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Baldur's Gate III | OT | Bear in Mind, Your Choices Have Consequences


Gold Member
Regardless of level caps, BG3 has over 600 spells and subspells. For comparison, Bg2 had around 200 i believe. So the game won't be lacking on cool stuff to try out at least.

Yeah I had a lot of fun looking around all the different spells so far and traits when making a character. Interesting to hear this game has so many more, hopefully they're unique enough. I'm sure another big difference is going to be BG3 will be a lot more open ended to how you solve puzzles and combat, which is saying a lot - as BG2 was certainly pretty open ended about it too.

It's not exactly fair to compare it to BG2 though, since you start at level 1 in this game like BG1, which also had a lower level cap, where you only got to see 3rd or 4th level spells in BG1. Haste was so OP though, I'm playing through on Tactician and am looking forward to the challenges you get from being lower level.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
You can see the playtime on Steam and if I start a game now it will be 3 years of waiting for nothing. I must resist. But with Starfield early September... I swear he couldn't have been unavailable at a worse time
The game is so varied you could do a solo character and a co op character. Easy.


Using the torch which is placed in its dedicated equipment slot is unequipping my main weapon and puts it in the inventory. Is this a bug or is as intended? I think is a bug...
It is ok. Not perfect by any stretch, but I still vastly prefer it over point and click top down mouse and keyboard controls. Interface is more immersive too, with much less stuff obstructing the screen, when using controller.

I honestly think its the best controller control i have seen for a game like this. Couple things might be janky but for the most part amazing.

Fools idol

Mid way through Act 1 I was thinking to myself this is the best cRPG I have played since baldurs gate 2.

Half way through act 2 and I am now thinking this may be the best cRPG ever created. It's so brilliant in so many ways that I am genuinely in awe of Larian as a comapny to grow to this level so quickly. They have pretty much surpassed every expection I had for a forgotten realms setting. The companions and stories, the 'feeling' that I talked about in this old thread I made back in the day, it's there, finally, and I am very satisfied with it.

I can probably count on one hand the games in my life I have played and completely forgot the outside world even exists, and this is one of em. Fucking A for escapism.

And I haven't even finished it yet!


I grabbed this on Steam Deck because it looks awesome and I’m really excited to play it. After an hour or so, I’m debating refunding it and waiting for the PS5 release next month. I feel like I’m missing a lot of graphical detail on the tiny screen, and the fan sounds like it’s about to explode. I guess the real debate is, I’m sure the PS5 will be the better experience, but I also want to dive in now. Anyone else dealing with the same thing? Any advice?
Step 1 - Get a dock
Step 2 - connect to TV
Step 3 - play with controller or wireless KBM
Step 4 - Headphones! 😉
Don’t think I’ve ever played a game that rewards you for how much you put into it as this one. So refreshing in the current gaming landscape.

It’s also my only ‘negative’ with the game I have so far. I feel like I am often doing the game a disservice. There are obviously a million different ways to handle combat encounters, dialogues, etc. so every time I’m once again, sort of just grinding out a combat encounter in a very straightforward way I get a bit disappointed in myself. Nothing that is really worthy of save scumming or anything. I just wish I was a little more creative, or ‘locked in’ instead of just stumbling my way through.

In fairness though, games simply do not play like this these days, so maybe I just need to keep playing and learning. I shoved a boss off a cliff to kill them, so awesome. And I was impressed that their loot didn’t show up at the foot of the cliff or in some chest later on. It is totally uncompromising in what it’s doing, and it’s wonderful. Insane how much depth there is. The Goblin Camp + Emerald Grove alone could be an entire DnD campaign that you could do dozens of different ways.

Love the game, hope I get better at engaging with it.


Gonna ask a dumb question as I'm a dumb lad

I really dislike turn based games, I like Persona titles, Pokémon titles and the og FF7 but the combat isn't what kept me around in those games.

Is BG3 a game worth buying even if you actively dislike turn based/tactical combat like I do? Contemplating a pre-order on PS5


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Had a kid pickpocket my stuff and run into a small hole in the ground. I shape-shifted into a halfling and followed them through, where I proceeded to murder all the kids in the hideout. That'll teach those little fuckers.

Never did find my stuff though.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
You can kill the kids? I was sure the game didn't let you kill kids
They were kinda... teenagers? Maybe? One kid revived instantly then ran out to get help. As I emerged from the cave, there was an adult there to greet me and it went straight into combat. Killed him, and then nothing ever came of it (yet) and I went about my business.


Ok, so I hit a wall with the Gnoll Hunters. At this point I'm going to have to start getting creative and dig through the scrolls/potions etc to work out how to defeat them. My sorc character doesn't have enough aoe to blast them in one go and then they get 3 longbow attacks each and destroy even my most tank character. I'm enjoying the combat more than I expected, but it's time I started using some of the more creative/inventive strategies instead of sorc blast, rogue shoot, tank charge, cleric buff.


