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Baldur's Gate III | OT | Bear in Mind, Your Choices Have Consequences

Just finished the Spider Matriarch fight in Act 1 with my level 4 party. Just brute forced it with my Paladin 2Hander, Lazael, Karlach and Shadowheart. Piled up on melee damage and killed her with everyone nearly dead.
Killed a potential party member. Never did that in an rpg but since Im rerolling once the ps5 version drops Im just gonna yolo with my drow. Would be interesting how different a second playthrough is gonna be.
Killed apperantly the internets fave companion in act 1, shrugged it off because I know I'll be playing this game over and over.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Just finished the Spider Matriarch fight in Act 1 with my level 4 party. Just brute forced it with my Paladin 2Hander, Lazael, Karlach and Shadowheart. Piled up on melee damage and killed her with everyone nearly dead.

This battle had a neat mechanic where when the spider teleported on the web, attacking the web (mere 4hp) would make the spider fall for massive ~30 dmg and be prone for even further attacks. I made her drop 2 times from the web and a few melee hits, it was over. First time i attempted her i tried to brute force it, without killing the eggs before, it was just a long stretch of battle that was very annoying, the constant teleporation was a pain in the ass.
This battle had a neat mechanic where when the spider teleported on the web, attacking the web (mere 4hp) would make the spider fall for massive ~30 dmg and be prone for even further attacks. I made her drop 2 times from the web and a few melee hits, it was over. First time i attempted her i tried to brute force it, without killing the eggs before, it was just a long stretch of battle that was very annoying, the constant teleporation was a pain in the ass.
Pretty sure this where I thunderwaved the spider off the side of the ledge.

Whenever I can, I set up the enemies for nice two-hand touch or magic force push.
Is anyone rocking a dual wield build and enjoying it?

I love dual wielding I thought that would be my jam.... but giving up your bonus action just seems way too crippling to make it viable.

Especially on like Barb or something where you could use that bonus action to just attack twice with a greatsword or something.
Might be worth it to invest in a few levels of Rogue, go Thief et level 3, to get a second BA then?


So, ummm, where the fuck are my status effects (especially permanent one, like seeing invisible enemies thanks to Volo's surgery) ?

I am in underdark, and I think ever since I picked up the Sussur Bloom flower (and very quickly dropped it, because it cancels magic) my condition effects are gone.

I assume this is a bug, the flower should not cancel it permanently. Anyone else see this?


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Hit act 3 last night at 45 hours, sure was a lot of plot.

I'm intentionally NOT doing a full map clear on this first playthrough, just taking things in stride - it didn't feel right to go off exploring nooks and crannies after the close of act 2, so I'm not. Saving those parts for a second evil dark urge tactician run straight after.

Not even 2/3rds done and I'm planning my next immediate playthrough. I don't think I've ever done that in a game this size. It's an all-timer.


So, ummm, where the fuck are my status effects (especially permanent one, like seeing invisible enemies thanks to Volo's surgery) ?

I am in underdark, and I think ever since I picked up the Sussur Bloom flower (and very quickly dropped it, because it cancels magic) my condition effects are gone.

I assume this is a bug, the flower should not cancel it permanently. Anyone else see this?
I think Sussur Bloom flower is needed to make the elevator from Arcane tower to work. I dont think is intended to be kept.


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Broken into the top 5 of the decade on Opencritic next to Odyssey, RDR2 and the Zeldas.


After 20+ hours I think the combat is finally starting to click. Went to fight the hag again and absolutely wiped the floor with her, it was totally one-sided.

The thing I was missing before was to split my group up before the fight. Previously I had them all following the cursor and then tried to position them better when the battle started, but this time I sent them sneaking to different vantage points beforehand. When the fight started, only the character who initiated it was involved, everyone else was hidden until they felt like piling in.


After 20+ hours I think the combat is finally starting to click. Went to fight the hag again and absolutely wiped the floor with her, it was totally one-sided.

