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Batman: Arkham Origins |OT| Justice from the head of Prototype And Hulk: UD


This has probably been asked a million times and I apologise.
Can you change skins in single player? And how?
Which skins are available in the vanilla game?
(No pre order exclusive stuff etc)

Yes you can change the outfits once you have finished the story and in NG+ right from the start.

If you enter the batcave and go towards the bat computer you get a A/X prompt to bring up the Batsuit Chamber.

The vanilla game only has one skin, the default Batman skin. The Batman One Million skin is available if you link your existing WBID or create a new one and link it.

Two other skins(Brightest Day and Gotham by Gaslight) are now available as part of the season pass and then there are a bunch of retailer exclusive skins and so on.
From the review:

Absolute, unquestionable nonsense. In the game,
Batman sees the drone roaming through Blackgate during the prison break. As Black Mask escapes he has Killer Croc destroy the drone and yells at him to make sure the memory card isn't salvageable. Croc tells Black Mask that it isn't. Batman finds the memory card in the wreckage of the drone, goes back to the Batcave and fucking analyzes the thing! It's after this analysis that he traces it back to Cobblepot who is a notorious arms dealer at this point in the timeline.

One of the most egregious misrepresentations of a game I've read in a review in a long time and I consider Edge one of the better publications for game reviews.

Lol are you serious? Can't believe a sequence that went through all those steps they broke it down like that.
From the review:

Absolute, unquestionable nonsense. In the game,
Batman sees the drone roaming through Blackgate during the prison break. As Black Mask escapes he has Killer Croc destroy the drone and yells at him to make sure the memory card isn't salvageable. Croc tells Black Mask that it isn't. Batman finds the memory card in the wreckage of the drone, goes back to the Batcave and fucking analyzes the thing! It's after this analysis that he traces it back to Cobblepot who is a notorious arms dealer at this point in the timeline.

One of the most egregious misrepresentations of a game I've read in a review in a long time and I consider Edge one of the better publications for game reviews.

They used to be, their downward spiral has been painful to watch, but it seems to be picking up speed of late, so hopefully the end is nigh...

no angel

Thanks for the help everyone, it seems the ledge height is what's stopping me from pulling this off. They should be more specific in the blurb that describes the move.
Anyone got any tips for Worst Nightmare Rank 6? Grate and Vent takedowns are no problem, hanging ledge takedowns are uber specific for which ledges you can do them from, but the explosive gel takedown is giving me a headache. Does it only work when blowing up a specific type of surface? Wooden panels seem to only stun enemies. I'm just hoping that I still have a lot of predator encounters left to get the remaining ranks, since I've already wrapped up Shadow Vigilante, and only need 1 more rank for Gotham Protector. This game seems pretty light on predator missions. I'm at the part right after beating
and I have to
follow Electrocutioner's trail to the assassin meetup
. Do I still have plenty of opportunities to wrap these up?


Alright, it's time for me to make a lengthy statement of what I didn't like about the game. I wanna preface by saying I enjoyed the game but it was average at best, a knock off, a 7/10.

#1 Artstyle/Graphics and the City: The graphics in Origins are just not on par with Arkham City's graphics and art style. And, before you call BS on me I have both games on my PC at max settings and compared the two, AC simply looks much better. Textures in Origins are much more smooth and the city lacks any sort of distinctive style to it, everything looks the same. Go back and look at AC the city had just way more style and each part of the city felt distinct and varied, even coming with their own color palettes. In Origins the city is bigger just for the sake of being bigger but yet feels more empty that AC.

#2 The Story: So AC was criticized for it's kinda scattershot story which shoehorned in many villains that stole focus away from the main plot. Unfortunately, I think Origins is even worse despite having the potential for a more focused story. The whole assassin plot had a lot going for it and offered a nice structure the plot could follow
. Instead. the Joker shows up pretty quickly and the entire assassin plot-line falls by the wayside. And while, the first encounter between the two foes could have provided another nice focus for the story it simply fails to utilize any of this potential. The Joker is captured, and then takes over Blackgate (which robs Asylum of it's importance), we fight Bane again, and then capture Joker again. By the end, we don't really get a sense of some new alliance formed between Gordon, Batman, the City, or the police force. And, the Joker/Batman dichotomy fails to properly explore their duality and start of their adversarial relationship.