I haven't been able to get the hang of casting spells so far. I was trying to get that imprisoned goblin out of the druid's grove really early on, and it just wasn't happening. Every person I walked past has a perception check that I eventually fail, so I reload the save and cast a cloud of fog to blind them, but that affects the goblin too and she's left behind while I walk out of there with the rest of my party.

The game offers very little help with its mechanics, I just had no idea what to do there. Left that area behind now, the druids and goblins and demon pacifists (who won't stand up for themselves but will happily attack my group) can just kill each other for all I care.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
So glad I went sorc. The charisma being max always lets me avoid fights through discourse . Plus in fights I am a powerhouse.

I was debating wizard too but the fact you gotta pay gold to learn spells is off putting.

I also regret going into the underdark. I’ve unlocked like 4 or 5 teleport areas so all new zones within it. Spent so much time down here and am just now past going onto the boat. I have only long rested three times I think. I’m about to have to use number 4 and I still need to kill all the captains to free the Druid . Going to focus on that then proceed with the underdark I guess.

There’s so much content and variation I genuinely don’t think you could see all this shit unless you spent years playing this day in day out. Feels like a decade worth of content.


They were kinda... teenagers? Maybe? One kid revived instantly then ran out to get help. As I emerged from the cave, there was an adult there to greet me and it went straight into combat. Killed him, and then nothing ever came of it (yet) and I went about my business.

The "police" systems i've seen so far are kind of weird. I found out there's even a gta-style cooldown if you've violate the law in certain settlements, during which you must stay hidden, otherwise its "STOP CRIMINAL SCUM"
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I made my way to Aunt Ethel's Tea House...

I've been there for three hours and I'm still not finished.

Of course, the journey is more important than the destination; along the way, I fell in love with the Gith, and now we're a thing. Slain an Owlbear and attempting to rescue a damsel in distress.

Awe-inspiring sense of scale and location. Everything is a choice, and it matters, which I appreciate. The dice roll is everything, and I don't mind losing because it makes the story really unfold in unexpected ways.



The "police" systems i've seen so far are kind of weird. I found out there's even a gta-style cooldown if you've violate the law in certain settlements, during which you must stay hidden, otherwise its "STOP CRIMINAL SCUM"

Man, it would be amazing if the game could let you spread bullshit rumors to throw law enforcement off your trial (obviously good Deception rolls would be needed).

There was a part in Campaign 2 of Critical Role where the party fucked up a simple info-gathering mission with bad stealth rolls and were forced to take out a group of pirates but were spotted by the port’s guards before fleeing in the pirates’ ship. In addition to changing the ship name (from “The Mist” to “The Mistake”, god I love these guys*), they sailed to another port close by and came up with the idea of spreading rumors among the tavern and such that there were murderous criminals seen fleeing the port they had just left and gave inaccurate descriptions for them (since the guards only got a distant look at the party). After exploring the ocean for a while, when they returned nobody seemed to look at them suspiciously.

It would be a cool feature if your party is spotted doing something illegal but the guards don’t get too close to you before you escape you could do something like that. Obviously pretty situational so it’s probably not worth the effort of including, but it’s a neat idea.

*also, I love what happens when they get on the ship. Jester and Nott find a guy below deck on the pirates’ ship who charges them. Caleb pops up behind them and uses the Command spell IIRC to make the guy go back down the stairs and hide under a table. The guy does so, and then instantly comes back out and charges again since the spell only lasts a turn. Jester attacks with an axe, but Laura forgets to say it was a non-lethal attack so the guy is killed. Jester revives him and she and Nott calm the guy down by saying they’ve taken over the ship but don’t want to hurt him if he surrenders. The guy is a carpenter. Jester and Nott point out since only Fjord is the member of their party who knows anything about ships, they decide to promote the guy to First Mate. Travis, Fjord’s player, laughs his ass off at the idea of a carpenter instantly getting promoted all the way to First Mate. The guy asks Jester and Nott what to do, and they say, “don’t ask us, you’re the First Mate!” He tries giving an uncertain order, and they lose interest and ask if he can repair the ship‘s damage.

Like, just imagine this guy’s POV. Gets attacked and tries to fight back (after running up and down the stairs twice), gets killed, gets revived by the woman who killed him, is told his ship has been taken over, is given a massive promotion by said invaders, is told by them to order THEM around, and when he does so they instantly brush him off.

LMAO, you got to love D&D.


Man, it would be amazing if the game could let you spread bullshit rumors to throw law enforcement off your trial (obviously good Deception rolls would be needed).
There is suposedly a newspaper mechanic in act 3 of the city, where you can break into the building and change the press to spread good word about you.

Now people just need to get there to see it in action.
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I was silenced then I moved and it ended the silence? So silence isnt turn based it was a AOE silence? Is there both types?

