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Back to the Future the Game |OT| James Rolfe Hates Manure!

Big Chungus

I really wanted this to come out for the PS3 the same time the PC version was released...

I enjoy playing these type of games on my TV with friends and family around, it really brings us together when we try to figure out the puzzles.


LocoMrPollock said:
Yeah, I know I'm getting it for free, but I was hyped to play it, and I think it's a bad move on their part.

Then freakin' buy it and play it now. I don't know what made you think that you're entitled to anything in this situation. They could have very well not offered dick for free and then you wouldn't have a reason to complain.

Ridiculous. -_-


Deszaras said:
curious question for mac users:

i have a 15 inch macbook pro with core i5 cpu, 128mb vram and nvidia 330m. I'm very curious how it runs (for those that may have the same specs).

Just installed it on a 13" MBP with a 9400...runs fine at 1680x1050.


Lol gotcha
fna84 said:
Not sure if serious.
I was serious. I was uninformed. Is there a problem here sir? I haven't been in this thread very long or read anything about how the game was being sold.
Seems like a pretty tepid response to the first episode.

I'm tempted to buy it for the soundtrack alone. I get wet every time that score kicks in.
The nailed the feel, and the small subtle references abound are awesome.

love the ref in George's line "sometimes you have to go out on a limb for someone you love. I wish my father understood that".

Also, the Shark movie poster board is great.
The opening scene was freaking awesome, I am going through such a nostalgia trip now. I love the little details that they put in the game...like JCPenny's is JCPinny's and Marty has a Weird Science poster on his wall, and the picture of him and Doc in front of the clock. So awesome, I cannot wait to play this game during Christmas at my parents'.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Dechaios said:
I was serious. I was uninformed. Is there a problem here sir? I haven't been in this thread very long or read anything about how the game was being sold.
All of TellTales series have been priced that way.
I really grinned at the "walking across the street not taking notice and almost getting hit by a car" bit that all the movies had. It was great that they kept up a lot of the tradition the movies established like that.
Android18a said:
I really grinned at the "walking across the street not taking notice and almost getting hit by a car" bit that all the movies had. It was great that they kept up a lot of the tradition the movies established like that.
The panning around Doc's lab in the intro was masterful, as well. Telltale did a hell of a job with their attention to detail.


bluedeviltron said:
Seems like a pretty tepid response to the first episode.

I'm tempted to buy it for the soundtrack alone. I get wet every time that score kicks in.

Most of the soundtrack seemed MIDI. The only time the actual orchestrated Back to the Future score was used was when you go back in time.

And tepid? Don't let the stupid complaining about not getting the free episode throw you off.


Full story spoilers

Based on that end "next time on..." thing it looks like the series might take place in one continuing story (like a film). They could still travel to more times I suppose like BttF2 did. I guess it's better this way so were not just introduced to characters and quickly disposed of them.

Liked the game quite a bit though. Some great call backs. Only real issues I had were weird little sound glitches and unfinished animations.


Wait so the $22.49 price on Steam is for the whole season or just the episode?. Sorry guys I'm new telltale episodic content.


I laughed at the part where Marty sees a
picture of young Strickland on the wall where he was wearing his mother's clothes


facing a bright new dawn
Probably a dumb question, but you can just copy over saves, right? I'm bout to co-op this game w/ my sis, but would rather play my copy on my sexy comp than her copy on her ass laptop. And then she can just copy the save from my game and load it in hers, yeah?


is each episode self contained or is there a possibility there will be be a huge ass cliffhanger then i'll have to wait 2 months for the next episode? i don't like the idea of buying a game then waiting for months for the conclusion after HL2 episodes, id rather jus wait for everything to be released.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
It looks so goddamn nice in motion on my TV and works perfect with my 360 pad. I'm gonna kick back tomorrow morning and roll right through it.






Chesskid1 said:
is each episode self contained or is there a possibility there will be be a huge ass cliffhanger then i'll have to wait 2 months for the next episode? i don't like the idea of buying a game then waiting for months for the conclusion after HL2 episodes, id rather jus wait for everything to be released.

Spoiler only if you don't want to know the answer to this question. No specifics.

Based on first episode it's similar to HL2 episodes. Clear goal to complete in each episode, but certainly a continuing arch.


