I would also add of Montreal, but Skeletal Lamping exists.
So I guess Arcade Fire is my second choice.
So I guess Arcade Fire is my second choice.
Obscured by Clouds is pretty hit & miss (mostly miss), and The Wall doesn't live up to the others (in my rather unpopular opinion).
Kmfdm, always the ultra heavy beat
Faith no More
Anthrax even with the jon/joey back and forth
De la soul, wavered but never faltered
Even Hot Space?![]()
Disagree with KMFDM. Amazing run from Naive to Symbols but dropped off after En Esch and Gunther Shultz left.
Have you heard risk or supercollider?
Dystopia is amazing. Worry not.Supercollider is mostly sewage in audio format. Endgame is a very good album, and I liked United Abominations when it came out, but going back to it, i dont really care for most of it. Thirteen I think is just kinda meh. Still havent listened to Dystopia yet, but those song titles seem like the furthest that Dave has gone off the deep end so far, so that doesnt instill much hope to me.
Have you heard Risk or Supercollider?
U2. Dudes have been in the game for 40 years now and they put on some of the best live shows in the industry. While I personally don't think their output in the last 10 or so years has been exceptionally good, it's pretty damn solid and has produced some great material for a band so late in their career.
Disagree with KMFDM. Amazing run from Naive to Symbols but dropped off after En Esch and Gunther Shultz left.
Agree with FNM, Bjork and even Anthrax (just starting to catch up with them recently)
Their live performances have never disappointed, and maybe even gotten better over the years. I've never actually seen them live, but have watched a lot of performances on youtube over the last few months from a lot of different eras, and I'm pretty sold. I'm 33 and this is maybe only the first time in my life I've really wanted to see U2 live.
Judas Priest did not have a bad album from 1974 (Rocka Rolla) through 1990 (Painkiller) except maybe Turbo in 1986. That is some remarkable consistency.
I came in to make sure Clutch gets a mention...and I just want to point out that they have been rockin' since like 1991, so...a bit more than the last decade.
I started my posted a while ago, and had to slowly put it together through work, but I am SO glad to see someone else bring them up. InternetHighFive.gifThe Black Dahlia Murder
Protest the Hero
The Dear Hunter
Rise Against
Machine Head (if you ignore most of The Burning Red and Supercharger)
Crowded House.
Called it a day and went out on top.
All is forgiven but lulu.Might be controversial, but Metallica.
Yes, I like St. Anger.
Yes, I like Lulu.
Yes, I like Loads.
In fact I prefer all of them over The Black Album, which I still don't think is bad. And their first albums are just great.
I don't really listen to too many legacy bands with discographies spanning decades. These 90s bands never wavered in quality though, imo. They honed their sound and stayed in their lane.
Queen - i never bought the flash soundtrack, nor hot space (Queen are the first band i ever got into at 8yrs old, very rare did they dissapoint with Freddie , now after Freddie died, i dont really feel they weere truly Queen anymore and somethings they did afterwards are better left forgotten)