Solo said:Douchebag
Batshit insane
Am I describing Christian Bale or Patrick Bateman?
Ignoring the first one because you think everyone's a douchebag, but batshit insane and violent? Really? Because he yelled at a DP once?
Solo said:Douchebag
Batshit insane
Am I describing Christian Bale or Patrick Bateman?
WyndhamPrice said:Bale-GAF can't win this argument because Solo refuses to see The Fighter, and even if he did he would probably just accuse Bale of scenery chewing despite the fact that the real-life Dickie Ecklund is just as, if not more ridiculous than the movie makes him look.
Solo said:You also can't win because one movie is not going to change the opinion I have on him after 15 or so previous movies![]()
Solo said:It's not trolling. I like Yimou's films and increasingly dislike Bale, so I am voicing my opinion on an actor I don't like being cast in a filmmaker I do like's new project,
Solo said:There are lots of cases of him acting more than a bit "off". Also, he beat up his mom or sister or whatever.
Zeliard said:. The one thing I will say about Bale as a negative is I don't think he's one of those actors who can rise above the script - if his character isn't written decently then chances are Bale won't do much with it.
RBelong2Us said:How is that true when his performances in American Psycho, Machinist, Harsh Times, and Fighter "rise above the script"?
With regards to Pitt vs. Bale....Pitt didnt start to show much as an actor until he was at about the age Bale is right now.
Discotheque said:Harsh Times? Seriously? That's like one of his most generic performances.
Discotheque said:Bale has turned in many shit performances, but once in a while he has some great ones. Leo's much better I think.
But it's not so much that I hate these guys, I'm just bored of them getting in every film (particularly DiCaprio).
There isn't a lack of good leading actors, yet for some reason these people tend to be on a shortlist all the time. Hell, I like Ryan Gosling better than both.
CiSTM said:Imperial Japan did some nasty things in China during WWII (and all around asia for that matter) and I don't see how telling the story is anti-JP.
RBelong2Us said:Odd since he's sucked lately
RBelong2Us said:How is that true when his performances in American Psycho, Machinist, Harsh Times, and Fighter "rise above the script"?
Solo said:There are lots of cases of him acting more than a bit "off". Also, he beat up his mom or sister or whatever.
Zhengi said:If it was a film about the Holocaust, I doubt any of these posters would be saying that the film is anti-German. Just goes to show the hypocrisy and double standard being employed here.
WorriedCitizen said:Two Nanjing movies came out last year alone. How many more are planned?
numble said:I tend to like Zhang's small budget stuff--I think I once read somewhere that every other film of his now are these big budget films so that he can fund his artsy projects.
Zhengi said:If it was a film about the Holocaust, I doubt any of these posters would be saying that the film is anti-German. Just goes to show the hypocrisy and double standard being employed here.
genjiZERO said:The problem with this film is that it appears not simply to be a depiction of the Rape of Nanjing or a condemnation of killing, but as an attempt to vilify contemporary Japan in an attempt to bias Americans. This is a stretch - obviously - because there is scant information on the film, but it is not an unreasonable critique based on the recent trends in Chinese cinema, the fact that the directer already has a propaganda piece under his belt (Hero), and that the film appears to be geared towards Americans (why else would it be about a White Christian?). It's also reasonable based on centuries of Chinese literary traditions whereby modern issues are discussed using past historical events as models.
The problem with this film is that it appears to give the impression that it's saying "Japanese people are evil" and not that "this event was evil but it's divorced from the group at large that caused it". I'd have the same criticism if there was a holocaust film that I thought was trying to convince me that Germans were evil not just that the holocaust was an evil event.
Many of the Red Cross Committee members were white christian missionarys. John Magee was one of the big shots and this could be about him. Haven't read the orginal novel so I can't be 100% sure but right now I would bet on Magee.genjiZERO said:If we thought it was a propaganda piece intended to bias one group of people against another in contemporary times I would at least.
The problem with this film is that it appears not simply to be a depiction of the Rape of Nanjing or a condemnation of killing, but as an attempt to vilify contemporary Japan in an attempt to bias Americans. This is a stretch - obviously - because there is scant information on the film, but it is not an unreasonable critique based on the recent trends in Chinese cinema, the fact that the directer already has a propaganda piece under his belt (Hero), and that the film appears to be geared towards Americans (why else would it be about a White Christian?). It's also reasonable based on centuries of Chinese literary traditions whereby modern issues are discussed using past historical events as models.
