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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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Completely forgot there was a JL part two. Imo end it with them beaming up to the watch tower, sitting down around the table, and then this appears on the screen...


Gotta start that recruitment drive.

Exactly. It'll be magnificent.


Completely forgot there was a JL part two. Imo end it with them beaming up to the watch tower, sitting down around the table, and then this appears on the screen...


Gotta start that recruitment drive.

Tch. Cyborg called these folks up then the League promptly threw most of them to the bushes.
When a 6th man like aquaman look that gangster you know you got a damn good team on ur hands. I hope snyder don't fuck this up because this the dream team


I wonder if they're going to wait til AoU has released and the hype has died down a smidge to release the trailer to capitalize discussion


I wonder if they're going to wait til AoU has released and the hype has died down a smidge to release the trailer to capitalize discussion

I think they'd be pretty dumb not to have a trailer in front of AoU. Most people don't know or care about the DC/Marvel distinction anyway.


Not enough muscle majesty
To me, it have to do with her face. Just ugly (in lack of a better word). but I'm excited to see her on screen performing just as much as I am excited to see the rest of the Justice League.

For someone who never read the DC Comics, I am really curious about the DCCU.
I really have a hard time imagining how this movie is going to work.

So you have like 7 different superheroes + 2? villains. Even if they spend like 10 minutes setting up each character, that's already an hour and a half on introductions.

I mean, what are they gonna do, just have the flash run in suddenly in a scene, and be like "yo, Im the flash, I run fast, that's all you need to know".

I guess they could have Batman sitting at his computer perusing his database of superhumans and telling alfred about them. Still, it seems like it would be pretty lame.

They probably should have gone the Marvel route of having individual movies first. Maybe they thought the non Batman/Superman movies wouldnt make enough money..
I really have a hard time imagining how this movie is going to work.

So you have like 7 different superheroes + 2? villains. Even if they spend like 10 minutes setting up each character, that's already an hour and a half on introductions.

I mean, what are they gonna do, just have the flash run in suddenly in a scene, and be like "yo, Im the flash, I run fast, that's all you need to know".

I guess they could have Batman sitting at his computer perusing his database of superhumans and telling alfred about them. Still, it seems like it would be pretty lame.

They probably should have gone the Marvel route of having individual movies first. Maybe they thought the non Batman/Superman movies wouldnt make enough money..

It's been rumored (spoilers at that link) that all of the other heroes/possible heroes are essentially going to have cameos. If I had to compare it, I'd say it'll be like Hawkeye in Thor - just a short-ish scene introducing the character.

The script itself is supposed to be very streamlined and Superman-heavy (again, spoilers).


I really have a hard time imagining how this movie is going to work.

So you have like 7 different superheroes + 2? villains. Even if they spend like 10 minutes setting up each character, that's already an hour and a half on introductions.

I mean, what are they gonna do, just have the flash run in suddenly in a scene, and be like "yo, Im the flash, I run fast, that's all you need to know".

I guess they could have Batman sitting at his computer perusing his database of superhumans and telling alfred about them. Still, it seems like it would be pretty lame.

They probably should have gone the Marvel route of having individual movies first. Maybe they thought the non Batman/Superman movies wouldnt make enough money..

Bare in mind that Batman vs. Superman isn't the Justice League film. Its focus will be primarily on Superman and Batman, with Wonder Woman being a supporting character and Aquaman will more or less just have a cameo. Likewise for Cyborg and Flash (if they even end up being in the film at all). So really, the focus is only on the main three - two of which aren't going to need any introduction at all because, well, who the hell doesn't know who Superman and Batman are. We're apparently going to get brief flashbacks of the Snyder take on Batman's origin, but that's it.

I still strongly disagree that DC are somehow harming themselves by not going the Marvel route of having individual movies for each character first before doing the team-up movies. As if the idea that a movie with an ensemble cast didn't exist before The Avengers. We've got the Dirty Dozen, the Magnificent Seven, Ocean's 11, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings, Aliens, Star Wars, and countless others.

