The spotting binoculars on scout class are amazing. It's like spotting on steroids. Watch as groups of highlighted-red dudes get swarmed by bullets.
This + flares + plane spotting is enough. It makes the scout valuable
Regular spotting shouldnt be buffed because of this.
I spot when I see a vehicle or when Im shooting at an enemy that I know I cant kill fast enough. I shouldnt be spotting everyone I see, as that makes the game incredibly reliant on 3d spotting and hurts the maneuverability and flanking that makes this game so good
Its great not being able to spot by looking at a direction or spot 3-4 people in a relative short time
This resulted in a few players spotting for the whole team. I really like spotting the way it is
Today I got into a shootout with an enemy at a distance. None of us were able to kill each other because of our distance, but we were both close.
So I spotted him, and this let my team see him too.
I like that a lot better than constantly spotting everyone I can
use flares. They are very popular and 2d spot enemies which is way better than 3d spotting doritos everywhere