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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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I just noticed that it's been 10 years since he passed. This October.

October 10, 2004 (age 52) in Mount Kisco, New York, USA

He was replying to me and both you and he interpreted that wrong. Kryptonians knew what to expect when coming to Earth. Jor-El told Lara that Kal-El would be unkillable. When Clark is choking on Zod's ship, Zod calmly explains what's happening. When Faora first alights onto the Kent farm, she superjumps with the expectation of power.

So Zod understands the environment is providing the power. Zod is also the one who selects who amongst his minions get access to the environment, before pulling the switch to permanently alter it to state that will- as Jax-Ur says- "neutralize" those powers.

If Zod was OK with them all having powers, they could have landed in the arctic, all gotten out, breathed deeply, and conquered the planet. Zod wasn't OK with that and specifically limited his crew's exposure to Earth.
To be fair, this is all an assumption


He was replying to me and both you and he interpreted that wrong. Kryptonians knew what to expect when coming to Earth. Jor-El told Lara that Kal-El would be unkillable. When Clark is choking on Zod's ship, Zod calmly explains what's happening. When Faora first alights onto the Kent farm, she superjumps with the expectation of power.

So Zod understands the environment is providing the power. Zod is also the one who selects who amongst his minions get access to the environment, before pulling the switch to permanently alter it to state that will- as Jax-Ur says- "neutralize" those powers.

If Zod was OK with them all having powers, they could have landed in the arctic, all gotten out, breathed deeply, and conquered the planet. Zod wasn't OK with that and specifically limited his crew's exposure to Earth.

I was more thinking he brought those two along because that was his squad. He used them on Krypton as well. Being a former squad leader myself that seemed the most plausible explanation for me. He knew they would have abilities (debatable he knew to what extent) and decided the three of them were enough to accomplish the mission.

That's how I took it anyway. I could be wrong.


I was more thinking he brought those two along because that was his squad. He used them on Krypton as well.
Not exactly. Faora held the Citadel's platform, but he went in with two unnamed troops that Jor-El took out. He went with quite a larger number of troops and equipment to get the Codex.

On Earth, he scaled down considerably. Maybe by necessity, but I don't believe so. The Genesis Chamber in the Scout Ship was an important part of their plan as much as the Codex was. Zod didn't take troops with him for that either. He maintained the number of Kryptonians limited to Earth's properties.

Again, all of this is to address why Zod didn't just unload his entire crew onto Earth... he wasn't interested in that.


Not exactly. Faora held the Citadel's platform, but he went in with two unnamed troops that Jor-El took out. He went with quite a larger number of troops and equipment to get the Codex.

On Earth, he scaled down considerably. Maybe by necessity, but I don't believe so. The Genesis Chamber in the Scout Ship was an important part of their plan as much as the Codex was. Zod didn't take troops with him for that either. He maintained the number of Kryptonians limited to Earth's properties.

Again, all of this is to address why Zod didn't just unload his entire crew onto Earth... he wasn't interested in that.

I'm with you here. It was made pretty clear Zod was looking to revive Krypton as it was minus it's ignorant leadership. He wasn't interested in powers.
somehow having the eyes being white with the new Batman suit is a waaaaay better improvement


but how to do it and make it squint who knows


Online Ho Champ
You do realize that every single Kryptonian had powers, no? "Trusted" with powers? You make it sound like he had a choice in the matter.

Jor-El and even Lara would have superpowers if they had come to earth. Why? Simply because they are Kryptonian.

they'd have powers if they came to our solar system. but maybe in MoS they have also made it our atmosphere + sun that gives kryptonians their powers. But again superman was in space and he didnt suddenly weaken like he did on the kryptonian ship. I just dont see the NEED to inact a plan on earth when they have solved the problem the main problem, Survivability. They don't need any food or essential anything in our solar system the sun literally feeds them. Anything about not being able to control "super kryptonians" well ....relative to everyone else no one is going to be super...they will all just be strong as fuck, didnt really help Zod much....I can see fighting over the codex because Zod above all thing wanted krypton as a people to flourish. But his NEED to do it all on earth...with a machine and technology that could make another planet in our solar system home....it wasn't convincing.


But his NEED to do it all on earth...with a machine and technology that could make another planet in our solar system home....it wasn't convincing.
Agree to disagree on the ability to make another planet work. In terms of convincing... the following wasn't enough to convince him to adopt natural birth as a method of recreating Krypton... if that doesn't show his conviction / programming, I don't know what does!

Sub-Commander Faora said:
Routh still has a role to play...

Super Boy Prime would be amazing

also, I'm sure not all of the Kryptonians in MoS were soldiers. More likely they were scientists and Zod didn't want to risk any harm coming to them, (they did say they retrofitted the phantom zone projector or whatever, I doubt soldiers know how to do that, also the scientist kryptonian that took clarks blood). Wouldn't make sense to put them at risk when they're the only ones that would know how to terraform and restore the codex.


also, I'm sure not all of the Kryptonians in MoS were soldiers. More likely they were scientists ...
No. Most were a part of Zod's attempt at a coup, which was the reason for showing their coup, the arrest, and ultimate imprisonment. Even if you want to assume the majority were scientists, we saw more than enough soldiers in the exile-hearing and Lois's escape to know there were more than three soldiers.


