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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD

I can handle the faster pace of combat, and the necessity to fully utilise your arsenal and techniques, but what I do struggle with is the following:

  • Slow camera obscuring most of the thugs
  • The regular instances of you being mid-flow and lunging across the area to smack a guy whilst another guy who was next to you is winding up a punch, only to have the guy you just scooted away from sliding across the area following you and smacking you from behind with there being nothing you can do about it.
  • Large amount of moves coming out incorrectly causing you to either lose your combo or get hit.

The second half of the Bane fight was a nightmare because of this. Not sure I'll ever finish "I Am The Night" mode, because of this.


Completion includes the side-quests (Including enigma) and the challenge room stuff.

I was at around 50 when I ended, but I did a decent ammount of all that stuff.


Those who have beaten the game, what was your completion percentage at when you did so? Mine was at 25%. Does the
stuff really account for like 75% of the stuff there is to do? The 25% also included the
Anarky sidequest

The Riddler stuff, counts for a bit. But there's still Black Mask Side quests, Penguin, Mad Hatter, and Deadshot. Plus random missions like the glide challenges.

There's still a lot in the game.

I completed the game last night and spent an extra 3-4 hours on side missions. Now my time in the game is around 19 HRS.

It's got a lot of content.


I can handle the faster pace of combat, and the necessity to fully utilise your arsenal and techniques, but what I do struggle with is the following:

  • Slow camera obscuring most of the thugs
  • The regular instances of you being mid-flow and lunging across the area to smack a guy whilst another guy who was next to you is winding up a punch, only to have the guy you just scooted away from sliding across the area following you and smacking you from behind with there being nothing you can do about it.
  • Large amount of moves coming out incorrectly causing you to either lose your combo or get hit.

The second half of the Bane fight was a nightmare because of this. Not sure I'll ever finish "I Am The Night" mode, because of this.

What exactly is this mode? It doesn't say in the description in the game menu.


If anyone on 360 has a corrupted save please upload it somewhere and send me the link via PM. I have written a tool that makes the save work again, I just would like to test it with some more saves before I release it.

What exactly is this mode? It doesn't say in the description in the game menu.

One life, if you die it is back to the start again*. Difficulty is the same as New Game+ Hard.

*or back to the dashboard


If anyone on 360 has a corrupted save please upload it somewhere and send me the link via PM. I have written a tool that makes the save work again, I just would like to test it with some more saves before I release it.

One life, if you die it is back to the start again*. Difficulty is the same as New Game+ Hard.

*or back to the dashboard

Hardcore mode.

One life.

Holy shit. Need to upgrade everything before trying that out.

And doing some training. :p


There is no need to call my opinion a joke.

And I stand by my opinion that the window can be too small if I can't even get the most basic attack off. If there is no counter warning before I go to punch someone - not ground takedown, not using a quickfire gadget - then how on Earth is it fair for me not to be able to counter because the window is so small that it won't accept my input because I am still doing a punch? If I screw up using a long-winded move, sure. That's my fault. But a simple, quick punch? Nah, sorry.

I have no problem with challenge, difficulty, whatever you want to call it. There are attacks in this game that are simply designed to stop your combo and I feel there is very little you can do about it. Which is unfair and there's nothing worse in a game than when you feel like you couldn't prevent what has just happened. It's very frustrating going from what I feel would be an S-rank fight to an A-rank because I got... well, sucker punched.
Well, that is an issue, yes, but it just doesn't happen to me. I can cancel my punches just fine with counter, something's off there. I can't cancel R2 + /\ takedowns or cape stuns, but punches and the /\ + O takedown I can easily cancel into counter when an enemy attacks me.

Or maybe something's off here and I wasn't supposed to be able to cancel those moves?


I'm loving this game so far, the boss fights and voice / story have been great.

Playing on ps3 though I find the framerate drops to unplayable while the game decides to save, so at the start of a couple fights the framerate would chug while the cutscenes / story stuff was happening.

I also find the design of the city lacking compared to the last game, there are a lot of areas where I have a hard time finding a place to grapnel to. I will see tons of buildings and just not have the option to go there so i end up falling to the ground and finding a new place.

They have done a great job though, game is gorgeous on ps3 even though it chugs at points.