But, lets also talk about some minor story points that really bothered me. First, the weak rationale for there being no civilians on the streets, a snowstorm during Xmas. It's stupid and it makes no sense why the city is all of a sudden taken over by hundreds of thugs. In essence, there seems to be very little difference between AC and this portion of Gotham before the wall was put up.
Second, I literally stared at the screen in confusion near the end when Gordon kills two bad guys next to Joker, he shoots them right in the head. But, then like a minute later when he thinks that Batman killed Bane, despite knowing that he had no choice, he accosts Batman as some killer vigilante. You just killed two bad guys not one minute before Gordon, double standards? In fact, the entire Gordon/Batman relationship is just super underdeveloped. I also hate the fact that characters will tap into your communications for side quests but Batman won't talk back. The Alfred and Batman conversations are also underdeveloped with Alfred just being like "Yup you're right Bruce." After, almost being killed due to the fact that he is Batman. Also, maybe I wasn't paying attention but did it not seem like the Riddler was a good guy according to Origins? He was using data he obtained to blackmail officials to resign to clean up the streets. Why in the fuck was Batman mad at this? At one point he said something about it was wrong to have all this data on people. EXCUSE ME? You are fucking BATMAN! You have vast troves of information on pretty much anyone of value in the city, you're doing the exact same thing except on top of that you beat these people to a bloody pulp. I don't get it, were they trying to make Batman look delusional?

#3 The Pacing and Boss Fights: It's just god awful. Rocksteady does an amazing job between rotating from platforming, combat, and puzzles. WB on the other hand, seems to rely WAY too much on combat forcing you to clear rooms after rooms full of large amounts of bad guys. And, because the story quickly loses focus the pacing also gets all out of whack when I reached the end of the game I couldn't believe it, it certainly didn't feel like the end.
All of a sudden the Joker just takes over Blackgate, problem is that there is no real build up to this event. In AC, you are constantly being warned of the activation of Protocol 10 and the stakes keep getting higher. By the time it's activated and you look out onto the city and witness attack helicopters blowing the city to bits you felt like you were at the climax. Origins has no moment like this.

The Boss fights are also just pure crap and turn into nothing more than just standard beat em ups with more baddies thrown in for good measure. The only fight I thoroughly enjoyed was the Deathstroke fight, it actually felt like some movie fight where you were both countering each others moves and testing each other. Every other fight on the other hand just lacks any sort of inspiration.

#4 Bugs: This game has a lot of them and some of them are game breaking, I can;t even finish the Riddler side mission because one of the towers is glitched.

#5 Detective Missions: I was kinda excited when they announced they were gonna beef up the detective style missions but yet again it turned out to be a false promise. The missions are nothing more than "Press A to Solve Crime" afterwards find criminal and beat him up. At least in the past games they didn't devote a whole series of side quests to this mode, they realized it was kinda weak and thus limited it. Here, it's made painstakingly clear just how shallow the game mechanic is. It's also funny how they were too lazy to even model the victims of these crimes.

#6 Fucking Grapnel Travel: You wanna talk about something that really pisses me off, how shitty the grapnel works in this game. The damn thing refuses to grapnel onto any of the higher structures in the city, in fact I've checked many of these structures cannot be grapneled onto. Now, I thought perhaps I was a bit paranoid and that AC was the same, but I booted it up and it works perfectly in that game and perfectly understands which buildings you would want to grapnel to next, mostly a building higher up. The crappy way they designed their buildings in Origins just makes traveling around so much more difficult that it needs to be.