The problem with this film is that it appears to give the impression that it's saying "Japanese people are evil" and not that "this event was evil but it's divorced from the group at large that caused it". I'd have the same criticism if there was a holocaust film that I thought was trying to convince me that Germans were evil not just that the holocaust was an evil event.
Yeah, I loved Hero. Colors and choreography were just amzing. I didn't even think the movie as some kind of propaganda flick unti this thread. All I can think now is that kick ass fight scene in the rainPeru said:I like his 'small scale' movies like everyone else here, but a movie like Hero is just as undeniably a great achievement, layer upon layer of Big Words and Grand Assessments of life and death and still the end result feels light, brief, focused. It's pompous in all the right ways.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Bale is practically like Craig. Both are fit for certain roles, and they pull it off, but other than that, they're mediocre actors. Also, their co-stars always outshines them.
Snowman Prophet of Doom said:I'd smh at this, but my head knows that you're just baiting Solo, so I'll let it alone.
Edit: And every actor is "fit for certain roles;" I see no proof that Bale's range of acceptable roles is any lower than anybody else's and, indeed, I would argue that it's quite a bit higher than the average, as he's got a certain malleability in both appearance and personality.
Dude...that's quite a stretch since we don't know what is the plot.genjiZERO said:If we thought it was a propaganda piece intended to bias one group of people against another in contemporary times I would at least.
The problem with this film is that it appears not simply to be a depiction of the Rape of Nanjing or a condemnation of killing, but as an attempt to vilify contemporary Japan in an attempt to bias Americans. This is a stretch - obviously - because there is scant information on the film, but it is not an unreasonable critique based on the recent trends in Chinese cinema, the fact that the directer already has a propaganda piece under his belt (Hero), and that the film appears to be geared towards Americans (why else would it be about a White Christian?). It's also reasonable based on centuries of Chinese literary traditions whereby modern issues are discussed using past historical events as models.
The problem with this film is that it appears to give the impression that it's saying "Japanese people are evil" and not that "this event was evil but it's divorced from the group at large that caused it". I'd have the same criticism if there was a holocaust film that I thought was trying to convince me that Germans were evil not just that the holocaust was an evil event.
Jason's Ultimatum said:Steve Zahn was a better actor in Rescue Dawn than Christian Bale.
Snowman Prophet of Doom said:False, though Zahn was pretty good. Bale's character was more realistic and deeper-drawn, though his was a less 'flashy' part. That's part of my problem with the way that people, especially the Academy, judge performances: they go straight for the people that play the crazies/weirdos instead of looking for realisim/naturalism, which is what Bale has in spades in Rescue Dawn.
CiSTM said:Many of the Red Cross Committee members were white christian missionarys. John Magee was one of the big shots and this could be about him. Haven't read the orginal novel so I can't be 100% sure but right now I would bet on Magee.
Captain Yamato said:Dude...that's quite a stretch since we don't know what is the plot.
Snowman Prophet of Doom said:Bale has a metric FUCK-TON of range of characters that he can play. He's a damn good actor, somebody who really engages himself with the texts that he works with. In fact, I would say that, out of all of the actors that are working today, he's one of the best at creating distinct characterizations from film to film. I especially find it funny that somebody who is such a big champion of LEO of all people is calling somebody out as having no range (like Leo, but good lord is his range of characters limited; talk about BROODING, Jesus Christ, have you seen his eyebrows in a movie recently?).
Also, outside of the on-set explosion, Bale is known by pretty much everybody in the industry as a great guy to work with, INCLUDING the guy who he was yelling at in said explosion. The mother-sister thing turned out to be a bunch of bullshit that they instigated, and he has no real other questionable incidents as far as I'm aware. The idea that he's some douchebag in real life is not really supported by anything other than Solo's seemingly arbitrary dislike of Christian Bale.
(Also, I would say that Bale > Jackman in The Prestige but is about = Crowe in 3:10 to Yuma, and The Machinist is way better than "good," both as a film and as a performance from Bale.)
Edit: and he wasn't worse than any other aspect of Terminator: Salvation, which is just a terrible shitfest that nobody involved escaped from. In fact, I somewhat enjoyed him in the movie, and I definitely believed that he could be John Connor.
harSon said:I haven't been able to take your opinions on anything seriously since you referred to Michael Cera as a comedic genius![]()
RBelong2Us said:Odd since he's sucked lately
Jason's Ultimatum said:Bale is practically like Craig. Both are fit for certain roles, and they pull it off, but other than that, they're mediocre actors. Also, their co-stars always outshines them.