God Batman is a picky little princess. Despite being on the world map he won't let you select a fast travel point unless you're clear out in the open. Even a large overhead obstacle is a pain.

There was one point in the game it wouldn't let me fast travel at all. It seemed they wanted me to start my next objective (go to the bank), before it would let me go back to the Batcave or anywhere else with fast travel.

That Burnley Tower glitch is avoidable, just don't hack the first console on the left so the bars don't come down. Just pull the vent down and head up to the roof. I've done this three times now with no problems.

I did this when I got to the tower. Went inside and opened the grate. I didn't hack the console so the bars didn't shut behind me. However, I still got stuck on the vent opening. So it doesn't seem to matter either way, but doing this is a good way to see if you are bugged without getting trapped and having to reset.

Anarky rants for a longgg time after you beat him haha

That needed an achievement if you listened to the whole thing it was so damn long.

Anyone have any issues finding the Enigma informants? I have one left near the steel mill and he's just not showing up at all.


Good lord, they ruined the challenge mode. Who's the genius that came up with the idea of giving points for gel explosions?


In regards to the combat, the only problem I've had is the gauntlets.... do they do AOE damage? I feel like when I use them, people I'm not attacking are being knocked out. It's messed up a few combos.

The trick to counters is to just not be attacking when you use them. I've never failed a counter unless it was one I was just mashing and praying I'd get.
Question about the
Mad Hatter
Most Wanted sidequest...

How do I throw the batarang at Tetch at the end? Seriously. I can lock on, but not throw.


Question about the
Mad Hatter
Most Wanted sidequest...

How do I throw the batarang at Tetch at the end? Seriously. I can lock on, but not throw.

Use the remote batterang and hold RB. I think? That's how you use the reverse batterang and I think that's what you use in that sequence.

Double D

The Riddler stuff, counts for a bit. But there's still Black Mask Side quests, Penguin, Mad Hatter, and Deadshot. Plus random missions like the glide challenges.

There's still a lot in the game.

I completed the game last night and spent an extra 3-4 hours on side missions. Now my time in the game is around 19 HRS.

It's got a lot of content.

So I had forgotten all that I actually did. Was the Penguin thing on the boat a side quest? Anyways, I did that. I also did Mad Hatter and Deadshot. All that was included in my 25%. Didn't touch the challenge map stuff though. Someone else posted that those count towards your percentage.


Just put a couple of hours in. The first 30 minutes of the game I had my doubts, but as soon as I was back into the full swing of being the batman I fell in love. This game is great. The world seems massive. I've got the hang of fighting again and started pulling off 20x combos. Oh and the intro is awesome.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Ha I guess we'll have to agree to disagree on the Batears then, friend! Coincidentally though, I just got done reading the first issue of the Long Halloween I got for free as a part of some comic special sale day or something at a local store. I've never read it before, but just reading through what I guess constitutes the opening chapter of the book and it's pretty obvious Nolan really liked this book, heh.

Fair enough. Multiple interpretations has always been the real beauty of Batman's design.

It's a really great Batman story. I'm noever sure how I feel about Tim Sale's artwork though. Nolan definitely knows what to poach. :)
Congrats Dtoid for the most terrible review of this game.



How drunk or high was Sterling when he wrote this?

It's just shameless click-baiting, why would you post it?

but why dont reviewers use the whole ten scale

i want more honest reviews

why dont reviewers take buggy games to task more often and let the consumer know theyre broken

All those things are nice...but Sterling's reviews are rather inconsistent. I suppose there's only value in his work if your personal tastes align with his. But as far as a professional, reliable / objective reviews go...they're garbage.


Reading the review, it seems like he gave it a low score to protest what it represents, which is the industry anusalizing anything that makes money instead of creatively coming out with new ideas for games.

He's not wrong, of course. This game exists because WB wanted another batman game, and Montreal was willing to make it. Still not really fair to punish the game though.


In regards to the combat, the only problem I've had is the gauntlets.... do they do AOE damage? I feel like when I use them, people I'm not attacking are being knocked out. It's messed up a few combos.

AOE and damage over time.

That was in City. And you really don't need to get every single weapon in a combo.

