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Batman: Arkham Knight |OT| Protect Gotham Racing


Reading about the Challenge Map DLC is making me much more happy I didn't fork up cash for the Season Pass. It's like they really didn't consider what many fans wanted as far as Challenges go. Wish that rumored/fake Remaster of Asylum and City was out.


Slowly grinding my way through the game when I have time. I'm about 80% of the way through and it's so polarizing to me. I really like the story segments of the game, but having a hard time finding interest in the actual city. AA and AC, to me, had very interesting worlds, while AK seems like just filler. I really like using the Batmobile for traveling and some combat, and I've had very little problems controlling it, but it's definitely overstaying its welcome. The Cobra missions I've done are a pain, and the Batmobile challenges are downright dreadful to me. In fact, I've only completed about half of the challenges in this game. Some I just have zero interest in unlocking, and the Batmobile ones I just don't want to subject myself to any more. I don't know who it was that designed these, but they are straight up atrocious. Is there any bonus or reason to complete all the AR challenges?
Slowly grinding my way through the game when I have time. I'm about 80% of the way through and it's so polarizing to me. I really like the story segments of the game, but having a hard time finding interest in the actual city. AA and AC, to me, had very interesting worlds, while AK seems like just filler. I really like using the Batmobile for traveling and some combat, and I've had very little problems controlling it, but it's definitely overstaying its welcome. The Cobra missions I've done are a pain, and the Batmobile challenges are downright dreadful to me. In fact, I've only completed about half of the challenges in this game. Some I just have zero interest in unlocking, and the Batmobile ones I just don't want to subject myself to any more. I don't know who it was that designed these, but they are straight up atrocious. Is there any bonus or reason to complete all the AR challenges?

Totally agree. Im at 86% and i feel exactly the same. Ive finished most of the side quests though, but a lot of them just arent very fun.
AR challenges are this game's challenge maps and all of those have been optional in every Arkham game. You only unlock stuff by doing side missions, and there's nothing to miss out on by not getting 100% aside from a cutscene.

Not just for this game, but in general: don't waste time with content you do enjoy in a video game.
is the normal version of this one available in the game?



Can someone help with tips for 'flight school'? I guess I have to glide eject and fly onto the green targets, but whenever I eject I just go high into the air and then glide slowly forward, often not even reaching the other side. I once did something that made batman fly much faster, but I have no idea what I did and can't repeat it.


AR challenges are this game's challenge maps and all of those have been optional in every Arkham game. You only unlock stuff by doing side missions, and there's nothing to miss out on by not getting 100% aside from a cutscene.

Not just for this game, but in general: don't waste time with content you do enjoy in a video game.

Cool. I actually really enjoyed the AA and AC challenges so it's odd to me to have such distaste for Rocksteadys content (didn't bother with AO challenges). Plus, I read there's a bonus for doing all the Riddler challenges, which I don't mind doing, but didn't know if they tied anything to the AR challenges.


Just started playing Arkham Knight on PS4, and I'm disappointed about the lack of sound from the pouring rain. In the prologue (playing as the police officer) there is some rain sound out on the street (can be heard if you go back and open the door) but when the actual game starts I don't hear the rain at all. When the rain visuals are so good, it's such a shame that the sound seems totally neglected. Does this ever improve later in the game? Is it the same across all platforms or a PS4 oddity?
I finished playing the game this week and I'm gonna try to put some of my thoughts down. I 100% it so don't read the spoilers if you haven't. So first of, I went back and forth on the Batmobile. I didn't find it terrible but there was just way too much of it. Seemed like they wanted it to be a third gameplay leg for the game to stand together with combat and stealth but it didn't work. If they'd just pulled back on it's usage I think it would've been much better received. Also, despite it being a comic book game full of ridiculous things I kept thinking about how many secret hideouts Batman have. Seems like he have a secret underground lair store stuff or upgrade his car on every corner.