Nevermind I see the large circles of silence on the ground now.
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Ok, so I hit a wall with the Gnoll Hunters. At this point I'm going to have to start getting creative and dig through the scrolls/potions etc to work out how to defeat them. My sorc character doesn't have enough aoe to blast them in one go and then they get 3 longbow attacks each and destroy even my most tank character. I'm enjoying the combat more than I expected, but it's time I started using some of the more creative/inventive strategies instead of sorc blast, rogue shoot, tank charge, cleric buff.
There is an piece of gear for sale by Arron in the grove that can really help the fight.


Gonna ask a dumb question as I'm a dumb lad

I really dislike turn based games, I like Persona titles, Pokémon titles and the og FF7 but the combat isn't what kept me around in those games.

Is BG3 a game worth buying even if you actively dislike turn based/tactical combat like I do? Contemplating a pre-order on PS5

It's impossible to say if you're going to like it or not, but the genious of this game isn't the combat system per se. The combat seems good, yes, but there are other games that do good turn-based combat too. But no other game delivers the levels of reactivity, depth of PC-NPC interactions, etc that this one does. The amount of care and detail that went into this is frankly sttagering. That's it's magic. I can tell you that if all the game was was BG with prettier graphics I wouldn't be anywhere near as excited.


That phase spider matriarch... Damn. The room you fight her alone makes it nearly impossible. Thank God for the ogres.


That phase spider matriarch... Damn. The room you fight her alone makes it nearly impossible. Thank God for the ogres.
You can destroy the webbing bridges when the phase spider is standing on it, it falls down and makes good damage. But i'm sure you know that already.
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I just realized this game is steam deck ready!


Graphics are kind of crappy to keep a consistant framerate, but acceptable. Still having a blast with it on the deck.

Will get better with fsr2 implemented but seems the nVidia partenership deal has delayed it. Shame. Should be available around the console launch.

Edit: oh wait, fully verified now. Wonder what changed since launch. They got rid of the launcher i guess.
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Spent all day yesterday exploring a section of a map within a map which itself is underneath another map. Just insane.

I can kind of see why other devs were kinda shit talking about this game as there are so many small details that you just don't see in other really long games (which are normally copy and paste or procedurally generated and not hand crafted like this). So many times I think I've outwitted the designers by doing something that would normally break the game only for them to have thought about what people might try and there's a fully voice acted outcome. Again just insane.

So far holding strong against my urge to reroll but will do bard next time for the non combat stuff. The fact I'm already thinking about my next playthrough of a 100 hour game should tell you everything.

Fools idol

What an amazing game. About 21 hours in now and still uncovering things left and right in Act 1. So much to see, so many choices, fun and challenging fights, tons of stuff to find.
Just wait until act 2 brother!!

Karlachs story is by far the most interesting in this so far. Looking forward to subsequent playthroughs with different companions. There seems to be a huge amount of varaiation in story and progression depending on who you pick, and who you are. My friend is currently playing through an area with Astarion that I couldn't even access because I am playing a completely different group + class.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Just wait until act 2 brother!!

Karlachs story is by far the most interesting in this so far. Looking forward to subsequent playthroughs with different companions. There seems to be a huge amount of varaiation in story and progression depending on who you pick, and who you are. My friend is currently playing through an area with Astarion that I couldn't even access because I am playing a completely different group + class.
Nice. Yeah, seems to be so much for multiple playthroughs, not just a straightforward good/evil alignment path choice too, though Dark Urge sounds wild.

Even though I did EA back in 2020 a lot of Act 1 feels new. Down in (Act 1) the Underdark now which I don't remember doing in EA. First fight Minotaurs charged-flung my entire party off a cliff into the abyss.

Every time I try something to see if the game accounts for it, it does. For example per the above, when I went down (Act 1) into the Underdark, I saw a -9 HP estimate for the drop at first, so I tried it. But ended up getting a game over, after a full cutscene showing my freefall and splatter. Then I was curious how they would handle it if I gave my MC featherfall but not the rest of my party. MC survived but my party members were corpses at the bottom and MC commented on it. Gave the full party featherfall and we made it down intact with party commentary. Glorious attention to detail.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
What an amazing game. About 21 hours in now and still uncovering things left and right in Act 1. So much to see, so many choices, fun and challenging fights, tons of stuff to find.
Same, it’s a complete surreal experience. Despite having played so much of the ea, I keep finding new stuff. And I’m still in the ea portions of the game (despite having played 12-15h every day) because I’m taking my sweet as time with everything, it’s so refreshing to play a game like this in 2023.
Game is legit great. I misunderstand spell slots and now have none available for my drow sorc and Shadowheart in the chapel and was getting beat up bad, so instead of long rest and come back later...
I just went the otherside and put down some goblins, and entered the first settlement. Now, im in dispute with two factions and having to choose which to side with. This game.
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