion worth of anticonsumer and anticompetitive so I guess we turn a blind eye. But I don't ignore that. The method is still bad, regardless of the amount of money behind it.