I did like how the story played out though. The Arkham Knight reveal was super obvious but I enjoyed the execution of it all. Having Joker being some kind of devil on Batman's shoulder also worked well in my opinion. The Barbara bait-and-switch was weak though. Overall I enjoyed the way they delved into Batman's psyche and what made him tick. As a casual Batman fan I feel that I learned more about him than I knew before. Even though he of course comes out on top in the end with everything wrapped up in a neat bow as a player you really get to see his faults. I.e. being way to overbearing and not trusting his allies.

Also, any theories on the full ending? What's going on with that last Scarecrow feargas Batman in the last shot?


I've cleared all watchtowers but it is showing only 80% on the mission wheel. What more do I need to do? Not finished the story yet, was going around clearing the maps like infamous SS

And is there any way to get them to show up on the map? I have one of the gated areas left (rule the road?) but I don't want to just keep driving around randomly looking for it. Likewise for the firemen and other side missions.


I've cleared all watchtowers but it is showing only 80% on the mission wheel. What more do I need to do? Not finished the story yet, was going around clearing the maps like infamous SS

And is there any way to get them to show up on the map? I have one of the gated areas left (rule the road?) but I don't want to just keep driving around randomly looking for it. Likewise for the firemen and other side missions.

More watchtowers show up as you progress.

And no, there's no way to reveal them on your map unfortunately. I had to resort to the internet to find one of the road checkpoints (which wasn't even on a road!).


More watchtowers show up as you progress.

And no, there's no way to reveal them on your map unfortunately. I had to resort to the internet to find one of the road checkpoints (which wasn't even on a road!).

You should get all of them revealed just by flying and driving around doing the main or side missions.


More watchtowers show up as you progress.

And no, there's no way to reveal them on your map unfortunately. I had to resort to the internet to find one of the road checkpoints (which wasn't even on a road!).

Damn. So if I now plough on with the story , can I carry on clearing side missions after finishing the story?


Does controlling the Batmobile ever get better? I'm like 4 hours in and actively want to throw my controller out the window. I'm on PS4 where you apparently can't customize the controls and the default configuration is abysmal, and even ignoring that the Batmobile is super finicky and I never ever feel like I'm in control of it. Then some of these AR challenges like the Road Rage one are just ridiculous; I can't even FIND 10 card most of the time, I'll directly sideswipe them and sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn't, all while navigating tight corners and roads that the AI can pull magic tricks on. Other than the ridiculously large amount of Riddler bullshit I'm loving everything else about the game, but if there is a lot more Batmobile stuff I'm probably returning this. This is the most actively frustrating game I have played in a long time with how they ram the shit batmobile down your throat constantly. Did I mention you can't change the terrible fucking control scheme for it on PS4? Because it sucks.
Does controlling the Batmobile ever get better? I'm like 4 hours in and actively want to throw my controller out the window. I'm on PS4 where you apparently can't customize the controls and the default configuration is abysmal, and even ignoring that the Batmobile is super finicky and I never ever feel like I'm in control of it. Then some of these AR challenges like the Road Rage one are just ridiculous; I can't even FIND 10 card most of the time, I'll directly sideswipe them and sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn't, all while navigating tight corners and roads that the AI can pull magic tricks on. Other than the ridiculously large amount of Riddler bullshit I'm loving everything else about the game, but if there is a lot more Batmobile stuff I'm probably returning this. This is the most actively frustrating game I have played in a long time with how they ram the shit batmobile down your throat constantly. Did I mention you can't change the terrible fucking control scheme for it on PS4? Because it sucks.

Might change the settings to toggle tank mode instead of hold. Made things much more bearable for me, anyways.
Damn. So if I now plough on with the story , can I carry on clearing side missions after finishing the story?
Yeah, there's no "point of no return." Riddler stuff is shared between NG and NG+ on the same save file too.