# 7 Riddler Stuff: It's boring and easy, none of it really challenges your skill. I don't get any sense of satisfaction in grabbing an extortion data like I got with a Riddler trophy, they are almost always pretty easy to figure out. And, there are no riddles to scan. Lame.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
New patch for PC is causing me a crash at the menu screen every time. Sigh.

no angel

Anyone got any tips for Worst Nightmare Rank 6? Grate and Vent takedowns are no problem, hanging ledge takedowns are uber specific for which ledges you can do them from, but the explosive gel takedown is giving me a headache. Does it only work when blowing up a specific type of surface? Wooden panels seem to only stun enemies. I'm just hoping that I still have a lot of predator encounters left to get the remaining ranks, since I've already wrapped up Shadow Vigilante, and only need 1 more rank for Gotham Protector. This game seems pretty light on predator missions. I'm at the part right after beating
and I have to
follow Electrocutioner's trail to the assassin meetup
. Do I still have plenty of opportunities to wrap these up?

Any destructible panel marked in detective vision will do it. Just gell up the wall and keep the left trigger down ready to detonate, the game will tell you how many hostiles the blast will incapacitate so just hit the button when it says at least one. I was a bit trigger happy at first and just knocking them out instead if taking them down, be patient and let therm get close enough to the gel. Just keep your eye on the hostile counter.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Anyone got any tips for Worst Nightmare Rank 6? Grate and Vent takedowns are no problem, hanging ledge takedowns are uber specific for which ledges you can do them from, but the explosive gel takedown is giving me a headache. Does it only work when blowing up a specific type of surface? Wooden panels seem to only stun enemies. I'm just hoping that I still have a lot of predator encounters left to get the remaining ranks, since I've already wrapped up Shadow Vigilante, and only need 1 more rank for Gotham Protector. This game seems pretty light on predator missions. I'm at the part right after beating
and I have to
follow Electrocutioner's trail to the assassin meetup
. Do I still have plenty of opportunities to wrap these up?

I've been stuck on these for awhile as I can't seem to get any gel takedown chances. I've been trying weak walls and glass but they have just been stunning, since they aren't actual walls.


Heck, I just DID Worst Nightmare 6 only to have the game not recognize/count it. :(


I've been stuck on these for awhile as I can't seem to get any gel takedown chances. I've been trying weak walls and glass but they have just been stunning, since they aren't actual walls.

Or maybe this is my problem. Hrm.


But, lets also talk about some minor story points that really bothered me. First, the weak rationale for there being no civilians on the streets, a snowstorm during Xmas. It's stupid and it makes no sense why the city is all of a sudden taken over by hundreds of thugs. In essence, there seems to be very little difference between AC and this portion of Gotham before the wall was put up.
Second, I literally stared at the screen in confusion near the end when Gordon kills two bad guys next to Joker, he shoots them right in the head. But, then like a minute later when he thinks that Batman killed Bane, despite knowing that he had no choice, he accosts Batman as some killer vigilante. You just killed two bad guys not one minute before Gordon, double standards?

The city is on lockdown. People are told to stay at home. This message plays repeatedly over the radio while traveling through the city. This is not a weak excuse although one made because of the old hardware.

For you second point from the spoiler. Next time watch the cutscene more closely.
He doesn't shoot them in the head. He shoots them in the leg.


#1 Artstyle/Graphics and the City: The graphics in Origins are just not on par with Arkham City's graphics and art style.




As a batman fan: some of Rocksteady's art in this series borders on butchery (Harley...my god). I can't imagine how anyone who's familiar at all with any of the source material can in good faith call the art direction of AC "good" by any measure of the word. If anything, Warner mont did as good as a job as they could have given they had to make people in this game look like a realistic regression of the shit in AC/AA and still manage to look decent.
The Mad Hatter is such a creepy fuck. Dude's a straight up pedophile, right? I wanted Bruce to make him choke on his teeth, the dude's so gnarly.




As a batman fan: some of Rocksteady's art in this series borders on butchery (Harley...my god). I can't imagine how anyone who's familiar at all with any of the source material can in good faith call the art direction of AC "good" by any measure of the word. If anything, Warner mont did as good as a job as they could have given they had to make people in this game look like a realistic regression of the shit in AC/AA and still manage to look decent.