Those are all films that didn't need four or five movies to set up each individual character - and they also didn't have the benefit of featuring some of the most immediately recognizable superheroes on the planet.


I still strongly disagree that DC are somehow harming themselves by not going the Marvel route of having individual movies for each character first before doing the team-up movies. As if the idea that a movie with an ensemble cast didn't exist before The Avengers. We've got the Dirty Dozen, the Magnificent Seven, Ocean's 11, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings, Aliens, Star Wars, and countless others.

Those are all films that didn't need four or five movies to set up each individual character - and they also didn't have the benefit of featuring some of the most immediately recognizable superheroes on the planet.

What they really should have done is to make each film one (sort of) hero bigger:
Man of Steel: 1) Superman
BvS: 1) Superman, 2)Batman
Trinity: 1)Superman, 2)Batman, 3)Wonderwoman
JL: Supes, Bats, WW and the rest of the B-tier like Aquaman, Green Lantern and Flash.

That way you get a progressively bigger universe without it feeling rushed or any one the movies feeling cramped.


Bare in mind that Batman vs. Superman isn't the Justice League film. Its focus will be primarily on Superman and Batman, with Wonder Woman being a supporting character and Aquaman will more or less just have a cameo. Likewise for Cyborg and Flash (if they even end up being in the film at all). So really, the focus is only on the main three - two of which aren't going to need any introduction at all because, well, who the hell doesn't know who Superman and Batman are. We're apparently going to get brief flashbacks of the Snyder take on Batman's origin, but that's it.

I still strongly disagree that DC are somehow harming themselves by not going the Marvel route of having individual movies for each character first before doing the team-up movies. As if the idea that a movie with an ensemble cast didn't exist before The Avengers. We've got the Dirty Dozen, the Magnificent Seven, Ocean's 11, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings, Aliens, Star Wars, and countless others.

Those are all films that didn't need four or five movies to set up each individual character - and they also didn't have the benefit of featuring some of the most immediately recognizable superheroes on the planet.

Those films weren't meant to lead to individual films for all the ensemble characters. Like you weren't getting 7 spin-offs of the Magnificent Seven.
I still feel it's risky to go from "Superman is the only superhero" to the next film basically having the JL in it, even if it's partly in cameos.

An aspect of Avengers that helped make it work was it wasn't simply "The Avengers in film form", or "a comic book team in live action", it was also a crossover between the established MCU characters. Had Thor made his debut in the Avengers film, he probably would have come off as confusing and weird to many moviegoers. This is going to be the first appearance of all the non-Superman heroes. I have no doubt Batman will work, but I'm skeptical of how well the others will come off just suddenly appearing like this.

Especially Aquaman, who really feels like a character that needs a lot of set-up and explanation to work. He's pretty out there, compared to a Batman type.
Especially Aquaman, who really feels like a character that needs a lot of set-up and explanation to work. He's pretty out there, compared to a Batman type.

King of Atlantis, controls the seas, has telepathic communication/control with/over fish. It's really not so hard - even if most people know him as "the dude who talks to fish".
Voices down or we may summon Mr. Brain here..

*Looks around*

LOL. As I said in the other thread, to use an extreme example, what if Captain Carrot and the Amazing Zoo Crew appeared halfway through Justice League? Surely folks can concede that there's at least some point at which "it's a superhero universe, just roll with it" would cease to work as a substitute for exposition?

Not every superhero needs their own film, as Marvel has already demonstrated, but is it really that unreasonable to suggest that some superheroes are more conceptually out-there than others and are thus harder to distill down into a few lines of exposition?

(I'll also add that these concerns would be allayed significantly if BvS looked to be a Trinity film, rather than giving WW an IM2 Black Widow-sized supporting role.)


People didn't have idea what Thor, Captain America, Iron Man , Hawkeye and BW were. People know what Aquaman, Sueperman, Wonder Woman and the godamn Batman are. They need only a few lines explaining their roots and they will click with the preconceived notion. It's a completely different case.
Had Thor made his debut in the Avengers film, he probably would have come off as confusing and weird to many moviegoers.