Does controlling the Batmobile ever get better? I'm like 4 hours in and actively want to throw my controller out the window. I'm on PS4 where you apparently can't customize the controls and the default configuration is abysmal, and even ignoring that the Batmobile is super finicky and I never ever feel like I'm in control of it. Then some of these AR challenges like the Road Rage one are just ridiculous; I can't even FIND 10 card most of the time, I'll directly sideswipe them and sometimes it takes and sometimes it doesn't, all while navigating tight corners and roads that the AI can pull magic tricks on. Other than the ridiculously large amount of Riddler bullshit I'm loving everything else about the game, but if there is a lot more Batmobile stuff I'm probably returning this. This is the most actively frustrating game I have played in a long time with how they ram the shit batmobile down your throat constantly. Did I mention you can't change the terrible fucking control scheme for it on PS4? Because it sucks.

You can change the left trigger to be "brake" by switching tank mode to toggle. You can also change the to first-person view of you're having trouble steering it with finesse. Also, I've seen people say they tried moving the camera while driving, like you'd have to do in GTA, which made driving the Batmobile impossible — you don't have to move the camera at all.

It controls fine, but it can take getting used to. After a bit, it became one of my favorite vehicles in an "open world" game. For some reason, it's rare to have satisfactory driving in bigger games (i.e Just Cause).


Just finished. Mixed feelings, but mostly positive.

- Batmobile was ok. The Riddler car sections were annoying but there weren't that many. And that early mission where you were using tank mode like in a maze was thankfully not used that often.

- The fighting against drones got a little weary, but I mostly managed to do a couple at a time so it wasn't like I'd left all the mines until the end and had them all back to back. So they were generally fine. And once you'd powered up your car is was kind of fun to play with the different powerups you had.

- Loved the general use of the game camera. The early scene in
the clock tower where you're facing a wall and when you turn around they've changed the scenery completely; or joker is in your face
is great. They do similar things a few times during the game too - late in the game there is a
weeping angels style scene with batman
which made me jump in my seat.

main negatives for me:

- Story wise, wtf was up with the
arkham knight mole-man? you just happen to be going through the sewer to get to a specific location for Ivy - not obvious at all. And he is waiting for you in a massive drilling machine that goes really fast and has missiles??
Very close to a shark jumping moment.

- The two big battles with
the big tanks. Just ended up going around a small block so they could never get a shot off and wearing them down. Was pretty dull in the end, although sneaking up on the cobras was fun

- collectables/side missions. Some were ok, like the watchtowers as you could glide around or stand on a tall building and see where they were. And most of the other militia ones had decent intelligence because I'd probably driven past them at some point - a few I had to find using a walkthrough, but not too bad. But the firefighters were just shit, as were the serial killer crime scenes. Some were completely out of the way and you'd have to drive/glide around stopping every couple hundred meters and using your detective mode to find them, which just isn't fun. Used a guide in the end.

- ridder stuff. Aaargh. These are not fun. They are too well hidden or just annoying. And
hiding the full ending behind collecting 100%
is almost unforgivable. I guess I'm going to have to head to youtube.

overall though, the negatives are not much different from many open world games where they try and 'add value' and end up frustrating. Getting that balance between wanting to complete side stories and having to is a fine line. I enjoyed how some of them built to a climax or encounter, but the firefighters, serial killer locations and riddler were a real low point.


Is there any way to unlock map locations for the side stuff like riddler trophies, firefighters etc? Or do I just have to wander around and keep an ear out for thug conversations etc?


Is there any way to unlock map locations for the side stuff like riddler trophies, firefighters etc? Or do I just have to wander around and keep an ear out for thug conversations etc?

I think
- riddler stuff you can interrogate the green guys for info. I've interrogated loads of them, so I'm not sure how many things each one uncovers on the map.
- Mines, strongholds, towers, you seem to pick up intel on by just driving around the map. So sometimes I'll be able to select those missions and get a waypoint. Towers are pretty easy just by looking for red searchlights on buildings too.
- firefighters don't seem to appear at all. You can drive/glide around and use detective vision to look for groups of thugs standing around. If you do that and you're close the mission will pop up as a firefighter one.
- serial killer alfred keeps saying to listen for the opera music, but the range of that seems so small that I gave up looking for them and used a guide
I got screwed over a while back and stuck in a glitch that would not let me initiate the ending until I completed 100% of the game.