The thing I was missing before was to split my group up before the fight. Previously I had them all following the cursor and then tried to position them better when the battle started, but this time I sent them sneaking to different vantage points beforehand. When the fight started, only the character who initiated it was involved, everyone else was hidden until they felt like piling in.
I did the same and that bitch had no chance the second time. The first fight she gave my main character a bitch slap and i fell into a pit i didn't even see lmao.


george w bush strategy GIF


I did the same and that bitch had no chance the second time. The first fight she gave my main character a bitch slap and i fell into a pit i didn't even see lmao.
The only downside was that I got so carried away with beating the living crap out of her, I gave her an unnecessarily huge finishing move that knocked her and her loot into the pit.
After creating a character before work and then after 10 mins before heading off realizing I had the bug where I couldn't save, I now -after work and helping a co worker for 2 hours carrying furniture - created a new one and played 5 mins. Now I have to go visit a birthing center til late in the evening. I got up at 3am, so playing today seems pretty unlikely. Tomorrow I have to pick up some furniture and after that visit a flee market for baby stuff, so I maybe will have some time in the evening. Sunday is mostly full of other stuff and on workdays I usually don't have time to play.
Thanks to all the people assuring me I'll have enough time to game once the baby is here...she isn't even born and it doesn't look good :messenger_grinning_sweat:
Have fun all you happy people venturing through the Forgotten Realms... I'll eventually take part in it, too :messenger_sunglasses:
Anyone who’s telling you you’ll have time to game once your baby is there is full of shit.


Damn, I didn't realize this had Mac compatibility and was Deck verified. Going to pick this up soon and get to it eventually.

Yeah, but notice that the Mac version isn't the full release yet.

With great shame I must admit I moved the difficulty to explorer...I loved the story alot so being stuck in act 2 I made the decision to lower the combat difficulty so I can focus on the story a bit more.

Shame? You don't have to justify to Gaf or anyone else why you're playing on easy.


Anyone who’s telling you you’ll have time to game once your baby is there is full of shit.
Thanks for the late reply and yeah, I suspect there will be a long stretch with very little time to game, if at all. It naturally depends on the kind of person you are. When I compare myself with co workers who just get on the couch after work and some of them game 5 to 6 hours a day (some with little kids even), I know that for me, it will be different.
on workdays I usually don't have time to play and that is without a kid. But cardio, gym and freshly cooked meals are more important to me than being lazy on the couch and then complaining a couple of years later that the 'youth of today' doesn't do enough sport or isn't outside enough :messenger_grinning_squinting: but I have chronic pain and a heart condition, so there is a necessity that others do not have.

On topic: the game is a masterpiece. Combat is still not my cup of tea, but I'm at a point where I'm pretty comfortable most of the fights. The Hobgoblin in the goblin camp with 5 to 6 other goblins I couldn't beat on lvl 4. I will be checking out other areas and if it's really necessary, I can always lower difficulty, but not yet.

The characters, voice acting, sound design and score, presentation, visuals...it's all just wonderful. A game with this kind of quality all around (I don't care about a bug here and there) in 2023 seems like a fever dream. Larian really pushed and then outdid themselves. Haven't played the Divinity games, but this studio will be on my radar from now on.
Just have to get over my constant urge to reroll or test other classes in these kinds of games. It's too big for that...I have to try to stay faithful to my monk. 😅


I think Sussur Bloom flower is needed to make the elevator from Arcane tower to work. I dont think is intended to be kept.
I didn't keep it, I wrote that I dropped it quickly after picking it up. And my permanent conditions are still gone.


Thought that having a gamer girlfriend would be cool

Now I'm stuck at home with other games while she travels for work for 3 days 'cause she doesnt want me to continue our co-op playthrough without her

Arrested Development Gob Bluth GIF

Can't stop thinking about this damn game

Now that I got used to using the controller, it feels natural. The madlads at Larian really figured out how to make a cRPG work with a controller.

Feeling awesome about my party setup right now. Didnt do any research about the best builds and etc., simply built my characters how I felt like it, and seems like it worked. Been wrecking fools without a sweat so far.