God, I'm getting so damn sick of hearing this asinine logic. Like, seriously, how insanely stupid do you think people are that they're gonna have this hard of a time, understanding a character, in a movie, that they paid to see?

I wonder if MCU fans were thinking or saying...

"No Ruffalo solo introduction movie before the Avengers? That's gonna confuse the shit out of everyone, everyone is gonna think it's weird and confusing. Where did this Banner dude come from? I have no clue who he is cause I never saw him in a solo movie. The more I think about it, this could potentially destroy the MCU. Not only do people not know where Hulk came from, but if they saw any of the recent Hulk movies, they're gonna get more confused since they have no clue what happened to the previous actor, cause there was no solo movie. Oh no, I'm such a moron and confused now, that I can no longer understand or enjoy this movie. Someone please help me understand how a studio thought it was okay to do an ensemble movie without each giving character their own movie before hand, cause this is totally destroying the fabric of my reality. Oh my god, I just realized I don't like Guardians of the Galaxy anymore either cause I have no clue how a talking racoon came to be. I didn't see a movie explaining his origin to me."

Seriously, that logic or "argument" needs to be banned from these threads already.
Wonder Woman lives on a hidden Island, Aquaman rules a hidden kingdom. Its not hard to believe Supermans presence starts to bring these guys out of the woodwork. And their origins are both streamlined if they are related. Batman gonna Batman. Why would they need to mention him in Man of Steel? Because they're reporters in another state and they gotta namedrop the guy because they're all confused about the arrival of an alien?

It always strikes me as bizarre that this film will be a clusterfuck because it has to introduce say around 5 characters. Like LOTR had problems introducing countless races, mythologies, power sets, characters etc. Hell the first 5 mins of FOTR condenses around 3000 years of history (or whatever it is) and perfectly introduces you to the ongoing narrative. Its the same people who say seeing the Avengers without seeing the previous MCU films would leave people confused. It doesn't, and many people saw the Avengers as their introduction to the MCU. Stop under-estimating how much audiences can understand and stop over-estimating how much they care.


Not to mention most if not all of the JL's main roster are household names and have been for a long time. I'd wager most people who have heard of Aquaman at the very least know he is the King of the Seas.
I think people who think world-building is about how much the audience knows of a character/concept in any medium, rather than how the character/concept's history is established in-universe, are pretty confused.
God, I'm getting so damn sick of hearing this asinine logic. Like, seriously, how insanely stupid do you think people are that they're gonna have this hard of a time, understanding a character, in a movie, that they paid to see?

I wonder if MCU fans were thinking or saying...

"No Ruffalo solo introduction movie before the Avengers? That's gonna confuse the shit out of everyone, everyone is gonna think it's weird and confusing. Where did this Banner dude come from? I have no clue who he is cause I never saw him in a solo movie. The more I think about it, this could potentially destroy the MCU. Not only do people not know where Hulk came from, but if they saw any of the recent Hulk movies, they're gonna get more confused since they have no clue what happened to the previous actor, cause there was no solo movie. Oh no, I'm such a moron and confused now, that I can no longer understand or enjoy this movie. Someone please help me understand how a studio thought it was okay to do an ensemble movie without each giving character their own movie before hand, cause this is totally destroying the fabric of my reality. Oh my god, I just realized I don't like Guardians of the Galaxy anymore either cause I have no clue how a talking racoon came to be. I didn't see a movie explaining his origin to me."

Seriously, that logic or "argument" needs to be banned from these threads already.

And given that the Avengers sold so much more tickets than the previous Marvel movies, how many people had even seen Thor/Iron Man/Captain A before it? People are seriously overestimating the amount of people who will give a shit about knowing every hero's backstory in the Justice League movie.


Whaaat? I mean WHAAAAT? And here I thought Gal Gadot had one of the most perfect, beautiful faces there are in the world and theb I read this. I've seen it all.
Vast is the land of The Lord indeed.
She's super beautiful to me as well but not in that one Wonder Woman picture we have gotten.
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