Over the last few days/weeks I've been knocking out a few Riddler challenges a day and slowly but surely getting there. Finally finished it today.

Completely underwhelmed by the ending. Pitiful.


I got screwed over a while back and stuck in a glitch that would not let me initiate the ending until I completed 100% of the game.

Over the last few days/weeks I've been knocking out a few Riddler challenges a day and slowly but surely getting there. Finally finished it today.

Completely underwhelmed by the ending. Pitiful.

nobody can initiate the ending until they 100% it?

I couldn't face all the riddler collectibles, so I watched it on youtube. Was underwhelming (and also didn't really make sense)

so they know batman is bruce wayne - so what? why couldn't he just say he is retiring, or keep being batman but just never go out in public as bruce? not like he had any family to protect anymore, and his associates like Gordon etc were still in danger when he was anonymous. And by 'dying' (so obviously not dead), he leaves a lack of protection for Gotham which would have started up crime again, so it was irresponsible.


So guys, I'm at 12%, I need a suggestion for riddle tophies. Should I wait until late in the game to take them because I'll need some story related upgrade/tech or can I clear them from the beginning?


So guys, I'm at 12%, I need a suggestion for riddle tophies. Should I wait until late in the game to take them because I'll need some story related upgrade/tech or can I clear them from the beginning?

Some of them require upgrades, many of them can be collected right off the bat. My suggestion is to try them as you encounter them, then move on if you can't figure it out.


Upside, inside out he's livin la vida loca, He'll push and pull you down, livin la vida loca
I got screwed over a while back and stuck in a glitch that would not let me initiate the ending until I completed 100% of the game.

Over the last few days/weeks I've been knocking out a few Riddler challenges a day and slowly but surely getting there. Finally finished it today.

Completely underwhelmed by the ending. Pitiful.
I got hit by that bug today, so fucking stupid. Especially because I had already decided I wouldn't collect all those trophies, so it looks like the game went "oh, you say you don't want to collect them? Fuck you, no soup ending for you!" :(


I got screwed over a while back and stuck in a glitch that would not let me initiate the ending until I completed 100% of the game.

Over the last few days/weeks I've been knocking out a few Riddler challenges a day and slowly but surely getting there. Finally finished it today.

Completely underwhelmed by the ending. Pitiful.

How did the glitch happen, and is there a way to avoid it?
nobody can initiate the ending until they 100% it?

I couldn't face all the riddler collectibles, so I watched it on youtube. Was underwhelming (and also didn't really make sense)

so they know batman is bruce wayne - so what? why couldn't he just say he is retiring, or keep being batman but just never go out in public as bruce? not like he had any family to protect anymore, and his associates like Gordon etc were still in danger when he was anonymous. And by 'dying' (so obviously not dead), he leaves a lack of protection for Gotham which would have started up crime again, so it was irresponsible.

Once you get far enough into the game, you can activate the ending at any time. Doing 100% just adds a bit to the final cut scene.

I got hit by that bug today, so fucking stupid. Especially because I had already decided I wouldn't collect all those trophies, so it looks like the game went "oh, you say you don't want to collect them? Fuck you, no soup ending for you!" :(

Yup. Extremely frustrating.

How did the glitch happen, and is there a way to avoid it?

I did all of the missions int eh game before the final story mission except for the Riddler stuff.

Other people say they can get caught in the glitch, finish one side mission, and then be able to trigger the ending. Which worked for me, except the only mission I could do to trigger the ending was the Riddler challenges.

So I guess don't do all of the missions before you want to activate the ending? Save at least one extra alongside the Riddler stuff? That way if you get caught in the glitch, you can just do the other side mission and then activate it.