Chesskid1 said:
is each episode self contained or is there a possibility there will be be a huge ass cliffhanger then i'll have to wait 2 months for the next episode? i don't like the idea of buying a game then waiting for months for the conclusion after HL2 episodes, id rather jus wait for everything to be released.
I believe BttF is like Tales of Monkey Island, with an over-arching plot. But did you seriously just post what you did? Do you know how many entire seasons full of games Telltale have put out since HL2 Episode 2? :lol

It's not too long to wait if you'd rather just hold off and play the whole thing at once, though.


After watching the Giantbomb QL I'll definitely pick this up but Biff doesn't sound nearly as arseholish as he should. I wish they at least asked the actor who played him.


SpacePirate Ridley said:
So no subtitles in any language. In this date and age thats totally unacceptable telltale. What the fuck are you thinking?

What does "no subtitles in any language" mean? Your use of "any" is ambiguous. Do you mean "your game has no subtitles?" or do you mean "your game does have subtitles, but it doesn't have them in every language?" We've never shipped a game that didn't support subtitles, though they are usually English only. Back to the Future shipped with subtitles in English, French and German. So, that's subtitles in some languages, which is better than our usual track record of "subtitles in one langluage (English)." I know we're lame for not also having a Spanish subtitle track but that's not my call.

bistromathics said:
Paging Jake Rodkin:


Or maybe this is just a nod to the old days of pixel-hunting. Sure, let's go with that.

No that's a failure on my part probably. QA and I didn't catch it until the final built was out the door. Lame.

LocoMrPollock said:
Anyone know if the 360 controller is supported?

I think the wired 360 controller is supported, but covertly, as in there won't be any face button icons on screen or anything, but you can do all the interactions you would normally do. A selects things, Y opens inventory, B is back/cancel, Start brings up the menu, bumpers can toggle between items in the world if you dont want to walk Marty over. I can't vouch that this works in the released builds, but on internal builds we can play with the 360 pad.
Jake said:
What does "no subtitles in any language" mean? Your use of "any" is ambiguous. Do you mean "your game has no subtitles?" or do you mean "your game does have subtitles, but it doesn't have them in every language?" We've never shipped a game that didn't support subtitles, though they are usually English only. Back to the Future shipped with subtitles in English, French and German. So, that's subtitles in some languages, which is better than our usual track record of "subtitles in one langluage (English)." I know we're lame for not also having a Spanish subtitle track but that's not my call.
Jake, does the Steam version have the soundtrack?

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Jake said:
What does "no subtitles in any language" mean? The game shipped with subtitles in English, French and German. I know we're lame for not also having a Spanish subtitle track but that's not my call.
Oh shit, caught out.

Btw, trying out the opening before I had I leave for work made my day. I can't fucking wait to dig into it tomorrow.

Also, when is Jurassic Park dropping? My hype levels are rising to dangerous levels already.

<3 you guys.


stuminus3 said:
But did you seriously just post what you did? Do you know how many entire seasons full of games Telltale have put out since HL2 Episode 2? :lol

wth are you talking about? i just asked if there would be a huge cliffhanger at the end of an episode, then i'll have to wait for months for the next episode, which i don't want to do, i'd rather wait for all the episodes to come out. i don't like being in suspension, heh.

did you mean they put cliffhangers at the end of "seasons" for their games, with no release date in mind for season 2? i would hate that.


Chesskid1 said:
wth are you talking about? i just asked if there would be a huge cliffhanger at the end of an episode, then i'll have to wait for months for the next episode, which i don't want to do, i'd rather wait for all the episodes to come out. i don't like being in suspension, heh.

Just 1 month is all.


Eaten By A Grue said:
The opening scene was freaking awesome, I am going through such a nostalgia trip now. I love the little details that they put in the game...like JCPenny's is JCPinny's and Marty has a Weird Science poster on his wall, and the picture of him and Doc in front of the clock. So awesome, I cannot wait to play this game during Christmas at my parents'.

It actually says "JP Pinney's" which is a reference to Telltale designer Joe Pinney, who is one of the two leads on the Jurassic Park game.

Chesskid1 said:
wth are you talking about? i just asked if there would be a huge cliffhanger at the end of an episode, then i'll have to wait for months for the next episode, which i don't want to do, i'd rather wait for all the episodes to come out. i don't like being in suspension, heh.

did you mean they put cliffhangers at the end of "seasons" for their games, with no release date in mind for season 2? i would hate that.

The episodes have their own stories which usually wrap up with a little twist or cliffhanger to keep people interested in next month's happenings, but the stories are always resolved by the end of the season. The model is less "TV season" and more "TV miniseries." Unlike the Half Life episodes,* Telltale episodes have always released on a very consistent schedule. Games have occasionally slipped a week or something but once the first episode is out our season schedule is pretty locked in for the next 4-6 months.

