SpacePirate Ridley said:
So no subtitles in any language. In this date and age thats totally unacceptable telltale. What the fuck are you thinking?
What does "no subtitles in any language" mean? Your use of "any" is ambiguous. Do you mean "your game has no subtitles?" or do you mean "your game does have subtitles, but it doesn't have them in every language?" We've never shipped a game that didn't support subtitles, though they are usually English only. Back to the Future shipped with subtitles in English, French and German. So, that's subtitles in
some languages, which is better than our usual track record of "subtitles in
one langluage (English)." I know we're lame for not also having a Spanish subtitle track but that's not my call.
bistromathics said:
Paging Jake Rodkin:
Or maybe this is just a nod to the old days of pixel-hunting. Sure, let's go with that.
No that's a failure on my part probably. QA and I didn't catch it until the final built was out the door. Lame.
LocoMrPollock said:
Anyone know if the 360 controller is supported?
I think the wired 360 controller is supported, but covertly, as in there won't be any face button icons on screen or anything, but you can do all the interactions you would normally do. A selects things, Y opens inventory, B is back/cancel, Start brings up the menu, bumpers can toggle between items in the world if you dont want to walk Marty over. I can't vouch that this works in the released builds, but on internal builds we can play with the 360 pad.