Mad shady of them not to cut off Joe. No pun intended.
Pretty close match thus far, I need to see this on cam.
This wasn't even suppose to be close.. WTF. Joe punches are actually hitting.
Seemed like nobody wanted Joe to win. I don't believe anybody thought he couldn't win though.
Hollow got brolic dam.
This will definitely be the last Total Slaughter event.
This will definitely be the last Total Slaughter event.
Can you really clown Joe for smashing a bunch of big booty women?
Forreal. This is kind of sad. Half done battles and spawn stripping. Plus lux losing to mook.
End of an era
Hollow is bombing this round.
2-1 or 3-0 Budden.
I am disappoint.
This is so bad for battle rap. This shit is just terrible. Broken mics, terrible sound, dude getting booed resorting to name calling.
smh at em backing this trash. stick to youtube and random internet blogs. At least the youtube videos are edited and Sway isn't walking around all confused and shit.
So disappointed.
This is so bad for battle rap. This shit is just terrible. Broken mics, terrible sound, dude getting booed resorting to name calling.
smh at em backing this trash. stick to youtube and random internet blogs. At least the youtube videos are edited and Sway isn't walking around all confused and shit.
So disappointed.