harSon said:Ip Man and Fearless fit the bill
Those are HONG KONG films. Made by HK directors and produced by HK companies. And they're not even about WWII!
Now, name me a mainland Chinese film?
harSon said:Ip Man and Fearless fit the bill
Yeah man he should have...wait you want them to change real life?Expendable. said:It's totally not the Rocky movie the trailers paint it to be (except the disappointing end).
:lolCaptYamato said:Yeah man he should have...wait you want them to change real life?
There are some nice modern Chinese movies, but they are usually indie and with low budgets. The big budget ones are historical though.Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Oh wonderful another Mando-historical epic film! I can't wait till China grows up and starts making the type of movies that made Hong Kong Cinema as awesome as it is, with modern urban settings. They have such great potential.
You notice how you rile people up? In 99% of cases, that's the result of trolling. So the probabilities are not in your favor.Solo said:OMG TROLLZ
Things like that are a start, but the subject matter is still heavily restricted and sanitized. I hate what copro rules have done to Hong Kong Cinema with three notable exception of Dennis Law copro rules the day, along with its restrictions.Grimmy said:Have you seen Ning Hao's CRAZY RACER?
Heavily financed by Mainland money and done under restrictive co-production rules. They're joint films really.Grimmy said::lol
Those are HONG KONG films. Made by HK directors and produced by HK companies. And they're not even about WWII!
Now, name me a mainland Chinese film?
CaptYamato said:Yeah man he should have...wait you want them to change real life?
Grimmy said::lol
Those are HONG KONG films. Made by HK directors and produced by HK companies. And they're not even about WWII!
Now, name me a mainland Chinese film?
How do you know what he was going for?Expendable. said:It's a movie, not a documentary. Why the hell would I care about real life? Look what The Social Network did, and it turned out fantastic.
The way the end was handled didn't fit the first 2/3rds O. Russell was going for.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Things like that are a start, but the subject matter is still heavily restricted and sanitized. I hate what copro rules have done to Hong Kong Cinema with three notable exception of Dennis Law copro rules the day, along with its restrictions.
Heavily financed by Mainland money and done under restrictive co-production rules. There joint films really.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Heavily financed by Mainland money and done under restrictive co-production rules. They're joint films really.
Second Sino-Japanese War = 1937-1939 + WWII.harSon said:The only other film I can think of is On the Mountain of Tai Hang, but I guess that doesn't count since it's also about the Second Sino-Japanese War (not exactly sure how that's the case considering the time period over which the war took place...)
He's good at playing certain kind of character? please, his roles have been diverse throughout his career. He's no Bruce Willis or Nic effin Cage.harSon said:He's good at playing certain kinds of characters, which basically boils down to yuppies and down-and-out characters, but he's by no means a complete method actor. He does have a few dozen films, the overwhelming majority of which aren't home to a performance that's worth writing home about. Most actors have a handful of films in which one could name drop and tell someone to "go away", if Nicolas Cage were cast instead of Bale, I could just as easily tell you to watch Adaptation, Lord of War or Bad Lieutenant. Doesn't mean he's a particularly good fit for this role.
nemesun said:He's good at playing certain kind of character? please, his roles have been diverse throughout his career. He's no Bruce Willis or Nic effin Cage.
Empire of the Sun
American Psycho
The Machinist
Rescue Dawn
The Prestige
3:10 to Yuma
The Fighter
People love to hate on Bale. He's a decent actor who has a lot of passion and dedication for what he does. His performance in The Machinist is hunting, and his performance in The Fighter is absolutely breathtaking.
Holy almighty. The movie was based on true story, did you expect Russell toExpendable. said:It's a movie, not a documentary. Why the hell would I care about real life? Look what The Social Network did, and it turned out fantastic.
The way the end was handled didn't fit the first 2/3rds O. Russell was going for.
nemesun said:Holy almighty. The movie was based on true story, did you expect Russell toAs someone who has followed boxing for 20 years I wouldn't have looked kindly on that sort of revision. And Social Network is not half as good as its hyped up to be.kill off Dick through crack addiction?
AbortedWalrusFetus said:I actually find this surprising. The anti-Japanese rhetoric I hear from the average Chinese netizen is truly frightening. Sometimes I can't tell if it's Communist Party plants trying to whip up the masses and extole how the "heavenly kingdom" is much better than the imperialist dogs, or if people are just truly that angry and vengeful.
Then again, the average youtube comment is just as frightening, filled with hatred, racism, and wishes of death as anything I've heard a chinese netizen say, so maybe things aren't really that bad.
What can I say... It could've had a much happier ending if Russell wanted to include Ward vs Gatti trilogy. He can't change life to cater to critics need for grittier ending.Expendable. said:Russell had a choice to end it the exact way he did. I'm not saying change the entire thing, but it didn't have to be as 100% rousing and happy as it was.
I concur. But I don't think contemporary audience could stomach a three and a half hour movie anymore.Blader5489 said:Only thing disappointing about The Fighter's ending was thatthey didn't get into the Gotti fights.
But is it right to hold that against modern Japan? It certainly doesn't make sense to hate modern Germany for the Nazis. It just seems silly the way a couple Asian countries seem pretty insistent on holding on to really old grudges.SRG01 said:Well, considering that the Japanese pretty much inflicted their own version of the Holocaust in Asia...
