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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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His performances in:

State of Play
To the Wonder
The Town

Are very different from his performances in

Reindeer Games
Jersey Girl
Changing Lanes

I'm wondering if people have watched any of the movies in the upper list beyond Argo & The Town.

He's different because he's learned how to underplay things. His characters get a chance to breathe now. The sense of artificiality that's hindered his earlier roles is greatly reduced, and in many cases, totally gone.

Basically, he's gotten REALLY good at getting out of his own way, as an actor. And it's obvious he knows this, because he's made the decision to be in movies that are more reliant on ensembles, movies that let him just be a character and not be the guy carrying all the weight. He's making those calls consciously, so that means he's got a great idea at what he's good at and what he's not so good at.

An actor with that kind of self-awareness, on top of the skill in telling stories both from a writing and directorial standpoint is a MUCH different actor than the guy in Chasing Amy getting in shouting matches with Joey Lauren Adams.
I've seen State of Play, Extract, and The Company Men and I still don't see him as impressive. I agree that he's refined himself, but I still don't think he has much range and have high doubts he can be intimidating like Batman needs to be.
I agree that he's refined himself, but I still don't think he has much range and have high doubts he can be intimidating like Batman needs to be.

I think he just has to be able to pull off Bruce, which shouldn't be too difficult for him.

As for Batman goes, kinda just comes down to the voice right? If I'm forgetting something, please remind me.
I think he just has to be able to pull off Bruce, which shouldn't be too difficult for him.

As for Batman goes, kinda just comes down to the voice right? If I'm forgetting something, please remind me.
Like I said, intimidating. I don't see Affleck as remotely intimidating. I'm not talking about physically, that can always be fixed. I just don't see him having the presence needed as Batman.
I've seen State of Play, Extract, and The Company Men and I still don't see him as impressive. I agree that he's refined himself, but I still don't think he has much range and have high doubts he can be intimidating like Batman needs to be.

Let's be real: he's playing fucking BATMAN. Range isn't a huge concern here.
Let's be real: he's playing fucking BATMAN. Range isn't a huge concern here.
Yeah and Batmans defining characteristic is being intimidating. Which is something I dont think Affleck can be. Why is that so hard to understand? It has nothing to do with range, I dont think he can pull off one of the limited amount of things I think Batman needs to be.
Yeah and Batmans defining characteristic is being intimidating. Which is something I dont think Affleck can be. Why is that so hard to understand? It has nothing to do with range, I dont think he can pull off one of the limited amount of things I think Batman needs to be.

You're the one who said "I still don't think he has much range" in response to my post. I even quoted your response. If range doesn't have shit to do with your apprehensions then why did you even mention it?
If a dude is dressed like Batman, and demonstrates he actually is Batman, how wouldn't that be intimidating?

I could see how a bad voice could take you out of it, but the suit is the suit.
Not the greatest of examples :lol

Nah, it's not the best performance of the ones I listed - but it's definitely vastly different from the shit in the lower list, and definitely goes to my point that dude knows how to get out of his own way to an extent that he wasn't aware of previously.
You're the one who said "I still don't think he has much range" in response to my post. I even quoted your response. If range doesn't have shit to do with your apprehensions then why did you even mention it?
Because we were talking about his other recent work and how it relates to him being a good Batman.

I don't think Affleck is a particularly good actor, and in the things I don't think he can do, acting intimidating is one of them. If he had better range, I could see him flip between being Batman and being Wayne, which are two sides of the same character and require different acting skills. I think he will be a mediocre Wayne and an unbelieveable (Literally, like I won't believe his performance) Batman.

I thought by Batman you literally meant the character of Batman, because that's what I was talking about in the post you quoted. So I said the range doesn't specifically matter there because Batman in himself is a relatively simplistic character, and I dont even think Affleck is a particularly good pick to play a character who is supposed to be intimidating.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
MovieBob summed up my thoughts on the seeming general premise better then I could, so I'll just quote

Batman versus Superman, aka "Who would win", is not the premise for a movie. Its the premise for a scene in a movie. Unless we're talking about stuff like Freddy vs Jason or King Kong vs Godzilla where the things fighting are these force of nature things that drive the plot but aren't the main characters. Keep in mind we've more or less seen these two guys go at it in the form of Iron Man vs Thor in the Avengers and part of why it was awesome was that it was over in about two minutes, which is about as long as these things need to last. They went at it, both guys used their best powers, we could see who did what to who and then it was done and we could get on with the story. And no, Batman pulling out a succession of gadgets to checkmate Superman isn't a story.
If he had better range, I could see him flip between being Batman and being Wayne, which are two sides of the same character and require different acting skills...

... So I said the range doesn't specifically matter there because Batman in himself is a relatively simplistic character, and I dont even think Affleck is a particularly good pick to play a character who is supposed to be intimidating.

I think I'm getting you: Basically, with the limited range a role like BATMAN requires, you don't think Affleck can handle even that.