I did all of the missions int eh game before the final story mission except for the Riddler stuff.

Other people say they can get caught in the glitch, finish one side mission, and then be able to trigger the ending. Which worked for me, except the only mission I could do to trigger the ending was the Riddler challenges.

So I guess don't do all of the missions before you want to activate the ending? Save at least one extra alongside the Riddler stuff? That way if you get caught in the glitch, you can just do the other side mission and then activate it.

Good to know. Thanks.

I've been planning to complete the main story before completing any of the sidequests, and I only intend to do those afterwards that involve the famous villains. So I take it I shouldn't stumble onto the glitch, and if I do I'll just do one of the trivial ones to bypass it.


I've just started playing this (5 hours in) and what comes to mind more than anything is that this is the my six-year old self's dream-game. The batmobile especially, is just incredible; the way it handles and the feeling of power when driving in it is spot-on. The game looks phenomenal as well.
I've just started playing this (5 hours in) and what comes to mind more than anything is that this is the my six-year old self's dream-game. The batmobile especially, is just incredible; the way it handles and the feeling of power when driving in it is spot-on. The game looks phenomenal as well.

I feel similarly — every aspect of (the series, but particularly) this game's gameplay is true the character. My kid-self would've lost his mind seeing this. There's still so much room for improvement too.


I got screwed over a while back and stuck in a glitch that would not let me initiate the ending until I completed 100% of the game.

Over the last few days/weeks I've been knocking out a few Riddler challenges a day and slowly but surely getting there. Finally finished it today.

Completely underwhelmed by the ending. Pitiful.

I just 100% the game yesterday. I completed all side quest
before confronting Scarecrow
. So after the that, I just
activated Knightfall protocol and watched the ending.

Everything was going great. I even enjoyed it
until they showed the "demon batman". What is it supposed to mean? Is Bruce Wayne using Scarecrows toxin?

Anyway, was hopping for a tease of their next project (just like both Akrham games were teased in the previous ones)
Man, the DLC stories are terrible... 2 rooms then a boss with infinite solders. What garbage.
Yeah. Batgirl's DLC is hardly better. It's like playing as Batman, except without most of your tools or abilities.

I'm having trouble with the AR missions where you have to run down armored cars and/or APCs. I can usually get to two stars fairly easily, but there are long stretches where I can't even find any enemies, and then the clock just runs down.

Does anyone have any tips for these? I need to 3-star them for the stupid 1989 Batmobile trophy.


Oh my god, it felt like I almost had an heart attack when
creature of the night attacks you mid grapple boost in open world
. Such a great jump scare.
I started this game a while back when it came out, but got busy with stuff irl and then just kind of forgot about continuing it. I recently got back into it and have been addicted to it ever since. I know a lot of people hate the batmobile, but I still find it mildly interesting. The tank stuff can get a bit annoying after a while, and I'm not sure why they focused so much on that toward the end (I'm not finished, but getting close, like 82%), but I'm still having a blast. I would say this has the best/most entertaining story and side missions of the previous Arkham games. I love the inclusion of
the Joker into the plot even if it isn't really him. I guess he shows up a ton which I've seen people complain about, but with such an amazing voice actor and great dialogue, I don't mind one bit. I kind of wish Batman would respond to him though (even if it was just in his mind).

I'm bummed that I won't be able to see the full ending for myself as I cannot see myself actually collecting all the Riddler shit littering the maps. Too much work that isn't even fun. I'll just Youtube that later, I guess. Sad.
So I beat the game tonight. I really loved it as a whole, despite some of the flaws (ie: too much reliance on tank batmobile battles). IMO, best story of the main trilogy, fun battles, awesome city, sidequests, etc. My main gripe would just be the overdone batmobile segments for battle and "boss fights". If they had just had a few of those every now and again, it'd have been fine, but sadly no.

