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Batman vs Superman: World's Finest Three-Year Wait

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who will be the villain?

Sadly... Lex.

Okay :(

Was hoping for something more epic

Well... In the movie everyone will be pissed on Superman, who allowed destruction of Metropolis. Film will be more focused on him defending himself against both heroes and villians, but at the end we will get "Dawn of Justice".

After nailing the look of WW, now I'm interested to see how Momoa will look as Aquaman.


Given where popular opinion lies on the two at the moment, anything Marvel does will generate more hype and goodwill. Might as well go big and make some more announcements.

there really isnt much marvel can do to upstage, they will show footage of avengers two, they will announce which date goes with doctor strange, black panther and thor and captain america titles

I suppose. I'm still no convinced that Marvel are going to have any 'big names' that we don't already know about to show off so perhaps WB/DC could steal their thunder.

They could drop an Avengers 2 teaser trailer but even then I'm not sure just how much that would do to quell any DC buzz given that it's a 'non quantity' to the cinema/comicbook fan audience.


She's not adding anything, she works as a fashion model. I still don't quite understand why they went with her, but whatever.
She has the face and height for the role plus she is young enough. You don't want a 30-40 year old woman because this franchise is going to be lasting for some time. You also don't want some 5 ft 6 in or lower girl either because that is not WW (Gadot is 5 ft 10 in which is taller than most other girls they were considering for the role).

I don't understand the "works as a fashion model" thing considering this is probably bigger than any fashion gig she can get. She should be prioritizing her looks to match the role as WW as she will be in at least 3 movies as the character.


Neo Member
We have no idea who the villain is or what Lex will be doing in this movie. Sure, it's pretty much certain that he'll end up going against Superman, but there will probably be more than one person squaring off against the Trinity and Luthor can be quite formidable on his own.


Good point. A very obvious lack of fun and adventure which the Marvel movies excel at. Perhaps that's the idea. DC movies get to be mopey and pretentious while Marvel is camp fun even it's darkest moments
I really want them to go all out though. Wonder Woman should straight up murder a criminal without remorse and that causes tension Superman who still regrets Zod. They fight and it turns out she's working with the Dark Knight whose trying to take him down

I understand people like it, not saying it's a piece of shit or something, just that it's trying so hard to be Dark Knight, which tried to distance itself from its comic origins. It's a dude dressed as a bat catching criminal. Don't over-think it.

That's why I think Marvel has found the right balance between fun, dramatic and action. It knows what it is and celebrates it.

To me, from what I saw of Man of Steel and BvsS, everything is on the same level. It's supposed to be a clash of ideals between those two. Supes' the boyscout with sunshines and puppies and Batman is just this bleak, dark, depressing mess. You've got contrast. There it's just the same treatment for everyone. They've been uniformed into similar packages which I think makes it so that you lose the impact of what should be a clash between worlds, especially with WW joining the lot.


Hopefully somebody uploads the teaser. I remember the Man of Steel teaser from comic con getting uploaded fairly quickly after the show.
IGN description (same obviously):

It starts with thunder and rain, as a hand pulls a tarp off of something… it’s Ben Affleck’s Batman on a Gotham City rooftop, and he’s in the full bat-armor from Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns. His eyes are glowing white, and we see that what he’s pulled that tarp off of is the bat-signal. He turns the signal on and the famed bat symbol fills the sky… but then we see it’s aimed at something. At a man floating in the sky. A super-man! Cut to a close-up of Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel as his eyes start to glow with heat vision. Cut back to Batman whose eyes are still glowing white. It’s the stare down of all stare downs! Cut to the title screen: Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

The crowd of course went wild, but even more so when Snyder then brought Affleck, Cavill, and even “our Wonder Woman” Gal Gadot. No questions or discussion -- just the four of them standing together up there for our earliest look at the Big Three together.



I understand people like it, not saying it's a piece of shit or something, just that it's trying so hard to be Dark Knight, which tried to distance itself from its comic origins. It's a dude dressed as a bat catching criminal. Don't over-think it.

That's why I think Marvel has found the right balance between fun, dramatic and action. It knows what it is and celebrates it.

To me, from what I saw of Man of Steel and BvsS, everything is on the same level. It's supposed to be a clash of ideals between those two. Supes' the boyscout with sunshines and puppies and Batman is just this bleak, dark, depressing mess. You've got contrast. There it's just the same treatment for everyone. They've been uniformed into similar packages which I think makes it so that you lose the impact of what should be a clash between worlds, especially with WW joining the lot.
You can still get that contrast without going for Marvel's style of "fun."

9/10, DC is at their best when they go their own way and don't try to copy Marvel. You can still have Superman be optimistic (MoS did attempt to be a movie about hope, even though it botched it) and Batman be depressing and still have a more serious tone.

Shit's 'bout to go down.

I would prefer them to not fighting against each other. But whatever.
Batman and Superman fighting is one of those things that's a crowd pleaser despite being dumb in almost everything but the story it originated in. They kind of have to do it.


She has the face and height for the role plus she is young enough. You don't want a 30-40 year old woman because this franchise is going to be lasting for some time. You also don't want some 5 ft 6 in or lower girl either because that is not WW (Gadot is 5 ft 10 in which is taller than most other girls they were considering for the role).

I don't understand the "works as a fashion model" thing considering this is probably bigger than any fashion gig she can get. She should be prioritizing her looks to match the role as WW as she will be in at least 3 movies as the character.

According to her facebook she still does shoots, so there's that.
Honestly the WW costume is a little too Marvel for my taste. But since they are abandoning the realism approach i guess i'm down. But fuck man i wish they would have saved all of that for JL. That teaser gets me so fucking hard and want nothing but a 2hr Batman/Superman fight.


Gold Member
I want to see an HQ version of that Batman image asap, I still can't believe how massive he seems.


Teaser sounds amazing. I await leaks.

Batman and Superman both have great designs.

Wonder Woman looks like shit. Didn't care before, but now having seen it, no idea why they went with this actress. Her performance must be great, only explanation.

This movie is going to be amazing.


I'd think that'd be exactly why they would want to announce more, particularly in light of Marvel so aggressively announcing release dates. But then, I'm not Kevin Tsujihara... though I'm still waiting for that "series" of DC films promised in that NYT profile of him months ago.

That's what is weird to me at this point. I know for a fact that this slate of super-secret (or not so secret if what Ms Finke reported was true) of DC projects does exist it's just a little strange how WB keep on moving the goal posts for when they are going to reveal them.

Even if Finke's list of DC films isn't true (and it's looking increasingly likely that it is at least partially) then the studio is still aggressively building a DC cinematic universe so it might be waiting for everything to come together before they can comfortably announce everything.

But the silence is deafening.
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