I want to see WB Montreal's take on Harley and the rest of the Batman universe. Their designs are a lot more appealing than Rocksteady's. WB did an excellent job with the art style.


The fuck, todays patch didn't fix the Burnley Comms Point!? Some bullshit...

As I pointed out before: Splash Damage works on the multiplayer, and Splash Damage issued the patch for Splash Damage's multiplayer build of the game. Warner Montreal has their own build and will patch it when they get a fix in stable condition. Them issuing an MP first has nothing to do with priority, just logistics.


Gold Member
AO is wat better when it comes to art, it feels more grounded, the past games were way overboard on the comic look, this has a more "realistic" look to it, IMO this is the better batman game of the 3, this shows how dark and gritty the dark knight really is, in the past 2 games we rarely saw batman really pissed off, in this one, oh man, he's on a roll
AO is wat better when it comes to art, it feels more grounded, the past games were way overboard on the comic look, this has a more "realistic" look to it, IMO this is the better batman game of the 3, this shows how dark and gritty the dark knight really is, in the past 2 games we rarely saw batman really pissed off, in this one, oh man, he's on a roll

Angry Sarcastic Batman is Best Batman.


Five crashes in 50 minutes. Ever since my original save got corrupted I've had nothing but problems. I think I'm going to give up for now. This is fucking mess.


Honestly I think Rocksteady's problem is that when they thought up the artstyle for the series they didn't think the separation between art style (cartoonish) and graphical style (standard UE3, "glossy realism") was important, or didn't think it would negatively impact how the cartoonish designs looked in real time. They were wrong. They were veeeeeeeeery wrong :x

AO marks the first point in the series where the artstyle accurately matches the graphical style, and the results are tremendously better for it. It's just a shame people (reviewers) are too busy making sure Warner knows that this is rocksteady's series and rocksteady's alone to develop to really discuss this in any capacity.


It's weird, the game has been out now for what, a week and I still want more Batman.

Bring it on Rocksteady.

All I can say is if RS doesn't make it NO FUCKING buy..... think I'll wait out the next one anyway...20 or less.... I always get fucked when paying full price day one.

Some Nobody

Junior Member
I think it's better than either AA or AC in numerous ways: graphics, combat, tone, art design. Its biggest fault, aside from not iterating more on the gameplay, is having a too-big city with content that isn't dense or carefully designed enough (especially the Riddler stuff).

About 80% of the games on the market are 'unnecessary', yet this is the single most enjoyable sequel from a stand-in developer I've ever played. And it's more 'Batman' (the Batman of the comics) than the previous titles.


AO is wat better when it comes to art, it feels more grounded, the past games were way overboard on the comic look, this has a more "realistic" look to it, IMO this is the better batman game of the 3, this shows how dark and gritty the dark knight really is, in the past 2 games we rarely saw batman really pissed off, in this one, oh man, he's on a roll

Really? I would say the opposite. AC felt like it was trying too hard to make Batman appeal to children (or man-children) by being hyper-realistic and taking on a super-srs artstyle. It gave the Gotham of AC a very weird, "grimy" kind of feel. Meanwhile this game is more comic book-y, with everything from Gotham to Batman to the villains looking more like something I'd find in an old 90's Batman comic.
Hmm, doesn't seem to work for me, although my Z-Coordinate screen looks like this:


However with the Address field at the top just showing question marks, I assume it doens't actually know which address it is so changing any value does nothing. :(

Not sure where you got that window, but it seems that today's patch made it so that you can't use it anyway. Sorry to get your hopes up. :/


AO is wat better when it comes to art, it feels more grounded, the past games were way overboard on the comic look, this has a more "realistic" look to it, IMO this is the better batman game of the 3, this shows how dark and gritty the dark knight really is, in the past 2 games we rarely saw batman really pissed off, in this one, oh man, he's on a roll

Gonna have to disagree with you there I love Rocksteady's Gothic take on Batman. I'm tired of this "realism" trend, I want insane character designs. WB's artstyle is just so bland and predictable, Rocksteady really shows their own creative take on the Batman mythos while also retaining that feel from the Animated Series. I was actually kinda excited for WB's Batsuit but now after playing with it I just don't like it, again it's so bland and uninspired.

