This is Hood's eternal situation:
Hood probably came out the womb crooked. He's a nice guy, but damn.Well, I think he had about a month or so off.
That's "Platinuhmmmmm"lol at the return of platinum!!
What the fuck!
Tore out her throat box!!
I haven't watched the episode yet, but this is bullshit. Bullshit, I tell you!
I really hope you do not mean spoilers. But yeah..
No, haha.
Gonna be missed--what a way to go out, though.
Amazing episode. Action packed from beginning till end. And that ending. Hood's pretty screwed.
YESmy jaw is on the floor
so how am i speaking
I love both characters so much, so the fact that only one would make it to the end really sucked, but it gives the show stakes and that's incredibly important. (And I had a feeling Nola would die because Odette Annable has a new showing coming out soon.) My real worry was that both characters would die, that would be brutal. Burton is my fav so I'm extremely glad he lived, and that he's getting more attention this season. This fight will be remembered as a series highlight, so it's a very fitting end for such a cool character such as Nola.I hate that Nola died (she was so fucking cool!!!) and I LOVED that the scene with the tomahawk coming out of nowhere towards Burton was a call back, of sorts, to this moment from season 1:
But, like, I admire the fuck out of them for having the integrity to kill her off. If Nola and Burton get into a fight, you know there's no way in hell they're both going come out the other side alive. One of them had to die.
And what a way to go out, eh? Great, brutal, vicious fight choreography, cool camera work, and Nola finally got to use her tomahawk in a fight scene!
Hot damn. Good shit Banshee. Good shit.
Burton is one of the baddest and creepiest characters I have ever seen in cinema. God only knows what he would be doing in the world of Banshee if Proctor wasn't in control of him.
I love how close the fight was, giving off the feeling that either of them could die. Nola bit off more than she could chew though.
Seems like Proctor (or at least somebody) is responsible for a large part of Burton's... quirks.
Also, even if Nola had managed to kill Burton in the end, in that conditions she wouldn't have been able to also kill Proctor, so i agree with you there.
She was pretty dumb to attack the Proctor manor like that.
She was pretty damn fierce though, probably the one of the fighters we've seen so far.
Crazy skills with that tomahawk.
In terms of threat...
Carrie's son, can't ever seem to remember his name
Siobhan over Carrie? No way.
Also you forgot Proctor, which we know is about on Hood level.
And if we go by videogame logic, Proctor (and therefore Hood) also has to be one step above Burton.
Burton confirmed S-tier. My god.
The entire thing was dumb instead of putting a few bullets on Burton first she throws a tomahawk.Seems like Proctor (or at least somebody) is responsible for a large part of Burton's... quirks.
Also, even if Nola had managed to kill Burton in the end, in that conditions she wouldn't have been able to also kill Proctor, so i agree with you there.
She was pretty dumb to attack the Proctor manor like that.
The entire thing was dumb instead of putting a few bullets on Burton first she throws a tomahawk.
The entire thing was dumb instead of putting a few bullets on Burton first she throws a tomahawk.
You're one of those people in the Flash thread, complaining why the police doesn't snipe the bad guys, aren't you?The entire thing was dumb instead of putting a few bullets on Burton first she throws a tomahawk.