Z Zoramon089 Banned Sep 25, 2011 #151 Solo said: Saw it when it was called Rocky. Click to expand... WOW. The movies are NOTHING alike aside from the characters being boxers...
Solo said: Saw it when it was called Rocky. Click to expand... WOW. The movies are NOTHING alike aside from the characters being boxers...
T TheKaeptain Banned Sep 25, 2011 #152 Snowman Prophet of Doom said: That's a "not sure if want" face if I've ever seen one. Click to expand... It's more of a "I wonder what hole see likes it in" face.
Snowman Prophet of Doom said: That's a "not sure if want" face if I've ever seen one. Click to expand... It's more of a "I wonder what hole see likes it in" face.
O overcast Member Sep 25, 2011 #153 My good god, that Bale face LOL. Excited for this movie, Bale is one of my favorite current actors.
S Solo Member Sep 25, 2011 #154 Is that Bale as a priest? If so, lolz Or is it some kind of robe or something?