The city is on lockdown. People are told to stay at home. This message plays repeatedly over the radio while traveling through the city. This is not a weak excuse although one made because of the old hardware.

That is still a super weak excuse, read my post again. The fact is that it makes no sense that Gotham gets an influx of over a hundred criminals because a snow storm hits town. And on top of that, the city just feels so dead and lifeless it lakcs any sort of character or identity that AC had.


I was playing singleplayer and a message came up saying Network connection lost and the whole game just stopped and quit to the desktop.

What the fuck?


Anyone got any tips for Worst Nightmare Rank 6? Grate and Vent takedowns are no problem, hanging ledge takedowns are uber specific for which ledges you can do them from, but the explosive gel takedown is giving me a headache. Does it only work when blowing up a specific type of surface? Wooden panels seem to only stun enemies. I'm just hoping that I still have a lot of predator encounters left to get the remaining ranks, since I've already wrapped up Shadow Vigilante, and only need 1 more rank for Gotham Protector. This game seems pretty light on predator missions. I'm at the part right after beating
and I have to
follow Electrocutioner's trail to the assassin meetup
. Do I still have plenty of opportunities to wrap these up?

You can do it as part of the Deadshot side mission. That's how I got it done.


Gold Member
Gonna have to disagree with you there I love Rocksteady's Gothic take on Batman. I'm tired of this "realism" trend, I want insane character designs. WB's artstyle is just so bland and predictable, Rocksteady really shows their own creative take on the Batman mythos while also retaining that feel from the Animated Series. I was actually kinda excited for WB's Batsuit but now after playing with it I just don't like it, again it's so bland and uninspired.
i think the opposite, while i believe Rocksteady created the formula of the perfect batman game when it came to gameplay i found them to be a bit to overboard on character designs, starting by batman ears! to long, lol, that always bother me, but of course, at least we have a game that you like and one that i like, so it's a win win situation
i think the opposite, while i believe Rocksteady created the formula of the perfect batman game when it came to gameplay i found them to be a bit to overboard on character designs, starting by batman ears! to long, lol, that always bother me, but of course, at least we have a game that you like and one that i like, so it's a win win situation
I also have to support AO art style over Rocksteady's by a good margin. I like your attitude though.


Gold Member
I also have to support AO art style over Rocksteady's by a good margin. I like your attitude though.
thanks, i really do hope this isn't the last BIG game we see from this guys that made AO, they're good and they did an amazing job keeping in mind the amount of pressure they had working on this project, im hoping this game sells well
Well color me severely underwhelmed with the climax of the Riddler side mission.

So after I unlock all the towers and destroy the relays, I make my way over to Riddler's HQ to destroy his server and the guy's just like "lol good job bye for now". So I'm thinking you must grab all the datapacks before you can finally take him down. NOPE. Turns out doing all that just unlocks a secret room which contains a riddler trophy similar to the ones in AA and AC. That's it.

I just felt like I wasted a good several hours for no reason at al.


Well color me severely underwhelmed with the climax of the Riddler side mission.

So after I unlock all the towers and destroy the relays, I make my way over to Riddler's HQ to destroy his server and the guy's just like "lol good job bye for now". So I'm thinking you must grab all the datapacks before you can finally take him down. NOPE. Turns out doing all that just unlocks a secret room which contains a riddler trophy similar to the ones in AA and AC. That's it.

I just felt like I wasted a good several hours for no reason at al.

The datapacks are also no fun to collect. I miss the riddles.


Deathstroke was a fun/epic fight. Love the "what are you?" line, lol.

Probably not going to play anymore until the patch hits for PS3. I got to say this is the worse performance arkham game, which is weird its the same engine.
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