It doesn't take much of a leap of logic. White contacts. Done.

Even better? White contacts that actually provide computer imaging.

Just go back and look at Batfleck's mask in Daredevil. To my knowledge it's one if the few super hero costumes we've gotten on the big screen that actually kept the lenses intact. I think looked pretty cool - and it showed that you can do lenses with zero issues.


Just go back and look at Batfleck's mask in Daredevil. To my knowledge it's one if the few super hero costumes we've gotten on the big screen that actually kept the lenses intact. I think looked pretty cool - and it showed that you can do lenses with zero issues.

Except attaching them to the cowl itself removes any level of expressiveness of the actor's actual eyes.


i bet this movie releases next year (original date that is now peter pan ), i think the same release date with captain america is just a trick.


They really should have repurposed Faora into the new Wonder Woman. I mean think about it the best versions of WW tend to be tough hot heads. So wouldn't it make sense to "Vegeta" Faora.

Yes I know she died at the end of MoS, but they could have come up with an explanation for why that wasn't the case. Like Luthor was the one that saved her after the explosion, and is keeping her for
experiments(possible cloning plot). Clark apposes of this, and frees her. But of course this leads to a near Zod moment, before something prevents it from going further. You can even have a scene where Clark's says "I just don't know what to do with her anymore", and Bruce will say "You could always snap her neck Clark" *Batsmirk*.


This fascination of turning Faora into Wonder Woman just boggles my mind. Same with the "she should be a descendant of Supergirl" crowd. Why? Wonder Woman has one of the richest backgrounds of anyone in the JL. Why would anyone want that trashed just to give her Superman's?


Online Ho Champ
This fascination of turning Faora into Wonder Woman just boggles my mind. Same with the "she should be a descendant of Supergirl" crowd. Why? Wonder Woman has one of the richest backgrounds of anyone in the JL. Why would anyone want that trashed just to give her Superman's?

some dont like mythological / fantasy properties in their serious sci fi ...stuff
The writers probably didn't think Faora would be as well received as she was. Had they known, I'd be willing to bet they'd wouldn't have killed her so easily or made it more ambiguous.


Gold Member
The writers probably didn't think Faora would be as well received as she was. Had they known, I'd be willing to bet they'd wouldn't have killed her so easily or made it more ambiguous.

HUGE oversight for sure, and very unfortunate for everyone. They could always write her back though, we never saw her actually perish in the phantom drive warp.
HUGE oversight for sure, and very unfortunate for everyone. They could always write her back though, we never saw her actually perish in the phantom drive warp.

Technically, Zod is the only Kryptonian dead.

They're just trapped in the Phantom Zone. They have no way of breaking out this time as Earth isn't exploding anytime soon.

So, in essence, they'll starve...eventually.


Technically, Zod is the only Kryptonian dead.

They're just trapped in the Phantom Zone. They have no way of breaking out this time as Earth isn't exploding anytime soon.

So, in essence, they'll starve...eventually.

I don't know what the movie canon is for the Phantom Zone but I was under the impression in the comics that no one in the PZ actually dies. It's like this eternal hell basically.



but how to do it and make it squint who knows

Easy lots of black make-up, and digitally whiting out his pupils(he'll say on film that he wears contacts to make him more threatening to criminals). Sure theres not a lot of movie magic involved, but it's way easier(and narratively practical) than trying to make it completely accurate to the comics, and cartoons.
So BvS is not mentioned in the official description for WB's panel at SDCC. Some blogs are assuming that this means it'll be absent, but I have a hard time imagining that that'll be the case.

If it somehow is, I would expect WB to issue an unambiguous statement confirming that shortly, as Lucasfilm has done for Episode VII.


So BvS is not mentioned in the official description for WB's panel at SDCC. Some blogs are assuming that this means it'll be absent, but I have a hard time imagining that that'll be the case.

If it somehow is, I would expect WB to issue an unambiguous statement confirming that shortly, as Lucasfilm has done for Episode VII.

It better not be since... it seems to be all speculation led to them laying out their plans there

And they need the good.. or any press


It'd be nice to see some footage, but I don't know if I see the benefit to hyping up a film that's two years out from release.


Henry is great, Ben is alright but Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor!? He should be the same age if not older than Superman!
Except attaching them to the cowl itself removes any level of expressiveness of the actor's actual eyes.

The number of scenes in a Batman movie that were carried by the expressiveness of the actor's actual eyes while in the mask is like, three. MAYBE.

It's a thing people say regardless of whether or not it actually applies. it sounds good, and it lets people know that the person SAYING it is a person who does give a shit about things other than special effects and explosions in an action movie. Which is a good thing.

But almost no Batman performance has been appreciably improved by the fact you can see the actors eyeballs while they're in the suit.
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