What a game. Havent felt this way since TW 3.


I didn't keep it, I wrote that I dropped it quickly after picking it up. And my permanent conditions are still gone.
Could be a bug, either that or you have another stashed in your inventory without realizing. Try checking all your party members inventories (including the alchemy pouch, not sure if the flower can go there), if that doesn't work try long resting.


Could be a bug, either that or you have another stashed in your inventory without realizing. Try checking all your party members inventories (including the alchemy pouch, not sure if the flower can go there), if that doesn't work try long resting.
It would be hard to miss considering there is a huge distracting graphical effect and text whenever you carry the plant..
But I just played again and the conditional statuses are back - so maybe it was just a temporary glitch and restart of the game fixes it.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Thought that having a gamer girlfriend would be cool

Now I'm stuck at home with other games while she travels for work for 3 days 'cause she doesnt want me to continue our co-op playthrough without her

Arrested Development Gob Bluth GIF

Can't stop thinking about this damn game

Now that I got used to using the controller, it feels natural. The madlads at Larian really figured out how to make a cRPG work with a controller.

Feeling awesome about my party setup right now. Didnt do any research about the best builds and etc., simply built my characters how I felt like it, and seems like it worked. Been wrecking fools without a sweat so far.

What a game. Havent felt this way since TW 3.
Kaachan Kaachan holy shit


We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
Thought that having a gamer girlfriend would be cool

Now I'm stuck at home with other games while she travels for work for 3 days 'cause she doesnt want me to continue our co-op playthrough without her

Arrested Development Gob Bluth GIF

Can't stop thinking about this damn game

Now that I got used to using the controller, it feels natural. The madlads at Larian really figured out how to make a cRPG work with a controller.

Feeling awesome about my party setup right now. Didnt do any research about the best builds and etc., simply built my characters how I felt like it, and seems like it worked. Been wrecking fools without a sweat so far.

What a game. Havent felt this way since TW 3.

Start a solo game on the side and take a different path, that's the beauty!
Oh man, you do yourself a disservice by not doing an actual 'role play' with this game.

My first character I just made like I would for any other character create game, and then just picked whatever stats and skills sounded fun. I play almost 20 hours on that character and enjoyed the game, but felt very little for my character. While I was playing I kept imagining a small dude, who was a performer and entertainer running around in this world, who charmed and sang his way out of most encounters. I ended up making that character a couple days ago. Usually I would never make a Dwarf character with a big ol handlebar mustache in a game. But it fit this character in my head perfectly. I am loving this goofy little dude, and the game truly lets me handle encounters the way I envisioned. I'm constantly wondering how this character would actually behave and choosing actions accordingly. It's so much more fun than my first character.

Doing a real role play, would now be my #1 piece of advice to anyone trying to get into the game.
Choice paralysis, here I come...

I already dealt with the Hag. I also finished saving the Grove and blasting then entire goblin stronghold to oblivion, got my reward from Halsin, now I just have to party with the Tieflings at my camp. I just don't know where to go next...
My two options seem to be either continue through the Underdark, or go to the Mountain Pass and look for that Githyanki patrol.
  • if Underdark: I already did the Spectator, the Bullette, got the sussur tree bark (made a greatsword with because that's the only weapon I had on hand), there seems to be a pretty large area inhabited by Myconids so maybe I'll go there next; or the ruined village overlooked by a few Dwarfs trying to be stealthy? Next to where you go in from the Hag's place there is also a large ruined building, not sure what it is.
  • if looking for the Giths, I'd probably need to get Lae'zel back in my active party. Eugh. Also heard that part was pretty tough...
Too many things to do, at least now that I'm done with the Grove the options have been reduced a bit.
I think I'll also respec some characters, I feel like Shadowheart's trickery domain is pretty weak. Should I go for Light or War?


Ok, opinions on the game so far, for those who haven't picked up yet. I'm not that far ahead but i did spend some time experimenting around in-between "real" role-playing.