LovingSteam said:
Does the Steam version contain the soundtrack

I don't think we have the legal rights to distribute the soundtrack as standalone audio, but I'm not sure. I suspect, though, that us distributing or selling things which include Alan Silvestri's BTTF theme is legally not simple. It's not included outside the game in any release right now. It's an awesome score, though! Done by Jared Emerson-Johnson, the guy who wrote the Sam & Max soundtracks (and voiced DeSinge in Tales of Monkey Island).

(*which are some of my favorite games in areas other than release date reliability.)


Stallion Free said:
It looks so goddamn nice in motion on my TV and works perfect with my 360 pad.
And wouldn't you know it, it looks like I was wrong when I said it didn't support a pad. I just retried the x360ce program and everything works perfectly. Now I don't have to complain about the kind-of-annoying mouse-only control setup!
Jake said:
I don't think we have the legal rights to distribute the soundtrack as standalone audio. It's not included outside the game in any release right now. It's an awesome score, though! Done by Jared Emerson-Johnson, the guy who wrote the Sam & Max soundtracks (and voiced DeSinge in Tales of Monkey Island).

(*which are some of my favorite games in areas other than release date reliability.)

Would be awesome as a future update :D

P.S. Thank you for doing this. Like many fans, it was such an amazing movie as I was growing up and I greatly appreciate having you guys at TellTale treat it as such. You guys are fantastic!


Wow, my PC is crap, and I can still run this game pretty decently. These are my PC specs:

Windows XP
Intel Celeron 2.80GHZ
Geforce 6600GT (which is below the system requirements)

And I can run the game on:

Resolution: 1280x720
Graphics quality: highest
Anti-aliasing: 2/3
Shadow quality: 1/2
Effects: on

Here are a couple of screenshots:



I probably should just turn off shadow quality though, it can look pretty bad at times:

I played this maxed out at 2540x1440 or whatever my 27" imac screen is. So gorgeous. If I knew how to take screenshots I'd take some huge ones <3
Darklord said:
After watching the Giantbomb QL I'll definitely pick this up but Biff doesn't sound nearly as arseholish as he should. I wish they at least asked the actor who played him.
I've got to agree that Biff sounds off. It would have been awesome if TT had signed Tom Wilson to resume his roll. The guy has done plenty of video game work (Wing Commander on PC and recently Spider-man: Shattered Dimensions), so I wonder why TT didn't get him into the game.

I've only played the first 15 to 30 minutes,
up to the point where you get into the old ladie's apartment
, can't wait to finish the episode tonight!


Hmmm....got Snow Leopard all setup and DL the game, when I hit play from the main menu it doesn't load up. What gives?



Android18a said:
I played this maxed out at 2540x1440 or whatever my 27" imac screen is. So gorgeous. If I knew how to take screenshots I'd take some huge ones <3

Command-Shift-3 takes a screenshots of the entire screen, Command-Shift-4 gives you a cross hair to select a certain portion. While you have the crosshair, if you hit Shiftbad, you'll get a camera which will take a shot of only the window you're holding it over when you click the mouse button.
Darklord said:
Biff doesn't sound nearly as arseholish as he should.
Biff in the 1980's stopped being an asshole after Marty's dad punched him at the dance. This is supposed to be tame Biff that waxes the McFly's cars. I think he was wearing that track suit at the end of BttF I.

Man I was thinking, I really wished I worked for Telltale, they have development over some of the best franchises. It must be as fun as hell working on these games.


Is anyone else a little disappointed that (early game spoilers)
the opening was just a dream? I was fucking going CRAZY at that intro, and then it wasn't real.
= (


Ok, today is a fantastic day :) I just won a copy of the game from MyCheats, so I'm installing now :D

Now I don't have to buy it once on Mac, once on PSN. So totally buying that PSN version though :D


Jake said:
I don't think we have the legal rights to distribute the soundtrack as standalone audio, but I'm not sure. I suspect, though, that us distributing or selling things which include Alan Silvestri's BTTF theme is legally not simple. It's not included outside the game in any release right now. It's an awesome score, though! Done by Jared Emerson-Johnson, the guy who wrote the Sam & Max soundtracks (and voiced DeSinge in Tales of Monkey Island).

Speaking of Sam & Max soundtracks, any news on The Devil's Playhouse's? Jared did a fantastic job with that one and it'd be a shame if it doesn't get its own release with gorgeous Steve Purcell artwork!
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