You misunderstood me. The problem is not about the "variations" score you get at the end of each round when you use every gadget.
First, you didn't get points for gel explosions in City during the match.
Second, in AO you get 25 points for every gel explosion and they still don't do any damage at all, which means that if I get to 100 hits and start spamming gel explosions, I can spam them as long as I want and each time I get 2500 points more. Basically it's the exact same thing of the Titan glitch in AC: the scores become meaningless.


In Origins, a team of lesser writers attempts to do what superior talent wisely avoided, and the results are what any reasonable person could expect

Did he play the same Rocksteady games I did? Because I distinctly remembered a completely ramshackle plot and barely coherent pacing in City.

Also that review is garbage, and is barely even about the game. Sterling largely tosses aside the game itself and instead uses the review as a soapbox to bitch at publishers for making "unnecessary sequels". I mean shit Jim I understand you're frustrated and all (except in this context RS really has no right to claim ownership of the batman IP in any capacity at all), but save that shit for an editorial or a Jimquisition.

Should have expected this after he was on twitter talking about how he was upset at not getting a review copy on time. Shame petty publisher/editorial shit had to get in the way like this.
biggest issues i've had with this game (outside of the bugs) is that the new gadgets just feel halfassed in one way or another.

remote grapple thing is for the most part really neat, but being to hang people on gargoyles is a bit toooo easy. Also, not being to quickfire it in any form leaves a ton of potential on the table for combat.

concussion bombs... the fuck do they even do? This isn't like the poison darts in asscreed which can get enemies to kill each other, it just overall feel like a pointless gadget.

Shock Gloves are great, while making end game combat a bit of a joke, but it feels great. The only real issues i have with it is, well, the environmental use is completely random. You charge it up by punching guys to build kinetic energy or something. Makes some sense. But then you just random grab a generator and it charges? And lets not get to the whole
reviving alfred somehow.

Gameplay is always the most important part of games, but it is an art form to blend gameplay and the ingame universe/lore in a good consistent way.

Anyhow, anybody got any good Arkham city combat videos? I guess i dont' have a problem with AO because i'm apparently 'boring' who mostly just use counters and strikes and the 2 button 8x moves in all the arkham games. Curious how to utilize all the gadgets well (I have a super hard time keeping a combo going with gadgets)


Reading the review, it seems like he gave it a low score to protest what it represents, which is the industry anusalizing anything that makes money instead of creatively coming out with new ideas for games.

He's not wrong, of course. This game exists because WB wanted another batman game, and Montreal was willing to make it. Still not really fair to punish the game though.

He's not wrong about companies using a formula that makes money (why wouldn't they?), but to give it a 3.5 out of frustration that the gigantic leaders in the gaming industry aren't taking more risks is pretty lame. A lot of work still went into this game and I was more than able to enjoy it.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Did he play the same Rocksteady games I did? Because I distinctly remembered a completely ramshackle plot and barely coherent pacing in City.

Also that review is garbage, and is barely even about the game. Sterling largely tosses aside the game itself and instead uses the review as a soapbox to bitch at publishers for making "unnecessary sequels".

Has he scored Call of Duty or FIFA similarly?


Yeah, i didn't find much use for it unless I wanted to tell all the baddies "Hey I'm here!"

it can even fuck up your combo. Enemies who get shocked, will throw random punches, that are quite hard to read.
Bottom line, if you use it, do it when you're really far from enemies.


He's not wrong about companies using a formula that makes money (why wouldn't they?), but to give it a 3.5 out of frustration that the gigantic leaders in the gaming industry aren't taking more risks is pretty lame. A lot of work still went into this game and I was more than able to enjoy it.
And its not even annualized. City came out two years ago
My favorite Arkham so far. Much better pacing and story delivery than Arkham City, along with better art design all around in the characters. It's really fun.

Some of the bugs are just painful though, like the tower bug.


Played it for a few hours. It ticks all the Arkham-series' boxes, but something just isn't there. I can't really put my finger on it.


AOE and damage over time.

You misunderstood me. The problem is not about the "variations" score you get at the end of each round when you use every gadget.
First, you didn't get points for gel explosions in City during the match.
Second, in AO you get 25 points for every gel explosion and they still don't do any damage at all, which means that if I get to 100 hits and start spamming gel explosions, I can spam them as long as I want and each time I get 2500 points more. Basically it's the exact same thing of the Titan glitch in AC: the scores become meaningless.