>Combat is top-notch, it was one of the best parts of DOS2 and despite the different rule-set, Larian's encounter and combat design remains top of game. Its chaotic fun and there are inumerous ways to approach it, including whatever unconventional means you can come up with. If you're reluctant to try this game due to the turn-based nature, i still urge you to try because it might just convert you

>Exploration is also top-notch. Areas aren't big but are filled with little details, secrets, secrets within secrets, secrets within secrets within secrets, etc. The map will feel small at first but the more you explore, the more it'll start opening up, to the point you'll feel overwhelmed with how much there is to see. If you liked Skyrim's sense of adventure, this should be right up your alley.

>Role-playing and choices are great but not perfect. Its definitely way ahead of your standard AAA rpg like The Witcher 3, and on par with the traditional crpg, remaining consistent at least with basic actions you can take, like being able to kill or talk with anyone you see. However, play around enough with the systems and you can still end up creating weird or unnatural situations.

>Story and characters are also great. I rarely ever get invested into game characters, much less in a rpg, but i'm 100% invested into this one. Greatly helped by the excellent VA and acting. The fact i know their fate is completely up in the air rather than a predetermined outcome also helps as it raises the tension.

>Production is excellent, especially music and sound design. Animations aren't incredible or anything, but they're very expressive, which makes up for any sense of stiffiness you'd normally get with Bethesda and old Bioware games, similar to how The Witcher 3 did it. Only issue i had so far were a few cutscenes bugs and one very specific dialogue with Halsin in which sometimes a voice line would have a different audio quality, which i hunted around online and seems to have been a covid work-from-home consequence, never saw it anywhere else so far, neither did others online.

>I used to be skeptical about the whole dice rolling thing, but they sold me on it. I never save scummed choices to get the result i wanted - unless i was purposefully experimenting, aka i wouldn't take the result forward even if it was more favorable than the original one i got. With that said however....

>Controlling the party can still be clunky, it wasn't just once or twice that i activated a trap that i knew was there cause a party member walked right into it without me wanting to. Those are the only types of situation i reload the save apart from dying, since i feel it what caused it wasn't fair play.

>Magic and abilities are great, often offering advantages that go beyond combat, like getting into tiny holes using spells that make me smaller, or turning into an animal to talk to other animals and get specific reactions, as well as sneak around, I also like how the game turns light into a proper mechanic. That said, there still some degree of inconsistency with social spells, most notably "disguise self". It can be used to get race specific dialogues, and alongside "speak with the dead" you can speak with important characters you killed (they'd refuse otherwise), but its still weird how many characters you previously interacted with will still react as if they were talking with your normal self, despite the fact you can still trick merchants using it.

So far a 5/5 for me. Probably going to be one of my favorite games of all time.
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Well I wouldn't be against a nice content upgrade, including some of the missing subclasses... but I know that will never happen. Probably.


After 20+ hours I think the combat is finally starting to click. Went to fight the hag again and absolutely wiped the floor with her, it was totally one-sided.

The thing I was missing before was to split my group up before the fight. Previously I had them all following the cursor and then tried to position them better when the battle started, but this time I sent them sneaking to different vantage points beforehand. When the fight started, only the character who initiated it was involved, everyone else was hidden until they felt like piling in.
yep, thats exactly how I do it. It feels like cheating lol. Because all the enemies are focused on the character who started the fight, you can almost freely walk around the battlefield lol
This game and the reception it's getting makes me so happy.

Four-hour sessions feel like 30 minutes. It's different from when I play 8 hours of a co-op game with friends, where I feel like a hidden algorithm is tuned to keep me engaged, and I'm not necessarily having 100% FUN.

The drive to keep playing BG3 is one of exploration and self-actualization: how can I impact this world? What's around the next corner?

I could write a wall of text, but I'll keep it short. In summation: Shadowheart is a cutey-patootie.

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
"During the launch weekend, you played a combined 1225 years of Baldur’s Gate 3 – almost as long as it took to make it.

Lol, sure felt like that.

When the % and stats they give for who played the origin characters and the race / class choice, it seems to be estimaitng 1.7M players during that opening weekend
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