I completely disagree and think you're selling Affleck shorter than an amputated flea. And I'm confused as to how you can see the movies you said you've seen and are still unsure that he has the chops to manage going from "shithead playboy" to "grunting ape in a leather daddy costume."

I mean, I know Batman is a super-popular character, but he's not the most nuanced creation in fiction by a longshot. :)

And while I agree with MovieBob's quote there, I'm unsure if the scenario he's describing is actually what's going on with Man of Steel 2. The idea that "Batman vs. Superman" is the general premise isn't really founded on anything, other than the fact people (who aren't the filmmakers) keep calling it "Batman vs. Superman"
I think I'm getting you: Basically, with the limited range a role like BATMAN requires, you don't think Affleck can handle even that.

I completely disagree and think you're selling Affleck shorter than an amputated flea. And I'm confused as to how you can see the movies you said you've seen and are still unsure that he has the chops to manage going from "shithead playboy" to "grunting ape in a leather daddy costume."

I mean, I know Batman is a super-popular character, but he's not the most nuanced creation in fiction by a longshot. :)

And while I agree with MovieBob's quote there, I'm unsure if the scenario he's describing is actually what's going on with Man of Steel 2. The idea that "Batman vs. Superman" is the general premise isn't really founded on anything, other than the fact people (who aren't the filmmakers) keep calling it "Batman vs. Superman"
Part of it is the fact that I just think he was miscast. George Clooney is a better actor and a more suave person then Affleck is and he didn't pull off the role either. You can be a good actor and still not have something in your wheelhouse even if the character is a simple one. Package that will a Goyer script and my expectations for Affleck as Batman are already low.

Also, it's pretty obvious that this isnt going to just be Superman fighting Batman for two hours. I don't even know where people are getting that idea from.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Part of it is the fact that I just think he was miscast. George Clooney is a better actor and a more suave person then Affleck is and he didn't pull off the role either. You can be a good actor and still not have something in your wheelhouse even if the character is a simple one. Package that will a Goyer script and my expectations for Affleck as Batman are already low.

Also, it's pretty obvious that this isnt going to just be Superman fighting Batman for two hours. I don't even know where people are getting that idea from.

From the team that brought us Man of Steel? I'd bet on it being at minimum an hour
This film sucked ass, what are you talking about ?

Mister Negative doesn't like a Malick movie.

Shocked to SHIT. :)

Regardless, I mentioned his performance. Not the movie as a whole. There are also five other performances I namechecked in that example - that you don't like one of them doesn't really dent the point all that much.


Mister Negative doesn't like a Malick movie.

Shocked to SHIT. :)

Regardless, I mentioned his performance. Not the movie as a whole. There are also five other performances I namechecked in that example - that you don't like one of them doesn't really dent the point all that much.

to be fair, it's Malick's worst movie.

also, there is basically zero performance from Affleck in it. There are audition tapes with more substance to them.


at last, for christ's sake
the idea of Affleck as Batman is still appalling, but if he remembers how to act like in The Town and forget about how to act like a wooden plank as in Argo he could surprise us

what will not surprise me, however, is Snyder, so it's automatically a no-no for me
to be fair, it's Malick's worst movie.

also, there is basically zero performance from Affleck in it. There are audition tapes with more substance to them.

I don't know if it's his WORST...

That said - when was the last time people brought up a performance in a Malick movie as proof either for or against someone being right to play fucking BATMAN?

I mean... there's a base level of ridiculousness to the idea in general. :)


Let me just point out that this movie will be directed by Zack Snyder. Keep your hype in check, guys.

I'm most definitely not getting hyped up for this, which is pretty sad considering it's a Batman vs Superman movie. Dat Man Of Steel mediocrity. Ben Affleck truly is the least of this movie's problems.


Super Member
I'm not concerned about Snyder other than the fact that he wants input from Frank Miller. Of all the people who've written Superman, Miller is probably the most cynical towards the character.


Fong's work with Snyder shits on Man of Steel's bland-as-fuck aesthetic. This is good news.

Indubitably. Watchmen nailed the god-like superhuman thing better than the actual Superman movie. I don't know what they were thinking with the whole handheld direction, could've used the larger than life style of Watchmen.
Watchmen definitely was more stylized and had a cooler fresher look over all, but the photography in Man of Steel is some of the best of the last 10 years.

I don't think it's a fair comparison though, they look and feel totally different.
Tsujihara commented a bit on the take of the Caped Crusader this time around, calling him “tired, and kind of weary and seasoned”. “Ben is perfect for the vision Zack has for that character. ”

So maybe we won't get an ultra super acrobatic Batman.


I don't know if it's his WORST...

That said - when was the last time people brought up a performance in a Malick movie as proof either for or against someone being right to play fucking BATMAN?

I mean... there's a base level of ridiculousness to the idea in general. :)

But...didn't you just...


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I'm guessing this is the right thread so... *sighs*



I really hope this is a joke.
Cautiously excited for this. Man of Steel was a pretty well crafted and entertaining origin movie with a few pacing issues, so the talent is there to get this done right.
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