I think it would be very hard to keep hitting guys with those gel explosions. MAYBE on some of the maps with the most guys you could do it.... maybe, but I feel like you would be forced to ground pound.

In any case, there's always glitches or cheaters. I've never looked up a leaderboard and not seen a bunch of 5 million scores on top.


crowd control in fights.

AC's version was better though.

AC shock gun was way much better.
The enchanced version was godlike.

Now that i think about it, I've never used enchanced gadgets in origins. How many hits without using a special move, do you have to score?


Congrats Dtoid for the most terrible review of this game.



How drunk or high was Sterling when he wrote this?

It's disappointing. I like Jim and I'll often defend him, but when he gets excited about an issue or a cause, it's hard to stop him from running with it.

To put the rating in context, Arkham Origins is roughly on-par with the following titles (as reviewed by the DTOID staff):

• Garshasp
• Frogger 3D
• Zack Zero
• Zombii Attack
• The Expendables 2 Videogame
• Mega Man X (for iPhone)
• South Park: Tenorman's Revenge

I know that these were reviewed by different people and I know that you can't directly compare a score against a score, but the mere fact that Arkham Origins ranked anywhere near games like these is enough to send up red flags. It's not a fair review.

Double D

biggest issues i've had with this game (outside of the bugs) is that the new gadgets just feel halfassed in one way or another.

remote grapple thing is for the most part really neat, but being to hang people on gargoyles is a bit toooo easy. Also, not being to quickfire it in any form leaves a ton of potential on the table for combat.

concussion bombs... the fuck do they even do? This isn't like the poison darts in asscreed which can get enemies to kill each other, it just overall feel like a pointless gadget.

Shock Gloves are great, while making end game combat a bit of a joke, but it feels great. The only real issues i have with it is, well, the environmental use is completely random. You charge it up by punching guys to build kinetic energy or something. Makes some sense. But then you just random grab a generator and it charges? And lets not get to the whole
reviving alfred somehow.

Gameplay is always the most important part of games, but it is an art form to blend gameplay and the ingame universe/lore in a good consistent way.

Anyhow, anybody got any good Arkham city combat videos? I guess i dont' have a problem with AO because i'm apparently 'boring' who mostly just use counters and strikes and the 2 button 8x moves in all the arkham games. Curious how to utilize all the gadgets well (I have a super hard time keeping a combo going with gadgets)

Agre with pretty much everything here.

Re: the Batclaw thing, all those fire extinguishers and stuff lying around would have ended up in people's faces if I could quickfire it.

And the concussion grenades are totally useless. What I found strange was that right after you get them you go into the
Police headquarters and Alfred says something like, "hey you shouldn't just kick everyone's ass" or something implying that I should use them on those guys.
But then I tried it and it essentially just works as a group-effect batarang. So Instead of kicking their ass, I throw a grenade thing at them that pisses them off first, then kick their ass.


I agree about the complaints with the stun grenade.... thing. I hate that it takes a while, and then it makes them do the annoying "Swing in the air" thing that once in a while will catch you off guard and make you drop your combo.

I use it for cool points or if I REEAAAALY want the 5 gadget bonus, but that's it.


I can handle the faster pace of combat, and the necessity to fully utilise your arsenal and techniques, but what I do struggle with is the following:

  • Slow camera obscuring most of the thugs
  • The regular instances of you being mid-flow and lunging across the area to smack a guy whilst another guy who was next to you is winding up a punch, only to have the guy you just scooted away from sliding across the area following you and smacking you from behind with there being nothing you can do about it.
  • Large amount of moves coming out incorrectly causing you to either lose your combo or get hit.

The second half of the Bane fight was a nightmare because of this. Not sure I'll ever finish "I Am The Night" mode, because of this.

I felt that the combat was off too. I had problems countering and the camera zooming in too close to batman and having some random thug hit me from far away that i couldn't see.

That is just cheapness.
Congrats Dtoid for the most terrible review of this game.



How drunk or high was Sterling when he wrote this?

Not clicking on it. WB montreal really doesn't deserve this. Hate misinforming garbage like this because it could harm the developers and cost them their jobs when they did a fantastic job.

If you play on pc, don't launch online through steam. My progress saved once I launched through single player, then selected multiplayer from the main menu. The progress seems to be tied to your save file?
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