I watched the full ending on Youtube (ain't nobody got time to get all those Riddler stuff) - I'm a bit confused.
Who/what was that "Batman" thing at the end? It looked like the Batman that Scarecrow saw when he was under the effects of his fear toxin. I'm sure no one has any real answers for this, but any guesses? Maybe the Arkham Knight? He did kind of look similar from a distance, I suppose.
I watched the full ending on Youtube (ain't nobody got time to get all those Riddler stuff) - I'm a bit confused.
Who/what was that "Batman" thing at the end? It looked like the Batman that Scarecrow saw when he was under the effects of his fear toxin. I'm sure no one has any real answers for this, but any guesses? Maybe the Arkham Knight? He did kind of look similar from a distance, I suppose.

Here's my understanding of part of the stort. That leads to what I think of the epilogue.

Batman is suffering from whatever physical effects there are of the disease after overcoming succumbing to the Joker consciousness in his mind. He has abandoned the Bruce Wayne portion of his identity and devotes himself full time to Batman, but he's no using a version of Scarecrow's fear toxin to torment criminals. Since the Joker disease in the game is some fictional version of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which is fatal, Batman knows he will die soon, so he's going all out.
Here's my understanding of part of the stort. That leads to what I think of the epilogue.

Batman is suffering from whatever physical effects there are of the disease after overcoming succumbing to the Joker consciousness in his mind. He has abandoned the Bruce Wayne portion of his identity and devotes himself full time to Batman, but he's no using a version of Scarecrow's fear toxin to torment criminals. Since the Joker disease in the game is some fictional version of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease which is fatal, Batman knows he will die soon, so he's going all out.

Oh interesting take on the ending. I didn't even consider that. I guess we won't really find out unless WB decides to make another one without Rocksteady.


So I seem to have encountered a bug and I'm curious if anyone else here had this happen and if so what their workaround was. I'm 96% of the way through the game and finishing up Riddler trophies. I have all of them except the ones in
Pan Studio and Stagg Airship.
The one that is giving me issues is in
the airship
. When I go to use the hacking device, Riddler pops up and spouts off something like, "No Batman, I will not share your attention.... Clear the room Batman, clear the room." Thing is, there is no one in the room and for the life of me I can't figure out what to do. I did a little googling and it seems this a bug, but I just wanted to run it by you guys on here. I'm seriously pissed off if I can't get all the trophies. I don't want to do NG+, my wife is having a kid tomorrow (she's getting induced) and I was planning on finishing the game tonight since I won't have a lot of time in the coming days. Anyone have experience with this?
The October DLC update will enable character select for the AR Challenges, so every character will be playable on any Combat Map, ala Arkham City. It'll be enabled for Predator Maps in November.


Good news! Character selection for AR combat challenge maps coming in Oct update. Predator maps in Nov.

That was my biggest complaint with the AR challenges as is, so I'm glad I'll have a reason to go back to them now.


The October DLC update will enable character select for the AR Challenges, so every character will be playable on any Combat Map, ala Arkham City. It'll be enabled for Predator Maps in November.


That was my biggest complaint with the AR challenges as is, so I'm glad I'll have a reason to go back to them now.

Oh, nice. That's good. Don't know why they didn't do it in the first place.




The October DLC update will enable character select for the AR Challenges, so every character will be playable on any Combat Map, ala Arkham City. It'll be enabled for Predator Maps in November.


That was my biggest complaint with the AR challenges as is, so I'm glad I'll have a reason to go back to them now.

Extra clarification: it's a free update, confirmed, and all characters work on all combat and predator maps, not just the upcoming DLC ones.

That's fucking great, basically all I wanted from this game was to play as the Bat-Family, and was sorely disappointed by how little we got from them in the base game. All I really need is the ability to do the endless Azrael mission with the rest of the roster, and I'm psyched. Great update.


I'm at 99%. Did all the Most Wanted quests, did everything except that last riddle that's bugged on me. So irritated. I'm going to try and do NG+ and get it since I read the riddles carry over, even still, it sucks I have to try and find time to do it.
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