Dan said:Hmm, not sure I have much interest for more, or any really, historical films out of China. :/
But is it right to hold that against modern Japan? It certainly doesn't make sense to hate modern Germany for the Nazis. It just seems silly the way a couple Asian countries seem pretty insistent on holding on to really old grudges.
Comrade! ^_^krypt0nian said:Bring me MOAR BALE!![]()
Yeah, I definitely didn't mean to paint it as a one way street. It's a problem throughout several of the major Asian nations.Grimmy said:The continued grudge is certainly not deserved....except that in Japan you still have the right-wingers who deny WWII atrocities and think that comfort women and Nanjing massacre are inventions by the Koreans and Chinese. So it goes both ways.
I'll look that one up. It's not that they can't be good, they've just become tiresome through quantity and repetition.And I still think you really should check out DEVILS ON THE DOORSTEP - the Cannes Grand Prix winner in 2000 - before you write off historical films from China. Excellent, excellent film.
numble said:What do you make of The Story of Qiu Ju and To Live?
How could they have ended it? Massive Pact suicide after he won the belt? To me it sounds like you went into the movie not knowing the history behind the characters.Expendable. said:Russell had a choice to end it the exact way he did. I'm not saying change the entire thing, but it didn't have to be as 100% rousing and happy as it was.
CaptYamato said:How could they have ended it? Massive Pact suicide after he won the belt? To me it sounds like you went into the movie not knowing the history behind the characters.
genjiZERO said:I never thought of Qiu Ju as being a propaganda piece, but To Live seems to be one. That being said i love To Live as a film. As i said in my other post I've always thought that Hero and The Emperor and the Assassin were parallel pieces. Similarly, I think Farewell My Concubine and To Live are parallel pieces - both are vignettes describing the end of Qing to just post Cultural Revolution.
Deku said:Nanjing is comparable to a Stalingrad type atrocity so I'm not particularly worried if the film paints one side poorly, because you know someone was doing the killing.
I do feel this film is disingenous in its purpose. Zhang Yimou pretty much bending over backwards to please his Chinese overlord since making amends with 'Hero' (a movie that legitimized authoritharian rule and paint Qin as a benevolent emperor) and this pretty much continues his apologizing for Chinese status quo.
As someone noted, it serves the dual political purpose of distracting the masses from the party by painting Japan as the bogeyman, and it stirs up nationalist pride, a topic that Yimou has pretty much been attached to doing since doing Hero.
Dan said:I'll look that one up. It's not that they can't be good, they've just become tiresome through quantity and repetition.
Peru said:I think the political readings of Hero have been taken a few steps too far. It's about big emotions and the meaning of life, love, death, and I do believe Zhang when he says that it's not meant as a political movie in any way. When a director has been said to lean in every direction throughout his career, maybe people should accept that it's the art and not the statements he's after.
Hasphat'sAnts said:FYI, To Live was not at all a propaganda piece.
Unless you're talking about it the other way around because the CCP balked at the movie
ZephyrFate said:I, too, am very tired of Bale. Especially after The Dark Knight's laughable performance.
nemesun said:Empire of the Sun
American Psycho
The Machinist
Rescue Dawn
The Prestige
3:10 to Yuma
The Fighter
Solo said:Go away, Bale
Solo said:His best performance, when he was a kid and before he was a lispy douchebag.
Playing himself.
Jackman was better.
Crowe was better.
Haven't seen.
Zeliard said:He was "playing himself" in American Psycho, or am I reading that wrong? :lol
Solo said:His best performance, when he was a kid and before he was a lispy douchebag.
Playing himself.
Jackman was better.
Crowe was better.
Haven't seen.
Peru said:I think the political readings of Hero have been taken a few steps too far. It's about big emotions and the meaning of life, love, death, and I do believe Zhang when he says that it's not meant as a political movie in any way. When a director has been said to lean in every direction throughout his career, maybe people should accept that it's the art and not the statements he's after.
Solo said:Douchebag
Batshit insane
Am I describing Christian Bale or Patrick Bateman?
Deku said:Sounds like you don't like him personally. A lot of people have the same reaction to douchy actors.
As for American Psycho, how does 'playing himself' quality as a poor performance. Assuming we agree that this is the case, it was well suited. The whole first 3 acts of the movie feels like a retread 80s style upliftingmovies with a kink. So his overacting, and hyper personality seemed an apt immitation of a murderous Michael J. Fox parody. Then we find out he may haveso the over acting makes perfect sense.imagined the whole thing in his mind or quite possibly, everything isn't what it seems
With regards the the bottom of your list, another actor being subjectively better is grounds for saying he can't act?
I'm not a huge Bale fan, but the other posters seem right to muse that it's a personal issue.
Solo said:As a person? Hell no I don't like him. Grade A shithead. But big deal - Mel Gibson is an alcoholic bigot anti-semitic loon and Tom Cruise is crazy, and I can separate both men from the movies they make, and enjoy both of their work. I just don't think Christian Bale has any range. He is good at what he does, but thats almost entirely limited to brooding characters seething with rage. And in the past bunch of years had has started to go way over the top in a lot of his performances, and Im not big on scenery chewing.
Solo said:Brad Pitt has a metric fuckton of range though, in both supporting and lead roles.
Look at his roles in 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Burn After Reading, Inglourious Basterds, Ocean's Eleven and Jesse James. He hits about every kind of role in the acting spectrum there, and does them all so well.